The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 34: Allies also have to look at their strength!

Chapter 34: Allies also depend on their strength!

 “Have you heard a sentence?” Cun Yunsheng asked leisurely.

 “What are you talking about?” Meng Fangliao looked at the other party in confusion.

“People who mature early usually mature late, and proud people are quick.”

Cun Yunsheng's words made Meng Fan stunned for a while, but he was born in a family of intellectuals and had memorized Confucian classics since he was a child.

 It seemed like a complicated statement, but in fact, he quickly understood what it meant.

"You mean that Yu Xiaoqing is very proud, but he will also fail because of his pride?"

“But, does this have anything to do with whether you can communicate with each other?”

Even though Meng Fangliao was very clever, he still didn’t understand what Cun Yunsheng’s purpose was at this moment.

 “He failed. Aren’t his subordinates mine?”

"With Yu Xiaoqing's pride, he can see through his discernment. They are all elite soldiers and generals. What do we lack most now? Isn't it those technical arms?"

  "Just from the defeated troops, I don't know how long it takes to recruit them in the year of the monkey, horse and moon."

 “Yu Xiaoqing is a good person.” Cun Yunsheng’s words made Meng Fan and others dumbfounded.

 Have you not crossed the river yet?

 You are worried about other people’s soldiers?

 Are you still a human being?

“Tuanzuo, you are thinking about my soldiers, are you really not afraid of being struck by lightning?” For a moment, Meng Fan didn’t know what to say.

“Hahaha, I wish you could hack me a few more times. In this case, wouldn’t the technical arms we are worried about be completely solved?”

"Besides, I am thinking about Yu Xiaoqing. He doesn't understand at all. What he will face next will be a hellish situation." Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said.

Hearing this, Meng Fan was completely confused. His regiment seemed to know the British army very well?

"Are you confused as to why I don't have any good impression of the British army?" Cun Yunsheng looked at Meng Fangliao's confused expression and asked with a smile.

“Yes.” Meng Fan nodded and admitted.

 He was indeed very curious about this.

“My Cun family has generations of generals. Our ancestors can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty. They came to Dian Province with Muying, the king of Qianning.

“In my grandfather’s generation, he served as a garrison in Tengchong. At that time, the British army invaded Yunnan Province. My grandfather led the border soldiers and civilians to fight against the British army and defend the enemy at the country’s gate.”

Following Cun Yunsheng's explanation, Meng Fanla suddenly realized that he did not expect that his ancestors had such a glorious history.

 The previous dynasty began to fight against the British army. No wonder the other side did not like the British army.

 At the same time, I also understand why the other party knows the British army so well.

“So you think the British army is unreliable?” Meng Fangliao asked cautiously.

“The British army is unreliable not because they invaded our border, but because they did not treat us as equals from beginning to end.”

Cun Yunsheng’s words made Meng Nuanlai silent for a while.

"In their eyes, we are not worthy of being their allies at all. Perhaps we are more appropriately called a servant army."

“Will such a domineering British army really be willing to welcome us into Myanmar?”

 “No! They won’t, they will only betray their allies in exchange for their own escape.”

 For a time, the atmosphere was a little solemn, and Meng Fan didn't know what to say.

“Not to mention that they have a precedent of betraying their allies.” Cun Yunsheng’s next words made Meng Fangli stunned.

“When the German army blitzed France, the British army simply abandoned its French allies and a large amount of equipment in order to escape.”

“Later, the French army was asked to sink the fleet, but the French army did not agree. The British army directly attacked the port and sank the French warship.”

“You think that even a close ally like the French army can be betrayed, but what about us?”

“Our relationship is not as close as the French army and the British army.”

"So the British army should not be completely trusted, and they can even regard their orders as paper to wipe their butts."

 After a long time, Meng Fan came back to his senses. He did not expect that the British army was so unreliable that they would take the initiative to attack their allies. This was simply outrageous. "So when you talked to Yu Xiaoqing, you wanted to tell him that the British army is unreliable? You need to be careful? Don't be betrayed then?"

At this time, Meng Fanlai realized why Cun Yunsheng wanted to keep Yu Xiaoqing and have a long talk with him.

"That's right, you're not stupid." Cun Yunsheng nodded and said with some regret.

“What a pity, Yu Xiaoqing, that elm-headed man, didn’t know if he listened. He probably still imagined that after crossing the river, he would be able to wear all kinds of beautiful weapons and equipment.”

"I guess he didn't listen. How could such a proud person listen?" Meng Fan shook his head, and then his eyes lit up.

"I understand. No wonder you have to keep in touch. Once there is a problem with the Yu regiment, his troops will definitely flee. At that time, you will send people to collect the defeated troops. In that case, those defeated troops will belong to our regiment."

 “Hahaha, yes, yes, children can be taught.” Cun Yunsheng laughed loudly, patted Meng Fanle on the shoulder and praised.

"You are too shady. This Yu Xiaoqing was plotted by you. The Sichuan Army Corps he worked so hard to build ended up being your wedding dress. If he knew that you plotted against him, you would probably be heartbroken. "Meng Fan looked frightened, and then he realized that his group was really insidious.

 Cun Yunsheng didn't care at all about Meng Fanglia's innuendo.

I understand what I said so, who made Yu Xiaoqing can't hear it.

 In other words, no one in the entire expeditionary force could listen at this moment.

 In their eyes, Britain and the United States are their allies, so how could they deceive them?

“Regiment leader, Station Commander Wang is back and has brought back a lot of soldiers. We have the artillery that you have been longing for.”

"Also, the letters you sent home have been answered, and a lot of supplies have been sent. They are entering the city and will be there in a moment." Just when Cun Yunsheng was about to continue bragging, Xue Tian walked in and saw him excitedly said.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng was even more excited and almost jumped up.

 Do you have artillery?

 The artillery battery of his own regiment was stabilized.

 Webmaster Wang is really awesome.

There is also a reply to the letter home, which is great news.

He has been waiting for replies from his uncles and uncles these days.

 For a while, Cun Yunsheng began to fantasize.

 Will there be heavy artillery? tank?

Bah, bah, bah!

 As far as Myanmar’s infrastructure is concerned, it is almost non-existent, and coupled with jungle warfare, this thing is useless.

It would be better to have a few more small-caliber mortars, as there are too many heavier weapons.

“Let’s go, follow me to pick up supplies and people.” Cun Yunsheng didn’t want to wait any longer at the regiment headquarters, so he dragged Meng Fangli directly outside the shelter.

Yu Xiaoqing, who was sitting on the other side of the jeep, was thinking about what Cun Yunsheng said.

“Zhang Lixian, He Shuguang, do you think the British army is reliable?”

If it were another person, Yu Xiaoqing would definitely not even listen, but Cun Yunsheng also came from a family of generals, so he must have a reason for saying so.

It’s just that he didn’t understand why the other party said that. Aren’t the British troops their allies?

 All allies are not reliable, so what are they?

 His fine art equipment is still across the river.

"Tuanzuo, aren't the British troops our allies? How could they be unreliable? If they were unreliable, Shangfeng wouldn't have crossed the river to help the British troops." Zhang Lixian's words made He Shuguang on the side also nod.

“That is, the British army is our ally and will never betray us.”

"That Cun Yunsheng has a sharp tongue. I suspect that he is deliberately disturbing the morale of the army. His heart is to be punished. You don't need to take it to heart, regiment." He Shuguang said in a bad tone.

The main reason was that they rushed to recruit soldiers in a hurry at first, but in the end they didn't recruit any soldiers. They were so embarrassed that they naturally couldn't say anything good.

"I understand. Go to Wanding. There are hundreds of thousands of young adults there. It's not a problem to form a group." Seeing that both of his confidants said this, Yu Xiaoqing simply ignored the other party's words and turned around. Start thinking about recruiting troops.

I want to say that I finished writing and checked it for an hour, and then it was 12 o'clock, so I just posted it. I can sleep in tomorrow.

In addition, please support me, your support is the biggest motivation! I will also read your comments! thank you all!



 (End of this chapter)

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