The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 39: How about trying porters?

Chapter 39 How about trying to be a porter?

 In response to Meng Fanglia’s complaints, Cun Yunsheng did not argue, but thought about the reliability of the bicycle.

 Logistical problems have always been a problem that has plagued all armies at home and abroad, both at home and abroad.

 Even if it is a small matter, you still have to worry about logistics.

 A small team of one to two hundred people can each carry a small amount, so there is no need to worry about logistical issues.

 But a force of more than 2,000 men cannot be carried on the shoulders alone.

 So bicycles and Yunnan horses are the best choices for Cun Yunsheng.

 Compared with the fact that Yunnan horses also need to eat and drink, bicycles are the perfect solution.

 Because the famous Yinlun Army relied on 12,000 bicycles to capture hundreds of thousands of British troops and swept across Southeast Asia, earning the title of the Malayan Tigers.

Cun Yunsheng also wanted to imitate the Yinlun Army, but he only had a few bicycles in his hand.

 And there are even fewer people who can ride, so for the time being we can only focus on the support staff and let them learn to ride bicycles in the shortest possible time.

 At the same time, a group of Yunnan horses will be replenished to relieve the pressure on logistics.

 When you cross the river, you will eat the British.

“Duan Zuo, the temperature in Myanmar is so high, the bicycle tires will definitely burst due to excessive air pressure.”

 “How are you going to solve it?” Meng Fanglia looked at the other party and asked doubtfully.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng said with a smile.

“Can’t I ride if my tire blows out?”


 For a while, Meng Fan's mind was full of questions. Can he still ride without tires?

 “But that would be too laborious.”

Meng Fanglia has also ridden a bicycle. After thinking about it for a while, he can indeed ride without tires, but it is too strenuous and also wears out his crotch.

“It’s better than walking on two legs, right?” Cun Yunsheng asked.

At this moment, Meng was annoyed and had nothing to say. Compared to the pain caused by his legs, the wear and tear was nothing.

"How is the formation of the communications company going? I've left it to you. You have to be responsible for solving it for me. In ten days, we will cross the river. I hope the radio station will be able to play its role by then. Otherwise, we will just open our eyes. Blind." Cun Yunsheng had already arranged the logistics issues, and asked about the communication company again.

 Meng Fangliao was a little irritated when asked this question.

“Tuanzao, I’m not learning radio. I’m thinking about it myself. The two people you sent are just beginners. Their skills are very unfamiliar and they can’t remember many communication passwords.”

 Let’s just say that these two people are not very reliable.

Cun Yunsheng pretended not to hear Meng Fangliao’s complaints and continued.

“You are also a top student at Yenching University. How can you be troubled by a mere radio?”

Hearing this, Meng Fan was choked and didn't know what to say for a while.

 Do you think you can’t do it?

Isn’t that a slap in the face to Mr. Meng himself?

 To be fair, this thing is indeed a bit difficult.

Looking at Meng Fangliao's deflated appearance, Cun Yunsheng chuckled.

“When you have time, read more about radio books. I don’t ask you to be able to intercept Japanese radios. You just need to be able to send and receive telegrams normally. Isn’t this request too much?”

 Originally Cun Yunsheng's requirements were not high, just send and receive telegrams normally and maintain communication.

It was simply because Meng was annoyed and thought too much, thinking that he wanted to establish a communications company that could intercept the Japanese radio.

 In that case, the professional requirements will be very high, and these two people will not be enough.

“If that’s all, then it’s not that difficult. I can definitely get it done before setting off.” Meng Fangliao said confidently.

College students these days are all real people. As long as they are willing to endure hardships and be patient, it is not difficult at all for them to cross majors.

 You can count Meng Fanglia’s resume, proficient in military skills, map work, English, and proficient in Confucian classics, etc. "Okay, I'll leave the communication company to you. In addition, we will recruit some people who have gone to school and train more soldiers who can send and receive telegraphs."

“In the future, I will establish battalion and company level communications, which will require a large number of transmitters.” Cun Yunsheng warned again.

“Yes, I understand.” Meng Fanxiao nodded.

The artillery company was handed over to Krupp, and Cun Yunsheng had only one requirement, that is, the people in the artillery company must be familiar with the operation of mortars before departure.

Concerning this point, Krupp patted his chest and promised to complete the task.

 Subsequently, Cun Yunsheng found Milong again.

 At this moment, Mi Long is extremely busy.

More than 2,000 people were eating, drinking, and eating, leaving him no time to rest.

“Leader, you’d better change to a division chief. I don’t want to do it at all. It’s simply not done by a human being.”

  “I also have to ride a bicycle, that thing is too much for my crotch.”

 “Look, my legs are still shaking.” Milong was filled with bitterness when he saw the clouds.

I originally thought this was a good job, but I didn’t expect it to be a nightmare.

"What? Are you regretting it now? You issued a military order at that time. Do you want me to handle it with military law?" You can't look down upon someone like Mi Long, and Cun Yunsheng will not be used to it. The authority of the leader.

Milong opened his mouth and choked back what he wanted to say.

I muttered in my heart that I am just a bastard, Shan Pao.

"What? Are you scolding me in your heart? I'm telling you, learn from me. If you don't learn how to ride a bicycle before setting off, watch how I hurt you." Cun Yunsheng threatened.

Hearing this, Milong responded feebly.

"Okay, don't sigh. It's not difficult. Once you master the balance, it's just a toy. Children can ride it." Cun Yunsheng comforted him and then continued.

 “I came to you because I have something for you to do.”

 “What’s the matter?” Milong asked curiously.

“Can I collect a batch of second-hand bicycles? As long as they can be ridden, it doesn’t matter whether they are good or bad.”

“It doesn’t matter if the tire blows out, as long as the steel rim is still there.” Cun Yunsheng said.

It is basically impossible to form a replica Yinlun army just relying on the explosion rate of Goldfinger.

 So, buying a second-hand bicycle is on the agenda.

“There are not many people with bicycles in this poor place like Zenda. Even if they are, they are treated as treasures.” Milong said casually.

 Bicycles these days are high-end luxury goods. Even if they are slightly worn, they are still treasures and rarely sold.

 Otherwise, the three bicycles sold by Cun Yunsheng would not be sold at high prices.

 “Where are other places?” Cun Yunsheng continued to ask.

“It’s the same everywhere, they’re all baby bumps. Unless there’s a big problem, they basically won’t be sold.” Milong shook his head and said.

“In this case, we can only buy more Yunnan horses.” Cun Yunsheng sighed lightly and said with some annoyance.

 Milong knew that the other party was worried about logistics, and bicycles could indeed solve logistical problems very well.

 After all, it only requires pedaling for 100 kilometers, and there is no need to eat, drink or rest. It is much better than the Yunnan horse.

 But this thing is a scarce commodity, even if it is second-hand, it is still a treasure.

 “I think we can recruit some porters.” Milong made a suggestion.


 (End of this chapter)

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