Chapter 55: Paying homage to one’s crime!

"Master, something happened." The chief of staff ran over with a pale face, looked at Dai Anlan and said in panic.

Looking at his face, Dai Anlan's heart skipped a beat.

"What's wrong?"

“The airport where the engineering battalion was stationed is lost.” The chief of staff lowered his head in shame.

“What?” Dai Anlan felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his face full of disbelief.

 “Did you meet the Japanese army?”

"Yes, they encountered the Japanese army when they were destroying the railway in the tunnel. After a desperate resistance, they were driven out of the airport by the Japanese army." The chief of staff still had a good word for the engineer battalion.

After all, he believed that it was not easy for the engineer battalion to stop the Japanese army.

 They are not a combat force, so it is not easy for them to persist until now.

"What? The airport is lost? Where is Li Shuzheng?" Dai Anlan was furious, but she still held it back and shouted with a livid face.

“This **** who is greedy for life and afraid of death, how long has it been since the airport was handed over to him? And then he lost it to me?”

Dai Anlan became more and more angry as he scolded. Although he knew that the engineering battalion's combat effectiveness was not strong, he should be able to resist for a while with the help of fortifications.

 At least we have to wait until he sends reinforcements.

The results of it?

The airport was lost before reinforcements were sent here.

This is a huge crime.

 The British army finally agreed and prepared to send fighter planes for support.

The results of it?

 Lost the airport?

With the temper of the British army, this matter will definitely be brought to the coalition headquarters.

 If something goes wrong, it will rise to the strategic level.

There is no doubt that the British army would definitely do such a thing given their moral character.

  From the time they entered Myanmar and started to change their uniforms, straw sandals soldiers were always talking about it.

Later, Mandalay won a battle and the British army was temporarily silenced.

Two days ago, they repelled the Japanese search team and eliminated dozens of Japanese troops. The British army became quiet again and decided to send fighter planes to support them.


It has only been two days and the airport has been lost. The British army will definitely not have support and will even ridicule them in various ways.

Dai Anlan's scalp went numb thinking about this. At this moment, he wished that Li Shuzheng died in the battle at the airport. In this case, at least the guilt would be smaller.

"Master, the matter has come to this, and there is no use thinking about it anymore. It is better to mobilize troops and take back the airport. Otherwise, once the British army finds out, it may be difficult to deal with it." Seeing this, the chief of staff hurriedly advised.

 “Ask Li Shuzheng to come over.” Dai Anlan took a deep breath.


Li Shuzheng, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, looked anxious. When he saw the chief of staff, he hurriedly whispered.

“Chief of Staff, please say a few kind words for me in front of the commander. I will definitely be grateful to you.”

He almost cried when he heard his voice. The chief of staff patted his shoulder and sighed softly.

"What can I say to you? Did I tell you to be careful of Japanese sneak attacks? How could you be so careless?"

 “Go in, Master is angry, don’t mess with him.”

Li Shuzheng didn't know what to say for a while, and he also knew that he seemed to have made a particularly big mistake.

 “Li Shuzheng is treating this bastard, a waste.”

 “You know, what does the loss of the airport mean?”

"It doesn't matter if our way back is cut off. The worst that can happen is that I, Dai Anlan, will kill others to repay the country."

"But what about the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers?" Dai Anlan roared angrily when he saw Li Shuzheng.

There is a further reason he did not say, that is, the Allied forces originally wanted to fight a battle with the Japanese army in Tonggu. The 200th Division withstood the Japanese attack, and the Fifth Army that arrived later cooperated with the 200th Division to try to inflict heavy damage on the Japanese army.

For this battle, the most elite 200 divisions were directly transferred to Tonggu to ensure the success of the battle.

Even Allied Lieutenant General Stilwell personally came forward to persuade the British army to dispatch fighter planes for support.

It can be said that all parties have worked hard for this battle, but what is the result?

 The airport was lost and the entire battle plan was completely bankrupt, which is why Dai Anlan was so angry.

"Come here, drag Li Shuzheng down and kill him." After Dai Anlan finished speaking, he snorted coldly.

"Ah? Master, spare your life, spare your life." Upon hearing that he was about to be shot, Li Shuzheng was so frightened that he lost his soul and quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

“I also led my troops to resist, but there were too many Japanese troops, equipped with a large number of mortars and very powerful firepower. My engineer battalion could not stop the Japanese attack at all.”

 Li Shuzheng did not dare to say anything else.

Why did he send the engineer battalion to garrison the airport when he knew clearly that his engineering battalion was incompetent in combat?

  Can't we send another elite force to guard the airport?

It's obviously the fault of the climber, why do you want to take advantage of me?

However, he knew that if he said this, he would definitely die, so he only dared to talk about his difficulty and did not dare to say other nonsense.

“Master, let’s let Li Shuzheng take the blame and make meritorious service, and let the engineer battalion cooperate with the 3rd Battalion of the 598th Regiment to retake the airport.”

“Now that the Japanese army has just taken over the airport and has not yet stabilized its foothold, it is not too late.” The chief of staff advised again.

Hearing this, Dai Anlan closed her eyes, thought about it, and agreed to the other party's proposal.

Li Shuzheng looked at the chief of staff with gratitude, when Dai Anlan's cold voice came.

 “If you can’t recapture the airport, you know the consequences.”

 “Yes.” Li Shuzheng responded tremblingly.

Soon, the fully equipped Third Battalion and the engineer battalion that had finally reorganized headed towards the airport again.

It's just that the engineer battalion has lost all morale and has no fighting ability, and everyone's face is full of fear.

 It was the powerful combat effectiveness of the Japanese army that left a deep impression on them.

This move made the soldiers of the third battalion extremely contemptuous.

Li Shuzheng didn’t want to come either, but he had no choice. If he didn’t come, he would really be dead.

 Now that it has come, it is still possible to atone for the sin.

He knew that his engineer battalion could not be reused, so he pinned his hopes on the third battalion.

“Captain Zu, whether our brother can survive or not depends on you.” Li Shuzheng kept his posture very low.

 Commander Zu also heard a little bit about Li Shuzheng's experience, so he nodded.

 “Work together and strive to drive away the Japanese army in one fell swoop.”

 “Okay.” With these words, Li Shuzheng’s confidence suddenly increased.

 But the ensuing battle exceeded their expectations. The Japanese army was very tenacious in fighting.

 They attacked desperately and could not move forward at all.

 “How come the Japanese army has so many mortars?”

 Looking at the shells that kept falling, Camp Commander Zu found it hard to accept it for a while.

 He finally understood why the airport was lost so quickly.

The Japanese army was obviously well prepared, so Li Shuzheng was not wronged.

With such powerful artillery fire, what can the flesh and blood of the engineer battalion do to stop it?

“Captain Zu, what should I do now? If I can’t recapture the airport, I’m doomed.” Li Shuzheng was really about to cry.

“Organize another attack. If we can’t win, we have to withdraw. My battalion has already lost dozens of people.” Commander Zu gritted his teeth and decided to attack again.

 (End of this chapter)

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