The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 62: Sooner or later, everyone and the equipment are mine!

Chapter 62 Sooner or later, even the people and equipment will be mine!

 “How did they get to Tonggu Airport?” Zhang Lixian was still a little unwilling. It was obvious that everyone entered Myanmar together, so why were they treated differently?

 Look at them, they are all part of the troops directly under the Allied Forces.

 In the future, there will definitely be a large amount of beautiful weapons and equipment, and they will no longer be the cannon fodder.

 And what about them?

Still suffering from the glare of the British army.


After their supplies were consumed, Yu Xiaoqing sent someone to ask for supplies, but the British army ignored them at all.

Yu Xiaoqing had no choice but to go and ask for supplies in person, and received only very few supplies in exchange.

 Completely different from what I imagined.

 Many people have begun to discuss privately whether Yu Xiaoqing deceived them.

"I don't know." Yu Xiaoqing didn't know either. In fact, he regretted it now. In Zenda, he should have been tougher and not give up so easily. He should have recruited some troops.

 At this time, the arrogant Yu Xiaoqing felt very uncomfortable. In his eyes, the young man who was always talking about running things and being unreasonable could actually achieve such an impressive record.

And I am still suffering from the anger of the British army here.

Comparing the two, he found that he was the real leader of the Sichuan Army, and he looked like a fake.

“Tuanzuo, cheer up and never fall down. The hope of the Yu family lies in you.” He Shuguang reminded softly.

"Yeah, I know." Yu Xiaoqing said with a somewhat lonely expression.

Not long after, word of the Sichuan Army's great victory spread throughout the expeditionary force, and there were talks everywhere.

Stilwell directly used the power of the Allied Forces Command to electrify the entire army and highly praised the Sichuan Army Corps for their fearlessness in retaking the airport. He hoped that all expeditionary forces and British troops could learn from the Sichuan Army Corps' fearless spirit of life and death.

 I specially connotate the British army, hoping that the British army will have the determination to understand their shame and then be brave.

 It's a pity that he was disappointed, and the British army pretended not to see it at all.

“Have you heard that there is also a Sichuan regiment in the same ancient city? It is said that they fought a great victory, wiped out a Japanese brigade and killed a Japanese major?” A soldier said in a low voice on the position.

"Of course I have heard about it. The order has been circulated to the whole regiment. How could you not know it? It is said that they are the real Sichuan Army. They are all veterans of the Sichuan Army and their combat effectiveness is very strong."

 “How did you know?” the soldier who spoke earlier asked doubtfully.

“Hi, I have an old cousin who belongs to that regiment. He asked me to go to Zenda to join the Sichuan Army. I didn’t go because I thought the training was too hard. I regret it now.”

 “Is training hard?”

“Well, there are so many rules that most people can’t stand it. You know me, I’m used to being unorganized and I can’t stand being too strict, but the treatment is really good.”

“Not only was the resettlement allowance given, but also three months’ worth of ocean stipend was given. My old watch was given more than 20 ocean dollars, all of which was sent home.”

“Ocean? Isn’t it legal tender?”

 Now more people are attracted to this topic.

With every year of war, commodity prices have soared, military pay has not increased, and the legal currency issued has to be withheld by officials at all levels, leaving little money in hand.

  Sometimes it would be nice to be able to buy dozens of kilograms of rice, let alone send it home.

Now that I hear other people making arrogant remarks, I naturally feel unbalanced.

 Don’t worry about scarcity but inequality.

“Why do we issue fiat currency? This thing is depreciating every year.”

 “It would be great if we could also make a fortune.”

"Aren't we direct relatives? Shouldn't we also make a fortune?"

 “Who prevents us from having a generous chief?”

The soldiers also complained, but did not dare to test the law.

After all, Yu Xiaoqing's military laws are also very strict. Anyone who dares to escape without permission will be shot if caught.

"Gentlemen, are you just going to let them talk like this? No matter what? The impact on morale is still very big." Zhang Lixian reported the news to Yu Xiaoqing.

“Isn’t what they said the truth?” Yu Xiaoqing asked rhetorically without answering.

"Don't worry about it so much. As long as no one becomes a deserter, you don't need to care about these comments."

At this time, the communications soldier walked in, took a look at Yu Xiaoqing's expression, and carefully handed over the telegram.

Yu Xiaoqing was originally curious as to why the communications soldier had such an expression. After seeing the contents of the telegram, his expression changed and he understood what the other party meant.

 This is because you are afraid of getting angry yourself and bringing your wrath on him.

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaoqing suddenly felt relieved again.

 Why should you compete with yourself?

 I may not be able to compare the differences myself, it’s just bad luck.

 When the Japanese troops appear in Tangji, it is time to prove themselves.

 The content of the telegram was very short, just a simple greeting.

Other than that, just ask him if he wants some fine art equipment.

This made Yu Xiaoqing frown slightly. Just now, he was showing off.

 “Commander, would you like to reply?” the signal soldier asked cautiously.

 “No need to reply.” Yu Xiaoqing thought for a while and shook her head in refusal.

Exchange elite veterans for beautiful weapons and equipment?

 Is he, Yu Xiaoqing, that kind of person?

 It's not like he doesn't have any beautiful equipment.

On the other side, the soldiers of the Sichuan Army at the airport all know that they are classified as units directly under the Allied Forces Command and can receive priority in receiving US military equipment.

 Everyone is very excited. All they have to do now is repair the airport runway and wait for the transport plane to arrive.

Suddenly everyone was busy, cleaning up the garbage, cleaning up the garbage, repairing the track, repairing the track, no one was idle.

Even Cun Yunsheng was invited to the city by Dai Anlan to attend a military meeting.

If it were before, Dai Anlan would not invite the other party at all.

 After all, the two parties are not on the same level.

The predecessor of the 200th Division was the chariot battalion directly under the mountain city. It was a well-known elite. Later it was expanded into the first mechanized division, which can be said to have added glory.

But now the status of the Sichuan Army has changed. They have become directly affiliated with the Allied Forces Command, and their treatment is completely different. If he wants to hold a military meeting, he has to invite the other party.

 After all, he represents the face of the Allied Forces Command.

If you don’t invite the other party, when the other party withdraws, he will have nowhere to redress his grievances. Who told you, Dai Anlan, to disrespect others?

Not to mention, Stilwell still had military support behind his back.

Although the current military aid provided by the US military is only worth more than one million US dollars, the rest of the weapons and equipment are purchased from the ocean.

  But looking at all the great powers, the only one that can buy weapons with money now is the United States.

It would be great if the Japanese army did not attack them, but they still resell weapons?

 The Soviet army in the north was also unable to protect itself, and the intensity of assistance was also reduced.

Let alone the German army, the arms deal has long been cut off.

Britain and France?

Two brothers in trouble can barely support themselves, but selling weapons is just a dream.

 The remaining small countries have fewer weapons to sell, and some are directly annexed.

 So now the only thigh that Shancheng can rely on is the United States.

 Even a large part of the arms were purchased by Dayang.

 They have to bite the bullet and admit it.

 Who let this be the only channel.

At the same time, Dai Anlan also hopes to ease the relationship between the two parties through this military meeting.

 If the negotiation is good, it would be better if the other party can provide some unnecessary weapons.

 Because he received a telegram from Shancheng, a transport squadron of Chennault was taking off from Mandalay, and its destination was Tonggu Airport.

 The plane transported weapons and ammunition, in addition to a platoon of military instructors.

 The fact that the mountain city is so interested in it shows that there are definitely a lot of weapons.

 That's why Dai Anlan so enthusiastically invited the other party to attend the military meeting.

“Tuanzuo, isn’t this some kind of Hongmen Banquet?” Lin Yi said worriedly.

“And then halfway through the meal? The swordsman showed up? Killed Tuanzuo directly?” Meng Fanxiao said cooperatively, the smile on his face never dissipated.

 Obviously he was mocking Lin Yi for thinking too much.

"Sir Ayi, please stop reading those scripts. What is our status now? A force directly under the Allied Forces Command. What qualifications does Dai Anlan have to deal with us?" Meng Fanliao sneered.

"Not to mention that the regiment has made great achievements in battle now. If Shangfeng dares to treat a meritorious minister like this, are you not afraid of chilling the hearts of the soldiers?"

 Meng Fangliao’s words left Lin Yi speechless.

"Okay, Ah Yi is just worried." Cun Yunsheng glared at Meng Fan, and then ordered Lin Yi.

“I’ll leave the airport to you. Remember to be prepared for a sneak attack by the Japanese army. The Japanese army will definitely not give up the airport easily and may appear for a sneak attack in the next second.”

"Yes, regimental leader, please rest assured that we are at our position." Lin Yi responded solemnly.

 After everything was arranged, Lin Yi took Meng Fanlie and the guard company to Tonggu City.

 Looking at the uniformly beautiful weapons and equipment of the guard company, the officers and soldiers of the 200 Division in the city felt envious.

Although they are the first mechanized division, they are equipped with Soviet equipment. Compared with American equipment, they always feel a bit inferior.

“Commander, I feel that our Sichuan Army Corps is no different from the Central Army Corps, or even worse than us.” Meng Fangliao said in a low voice on the way.

"Really? If our soldiers want to be promoted, they must be able to use various weapons, memorize the parameters of various weapons, and be able to dismantle the light machine gun into the smallest parts and put it back together within the specified time while blindfolded. ”

“Can you do it?” Cun Yunsheng joked, staring at the officers and soldiers of the 200th Division, swallowing his saliva.

 He is really greedy.

Compared to the majority of illiterate members of the Sichuan Army Corps, many of the 200 Division are intellectuals and well-trained elites.

 He is naturally very coveted for such elites.

 At the same time, he clearly understood that the ending of the 200 Division was not happy.

If some elite veterans can be retained, the combat effectiveness of the Sichuan Army will become even stronger.

 Especially in the future, tanks, tanks, trucks, etc. will be equipped, which will require armored soldiers and drivers.

  The 200th Division is most indispensable for these advanced arms.

 Because it is the first mechanized force, there are a large number of armored soldiers and drivers here.

“Tuanzuo, something is wrong with you.” Meng Fangliao was very familiar with Cun Yunsheng’s expression, so he whispered quickly.

 “Are you interested in someone else’s soldiers?”

"You sent a telegram to Yu Xiaoqing. After your idea of ​​exchanging weapons for soldiers was shattered, you set your sights on the 200th Division again?"

"You'd better take it easy. The 200 Division is not Yu Xiaoqing's Sichuan Army. It has a very tough background. Don't make yourself embarrassed if you don't get the mutton when the time comes."

 “Go, go, you’re the only one who talks too much.” Cun Yunsheng saw that his little thoughts were exposed by Meng Fan, and he kicked him angrily.

“Huh, sooner or later, I’ll have all the people and equipment covered.”

“Bah, bah, bah, Su’s weapons and equipment are useless, even dogs don’t want them.”

  It’s not that Su’s weapons and equipment are poor, but it’s that supplies are not easy to supply. It’s not as convenient as beautiful weapons. With Stilwell as his back, there’s no need to worry about ammunition.

 I didn’t see anyone dispatching transport planes to replenish him with weapons and ammunition.

"Then you have to die before you have a chance. Now you'd better go to the meeting honestly." Meng Fangliao said angrily.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng glanced at Meng Fan with a meaningful look. Without saying anything, he walked towards the 200th Division headquarters.

 The person who greeted him was still Zheng Tingji. Compared with the previous meeting, Zheng Tingji became more enthusiastic this time.

This makes Cun Yunsheng very uncomfortable. He shows courtesy for nothing, and is either a traitor or a thief.

Is it really the Hongmen Banquet?

No way!

Is it hard for Stilwell to save face?

 It shouldn’t be!

 Just to kill him?

  Don’t even want American equipment?

 When did you become so important?

With an anxious mood, Cun Yunsheng walked into the division headquarters and met Dai Anlan.

I just finished writing. My hands are so sore that I can’t bear it anymore. I’m getting older and I really can’t bear it anymore. I’ll update one chapter first and continue tomorrow! Guaranteed to be updated! Never break your promise!



 (End of this chapter)

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