The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 70: A psychosis that shouldn't exist!

 Chapter 70 A lunatic who shouldn’t appear!

This battle lasted less than forty minutes, and the artillery battery fired shells for a full forty minutes, and the barrels were hot.

I have to say that the intensity of the battle was no less than that of a large battle.

 The Sedan River can be said to be a river of blood.

 You can even see fish tumbling and biting at the carcasses.

 It is estimated that the fish here will be very fat in the coming year.

 Looking at the Japanese corpses piled up in the river, Cun Yunsheng was very satisfied.

 The Sichuan Army once again proved through actual combat that they, armed to the teeth, could knock the Japanese army to the ground.

“Ah Yi, smell it, the air is exuding a sweet smell.” Cun Yunsheng looked at Lin Yi’s pale face and joked.

At this moment, the air was filled with the strong smell of blood, which was really hard to accept for a recruit like Lin Yi who had not fought much.

But Cun Yunsheng and others have long been used to it, and they can even make fun of Lin Yi.

All in all, this is the third time Lin Yi has seen such a **** scene. His psychological acceptance is much better than before. It is not as exaggerated as before, but his face is a bit ugly, and he still cannot be as calm and calm as others. .

“Tuanzuo, please stop making fun of me.” Lin Yi looked at the other party with a troubled expression.

At this time, Cun Yunsheng put away his teasing expression and looked across the river, where there were still some remaining Japanese troops resisting.

 Obviously, these Japanese troops did not choose to retreat, but fought to the end.

The soldiers of the Sichuan Army have long been very skilled in dealing with these remaining Japanese troops. They threw grenades for free and the Japanese troops were stunned by the explosions.

“Wow, I caught a big fish.” Suddenly there was a shout from the front, and the soldiers of the Sichuan Army Corps nearby moved closer.

 “It’s really a big fish, this is the captain.”

 “You are really lucky, boy.”

“Damn it, I finally caught a big fish.” Many soldiers from the Sichuan Army were talking about it, and Cun Yunsheng quickly led his troops to catch up.

"Oh, what a big fish. Lin Yi told him in Japanese, asking him to put down his weapons and surrender." Cun Yunsheng motioned to Lin Yi beside him and quickly persuaded him to surrender.

 It was not that he suddenly became kind-hearted, but that he wanted to get some useful information from this commander.

  After all, this is already a senior military officer, and he definitely has a lot of confidential information in his hands.

"I want to know who defeated my regiment." Colonel Masao Kusuase did not answer the other party's question, but looked at the lieutenant colonel in front of him. He needed to figure out who defeated him before he died.

"The 45th Independent Regiment of the Sichuan Army." Cun Yunsheng would naturally satisfy the request.

"Sichuan Army?" Colonel Masao Nanase looked at Cun Yunsheng with disbelief on his face. To him, this was really nonsense.

 He was actually defeated by the Sichuan army?

How can this be.

After coming back to his senses, Colonel Masao Kususe looked at the opponent's military uniform. It was indeed the uniform of the Sichuan Army, and finally had to accept this cruel reality.

 That is, he was really defeated by the Sichuan army.

Thinking of this, Colonel Kusu Masao laughed sadly and looked at Cun Yunsheng.

“Unexpectedly, I was defeated by the Sichuan army. I am really a shame to the empire.”

 After saying that, he raised the gun, pointed it at his temple, and pulled the trigger.


 With the sound of a gunshot, Colonel Masao Kusuze fell sideways.

Looking at this scene, Cun Yunsheng sighed softly.

 “Be a good person in your next life.”

Immediately ordered the troops to quickly cross the river and march towards the north.

 When Dai Anlan led the 200th Division and the troops to the Sedang River, he looked at the Sedang River that had been dyed red with blood and was silent for a long time.

“This was done by the Sichuan Army?” Zheng Tingji asked in disbelief as he looked at the corpses of Japanese soldiers on the ground.

"It seems that we all mistakenly underestimated the combat effectiveness of the Sichuan Army. Our 200 Division is not as good as them." Dai Anlan took a deep breath, and then waved his hand to signal the troops to cross the river immediately.

At the same time, fierce gunfire also rang out in Tonggu City.

The Japanese army invaded Tonggu City from both wings. The 600 regiments that stayed in the city began to rely on their houses to resist. They needed to buy time for the main force.

"Speed ​​up, don't let the blood of our brothers be shed in vain." Dai Anlan closed her eyes in pain, and then said loudly.

 “Yes.” Everyone speeded up to cross the river.

“Your Excellency, Division Commander, you have just received a telegram from Colonel Masao Kusuze. He is determined to break up with the expeditionary force.” The Chief of Staff walked in with a telegram and reported.

"Nani? How is this possible?" Lieutenant General Takeuchi Kan looked at the other party in disbelief.

 seems to be asking, do you know what you are talking about?

 One of my regiments was completely destroyed?

 Isn’t the 200 Division on the opposite side already running out of ammunition and food?

 How could they still have such strong fighting power?

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, could it be the Sichuan Army Corps at the airport? According to intelligence, they seem to have obtained a large amount of weapons and equipment. If this is the case, the Kusu Regiment without heavy weapons may be defeated." The chief of staff analyzed.

"Impossible, they are just a Sichuan regiment, how could they defeat one of my regiments?" Takeuchi Hiroshi said somewhat unacceptable.

 For him, the news was too exaggerated.

"Asshole." After a while, Takeuchi Hiroshi reluctantly accepted the news, and then cursed.

"Your Excellency, division commander, stop the attack. Losing a regiment will still have a huge impact on morale. I think we should wait until the artillery regiment arrives before continuing the attack." the chief of staff suggested.

“Asshole.” Takeuchi Hiroshi roared angrily, and immediately ordered the troops to stop the attack. At the same time, he ordered the artillery regiment to speed up the march and must reach Tonggu City within one day. "In addition, inform the military department of the situation here and ask them to send flying groups to search for traces of the enemy. They must not be let go."

“Also, let the armored squadron rush to Tonggu City as quickly as possible. I need to crush those **** Chinese with tanks.”

 The death of a regiment commander can definitely be said to be the greatest shame. Even if he occupies the entire Burma, he will not receive any promotion and may even be transferred to the reserve force.

This is the reason for his rage.

“Commander, we caught a big fish this time, it will definitely shock the Allies.” Meng Fangliao said excitedly on the way.

 Not only was Meng Fanxiao excited, but others were also very happy.

This was the first senior Japanese officer killed after entering Myanmar. It was an absolute victory.

Even the US military instructors looked happy.

They also did not expect that the Sichuan Army Corps, which had basically zero military literacy, would defeat a Japanese regiment head-on. Even though this regiment did not have any decent heavy weapons, it was still a regiment, and it also killed a colonel. It was a complete victory. ah.

 They believed that General Stilwell would be very happy.

“It’s not just a colonel. Let’s see how happy you are. One by one, with this little success, try to kill a lieutenant general next time. Then we will be happy.” Cun Yunsheng curled his lips with a look of disgust.

 Just a captain, he can only be regarded as a relatively big fish.

 They have long been used to Cun Yunsheng's words.

 The members of my regiment have great ambitions and look down on the commander. They are different.

 To them, this is a big fish.

 “Ask Dong Jian to disperse all the reconnaissance companies, and be careful of Japanese troops on the road.” Cun Yunsheng ordered again.

 “Huh? There are still Japanese troops?” Meng Fanglia thought it would be safe after crossing the river, but in the end he had to beware of the Japanese troops.

Only Cun Yunsheng knew that after the Japanese army captured Tonggu, they obtained a large number of trucks, and then marched mechanized, all the way to Tangji, and even captured Lashio, cutting off the retreat path of the expeditionary force.

Their legs are definitely no match for the Japanese army.

“The two legs of the Japanese army are not much slower than ours. They may even be blocking us in front of us in a truck.” Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said.

 “Isn’t it possible?” Meng Fanxiao hesitated for a moment, but still thought it was unlikely.

"We'll see." Cun Yunsheng didn't bother to explain so much. He just told Dong Dao to send out the entire reconnaissance company and never take it lightly.

 He defeated a Japanese regiment head-on and killed a Japanese colonel.

Based on his understanding of the Japanese army, he will definitely go crazy.

 Perhaps he will be waiting for him in front.

In the next few days, the Sichuan Army Corps kept shuttling through the dense forest. Fortunately, Sun Yunfei and others acted as guides, so they did not get lost. Otherwise, they would still be able to turn around.

At the same time, Cun Yunsheng's guess was correct. The Japanese army was indeed crazy. A whole flying brigade was patrolling the sky, trying to find the Sichuan Army.

Not only that, Lieutenant General Takeuchi Hiroshi dispatched a regiment, all in trucks, and headed towards Tangyoshi. The purpose was to block the Sichuan Army and avenge the death of Colonel Masao Kususe.

 At this time, the Sichuan Army Corps had arrived fifty kilometers outside Tangji.

The soldiers of the reconnaissance company who were in charge of search and alert suddenly became alert when they saw a vague figure carrying a rifle in the distance.

Not long after, the man came out of the woods in the distance and stood on the road in a swaggering manner.

 The next scene made the soldiers of the reconnaissance company even more confused.

I saw this man holding a machine gun and shooting wildly at the woods in the distance. At the same time, he raised his voice and shouted like ghosts and wolves.

 “How can you say that you have no clothes, but you share the same robe with me?”

 “You can get enough of Yang Liulang, but you can’t get enough of rice soup.”

“Grandson, your grandpa, I’ll take you home. If nothing else, I haven’t taken care of enough peanuts.”

 While shouting, he fired and fired, as if there were many enemies in the woods in the distance.

  The magazine was completely empty before he stopped. However, the soldiers of the reconnaissance company didn't even see a hair of the little devil in the opponent's mouth.

“Platoon leader, isn’t this a lunatic?”

"Could he be a great opera singer? There is such a person in our hometown." A soldier couldn't help but said.

Dong Jian was also a little confused and didn't quite understand what the person in front of him wanted to do.

“Maybe it’s a lunatic. Let brothers be careful and be careful of traps.” Dong Jian thought for a while and then ordered everyone to be more vigilant.

“You go and notify the leader and tell him that we have discovered a psychopath.” Dong Jian added.


 Not long after, Cun Yunsheng brought Meng Fanglia and others to Dong Jian's place.

"What's wrong? Have you found the little devil?" Through the radio in the past two days, he also knew how big the basket he had was. The little devil was like crazy, looking for him everywhere.

 So the marching speed has been slowed down a lot in the past few days, all the scouts in hand have been scattered, and some people have even been taken out of the guard company to keep an eye on the movements of the Japanese army.

Hearing Dong Jian's report, Cun Yunsheng thought he had discovered the vanguard of the Japs, so he quickly came over with the security company.

"Grandpas, I've seen you. All the little devils are dead. Why are you hiding? Come out quickly and come over to gather." The man on the other side shouted strangely again.

  Change first and then change! I'll see if I can come up with another chapter tonight, I'm a little mentally exhausted!



 (End of this chapter)

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