The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 77: Could it be a conspiracy?

  Could Chapter 77 be a conspiracy?

"Are you trying to say, am I too brave? I dare to trick my allies?" Cun Yunsheng said with a chuckle as he looked at Long Wenwen's stunned expression.

 What else do you know?

 What if the British army knew about this!

 Can't you shed a layer of skin?

Who doesn’t know that British people are the best at playing hooligans?

 So, Long Wenwen was very puzzled. Since you know everything, why are you still doing this?

"Death, death, have you ever heard of a saying? Taoism emphasizes avenging grudges on the spot and not keeping grudges overnight, otherwise the Taoist heart will be unstable." Cun Yunsheng looked at the other party and said with emotion.

Hearing this, Long Wenwen looked at the other party in surprise.

“Tuanzuo, do you still believe in Taoism?”

“I don’t believe it.” Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said immediately.

“But the Taoist rules of doing things can be learned.”

"Besides, are the British only allowed to cheat their allies? Are we not allowed to cheat them?"

"Be bolder and don't look forward and backward. I really appreciate your way of pretending to be Yu Xiaoqing."

“Remember, when you meet someone who is more rogue than you, all you have to do is be more rogue than him.”

Cun Yunsheng's words left Long Wenwen speechless for a while. At the same time, he felt that his three views were completely shattered. Could this still be possible?

But after thinking about it carefully, I feel that what Cun Yunsheng said still makes sense.

 If it were him, he might have swallowed his anger.

“Tuanzuo, it’s you who spoke so grandly about cheating your allies.” Long Wenwen couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.

"Okay, remember, the three of us know about this matter. If anyone else knows, you will know the consequences. I don't have much else, and I still have a lot of ways to torture people." Cun Yunsheng said. He waved his hand and then warned him again.

“Understood, please rest assured, no one else will know.” Meng Fangliao and Long Wenwen could not help but shudder and quickly assured.

Not long after, the roar of transport planes was heard over the airport. It was obvious that the supplies that Stilwell had delivered to the Sichuan Army had arrived.

This made Colonel Rogers on the ground look unhappy.

 He did not expect that the US military would think so highly of this expeditionary force.

They actually used transport planes to transport supplies, and the treatment was higher than that of the British army.

For a moment, Colonel Rogers thought about abandoning the airport and following the transport plane back to the rear.

 After all, I was terrified to stay in this miserable place.

 He was afraid that the Japanese army would come the next day and he would become a prisoner.

 Just thinking about his previous embarrassing behavior, Colonel Rogers was really too embarrassed to go back.

He thought it would be better to wait a few more days until everyone had forgotten about it, and then he would go back.

Perhaps Stilwell felt that he owed the Sichuan Army, and the supplies shipped this time were of very high standards.

It can be said that it is transported in full compliance with the food standards of the US military.

 Bacon and bread, canned meats of all kinds, jams, lime juice, rum, etc.

 Even chocolates, cheese on toast, etc. were brought.

 There were almost a dozen of them here and there, and they even brought coffee to the American instructors.

 According to Milong, the entire two transport planes are full of food.

 Enough to feed them for a month.

“Is this the food standard for the US military? Look at what we ate before, what is it called? It’s just pig food.” Meng Fanlian’s eyes turned red as he looked at the food in front of him.

"I'm sorry, what are you talking about, you idiot? What is pig food? You eat the most snake soup, is that pig food?" Ma Dazhi said with some dissatisfaction.

“That’s it, when you talk about pig food, do you want to call Mr. Tuanzuo a pig?” Long Wenwen, a shameless man, had already gotten along with them, so he took this opportunity to make some innuendo.

Cun Yunsheng, on the other hand, had an indifferent look on his face. He knew that Long Wenwen was still angry and had to make a few mistakes from time to time.

  In the original work, Yu Xiaoqing was quite angry.

“Milong, the food ration will be the pig food in his mouth.” Cun Yunsheng’s words made Long Wenwen open his mouth wide and didn’t know what to say.

 For a moment, I wanted to slap myself in the mouth.

  What a bad mouthed person.

 Why don’t you have a long memory?

“Tuanzu, is this good for every meal?” Lin Yi couldn’t help but ask.

 For him, this meal can be said to be the best meal he has ever eaten.

“Damn you, if I had such good food every day, I would risk my life. Why can’t the British fight? They can run faster than rabbits.” Li Sifu also complained.

"Okay, let's eat quickly, you're not hungry, right?" Cun Yunsheng didn't bother to answer their question, so he took the lead and stuffed a large piece of bacon into his mouth.

 Seeing that everyone in his group was moving, other people were not polite and started gobbling it up one after another.

On the other side, at the headquarters of the Japanese 56th Division, Lieutenant General Masao Watanabe looked at the map and frowned slightly.

 Since taking Tonggu, the 56th Division has been equipped with trucks and tanks left by the British army, and the attack speed has been greatly increased.

They even defeated the temporary 55th Division head-on, stormed all the way and captured Tangji. After a short rest, they rushed to Lashio.

 That’s right!

What we need to do is to cut off the retreat route of the Eastern Front Expeditionary Force and completely annihilate all the Eastern Front Expeditionary Force.

 It has to be said that Masao Watanabe has a very big appetite.

 One division wants to swallow up tens of thousands of expeditionary troops.

 But I have to admit that there is absolutely no problem with his strategic thinking.

  Lashio is a very important material transfer station and is surrounded by virgin forests.

 It is also an important gateway to northern Myanmar.

Without this escape route, the expeditionary force would have no choice but to go to Savage Mountain if they wanted to return home. It is easy to enter the virgin forest, but difficult to get out.

Ten thousand people go in, but only one or two thousand can come out.

What we have to do now is to hope that the 146th Infantry Regiment of Colonel Soshiro Oka can gain momentum and quickly capture Lashio.

"Report, we detected a strange telegram." At this time, the combat staff came in with a telegram and said in a low voice.

 “Strange telegram?” Masao Watanabe looked at the other party with confusion.

“Yes, because this telegram uses the code book we captured from the temporary 55th Division.” The combat staff hesitated for a moment, but then said it.

“You mean, the Chinese used the code book we captured to send telegrams?” Masao Watanabe was stunned, and then looked at the other party.

 “What is the content?”

“The Sichuan Army Corps is at Tangji Airport.” After the combat staff officer finished speaking, he handed over the telegram.

 After receiving the telegram, Masao Watanabe frowned slightly.

“Is it the Sichuan regiment that defeated Takeuchi Hiroshi’s regiment head-on?”

"That should be true. The expeditionary force only has one Sichuan Corps, so it should be them." The combat staff nodded.

As for Yu Xiaoqing’s Sichuan Army, they were automatically ignored.

 There is no way, why did Yu Xiaoqing's Sichuan Army fail to achieve any decent results?

The only battle was when the Japanese army made dumplings. If it weren’t for the desperate and **** battle, everyone would probably be dead.

 So the Japanese army did not take the other side seriously.

 After all, of the 100,000 expeditionary force, the only ones that are really famous are the 200 Division and the newly formed 38th Division.

 Why did Masao Watanabe want to raid Lashio? Wasn't it just to annihilate the 200 divisions?

 There is a difference between eliminating the elite and the unknown.

"Hey, I didn't expect them to get to Tangji Airport. It seems that they went around from the woods to Tangji." Masao Watanabe had no doubts, because Myanmar has high mountains and dense forests, and no one knows that there is one somewhere. path.

 But the combat staff still felt a little suspicious.

“Your Excellency, Division Commander, could this be a trap?”

“Why do you say that?” Masao Watanabe asked with a slight frown.

“Because the other party used the codebook we captured to send the telegram. According to the situation where our telegraph personnel who were impersonating the other party were discovered, the expeditionary force should have changed the codebook, but they still used this codebook to generate electricity.”

"I suspect this is a trap, a trap to lure the imperial army." After the combat staff analyzed it, he looked at the other party.

Hearing this, Masao Watanabe frowned even deeper, because he felt that what the other party said was quite reasonable.

"Is it possible that because they have been marching in the woods, they don't know about the leak of the code book?" After a long time, Masao Watanabe said.

“After all, you and I both know that when marching in dense forests, radio signals will be affected.”

 Hearing this, the combat staff felt that this was still a possibility.

"Whether it's a trap or not, we must eat him. We want Takeuchi to see what a true imperial warrior is and teach him how to fight." Masao Watanabe raised his voice.

The two sides are now facing each other in the east and west, and both of them are secretly competing with each other.

Whoever achieves greater results will be promoted.

 At present, Masao Watanabe's Fifty-sixth Division is performing very well.

As long as Lashio is captured, it means that the 56th Division will win this battle.

If the Sichuan Army is eliminated again, it will completely prove Takeuchi Hiroshi's incompetence.

"But you are right. This may be a trap, but even if it is a trap, we can still eat them." Masao Watanabe is not a fool. He can't be so stupid as to send a squadron to attack the airport, and immediately give the order road.

"Let the 56th Search Regiment and the 56th Field Artillery Regiment speed up their march immediately and arrive at Tangji Airport. Use heavy artillery to bomb the airport to the ground, leaving no one alive. I want to avenge the sacrifice of the warriors of the empire. "

 “Hai.” The combat staff responded.

Masao Watanabe believed that even if this was a trap, it would inevitably become a ruin under the bombardment of heavy artillery.

 Besides, he explained very clearly that if the airport is no longer needed, just bomb it to the ground.

 Even in order to ensure the transportation of heavy artillery, the engineer regiment was even asked to dispatch a brigade to follow the battle.


At the temporary camp of the 200th Division, Dai Anlan looked at the telegram and frowned slightly.

 Because this telegram was not sent by Du Yuming, but by Luo Zhuoying.

 “Transfer to the Western Front? Support Chokbatang?” Dai Anlan was speechless after reading the telegram.

 Now it is obvious that the Eastern Front is in urgent need!

 If Tangji is not recaptured, all the expeditionary forces on the eastern front will be finished.

 Why was he asked to go to the Western Front at this time?

 Isn't this a joke?

“Master, what should we do now?” Zheng Tingji asked helplessly after reading the telegram.

"What should we do? Execute the order." Although Dai Anlan didn't know the specific situation, he probably guessed something, but he just felt that he was still doing this at this time.

But as a soldier, it is his duty to obey orders, so he decided to carry out the order.

“But, what about rescuing the western front now? What about the eastern front? If the Japanese army takes Lashio, we won’t be able to go back.” Zheng Tingji was not a fool, and he could see the layout of the Japanese army at a glance.

 A huge roundabout attack!

 What does Luo Zhuoying think?

 Can’t you see this?

"I know, but a soldier's duty is to obey orders." Dai Anlan raised his voice.

“Yes.” Zheng Tingji responded helplessly.

  Change first and then change!



 (End of this chapter)

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