The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 81: Kneel down and talk to me!

Chapter 81 Kneel down and talk to me!

"Baga, what does Usuke Hirai do for a living? He can't even take down the airport where the British troops are stationed? What is he doing?" Masao Watanabe slapped the telegram on the table angrily and roared.

"Send him a telegram. If you can't get the airport, please return home. The empire needs more idiots in its reserves."

He was really angry. If there were Sichuan troops at the airport and they couldn't take them down, he would be forgiven.

  After all, the Sichuan Legion has proved with its strength that they are not soft persimmons.

 But now there are only British troops at the airport, and they haven't taken it down yet.

Doesn't this mean that the 56th Division is a bunch of idiots?

He could imagine how Takeuchi Hiroshi would laugh at his incompetence if he knew about this.

 This was the real reason for his rage.

 “Hai.” The combat staff did not dare to say much and could only nod.

 When the combat staff left, the chief of staff looked at Masao Watanabe, who was much calmer, and couldn't help but remind him.

“Your Excellency, Division Commander, I always feel that this matter is full of weirdness.”

 “Weird?” Masao Watanabe was stunned for a moment, then fell into deep thought, and said slowly after a long time.

"you mean?"

"It always feels weird. Although I can't explain it, I feel something is wrong. It seems that we are being led by others." The chief of staff shook his head. He couldn't explain why.

 They just subconsciously thought it was weird. According to their understanding, the British army would not have the guts to fight back.

 It happened that the British army counterattacked.

“Perhaps the British army also has more courageous troops?” Masao Watanabe thought for a while and gave an answer that was not an answer.

"It's possible." They couldn't figure it out, so they could only think that the British army still had generals who could fight.

 And Colonel Usuke Hirai, who received the telegram, was even more confused.

  It turns out that it is not the Sichuan Army until now?

 But the so-called British army?

 No wonder the division commander was so angry.

Ever since Malaysia, when more than 30,000 Japanese troops wiped out 140,000 British troops, they have not taken the British troops seriously.

 After landing in Yangon, it swept across the entire southern Myanmar.

 Often small groups of troops appeared outside the British positions, and the British troops began to retreat.

 Even before they were seen, the British army had already disappeared without a trace.

 So it appeared that the Japanese army believed that the British army had completely lost the will to resist.

Over time, he became arrogant and arrogant.

Who knew that they would encounter a tough British army now, which was indeed beyond their expectations.

“Haga, it’s actually the British army that has been fighting until now. This is simply a shame for the imperial army.” Colonel Hirai Usuke pulled out his command sword and shouted at everyone.

 “Pig attack tactic.”

 He knew that if he could not defeat the British army, all that would be left for him would be his ashes returned to the country, so he became ruthless.

 So directly use this tactic with huge casualties.

 Generally, the Japanese army rarely uses this tactic unless it is a last resort.

 But now, if they cannot capture the airport in the shortest time, they will lose face.

Hearing the pig attack tactic, all the Japanese soldiers had a fanatical expression on their faces, and then they shouted that the emperor was on board and rushed towards the airport.

The British troops at the airport are used to being big men and have never fought in this kind of battle.

Before, I could rely on heavy artillery to inflict heavy damage on the Japanese army. Now I saw the densely packed Japanese troops rushing towards me, and I was suddenly frightened.

 Some British soldiers even turned around and ran away, only to be greeted by cold bullets.

At this moment, the Japanese army was blinded by blood. In their eyes, they just wanted to kill all these **** British guys.

 If it weren’t for them, how could so many people be killed by heavy artillery?

On the road, you can still see your companions wailing in pain after their legs were blown off.

Hate has already blinded them. At this time, they just want to kill all the British troops in front of them to wash away their shame.

They were actually blocked by a group of British troops, and so many people died in the battle.

Gradually, the British army also discovered that something was wrong, and the Japanese army had no intention of giving them a way to survive.

 There is no other way but to bite the bullet and continue to fight back.

 The result was an even more violent blow.

The grenadier, with a thumbs up, made a simple calculation, and the cannonball flew out, destroying the British machine gun position accurately.

I have to say that the soldiers searching for the 56th Regiment are all elite veterans.

 The grenade in one hand is very smooth.

 Many British army positions were breached in this way.

 There were even British troops who wanted to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese.

It turned out that their tall men could not take advantage of them at all, and they were knocked down by the Japanese army in three or four moves.

  It can be said that the Japanese army is definitely at the forefront of the Far East in terms of individual military quality.

“Colonel, the Japanese army has invaded the airport, what should we do now?” The subordinate came to the office in disgrace and said in fear.

“Retreat, retreat immediately.” At this time, Colonel Rogers no longer needed to be reserved and decisively picked up his gun and began to escape.

The only thing that made him heartbroken was the wealth, which he had worked so hard to obtain.

 As a result, the Japanese army was so advantaged.

Had I known it, I would have kept the Sichuan Army Corps. In that case, maybe the airport would not have been lost so quickly. At the same time, he was also curious, who sent the telegram to the Allied Command?

 Why did he become the last hope of the British Empire Army in a daze?

 It's a pity that he couldn't understand all this, because as soon as he appeared, he was surrounded by the Japanese army.

The Japanese soldiers were not fools. When they saw Colonel Rogers running out of the office with his guards, they guessed that he was a high-ranking official, so they fought hard.

Relying on skilled grenade, Colonel Rogers was quickly beaten and unable to resist, and was eventually surrounded in a house.

 There was no other way, Colonel Rogers had no choice but to surrender.

 Because he believed that he had fulfilled his duty as a soldier and could now surrender.

The heart that has been hanging can also be let go, hoping that the other party can abide by the Geneva Convention and be kind to the captives.


 The Japanese army does not seem to have joined the Geneva Convention.

 Suddenly, he remembered what Cun Yunsheng said, and his expression changed drastically.

 Damn it, I may not be able to keep my wealth.

"Caught a British officer?" After hearing the report from his subordinates, Colonel Hirai Usuke finally showed a smile on his cold face.

If they can't even defeat the British army, what qualifications do they have to sweep across Burma?

"Yes, he seems to be a colonel." The report from his subordinates made the smile on his face even bigger.

 For him, this is a high official.

 And you can also take the opportunity to humiliate the other party.

 After all, the evil spirit in his heart has not come out yet.

"Dear Sir, I have ordered my men to surrender. I hope that you will abide by the Geneva Convention and treat prisoners well." Compared with the arrogant Colonel Rogers before, he was extremely humble at this moment.

 Those who are familiar with him will definitely be shocked when they see this scene.

Colonel Hirai Usuke just looked at the other party quietly and said something for a long time.

“I’m sorry, Colonel, we have not joined the Geneva Convention and we do not have to abide by the treaty.”

His words frightened Colonel Rogers to tremble. He was about to say something, but was interrupted.

"But, I can give you a chance. As long as you satisfy me, I can guarantee your life safety." Colonel Hirai Usuke showed a crazy expression.

 Colonel Rogers got chills when he saw it. Could it be some bad taste?

"Don't worry, don't be afraid. It's very simple. As long as you kneel down, use your British Empire gentleman's courtesy, lick my military boots, and say, the Imperial Japanese Army is invincible, I can guarantee your victory." Life safety, including that of your subordinates, will not be in danger," Colonel Hirai Usuke mocked wantonly.

Hearing this, Colonel Rogers became furious and wanted to shout insults, but considering the current situation, he changed his tone.

 “I’m sorry sir, it’s an insult to me and it’s hard for me to do that.”

Who knows, Colonel Usuke Hirai nodded, then took out the pistol from his waist and shot a British soldier directly.


 The cold bullet instantly passed through the opponent's head, and blood splattered everywhere.

 Colonel Rogers felt the warmth of the blood on his face and was instantly frightened.

 He did not expect that the Japanese army would be so cruel and would shoot whenever they disagreed.

 For a time, Colonel Rogers felt both hatred and regret. If it were not for the commendation telegram, he would have surrendered long ago.

 But there is no regret medicine to take.

"Baga, your conscience is very bad. You are my prisoner and you must obey my arrangements."

 “Kneel down.” Colonel Hirai Uosuke shouted again.

Originally, he didn't want to do this, but there was no other way. He was already embarrassed. He had lost so many people by attacking the British army, and he would definitely be ridiculed by many of his colleagues.

Now the only way to save face is to completely conquer the British, make them kneel down and lick their shoes, and shout that the Imperial Japanese Army is invincible.

Seeing this scene, Colonel Rogers was shaking very badly. He knew that if he made the wrong choice, death would be waiting for him.

 Clenched his teeth for the last time, closed his eyes, and slowly knelt on the ground.

The photographer next to him hurriedly recorded this scene. This is the best record of conquering the British army.

 I saw Colonel Rogers slowly lying on the ground, licking the upper of Colonel Usuke Hirai's shoes.

This made Colonel Usuke Hirai, who had been unable to get rid of the bad breath in his chest, instantly feel that his life had reached its peak.

Especially when I see the previously arrogant British guy kneeling in front of me, it feels so good.

The photographer quickly took pictures of these scenes and even thought of various words of praise.

 This is a victory for the imperial army.

The arrogant British guys will kneel in front of them one day, which will definitely boost the morale of the Japanese army again.

"Very good, I'm very satisfied. Don't worry, I keep my word and will ensure your safety." Colonel Hirai Usuke felt satisfied and said proudly.

As everyone knows, Colonel Rogers feels extremely regretful at this moment.

 He has lost the face of the British Empire.

 He will be a sinner of the British Empire from now on.

 Thinking of this, Colonel Rogers fainted.

“Trash.” Looking at the unconscious Colonel Rogers, Colonel Hirai Usuke sneered, motioned to his subordinates to drag him away, and then began to look at the office in front of him.

“Your Excellency Colonel, now that we have captured the airport, we should send a telegram to the division commander immediately.” The wing chief of staff walked in and said seriously.

“Well, I have already notified someone, and I will also send back the photos I just took. With these photos, I believe we can definitely wash away our previous shame.” Colonel Hirai Usuke explained with a smile.

“Your Majesty, Colonel, is there something wrong with this? Will it arouse strong condemnation from the British army?” The wing chief of staff hesitated before asking.

“Hmph, the British are just paper tigers, we don’t need to care about their attitude.” Colonel Hirai Usuke looked indifferent.

I’m sleeping, I’m so sleepy. If you have any questions, I’ll fix it tomorrow!



 (End of this chapter)

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