The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 87: Only ordinary people who stand up!

Chapter 87: Only ordinary people who stand up!

In response to Cun Yunsheng's rhetorical question, Meng Fanlai could only roll his eyes. You are the leader. You can say whatever you want. How dare he have any objections.

Even though Meng Fangliao is usually very venomous, he is actually very cowardly.

Only when faced with familiar people does one dare to speak harshly, because he knows that his cynicism will not be rewarded with a beating.

When you meet a stranger, you will never dare to say a word unless there is someone to support you.

When I first met Krupp, it was not because I had the support of Cun Yunsheng that I dared to suspect that Krupp was fake.

 When faced with the mysterious dragon, he was even more timid.

"Tuanzuo, when are we going to withdraw?" Since Lashio has been occupied, it means that there is no point in the Eastern Front Expeditionary Force continuing to fight. If we don't withdraw, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave.

“We’re leaving today, but let’s decide where to go first.” Cun Yunsheng expressed his worries.

Nujiang will definitely not be able to return. As long as he dares to go back, the Sichuan Army Corps will definitely belong to others, including the people and equipment.

 Don't doubt Shancheng's determination, there are many people who covet his army.

Not to mention that they are now fully equipped with beautiful weapons, and their combat capabilities have been improved by several levels, even more powerful than the 200 Division. It is absolutely intolerable that such an elite force is still in the hands of strangers.

If it were the previous Cun family, I'm afraid people in the mountain city would still be a little more wary. After all, the other party is also considered a veteran.

 Now, of course, I don’t have any worries.

As for how he will arrange it, don’t think about it, he will definitely be on the bench.

From now on, don’t think about getting ahead until you end up in vain.

"Where are we going? We definitely can't go back. Don't think about it when we go back. The end will definitely not be too good. You probably won't have anything to do. You should be on the bench and stay on the bench." Meng Fangliao even said with some schadenfreude.

“Who told you to accept General Stilwell’s order in the first place, it means that you gave up the mountain city and went to the peak. Everyone here knows it.” As Meng Fanfan said, he glanced around the crowd.

Except for Lin Yi, who showed a hint of wanting to defend himself, everyone else nodded in agreement.

If Shangfeng really cared about them, would he have stayed in the shelter for so long?

 Isn’t it because they are defeated troops and cannon fodder, and no one cares about them?

 All of them remembered what Cun Yunsheng said back then.

 The defeated troops also depend on who leads them.

 If it were him, it would definitely be a resounding elite force.

Now Cun Yunsheng has fulfilled his promise, and they will follow each other to the death.

“Sir Ayi, don’t admit it. If Shangfeng really wants to remember you, can he still let you, a major, stay in the shelter for so long?”

"You behaved so strangely at the shelter. You kept yourself clean every day. Don't you just think that one day someone will come to the peak? Will you be taken seriously?"

“You have never thought about it: a major who has never fought in a war, who would want you?”

“That officer training course you attended, I didn’t tell you, as long as you’re willing to spend the money, you can attend it.” Meng Fan’s mouth was still as vicious as ever, but what he said made Lin Yi feel ashamed.

“That’s right, Sir Ayi, we all know your little thoughts. We just think that everyone is at the shelter, so we naturally don’t want to embarrass you too much.”

"A major who has never fought in a war, I'm afraid in Shangfeng's eyes, is not as good as cannon fodder like us. At least he can hold up a cannonball at a critical moment." Kaname also said in cooperation.

“So, Tuan Zuo, we will go wherever you want us to go. Our life will be sold to you starting from Chanda.” Meng Fangli’s words aroused everyone’s agreement.

"Bad boy, anyway, I will only serve you as the chief secretary. I will not serve anyone else." Mi Long always looked like he was in trouble, but his words did make Cun Yunsheng smile knowingly.

 It seems that my sincere devotion has not fed the dog.

 In fact, the cannon fodders did not really lose their conscience. They were just deceived by Shangfeng again and again, and finally became numb. Now that they meet a commander who is sincere to them, they are naturally extremely moved.

“Tuanzuo, I don’t want to defend myself, but I feel that if you offend Shancheng like this, in the future...”

"The war will eventually end, and we are the life of the big soldier..." Lin Yi wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Cun Yunsheng.

“I never thought about driving away the Japanese army first.”

 “As Steve asked me.”

 “What are you talking about?” Everyone looked over and asked curiously.

“What will you do if you wear straw sandals in winter?”

Cun Yunsheng glanced at everyone, took in everyone's expressions, and then said again.

 “Do you know what my answer is?”

 “What’s your answer?” Meng Fanxiao asked cooperatively.

 “Because we don’t intend to survive until winter.”

As soon as these words came out, the place became extremely quiet, and everyone looked at Cun Yunsheng with admiration.

“There are no heroes who fall from the sky, there are just ordinary people who stand up.”

“Now that our country is in ruins, I want to get things back to the way they were before. I hope you will work with me.”

This time can be said to be the most in-depth exchange among the cannon fodder regiments, and it also made everyone aware of Cun Yunsheng's ambition.

“Yes, Tuanzuo, we will always follow you.” Meng Fan was the first to stand up and express his position.

"Me too, I also want things to go back to the way they were." Long Wenwen looked at him with admiration as if he had found a like-minded comrade.

"Me too…"

"And I…"

 “You **** son of a bitch, Tuanzuo, you made me cry.”

   “You bastard, I have sand in my eyes.”

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng laughed loudly, then pointed at the map and said.

“Since Yu Xiaoqing has pointed out a clear path for us, let’s arrive at Lashio first, and then transfer to Myitkyina.”

"There is a lot of supplies for the British army there. Let's rest first when we get there." "After that, I will go have a talk with that old boy Stilwell."

 “Yes, Tuanzuo.”

“Everyone immediately returned to their respective units, mobilized everyone, and evacuated Tangji after three hours.”


After everyone left, Lin Yi hesitated for a moment and then asked again.

“Tuanzuo, what should we do with the refugees in the city?”

 “Refugee?” Cun Yunsheng was stunned, not knowing what he meant.

 How come there are refugees in such a normal situation?

With Lin Yi’s explanation, Cun Yunsheng suddenly realized.

It turns out that after the Japanese army landed in Yangon, the first indigenous people to defect to the Japanese army were naturally able to receive some of the British army's assets, but most of them were still taken away by the Japanese army.

Having no other choice, they attacked the Chinese and ethnic Chinese.

  After all, they are the wealthiest group of people besides the British army.

 These people soon suffered disasters. Their property was robbed, and some even lost their lives.

This created panic, and more and more people began to move northward to escape from the control of the Japanese army.

Who would have known that the British army had been defeated and the expeditionary force could not stop the Japanese attack.

 There was no other way, they had no choice but to continue heading north.

 During this period, when the local Chinese learned about the cruelty of the Japanese army, they panicked and packed up their belongings and fled for their lives.

 There are thousands of refugees concentrated here in Tangji.

“So many refugees?” Cun Yunsheng was startled, and then suddenly realized that this was Myanmar. Although it was controlled by the British army, the living standard here was still good.

 After all, the British army occupied the colonies for enjoyment, not for hardship, so they would naturally develop the local economy.

 Some Chinese people also came here to make a living. Several generations of business have naturally done well.

 The so-called middle class. Now that the high-producing people have left, the Japanese army, as the victor, will naturally take over the assets left by the British army.

 The natives who follow them cannot work in vain.

 Otherwise, there will be nothing to do with you, and you will be nothing but a hammer.

 So the middle class suffered.

Want to understand this, Cun Yunsheng thought for a while and said.

"We have to let Sun Yunfei try to recruit some educated people. Besides, don't we have a lot of food? Give some to the refugees and tell them that the Japanese army is about to attack and we need to retreat. If they want to follow, just follow At the back of the team, we will try to keep them safe."

"Yes." Lin Yi originally thought so. After all, there was so much food at the train station, and they couldn't take it away at all.

 But this kind of food distribution must be approved by the regiment. After all, it was all fought hard by the Sichuan Army.

"Call Sun Yunfei here." Cun Yunsheng waved his hand, indicating that such a small matter would be left to the other party.

Soon, Sun Yunfei came to the regiment headquarters and saluted very respectfully.


"How is it? How is the matter handled?" Cun Yunsheng nodded and then asked.

 “It has been dealt with, and there will definitely be no problems left.” Sun Yunfei explained quickly.

"Very good, I can rest assured that you can do things. Now there is something you need to do." Cun Yunsheng continued.

“You said, promise to complete the task.” Sun Yunfei looked as if he was ready to die, which made Cun Yunsheng chuckle.

 “Okay, don’t get so excited, it’s not a big deal.”

"The troops will retreat in a moment, targeting the Myitkyina area, but there will be some refugees following us. Send a few people to sneak in and observe these refugees at any time to see if there are any changes." It is necessary to be on guard against others, Chuan The people in the legion didn't know much about the indigenous language, so it would definitely not work for them to do this kind of thing.

So after thinking about it, Sun Yunfei is very suitable for this task.

“Do you suspect that there are little devils among these refugees?”

“It’s not suspicion, it’s just that we are careful and there is no big mistake. One mistake in the march of thousands of people will result in the entire army being annihilated.” Cun Yunsheng shook his head.

Why does he ask Dong Dao to scatter the entire reconnaissance company every time he marches? Isn't it just as a precaution?

So many examples of disastrous failures told him that he must send out reconnaissance troops for search and warning.

“I understand, what should we do if we find that someone has indeed notified the Japanese army?” Sun Yunfei asked again.

“I will have a way to deal with it when the time comes.” Cun Yunsheng said calmly.

 “How many people are there in your volunteer team now?”

Hearing this, Sun Yunfei excitedly began to introduce that Cun Yun's request for a battalion of 500 men had been fulfilled.

"It's not enough. Five hundred people are too few. Aung San's puppet troops have nearly 20,000 people. Your five hundred people are simply not enough." Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said pointedly.

“We have just seized a batch of weapons and equipment. They are all British-made weapons. You can take someone to Lin Yi to receive them. Here is the note.”

"Find ways to recruit more educated people from those refugees. In the future, there will be tanks, cannons, airplanes, etc. These require a certain amount of knowledge to control, so you have to prepare in advance. Don't have the equipment only to end up with it. No one will open it," Cun Yunsheng advised earnestly.

“Yes, Tuanzuo, after I go back, I will go look for knowledgeable people among the refugees.” Sun Yunfei has also read books, so he naturally knows the importance of culture.

“Well, remember to send some smart people to sneak into the refugees.” Cun Yunsheng warned again.


  Continue with the old rules, change them first and then change them! Got up late today! The main reason is that I am physically tired and need more rest!



 (End of this chapter)

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