The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 93: Who has the stronger tongue?

Chapter 93 Who has the stronger tongue?

“Notice down, prepare to evacuate Bhamo and rush to Myitkyina.” After the plane was processed, Cun Yunsheng immediately ordered to leave Bhamo.

Since there are so many materials in Bhamo, there must be so many words in Myitkyina.

If so many supplies were lost to the Japanese army, wouldn't he be heartbroken to death?

 So he had to rush to Myitkyina as soon as possible and take over the supplies there.

 As for whether the British army will agree?


He now has an order from Stilwell and was ordered to take over Myitkyina. All supplies belong to him and no one dares to take them away.

It's just that if you want to reach Myitkyina, you have to cross the river. What lies in front of the Sichuan Army is the Inawady River.

 At this time, there was no bridge over the Inyrovaddy River, so another problem arose, that is, how to cross the bridge.

Cun Yunsheng didn't have a good solution to this problem. He could only wait until he got to the riverside to see if he could get a boat from the natives.

He even thought that he could replicate the previous method, pretending to be a Japanese army, and let the natives willingly help them cross the river.

I have to say, this method is really good.

Those natives are looking forward to the Japanese army.

Just when Cun Yunsheng was thinking about replicating this method, a calm and desolate voice came from the distance.

  "Gentleman passing by, who can help me bury my father-in-law?"

  "Gentleman passing by, who can help me bury my father-in-law?"

  "Gentleman passing by, who can help me bury my father-in-law?"

Hearing this voice, Cun Yunsheng's heart moved, and he led Long Wenwen and others towards the distance.

 In the long queue of refugees, I saw a woman who was different from the other refugees standing under a big tree, with her head lowered, holding her child, and shouting one sentence repeatedly.

  Different from other refugees, the other refugee always maintains a clean and tidy appearance, as well as a ladylike demeanor.

Even though he has become a refugee now, he still exudes an invisible charm that makes people unable to help but look at him more.

It's just that no one responded to him in the long queue of refugees, and everyone followed the team closely.

  Everyone is extremely confused and has no idea where they can settle down.

Seeing that the other party was still repeating this sentence, Cun Yunsheng sighed softly and walked over with the person.

 “Can I help you with anything?”

The other party didn't seem to hear Cun Yunsheng's words, and still repeated that sentence.

  "Gentleman passing by, who can help me bury my father-in-law?"

Long Wenwen next to him looked at his group with suspicion.

Does this mean you have a crush on the other person?

Seeing that the other party did not pay attention to him, Cun Yunsheng touched the little boy's head with his hand. As a result, he gritted his teeth in pain on the instep.

"I didn't realize it. He's not that big, but he's very strong. He's a good soldier." Cun Yunsheng chuckled, then reached into his pocket, took out a piece of chocolate and handed it over.


 Bamo is very rich in supplies. In addition to weapons and ammunition, there are also a lot of chocolates, compressed biscuits, and cans.

 So the soldiers of the Sichuan Army more or less each have a few pieces of chocolate in their hands to replenish their energy on the way.

The little boy did not pick it up, but looked at Shangguan Jiici, as if waiting for his consent.

“Yes, I also know that I can’t take things belonging to strangers.” Cun Yunsheng said with a smile.

 “Then he put the chocolate in his hand, but uncle is not a stranger.”

At this time, Shangguan Jiici raised his head and looked at Cun Yunsheng. He saw that he had the rank of lieutenant colonel and was followed by more than a dozen armed guards. He knew that this man should be a senior official.

 “Thank you not yet, uncle.”

“Thank you, uncle.” The little boy had been hungry for a long time, and he swallowed crazily the moment he saw the chocolate. After all, no child can resist the temptation of chocolate, so he tore open the chocolate and ate it.

“Are you encountering difficulties?” Cun Yunsheng asked.

“Master, can you do me a favor and help me bury my father-in-law?” Shangguan Jiici seemed to be touched by Cun Yunsheng’s kindness and said subconsciously.

 In fact, she had given up hope. She had been shouting here for half an hour, but unfortunately no one was willing to reach out.

Now that I see someone taking the initiative to ask, I feel hopeful again.

 It’s just that the other person’s eyes made her a little scared.

 It was like he was going to eat her.

 “What’s your name?”

 “Shangguan Jieci.” Shangguan Jieci said softly.

"Okay, I'll have someone build a high-quality coffin and give your father-in-law a rich burial." Cun Yunsheng looked directly at the other party. It had to be said that the other party exuded the charm of a mature woman, which was indeed very attractive.

Even though his face was gray and gray, he was fascinated by the ladylike temperament exuding from his body.

Although he really doesn't want to take advantage of others' danger, he is confident that only he can let the other person survive in this troubled world.

"Thank you, Master Jun." Shangguan Jiici's eyes lit up, and he was even more moved.

"But I still have to say one more thing. In troubled times, it will be difficult for you to survive as a woman with a child." Cun Yunsheng thought for a while and said it.

"Judging from your appearance, you should be literate. I have taken in many orphans recently, and I am still worried about whether I should find someone to teach them how to read and write."

“If you don’t have anywhere to go, just teach these orphans how to read and write. In addition to food and drink, you will also get a few oceans a month.”

 These days, his refugee team has reached more than 3,000 people, and it is still growing. In addition to those with families, there are also some orphans who have lost their parents.

 For these orphans, Cun Yunsheng requested that all of them should be taken in so that no one would be left behind.

 But a group of big men can fight well, but they can’t take care of children. Now that Shangguan Jiici appeared, he thought he could let her take care of these orphans and teach them how to read and write.

 Perhaps these people will be the hope in the future.

Hearing this, Shangguan Jiici fell silent.

  It’s not that I am disgusted with Cun Yunsheng’s proposal, but what the other party said is very realistic.

When you are born in troubled times, without a man, you lose your support. It is difficult to survive on your own, let alone take care of a child.

 “I agreed.” Shangguan Jiici was not a man of ink. After thinking about it, he immediately agreed.

"Okay, here's the approval note. I'll have someone take you to Lin Yi and ask him to arrange a job for you." After saying that, Cun Yunsheng left a few more people to help with the coffin.

“Tuanzuo, you have taken a fancy to this person.” After leaving, Long Wenwen looked at Shangguan Jiici in the distance and couldn’t help but joked.

"Gungungun, we are fighting now, how can we have time to talk about love." Cun Yunsheng kicked him angrily.

“Tsk tsk, don’t be embarrassed, I’m here too, at this age, it’s normal, normal.” Seeing that Cun Yunsheng was about to get angry, Long Wenwen quickly stopped.

"But with a baby, you are going to be a father directly, but it is not easy to be a stepfather."

“You idiot, if you keep talking nonsense, I will kill you.” Cun Yunsheng glared angrily, then asked with a smile as if he remembered something.

"Damn it, if I remember correctly, you seem to be over thirty, right? You have been confused for so many years and you haven't met a girl you like?"

Hearing this, Long Wenwen rolled his eyes.

“Tuanzuo, you are so magnanimous.”

"What? Am I not telling the truth? There are three types of unfilial piety for people in their thirties, and the worst is not having an heir. Do you want your family to have no heirs?" Cun Yunsheng's words silenced Long Wenqian.

He wanted to talk a little bit about himself, why would he be such a bitch?

But soon he turned his eyes and saw Meng Fan next to him again.

 Seeing the look in the other person's eyes, Meng Fanlao felt bad and was about to run away.

"Fan La is not young anymore, and he hasn't married yet? And he didn't say that he is a descendant of Mencius, a family of poetry, calligraphy and etiquette." Long Wenwen's words made Meng Fan's face darken.

"I'm sorry, if you don't marry a wife, what will happen to the old Meng family? Mencius will be the last of his generation."

 When it comes to venomous tongues, Long Wenwen is definitely not inferior to Meng Fan, or even stronger.

Meng Fanlang's face instantly turned red, and he spoke after a long time.

 “I have a baby kiss.”

"Hey, I have a baby, do you think anyone believes it?" Long Wenwen imitated Meng Fangliao's tone of voice, making Cun Yunsheng laugh.

 These two are simply living treasures.

Meng Fan was so angry that he flew into a rage. If he couldn't beat this guy, he really wanted to beat him.

“I don’t believe it anyway.” Cun Yunsheng said cooperatively.

 "Tuanzuo..." Meng looked at the other party with annoyance. One of them was a Tuanzuo and he couldn't afford to offend him.

 I can't beat him alone, so I can only sulk when I'm annoyed.

“Hahahaha, don’t be angry. When Imphal comes, I will give you a few more wives so that your old Meng family will be prosperous.” Cun Yunsheng patted Meng Fanle’s shoulder and consoled him.

 “Huh? How many?” Not only was Meng Fandai confused, but Long Wenwen was also dumbfounded.

"Yes, don't you know that Imphal can have several wives? How about it? Are you excited?" Cun Yunsheng said with a half-smile.

“Hehe, we were joking, one is enough.” Long Wenwen secretly rubbed his hands, looking at Cun Yun and feeling speechless for a while.

“Okay, let’s talk about getting a wife later.”

"There is still a difficulty right now, which is how to cross the river. There is no bridge on the river, so we can only rely on ferries, but the natives probably won't be able to take out the boats." Cun Yunsheng expressed his worries.

As for marrying a wife, you can consider it after you settle down.

  After all, there are many women in the refugee team, so we can definitely hold a blind date conference.

 But all this will be discussed later.

“How about pretending to be a Japanese soldier again? It was quite successful last time.” Long Wenwen suggested.

"I think so too, but with such a long team, the natives will definitely notice something unusual, so the plan needs to be changed." Cun Yunsheng nodded, and then said again.

“You lead people to pretend to be Japanese soldiers, deceive the ships hidden by the indigenous people, and then control them.”

“As long as we have a boat, we can cross the river to Myitkyina and rely on the defenses there to resist the Japanese attack.”

“But there is one thing in advance. The natives must be allowed to sail out all the ships, and absolutely no one can be left for the Japanese army.”

Hearing this, Long Wenwen nodded to express his understanding.

Everyone knows that once the Japanese army has ships, they can quickly cross the river, and then they will be in big trouble.

Without the ships, the Japanese army could only watch the river unable to cross, and the Sichuan Army Corps could also rely on the riverside to build fortifications to resist the Japanese army.

 So everyone understands the importance of ships.

“In addition, send someone to contact the British army in Myitkyina and ask them to prepare to meet us.” Cun Yunsheng said again.

"Ah? Let the British army meet us? Will they agree?" Meng Fan was confused and didn't quite understand what he meant.

"They will definitely not agree. What I want is that they disagree." Cun Yunsheng sneered.

There will be more in the afternoon!



 (End of this chapter)

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