The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 97: Integrity and shamelessness!

 Chapter 97 Integrity and shamelessness!

"British BL 140mm howitzer?" Krupp's eyes lit up and he quickly looked at Cun Yunsheng, as if he wanted to get a definite answer from him.

"Yes, can you operate it? This is not a 120mm heavy mortar, but a real heavy artillery." Cun Yunsheng nodded and looked at Krupp again.

  After all, this thing is very laborious to operate.

 Fortunately, the infrastructure near Myitkyina is pretty good. As long as it is hung on the back of a truck, it can be transported to the front line.

 The only thing that limits it is how to launch it.

"I can study how to operate it with the US military instructors. If only there were a few British artillery units left at that time, they wouldn't be so passive now." Krupp said with some regret.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng smiled and shook his head.

"As for the British men, it is just a dream to expect them to stay, so we should think carefully about how to let this heavy artillery fire, otherwise, it will be our turn to be bombed by the Japanese army."

“But you don’t have to worry too much. It’s not that easy to set up a 150mm cannon position. Whether it’s calibrating the coordinates or anything else, it will take at least a day.”

“And its explosion range isn’t that big.”

“Because it reduces the weight of the shell in order to increase the range, as long as you can find the opportunity, you can destroy it with one hit.”

“The Soviet army proved during the Battle of Nomenkan that the range of heavy artillery does not completely determine victory or defeat.”

 “You also need to rely on the power and quantity of the explosion.”

“At present, the explosive power of the British-made BL-type 140mm howitzer is quite good, although the British are unreliable.”

 “But the weapons produced are still quite reliable.”

“Leave the quantity to me, and I’ll ask that old boy Stilwell to bring the heavy artillery as soon as possible.”

“Even if he doesn’t have 155mm cannons, we have to let him transport more 105mm howitzers to increase our firepower.”

Cun Yunsheng's words filled Krupp with confidence, he saluted and left.

 After Krupp left, Cun Yunsheng sighed softly.

“Tuanzu, will it be troublesome?” Meng Fan had an idea and asked.

"Of course it's troublesome. I just comforted Krupp and told him not to worry. In fact, our troops have experienced the power of the 150mm cannon. During the Jinling period, many solid fortifications and city walls were destroyed by this guy. "Cun Yunsheng nodded and said with some annoyance.

 “How about abandoning the shore defense line? Retreat to the city?”

“The Japanese army does not have a ferry. It may not be easy to transport these heavy artillery. We will still be able to hold Myitkyina by then.” Meng Fanxiao hesitated and made a suggestion.

“The shore defense line cannot be discarded. Now we not only need to defend Myitkyina, but also maintain a trace of vitality for the main force of the expeditionary force.” Cun Yunsheng shook his head and rejected his proposal.

"You think I haven't thought about retreating to the city and relying on fortifications to hold on?"

“That would mean that the Japanese army could divide its forces to attack in various directions, and even attack the retreat route of the Fifth Army. By then, tens of thousands of the expeditionary force would have been completely lost.”

“Now, if we hold the shore, the Japanese army cannot cross the river, so they cannot attack everywhere, and the main force is tightly restrained by us, so the main force of the expeditionary force will be safe.”

Hearing this, Meng Fangliao was deeply moved. Perhaps others did not know what the Sichuan Army had done, but only he knew that Cun Yunsheng had made full preparations for the safety of the expeditionary force.

The 200 Division, which retreated from Tonggu and was almost out of ammunition and food, relied on the gap created by the Sichuan Army to retreat safely. Although some of the troops behind the break were lost, it was definitely a miracle to retain most of the troops at a very small cost.

 At the Battle of Tangji, the 200th Division was saved again.

Without the Sichuan Army sending troops to retake Tangji, I am afraid that the 200 Division, which returned from supporting the Western Front, would have found itself surrounded by the Japanese army.

Now, the Sichuan Army Corps is under threat from the Japanese heavy artillery. It can obviously withdraw into the city and avoid the heavy artillery, but it still sticks to the defense line. The purpose is to ensure that the main force of the expeditionary force can safely withdraw into the country.

“Tuanzuo, I’m afraid those people in the mountain city won’t appreciate what you’ve done.”

"Because you are not a direct descendant, but a miscellaneous military officer. To them, this is a shame." Meng Fan looked at the other party and said in a heavy tone.

“If you are a direct descendant, with your military exploits, it won’t be a problem to even upgrade to three levels.”

"I don't want to be promoted. I just want things to go back to the way they were." Cun Yunsheng shook his head.

 In fact, he also knew that those in the mountain city did not like to see noisy people.

Just because General Cun Xingqi was in the Yunnan Army, he was not promoted even though he had outstanding achievements and seniority.

 Fortunately, the children of the Cun family don't care about this. They only care about serving the country and killing the enemy.

 “This is you.” Meng Fanglia couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.

 “This time I mean it sincerely. You are the most upright officer I have ever seen.”

"If I remember correctly, didn't you say that I am the most shameless officer in history?" Cun Yunsheng said with a half-smile.

"Ah..." Meng Fan was like a thunderbolt, looking at the other party with a blushing face. He didn't expect that his private complaints would be known by the other party, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"You are indeed the most shameless officer. You can speak so righteously about cheating the British army. I am truly convinced. However, at the same time, you are also the most upright officer."

 After thinking for a while, Meng Fanxiao quickly explained.

“Okay, whether it’s shamelessness or integrity, what we have to do is to drive away the Japanese army and make things return to the way they were before.” Cun Yunsheng waved his hands, not bothering to listen to his explanation.

“Send a telegram to Stilwell and tell him that we need support, a lot of support, especially artillery and aircraft, otherwise the Japanese will attack Imphal after they capture Myitkyina.”

“When the time comes, the Japanese army will sweep through India just like it swept across Burma. We must make the matter more serious. You know, this old boy Stilwell likes to hear this.”

Hearing Cun Yunsheng's words, Meng Fanglia hesitated for a moment and asked in confusion.

 “Stilwell is not a fool, how can he not judge?”

"Even if we lose Myitkyina, what can the Japanese infantry regiment do? There are tens of thousands of British troops in Imphal. Didn't you say that India is a restricted area for the British army?"

“If the Japanese army attacks Imphal, the British army will definitely go crazy?”

"Besides, there is an expeditionary force in Imphal, what can the Japanese army do with that little bit?" "So, I say you have some brains, but it's still not enough." Cun Yunsheng said as if he hates iron but cannot make steel.

 When Meng Fan was told this, he was not angry, but put down his posture and asked for advice.

"Do you think Stilwell doesn't know? He was deceived so miserably by the British army. The 100,000 expeditionary troops suffered heavy losses due to his trap, and their prestige dropped sharply. Apart from other things, how can those people in the mountain city give Stilwell a good look? "

“Even if those people in the mountain city endure this for military assistance, what about the officers and soldiers of the expeditionary force? Can they endure it?”

“They don’t understand the overall situation. They only know one thing. In order to protect the British army, Stilwell continued to harm the expeditionary force.”

"So, if Stilwell doesn't make any changes, he won't be able to command any troops." Cun Yunsheng sneered.

"Do you think Sun Liren of the newly formed 38th Division is also a good guy? When he gets to Imphal, he has no beautiful weapons and equipment. You can see whether he is better than Stilwell."

“Now that the British troops have withdrawn to Imphal, it is absolutely impossible for them to send troops to counterattack Burma.”

“Their focus now is to defend India. As long as the Japanese army does not go crazy and enter Imphal, they will not counterattack.”

“So Stilwell was left with the expeditionary force, unless the Yankees were willing to spend a lot of money to fly American troops over.”

“In that case, Stilwell will have to come up with something to win over the expeditionary force and repair the relationship with the mountain city.”

"Before this, we were the only most capable unit in Stilwell's hands."

“After all, we have proven through actual combat that the Sichuan Army is definitely stronger than the Japanese Army.”

“As for the newly formed 38th Division, they were formerly the Tax Police Corps and have good combat effectiveness, but don’t forget that their performance after entering Myanmar was not outstanding.”

“Although the Battle of Mandalay eliminated some Japanese troops, it did not show the momentum to turn the tide.”

 After hearing these words, Meng Fanglia suddenly understood, gave a thumbs up, and praised him sincerely.

“So this is where we are now? What do we say that Stilwell has to listen to?”

"Yes, that's what I mean, but we have to control the degree well and don't challenge Stilwell's limits, but within his tolerance, we can ask for whatever we want." Cun Yunsheng said with a smile as if he was a teachable child. .

"Okay, hurry up and send a telegram to Stilwell and make our situation more miserable. It's best to get Steve. That guy is the supervisor sent by Stilwell. He proves that he is the best. "

 “Yes, Tuanzuo.”

It didn’t take long for a telegram to fly to Stilwell who was traveling. The moment he received the telegram, Stilwell was also in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, the Sichuan Army actually arrived at Myitkyina, and successfully blocked the Japanese army on the other side of the bank, making it temporarily impossible to cross the river.

  This means that everything west of Myitkyina is safe.

The main force of the expeditionary force led by Du Yuming was also able to return safely.

 It can be said that this wave of performance of the Sichuan Legion has really earned him some face.

If the Fifth Army takes a detour and returns home, it will definitely suffer heavy losses, and I am afraid that it will have to pay a greater price to repair the relationship between the two parties.

 But now, due to his wise command, the Sichuan Army has occupied Myitkyina and blocked the Japanese offensive. The Fifth Army can safely withdraw early and the relationship between the two parties will not fall to the freezing point.

 So, the joy on Stilwell’s face can still be seen.

“I didn’t expect the Sichuan Army to perform so well.” Stilwell muttered. Luo Zhuoying, who was following him, was also very curious. After reading the telegram, he couldn’t help but regret his original choice.

Had they been decisive and rejected Stilwell's proposal, then the Sichuan Army would have been part of the expeditionary force, and by then these outstanding performances would have been their record.

But there is no point regretting it now. The old boy Stilwell will definitely attach great importance to the Sichuan Army in the future.

“The Japanese army mobilized a heavy artillery unit? 150mm cannons? And plane bombings?” Stilwell frowned.

 This is not good news.

If the Sichuan Army suffered heavy losses, it would be a huge loss for him.

 Abandon Myitkyina?

 No, the Fifth Army will definitely have to take a detour, and the relationship between the two sides will definitely break down by then.

If we don’t give up, we can only mobilize transport planes and airdrop supplies.

 For the heavy artillery and fighter support proposed by Cun Yunsheng.

Stilwell was in a dilemma.

 Transporting heavy artillery is very troublesome, especially when the other party proposes that a 155mm cannon is needed to restrain the Japanese army.

 Where did he adjust the 155mm cannon?

I don’t know when that thing will arrive.

However, at the end of the telegram, Cun Yunsheng suggested that if there is really no 155mm cannon, the British BL 140mm howitzer can also be used, as long as there are enough to pose a threat to the Japanese army.

 At the same time, they also hope to send some British artillery to assist them.

 After all, the Sichuan Army Corps has a weak foundation and does not have that many artillery.

 Counting on the British Army?

Stilwell laughed angrily.

If it weren't for the British army, would he have lost the entire Burma in such a short time?


 He didn’t!

Well, he can ask Du Yuming to support part of the artillery for the Sichuan Army.

Of course, there is a price to pay.

I woke up late and slept until after seven o'clock. I felt deeply guilty. I usually get up after six o'clock to code. Today I was so sinful. I slept for an extra hour. I made changes first and then revised them.



 (End of this chapter)

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