The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 12 Meeting of the King's Capital

A month is not a long time. The slave trader Barto brought a new batch of slaves. This time, they were mainly male slaves, about 200 people, who were divided into various positions on the island. In the training ground, 120 new recruits were added.

On the training ground, Colin practiced the spear action very skillfully.

After more than a month of training, the body has adapted to the training intensity. The height has not changed much, the weight has increased, and the flesh on the body has become much tighter. During this period, I met Nora many times and have learned more than 500 words. I still don’t know some words in the knight’s breathing method, but I have figured out the general meaning. This is a special breathing technique used during the exercise process. It can not only improve the quality and coordination of the body, but also stimulate fighting spirit after practicing, so as to be promoted to apprentice knights, low-level knight attendants and other professionals.

Colin understood that relying on the limited skills and physical training on the training ground would not make him stronger. At best, he could join the ranks of soldiers such as the spearmen and musketmen. The learning of the knight's breathing method was inevitable. Only by being promoted to a professional could he change his fate. There was still a long way to go in the future, and he had to persist and work hard.

A group of veterans who entered the training ground before Colin had been divided into various teams. After another two months of training, Colin would have new arrangements. The slaves who came with Colin had also fully adapted to the life of the Emerald Territory, enriched themselves in all walks of life on the island, and contributed to the development of the Emerald Territory.

The conditions for becoming one's own people were very simple: there were mainly two ways. One was redemption, using gold to redeem oneself. With the value of Colin's slaves, it was estimated that they would have to work for many years to save enough; the second was to make merit. Although there were many industries waiting to be born on the island, there were not many opportunities to make merit. Moreover, it was not the turn of a militia slave to make merit.

At the moment, the only thing he could do was to learn the Knight's Breathing Method. Once he had learned all the commonly used words, he could think of other things. Thinking of this, Colin did not want to miss any opportunity to increase his strength. After all, training could also increase his strength. The spear in Colin's hand stabbed more forcefully.

Denton Principality, Royal Palace of the Capital City of Uxsu.

Sitting at the top was the King of the Principality of Denton: Anthony Caroline

The ministers were arranged on both sides, and a military meeting was being held.

"We should take down Burgundy (Denton's hostile principality) first. They don't have many counties left. If we don't end the battle with Burgundy, the sovereign Huiyao Empire will definitely intervene."

"We have already penetrated a little into Burgundy. I suggest we stop while we are ahead, consolidate the existing occupied areas, and reach a consensus with Burgundy."

"The movements of the northern grasslands are also suspicious. We must be cautious."


Hearing the different opinions of the ministers below, Anthony Caroline also had a headache. What they said made sense. He looked at the military minister, Marquis Jason Cavendish, who had been silent all the time, and said: "Jason, tell me, what do you think?"

(Jason Cavendish: The eldest uncle of Elizabeth Cavendish August, the wife of the Emerald Lord. When the family knight Richard August was young, he fell in love with his niece Elizabeth Cavendish and married her. During his time in the family, he fought many times and made meritorious deeds. Three He was awarded the title of Baron for his merits a month ago. After his niece's desperate request, Johnson used his connections to adjust Richard August's fiefdom to the rear where there was no threat of war. Richard was able to develop in the rear, but he also promised to send 500 elite family soldiers before the next campaign. )

"Your Majesty, although we have been winning battles, the front line is too long now and the logistics are slightly insufficient. Although it seems that the Duchy of Burgundy has been losing territory, the main army has not suffered much loss. It is more conducive to defense after the area is reduced. I think it will be difficult to take over the entire territory in the short term. Moreover, the Igle tribe in the northern grassland has been stationed at the border and may invade the south at any time. Although there is a tiger army to defend, it is inevitable that it will lose one thing while taking care of another. Therefore, I suggest that we should make it happen as soon as possible and create a fait accompli before the arrival of the envoy of the sovereign country." Marquis Johnson nodded slightly.

Anthony Caroline looked at the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Earl Lincoln Grantham, and asked, "What do you think? Can the finances hold up?"

"Your Majesty, although I don't want to admit it, I still have to say that it's a bit bad. As Marquis Jansen said, the logistics are already a bit tight, and our national strength is still not strong enough. The reserves of the past few years have been almost spent. If we continue to fight, even if we win, it will not be worth the loss." Lincoln replied.

"Is it still not possible after all?" Anthony Caroline thought disappointedly.

"It seems that we still need to take a long-term view and negotiate with Burgundy as soon as possible. Henry Vaquelou (King of the Duchy of Burgundy), that old guy, let you take a few years to breathe."

Seeing that King Anthony made a decision, the ministers below stopped arguing.

"As you wish, Your Majesty, the envoys will be sent out soon, and I believe an agreement will be reached soon."


"Gandalf, arrange for Simon (the head of trade and intelligence in the Emerald Territory) to go to the capital, return to the Marquis's Mansion to learn about the latest situation of the war in the front, and purchase a batch of daily necessities. Well, let Gavin lead the team to accompany him." Richard August ordered.

"Okay, sir, I'll arrange it right away."

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