The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 190 Arrival at the Agri Plane

The approach of the fifteen airships of Colin and his team was soon discovered by the major forces of the Agri plane. However, with the plane will asleep, the lack of guardians, and the Agri plane in a melee, and it was not the first time that they had seen airships, no force organized people to intervene.

The Listan Knights Alliance had allies in the Agri plane, and this time they also came to help fight at the request of their allies.

Speaking of the relationship between the Listan Knights Alliance and the Agri plane, it has to start from three hundred years ago.

After the Listan Knights Alliance discovered the coordinates of the Agri plane during the plane exploration, they quickly organized people to infiltrate. According to the information sent back by the infiltrators, the Agri plane is a small plane like the original wizard world. Although there are no demigod professionals, the guardians are third-level existences.

This brought a long debate to the decision-makers of the Listan Knights' Union at that time. Some radical people thought that they could invite other organizations to invade the Agri plane together. Although Agri was only a small plane, there was a gap between small planes, and Agri was not small in the strict sense. If it could be taken, the benefits would be enough for the Listan Knights' Union to develop vigorously for 500 years.

But another conservative group of people thought that the cost was too high, and if too many other organizations were invited, more benefits would be given up. Instead of doing this, it would be better to make friends with one side. This might not bring as much benefits as a comprehensive conquest, but the loss would be much smaller.

In the end, the conservative side gained the right to speak, and the forces that the conservative side chose to make friends with were humans and elves.

There are many races living in the Agri plane. Generally speaking, there are humans, elves, orcs, giants, half-orcs, half-elves, dwarves, goblins, etc.

In terms of camps, there are mainly three camps, the camp of humans and elves and the camp of orcs, giants, and half-orcs. Dwarves, goblins, half-elves and a small number of other races can be regarded as neutral camps.

Of course, the Listan Knights Alliance would not choose orcs and giants. The first people they would look for were the native humans of Agri, who looked similar to humans in the wizard world, and their allies, the elves.

However, due to the wars and mergers of the major kingdoms in the human world for hundreds of years, the Listan Knights Alliance's several offices in the human kingdom could not be maintained for various reasons. Later, they slowly focused their allies on the elves, because the elves have been relatively stable for hundreds of years.

A stable ally can bring more stable benefits, which is the choice of normal people.

The landing location of Colin and his airship is located on the outskirts of Siyue City, the royal city of the night elves in the depths of the Ethel Forest.

This group of night elves, strictly speaking, is not considered to be the natives of the Agri plane. They are just a group that migrated from the elf plane. It is just because the migration time is long enough, nearly a thousand years, that they can barely be regarded as local natives.

In the past thousand years, although other races in the Agri plane call them elves, this group of night elves prefers to call themselves jungle guardians.

Although the elves are allies of the Listan Knights Union, they do not completely trust them, so the location assigned to them is relatively remote. Fortunately, the place is not too small. It is an office of the Listan Knights Union in the Agri plane. The transactions of various commodities between the Agri plane and the wizard world continent are also here.

The chief officer stationed at this base outside Siyue City is the Earth Knight Beluk. After receiving the request for help from the elves, he quickly contacted the Listan Knights Union headquarters in the wizard world through the wizard tower in the base, which led to Colin's trip of fifteen airships.

After Colin and his team arrived at the base, the night elves quickly sent someone to invite them to Siyue City for a chat.

This matter is for Stanley, Harroch and Victor Xueguo to worry about, and it is not Colin's turn to care.

Since Colin got off the ship, he followed the arrangements of Keweis and others and went to the camp arranged for them in advance with other knight attendants.

After arriving at the camp, they were told that they could move freely but could not leave the base camp, so they disbanded the team.

Some of the knight attendants lay down to rest directly, some took the time to practice, and some knight attendants started to compete directly in the camp. There were naturally many onlookers, but Colin was different from them. He was more interested in the base and surrounding plants in the Agri world.

The environment here is still good. In the forest, not to mention the air, there are also many kinds of green plants. Some native Agri plants can be seen everywhere. Colin collected a lot of samples effortlessly, but there is no opportunity to do experiments at present, so let's leave it for later.

After all, Colin is a wizard. He is not like other knight attendants who have no interest in these things. He will cherish every opportunity to go to other planes and collect various samples.

Some knight attendants who know Conrad (Colin) are curious about Colin's collection of these samples everywhere, and say that he is not like a knight at all, but a bit like a wizard.

Their words alerted Colin. There were other wizards here, so he should be more careful. He had forgotten that he was disguised as a knight's squire. Colin, who had woken up, quickly watched the competition between other knights' squires.

"Stanley, Harroch, and Victor Xueguo, please come in. My king is waiting in the palace." said the elf who led the way.

The elf who led the way did not enter the hall. After Stanley and the other two entered, they quickly exchanged greetings with the elf queen Margaret.

After a brief greeting, they discussed business.

"Sir Stanley, I invited you here this time because the situation is a bit critical. The coalition forces of orcs and giants have invaded our territory, and our ally the human kingdom has not yet reached a consensus and is still arguing with each other. In order to prevent any accidents, I ask you to come and help in advance."

"Your Majesty, can you tell me specifically what the current situation is?" Stanley asked.

"In the past, the main attack direction of the orc coalition was the human kingdom, and we were all there as reinforcements to support them. For hundreds of years, there has been a back-and-forth, and the orcs have not gained much advantage, and they have maintained a relatively stable boundary.

This time, their main attack direction is ours, which is why the human kingdoms have not reached a consensus this time.

Some think that it has little to do with them, and providing some material support is enough. Some think that if we are defeated, they will have a hard time in the future, so they hope that several major kingdoms will come together to reinforce us, but there is no consensus, and the orc coalition is not far from the Ethel Forest. Our sentinel warriors have already fought with them, so we have to contact you."

"I am a knight and don't like to beat around the bush. What I say next may be more direct. Please forgive me if I offend you, Your Majesty." After listening, Stanley looked at Harroch and Victor Xueguo and said.

Queen Margaret has been dealing with these knights and wizards in the wizarding world for hundreds of years. She knows that they will not do anything without profit. However, since things have come to this point, they have no other way out. She might as well listen to their requests first.

"Please speak!" said Margaret.

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