The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 194 Missing Charlotte

After returning to the residence of the city lord, Colin had chosen to forget what happened just now. Such things could happen every day. He was not a good person and could not control it, not to mention that he was still an outsider.

When he found that other knights and servants had not returned yet, Colin looked at the sky and shook his head. It was hard to say how many of them would come back before nightfall, but they would definitely come back before leaving tomorrow morning. After all, no one wanted to be punished for not obeying orders.

After running the Fiery Furnace Meditation Method, Colin went to bed early.

Although with Colin's current mental strength, he would not feel sleepy even if he did not sleep for several days and nights, but his habit over the years made Colin generally maintain normal sleep at night as long as there was nothing major.

There was no talk all night. The next morning, Colin woke up early and prepared to wash and wait for the order to set off.

"Something happened, something happened. Have you heard that the elf princess is missing."

While Colin was still washing, he heard other knights and servants shouting.

"What happened? Wasn't she in the City Lord's Mansion? How could she disappear?" someone asked.

"Who knows? It is said that after talking with the envoy of the Os Empire yesterday, Elder Mithal remained to continue to greet the other party. The elf princess slipped out of the City Lord's Mansion and disappeared. She has not returned yet and cannot be contacted."

"Nothing will happen, this is the elf princess. If something really happens, it will be a big deal."

Colin listened to their discussion and thought, could it be that the two people he met yesterday were the ones who followed Princess Charlotte? It can't be such a coincidence?

"Dixing, has my luck changed?" Colin suddenly said to Dixing in his heart.

"Master, luck value 5, no change." After Dixing answered mechanically, he fell silent.

"Huh, no change? Never mind, let's see what Lord Beruk arranged later."

While the knights and attendants were chatting, a dispute was taking place in the City Lord's Mansion.

"I am very dissatisfied with the public security of your Os Empire. How could a living person suddenly disappear? Is the public security of your border town of Os Empire so bad? If it was a spy from the enemy country, it would be easy to detect the intelligence.

You should send someone to find her quickly. The missing person is not someone else, but the princess of the elves. Lord Oreo, if something goes wrong, I believe it is not just you, but your empire can't afford it." Mithal said angrily.

"Elder Mithal, don't worry. I have arranged for the guards to go out and find her. Believe me, as long as they don't leave Huangyan City, I will definitely find the princess safely. I promise." Oreo was also anxious, but still promised Mithal.

"You promise, what do you promise? Take your head? I tell you, it's worthless. Not to mention you, the entire Huangyan City can't compare to Princess Charlotte. If she gets into trouble, let alone the alliance, the elves may send troops to you." Mithal said unsatisfied.

"Calm down, there's no point in arguing here. Let's mobilize our forces to go out and look for Charlotte. The sooner we find her, the sooner we can feel at ease." Oreo said.

"Humph! I hope so." Mithal did not bother to talk to Oreo. He wanted to fully mobilize his forces to find Charlotte.

Beruk quickly issued an order, requiring the knights and servants to disperse and look for Charlotte. Charlotte has been seen by everyone and is very recognizable.

Well, it seems that we can't leave today, and Colin followed everyone out of the city lord's mansion.

After leaving the city lord's mansion, everyone dispersed. Some went to the streets to ask the shops, and some asked pedestrians. Colin thought about it and decided to find the two people from yesterday. Maybe finding those two people can find Charlotte.

In addition to sending the guards of the city lord's mansion, Oreo also asked the garrison of Huangyan City to mobilize their forces to search.

At the same time, Oreo also reported this situation to his uncle, His Majesty Otlan. Otlan was more anxious than Oreo. If Charlotte really got into trouble, the Os Empire would face more problems. In addition to telling Oreo that he must spare no effort to find Charlotte, he also sent his own royal guards to Huangyan City.

Huangyan City's big move to find someone scared the Wright brothers. The organization they belonged to was called the Viper Thieves Group. The boss of the organization was a quasi-level thief who had been doing all kinds of evil things for many years.

This time, after the Wright brothers discovered that Charlotte was an elf, they did not do it themselves for safety reasons, and finally reported the situation to the boss of the organization.

The boss had rich experience in doing evil, and soon arranged for the women in the organization to use Charlotte's sympathy to knock her unconscious.

Without any fight, Charlotte was captured. After the capture, it was found that she was indeed a beauty.

Although the eldest brother wanted to enjoy it before selling it, he stopped when he thought that if he could sell it to the capital, the money he could get would be enough for him to live for most of his life.

Be patient, it's better to keep it intact. When you have money, you can have fun with it. But now the wind in the city is too tight, so let's hide it for a while.

After the Wright brothers sold the information, they also received a reward. They wanted to go out for fun, but they found something strange on the street. The two brothers knew what the other was thinking with just one look, and hurried back home.

After returning home, they were still worried, and they locked the door, and then they calmed down a little.

"Second brother, who do you think we betrayed that is worth such a big fuss? It's not like we haven't seen elves being caught before."

"Big brother, I don't know. We don't have a chance to ask that girl."

"Hey, I think we shouldn't go anywhere recently. Let's stay at home for a few days. I just don't know if the boss and the others will be caught. If they are caught, we can't run away. It looks like if we are really caught, our fate will be miserable."

"Yeah, big brother, how about we run away."

"Run? Where to run? There are guards and soldiers everywhere on the street now. Let's wait a few days."

Colin didn't know where the Wright brothers lived, but his powerful mental power allowed Colin to restore the general appearance of the Wright brothers. After drawing their appearance, Colin went to the vicinity where he first met the Wright brothers and asked.

"Excuse me, have you seen the person in this portrait?" Colin stopped a passerby and asked.

"I don't know, I haven't seen it."

"Excuse me, have you seen this person?" Let go of the passerby and asked again.


Compared to others who search aimlessly, Colin was much luckier. After asking more than a dozen people, someone finally said that he had seen them.

"Isn't this the Wright brothers? These two guys are not good people. They often do some sneaky things. What do you want to see them for? Did you lose something at home?"

Hearing the man's answer, Colin's eyes lit up instantly. He took out a handful of gold coins and handed them to the man, then asked: "I have something to do with them. Do you know where to find them?"

The passerby took the gold coins handed over by Colin and said happily: "Come on, I know their home. Follow me and I'll take you there."

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