The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 200 Reaching a consensus

Although the five-party talks dragged on for more than ten days, they finally reached a consensus.

Elder Mithal received authorization from Queen Margaret before departure. If the three major human empires did not send troops this time, the elves would terminate the alliance agreement with them.

Of course, this is the worst plan, because if this is done, they will definitely rely more on Listan, and Margaret can guess what Listan is thinking. Unless it is absolutely necessary, the elves will not go to that step.

As for Beruk, he also received instructions from Lord Stanley before departure. In the general direction, he was consistent with the elf delegation. If things are impossible and the human kingdom is unwilling to send troops, it doesn’t matter. Maybe the ending will be better.

His Majesty Otlan of the Os Empire clearly realized that if the alliance agreement is terminated and the elves leave the alliance, Listan will inevitably be introduced. If this alien force increases its troops in large numbers, it is really hard to say what the subsequent development will be like. It will definitely not be better than the three major human empires sending troops, although he tried his best to promote the dispatch of troops.

At the insistence of Otlan, the two princes of the Milan Empire and the Bourbon Empire finally contacted the country again and agreed to the intention of sending troops together.

At this point, the five-party talks ended and reached a decision to send troops together to resist the orc coalition.

As for the subsequent fight, it depends on the subsequent development of the war.

The mission of the Elf Mission was completed, and they also needed to return to the Ethel Forest, but before returning, they had to at least see the three empires stationed on the border.

While waiting for the three empires to send troops, Charlotte and Colin stayed in Oster City.

In his spare time, Colin accompanied Charlotte to travel through the streets and alleys of the imperial city. After Colin sacrificed a lot of time, Charlotte finally introduced him to two druids in the tribe.

Because of Colin's identity as a visitor from another dimension, the two druids only talked to him about how druids get close to nature and the perception of animals, but kept their mouths shut about how to become a druid.

Colin pretended not to know and continued to communicate with them normally. In addition to the content they mentioned, he also took the initiative to ask about some of the druid's experience in cultivation. The two druids knew that Colin could not get the druid's inheritance, so they were relieved to talk about a lot of experience.

After more than a month, the armies of the Milan Empire and the Bourbon Empire finally assembled and could set off.

Mithal of the Elf Mission finally breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, the queen's wish was fulfilled. They just waited for the three parties to join forces to attack the orc coalition.

Although the armies of the two countries were assembled, it still took more than two months to join forces with the army of the Os Empire.

When the armies of the three empires arrived outside Huangyan City, another three months had passed.

Counting from the departure to the Agri plane to the present, Colin has spent four years. Calculated, Colin is 81 years old. In his previous life, it is not an exaggeration to say that half of his body has entered the loess. After becoming a wizard, Colin's life span of hundreds of years also made Colin sigh.

After asking the Earth Star, the latest physical data appeared in his mind:

Colin, male, 81 years old, strength 22, agility 20, constitution 22, mental strength 39.8, luck 5; human blood 73.2%, magic dragon blood 2.3%, fire element blood 24.5%; fire attribute affinity 73.5%, earth attribute affinity 16.2%, light attribute affinity 0.4%, dark attribute affinity 1.9%, space attribute affinity 3%, unknown attribute 5%.

This is the result of his struggle in the other world for nearly 67 years. The contract with Teacher Lina has been over for 41 years. In another 59 years, he will be free.

For the next step, Colin thought a lot, but he still had to develop his own power. He didn't know how the Emerald Island was developing. And if he was promoted to level 2 one day, would the Victoria's Secret Magician Council really let him serve as the speaker?

The mission of the Elf Mission was over, but a few liaisons needed to be left. Ke Weisi took the initiative to request to take this position, but because of the problem of the knight profession, he needed to be assigned an assistant.

Originally, Beruk wanted Colin to stay, and asked Colin immediately, but Colin felt awkward with Kevis, so he didn't agree, and Colin didn't want to be Kevis's assistant.

In the end, Toby the wizard could only be arranged as a deputy, and Kevis stayed in the army of the Os Empire as a liaison between the Elf Mission and the three empires, while Colin was able to follow Charlotte, Beruk and others back to the Ethel Forest.

Back outside Siyue City, Colin had to separate from Charlotte. One needed to follow Elder Mithal to meet Queen Margaret, and the other needed to follow Beruk to meet Stanley and others to arrange new tasks.

Sky Knight Stanley met Colin, and didn't say much about Colin's concealment of his identity, but the agreement signed at the beginning was for the knight's attendant. Since Colin's identity has been exposed, a new agreement needs to be updated.

Colin was mentally prepared for the new task, and he happily signed the agreement again and joined the wizard team of the Listan Knight Alliance.

At the same time, Mithal and Charlotte, who returned to Siyue City, also met Queen Margaret.

Mithal reported the details of the meeting, and after the report, it was time for the mother and daughter to talk.

By the way, Margaret was also shocked by Charlotte's disappearance and abduction, but fortunately she was rescued safely in the end. Charlotte also took the opportunity to tell Margaret about Colin the wizard.

Seeing her daughter's energetic appearance, Margaret guessed something in her heart, but she didn't say much, just watched her daughter chattering about all the experiences on the journey.

On the premise that Mithal promised to give Colin a reward on behalf of Margaret, Margaret prepared to meet Colin.

The will of the Elf Queen was soon conveyed to Listan. Stanley was also very satisfied with Colin the wizard's outstanding performance on the journey. It should be said that he was satisfied with anything that enhanced the friendship between Listan and the elves.

In the elf clan's meeting hall, Colin met Margaret and Charlotte.

"Hello, Her Majesty Queen Margaret." Colin saluted immediately.

Margaret observed Colin. How should I put it? From the perspective of human aesthetics, Colin is just an average-to-mediocre person. If he were in the elf clan, the worst would be better than Colin.

Margaret was not very satisfied with Colin's appearance, but she was still grateful to her daughter's savior from the bottom of her heart. If she was a step later, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Hello, Wizard Colin, I only have one daughter, Charlotte. Thank you for saving her. Elder Mithal has already promised you on my behalf that I would express my gratitude to you. I won't beat around the bush. What do you want?"

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