The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 210: Hunter Colin

Whether in front of or behind the scenes, Steel Mane City did not find any useful information, and even Colin's hair was not touched, so the investigation could only be left unfinished.

In the second month of vacation, Colin still used the old method and used Barrick again to obtain the traces of several squadron leaders. In just one night, they committed many "crimes". They died on the street, at home, or in the home of a bunny girl or a fox girl.

The furious Pig-headed City Lord Siwane and the commander of the new recruits camp, Zhongshan Werewolf, urgently discussed countermeasures. Three more squadron leaders died. This is not a joke. There must be enemy spies infiltrating. However, judging from the fact that only the squadron leaders were attacked, the infiltrated spies were relatively weak, otherwise why didn't they attack the captain?

Three times is the limit. If this continues, neither Siwane nor Wolf can hold their current positions. The two thought for a long time and didn't have any good ideas. They could only try to limit the squadron leaders from going out. In addition, the squadron leaders at this level were not allowed to go out alone.

It can only be said that without the help of the fox tribe, the orcs' thinking is too simple. Colin is not unable to kill the captain, but wants to completely destroy the organizational structure of the new recruits' camp. He picked the soft persimmons and squeezed them, of course, starting with the easy ones to kill.

In the third month of vacation, Colin did not find an opportunity when he deliberately reduced the captain's outings, but the city lord's guards began to suffer, and six or seven guards died in succession.

Now, Siwane and Wolf really couldn't sit still. Even if they were stupid, they came up with a stupid way, that is, not to act alone, but to focus on one person and see how you kill. Of course, they also increased the intensity of investigation behind the scenes, but Colin hid deeper, and they didn't find anything.

A level 1 creature that can be invisible, in the case of two level 2 creatures not going out, you can think about it, who can catch Colin, especially when only some quasi-level warriors are dispatched, whoever touches will die.

In the following period, Colin saw that the other side began to act collectively, and was no longer limited to hunting the generals of the new recruits. Every other night, Colin began a crazy hunting action. As long as there were no first-level creatures present, whether it was a quasi-level warrior or a mid-to-high-level warrior, he would kill one after another.

During this period, when Barrick went home to visit his relatives, he also doubted Brother Colin, but thinking about so many people died at once, Brother Colin couldn't kill them all no matter how strong he was, not to mention that they were all orcs. Why would Brother Colin kill them? It's impossible, definitely not Brother Colin.

Swane and Wolf were so angry about the large-scale hunting of middle-level forces in Steel Mane City in recent months that they were ready to go down personally.

However, Colin had already learned the news from Barrick. In the past ten days, Colin had not taken any action and slept soundly.

Siwane and Wolfe were confused as to why the hunting had stopped. They were helpless. If they continued to do this, it would not be long before Steelmane City would have no generals left. How could they explain this to the Empire? Besides, they could not explain this matter anymore and had to report it.

The Orc Empire took it very seriously because it was not just Steelmane City, other cities had also started to have problems, with various assassinations and sabotages happening one after another. The Empire's top leaders believed that this must have been done by the human and elf coalition.

After receiving the reports from Siwane and Wolfe, an investigation team consisting of the foxman Sandy Fox and a team of dogman detectives from the think tank was sent to Steelmane City.

It should be said that the racial advantage was still very obvious. The fighting power of the fox and dog tribes might not be very strong, but they were good at investigation. According to the corpses of the dead orcs, it was easy to judge that the fatal wounds seemed to be caused by sharp weapons, but they were definitely not sharp weapons. They should have been caused by some kind of cutting spell.

The spy who infiltrated should be a magic professional, or at worst a part-time magic professional, with spells like wind blades or space spells.

According to Sandy Fox's analysis, a professional spy with this strength is at least above the quasi-level, and it is even possible that he is a first-level creature.

Hearing this, Swane and Wolf understood that they had been thinking about it wrongly, thinking that it was a quasi-level warrior who was causing trouble. They were wrong from the beginning. If it was a magician, he would have many means, and it would be difficult for them to investigate.

Steel Mane City once again increased the intensity of the investigation, not only to check those who entered the city in the past month, but also to expand the scope to half a year. In addition, it also focused on investigating the humanoid race of orcs and half-orcs, because according to the situation in other cities, the enemy also understands the rules of infiltration and is also taking advantage of the loopholes on the orcs' side.

Under such a search scope, although Colin has been in the city for more than half a year, the label of humanoid and strong strength is still listed as a key target for attention. Fortunately, the second-level creature did not personally investigate, so Colin was not discovered in the first time.

Colin also began to be alert. He felt that the Orc Empire should have sent a strong investigator. In the following days, Barrick's holiday also confirmed this. The Fox Tribe, known as the Orcs' think tank, sent people.

Colin has been in Steel Mane City for more than eight months. In fact, he doesn't want to stay here. In the early stage, he killed some Orcs below level one, and there was not much merit. Since there is no opportunity to attack the middle level, then he will attack the high-level generals.

In Steel Mane City these days, whether it is day or night, there must be an elite patrol team patrolling the city. The leader is a level one pig-headed warrior, and there are several dogmen of the Dog Tribe in the team. Colin went out at night several times but couldn't find an opportunity to attack.

It's not that he can't win, but that he can't kill such a group of people quietly. Colin's mission is somewhat deadlocked. If he goes back to kill some ordinary orcs, it would be easy, but this is not Colin's mission, and Colin doesn't want to become a tool for killing.

What to do? Is this lurking mission over in advance?

It took eight months to get such a little military merit. It's better to go to the front battlefield.

Colin returned to his residence and thought about countermeasures. For a while, no good ideas flashed. Colin, unwilling to give up, turned out again, trying to find loopholes in patrol.

It can only be said that those who have a will can achieve their goals. Colin's luck value still played a role. Colin's return in the middle of the night accidentally got a message that the commander of the new recruits camp was not in the new recruits camp in recent days, but lived in the city with the city lord, accompanying the fox tribe.

Colin, who learned of this news, immediately had a new idea.

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