The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 216: The Attack of Listan II

Although Colin felt that the harpy was not very strong, the old saying goes that you should despise your opponent strategically and pay attention to your opponent tactically, so Colin immediately released a protective shield for himself.

As the harpy on the opposite side continued to fly closer, Colin originally thought that the birdman on the opposite side would continue to approach and then have a close contact with Colin. Unexpectedly, when the opponent was still more than ten meters away from Colin, he braked, raised his claws, and an arcane light ball hit Colin.

"I didn't expect it to be a magic orc..." Colin's reaction was also very fast, and then he hit a burst fireball to meet it.

"Hey, the human on the opposite side, I have been observing for a long time, and I haven't seen him stop casting spells. I thought he should have run out of mana and was ready to come over to pick up a bargain. I didn't expect that he could still cast spells?" The harpy Zagonus was also a little surprised.

Colin's flying skills are already very proficient. After launching the burst fireball, he quickly took off and was on the same level as Zagonus.

Colin began to release the Dimension Slash. This spell was silent and some people with slow senses might not feel the threat of this spell until it approached their bodies.

Colin's idea was good, but Zagonas was not an ordinary person. He dared to fly alone to the rear, so he must have his own strengths.

Whether it was from Colin's subtle movements or the subtle fluctuations in the air, Zagonas felt that something bad was coming at him. Although he was a magician, he did not have any particularly powerful protective spells, only a pair of powerful wings.

Zagonas instantly retracted his wings and surrounded himself tightly. After half a breath, he stretched them out again.

It should be said that Zagonas used the timing of both flying and defense and evasion very well. He did not land because he stopped flapping his wings, nor did he miss the defense because he stretched his wings.

Colin's Dimension Slash attacked Zagonus in a short time, but was perfectly blocked by Zagonus. The Dimension Slash, which had good damage, only scratched Zagonus' wings, and did not even cut the owl bones. Obviously, this spell failed.

It is impolite not to return the favor. When Zagonus stretched his wings again, he thought of the spell to be released. When the wings were spread again, a shock wave of light was fiercely launched towards Colin.

Colin has rich combat experience. When Zagonus retracted his wings, he flew away from his original position and began to prepare his skill spell, Lava Purgatory.

Not to mention the power of Zagonus's shock wave, first of all, it has no navigation and positioning function. After he launched it, he found that it deviated from Colin's current position by at least three meters. The shock wave did not touch any creatures. It still went far away along the current direction.

When Zagonas was preparing for the second spell, Colin's Lava Purgatory had already taken shape and smashed towards Zagonas' position.

Zagonas was a little hesitant at this time. Should he hide, defend, or use the shock wave to exchange the spell?

In a tenth of a breath, Zagonas made a decision to exchange first, and if he couldn't exchange, he would defend.

When the Lava Purgatory was less than two meters away from Zagonas, Zagonas's shock wave also took shape, and he hurriedly released it.

It should be said that the shock wave has long been Zagonas's signature spell, and it is also a rare trick in the "beast" clan. Zagonas always thought it was very strong, but in fact it was not strong enough. In front of the Lava Purgatory, it could only be melted.

The collision of the two spells quickly submerged the "figure" of the shock wave, and the lava purgatory only shrank slightly, and continued to attack Zagonus with undiminished power. Zagonus used the same trick again and surrounded himself with wings again, but this spell was very different from the last time.

It hit Zagonus's wings hard. Although it did not penetrate his entire body, the big hole on the wings and the unextinguished flames seemed to still tell of its power.

Zagonus's flight began to be affected. With his strength as a first-level creature, he can fly without wings, but as a natural "beast", he is not used to it. It not only affects his flight, but now directly affects his defense.

I was careless. The mages on the human side are cunning and cunning. I, Zagonus, have been in the "beast" clan for more than ten years, and I have never encountered such a person.

Colin didn't care what the birdman on the opposite side thought. In his eyes, only dead birdmen were good birdmen. He took advantage of his illness to kill him. He released the Lava Purgatory again to smash Zagonus.

This time, Zagonus thought of hiding and didn't dare to take Colin's spell, but it was too late. He couldn't dodge well because his movements had slowed down. When Colin's spell came, he could only use his broken wings to resist again.

This time, the effect of the Lava Purgatory was more obvious. Half of his wings were burned off and his chest was also smashed.

Zagonus was ready to escape. Although His Majesty the Emperor had issued an order to fight to the death, it was not time for a fight to the death. How could he die here?

Colin also saw Zagonus's intention. He did not release the Lava Purgatory again, but released the faster Dimension Slash. This time, Zagonus was no longer able to resist, and wounds began to appear in various parts of his body.

Zagonus' wings were no longer effective. He relied on the strength of a first-level creature to fly, but this was only a futile struggle. Under Colin's precise cutting, Zagonus' limbs were separated. He could no longer maintain the flying state. He fell heavily from the air to the ground. He was shamefully captured alive by Colin...

The battle between Colin and Zagonus was not the only battle scene in the 55th War Zone, but only a part of the thousands of battle scenes.

While Colin captured Zagonus alive, different endings were also played out on the battlefield. Some of them were dominant on the side of Listan, and of course there were also victories on the side of the Orcs Alliance. Overall, Listan's side was still stronger.

This night battle lasted for a long time until the stars rose again. The two sides who had fought for a day and a night began to withdraw their troops spontaneously. In addition to those who died on the spot, some were seriously injured and died, and some died of exhaustion after the withdrawal. There were many different scenes on the battlefield.

After the battle, the headcount was counted. In just one day and night, the 55th War Zone lost more than 20,000 slave creatures, more than 100 knight attendants died, and even 3 formal knights died.

Although the wizard apprentices had been casting spells in the rear, there were more than just Zagonus who attacked the harpy like Colin, so there were also casualties among the wizard apprentices, but fortunately not many, only 8 people.

As for the formal wizards, they were definitely the best at saving their lives. They were in the rear, and if they couldn't fight, they could still escape.

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