The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 225 Colin's Highlight Moment

Colin has always been on the path of an elemental wizard. In a sense, he is very similar to the magician on the opposite side. They also pursue knowledge and truth, like to study things they like, and have a strong desire for knowledge, but they are different. The wizard's system is more massive, and has taken new paths in many research fields.

When Colin finished casting the body shield, the magician on the opposite side also began to cast spells. The first spell he released was not a protective spell, but an attack spell. Obviously, he did not take Colin seriously.

The magician's spell chanting time was very short, and soon a long arc of electricity was outlined. With a wave of the magic wand, it was launched towards Colin.

Colin did not know the specific name of the spell, but he could still see that it was a lightning spell. Colin naturally had to be cautious about the power of the second-level spell. Although he had cast a defensive spell, he did not want to bear it hard, and there was no reason to stand still and get beaten.

Colin's spell casting time was not long, and he quickly threw out the bursting flame. After the spell was finished, Colin quickly moved his position.

It should be said that Colin's cognition was not wrong. The bursting flame did not resist the arc. It only melted part of the arc and disappeared. If Colin had not moved just now, he could only rely on defensive spells to bear it.

Colin, who changed his position, of course did not stop attacking. He casually chopped the opponent with a dimensional slash. After releasing it, he immediately began to release the lava purgatory. Lava purgatory should be Colin's strongest attack method at present.

Colin's dimensional slash was at most a small interference to the magician on the opposite side. He did not see what spell Colin cast, but he was very confident in his defensive spells.

At the same time as Colin was moving, the magician cast an electromagnetic force field around himself. Any attack spell that came into contact with the electromagnetic force field would be weakened to varying degrees and deviate from the original attack direction. Dimension Slash, as a space cutting spell, did not work, was weakened to a certain extent, and then deviated from the direction.

Then, Colin's Lava Purgatory was released and smashed towards the magician fiercely.

"It's a bit interesting." The magician also felt that this spell was different from the previous one, and he didn't want to take Colin's spell hard.

The magician chanted again quickly, and then a lightning gun appeared in front of him. As he pointed again, it also stabbed the lava purgatory fiercely.

Colin's strongest spell collided with the lightning gun of the opposite magician. The burning power of the lava purgatory seemed to ignite the surrounding space, but it did not melt the lightning gun. At the moment when the lightning gun penetrated the lava purgatory, it emitted a dazzling light, and the elements at the collision point of the spells became disordered, and the space also trembled, and the two spells canceled each other out.

After such a fight, Colin understood the opponent's strength, which was stronger than his. If he was level 2, the opponent would not be his opponent at all. But now, he could not do anything to the opponent. If he dragged on for too long, it would be bad if the other two magicians came over.

The magician was also surprised that Colin could make such a move. In his cognition, the so-called level 1 wizard and level 1 magician were not much different. It was not that the level 1 magician could not kill the level 2 magician, but in general, in a head-on confrontation, the winning rate of the level 2 magician was more than 95%. Colin's performance today opened his eyes.

Colin did not want to fight hard, but now there was no good way to get rid of this magician. He could only continue to waste time with him. If other spells did not work, he could only continue to use the lava purgatory.

The magician on the opposite side tried other spells, but at best, they were similar to the lightning gun just now. He also understood that he had no good way to take down Colin, but he was not in a hurry at all. If he dragged on for too long, he still had two companions, and there was no one to help Colin.

Colin was ready to take a risky move. He released the Lava Purgatory while constantly approaching the magician.

The magician also saw Colin's intention, but he didn't know. For a magician, can getting closer increase the power of the spell?

After two spell cycles, Colin was only five meters away from the magician. The expressions on their faces were very real. The magician had a puzzled expression, but Colin smiled evilly. He didn't cast any more spells, but suddenly took out a big sword and rushed towards the magician.

Colin's behavior really scared the magician. Was he going to fight him in a melee?

When did the honorable magician need a melee?

The distance of five meters was very close, so close that the magician didn't have time to cast the lightning gun again. He only had time to release a lightning ball before Colin got close to him.

Although it was a spell cast by the magician, Colin was still injured. The power of the lightning ball quickly passed through the protective shield. After dissolving part of the power, the remaining lightning energy acted on Colin's left shoulder, still destroying Colin's body tissue.

Before charging, Colin thought that he might be injured, but delaying it might make the result worse, so he had to take this risky move. Fortunately, his sword also slashed at the magician fiercely.

The electromagnetic force field on the magician's body was still working, but the spell attack from a distance and the physical attack at close range might not be much different in strength, but the effect was obviously different. The weakening effect did not have time to play out, and it was only slightly deviated from the direction, but it was still chopped on the opposite shoulder by Colin.

"It hurts! It's the first time I feel pain in so many years." The magician wanted to kill the guy opposite him immediately, but he couldn't do it. He had rich combat experience and was just fooled by Colin. If he had known that the opponent was a knight, he would not have given Colin the opportunity to close the distance. He always thought that Colin was a magician.

The magician used electromagnetic catapult as soon as he was injured, and once again pulled a distance of ten meters from Colin. Only then did he have time to see his injuries. A deep blood groove was cut on the left shoulder. If it weren't for the electromagnetic force field, his left arm might not be saved. He couldn't help but look at Colin who was about to rush over again. He hesitated a little, whether to continue to fight with the opponent.

Even if they couldn't catch him, what could they do? The Elf Kingdom would first look for the three princes, and they couldn't find him anyway. As for the possibility of a war, if the sky fell, there would be tall people to support it. He was only level 2, and there were level 3 mages. Instinctively, he used electromagnetic catapults again and continued to retreat ten meters.

Colin stopped charging. He saw the other party's fear, "Right, your life is your own, why bother fighting for some irrelevant people? Don't fight, I'll leave if you don't fight."

"I\u0026,..." The magician was still a little unwilling, but he really didn't want to fight hard. He knew that even if he pulled away, it would not be of much use if he couldn't inflict fatal injuries on Colin. As for hanging behind all the time? Forget it, it's okay to delay for a while, but it would be bad if it dragged on for a long time and something else happened.

Colin saw that the magician on the opposite side really had no intention of fighting again, so he slowly retreated and then turned and flew away.

After flying for a while, Colin suddenly felt his mana stop and fell headfirst.

He was actually bluffing just now, far from being as calm as he appeared. If the magician insisted, it would be difficult for Colin to find another chance to exchange injuries with the other party.

The direction Colin flew away from was not the Elf Kingdom, nor the Human Kingdom, but a hilly area. His mana was not exhausted, but the residual thunder and lightning power was still eroding his flesh and blood and mana. He fell from the air just now because his mana was disordered, and he fell down without noticing.

He took out a bottle of recovery potion and drank it, then released Charlotte from the alien space, briefly explained the situation, and then the two continued to walk towards the distance.

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