The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 237 Colin has another successor

Della Family Manor, Wizard Tower 35th Floor.

After the concerted efforts of the family wizards, the space gate was opened steadily, and Colin had entered the corresponding passage from there. As time went by, he was getting closer and closer to the exit of the space gate. Don Quixote De La was waiting anxiously.

Through the space gate, Don Quixote seemed to have felt that the passage inside was a little unstable, but Colin still did not come out.

"Increase energy input!" Don Quixote didn't know what was wrong, but he knew that Colin was already in the passage, and he was just one step away, and he must pull Colin out.

With the blessing of the endless energy of the Wizard Tower, the pulling force continued to increase, and finally pulled the unconscious Colin out of the passage.

Afterwards, the exhausted family wizards finally dispelled the spell.

Don Quixote looked at his old friend in front of him. He checked it and felt relieved. Colin was only seriously injured, and there was no other accident. After feeding him a recovery potion, he placed Colin in a lounge and waited for him to wake up.

Three days later, Colin woke up from the pain and looked at everything in front of him. He should be back.

The wizard apprentice who was waiting beside Colin immediately notified Don Quixote.

When Don Quixote arrived, Colin had already sat up. Although his injuries had not recovered, they did not affect his activities.

"I'm tired. How are you? Is everything going well?" Don Quixote asked with concern.

"Well, it went smoothly, but your family probably worked in vain recently. The plane opposite is called the Skeleton Plane. According to the information I know, there are many strong people above level three. I didn't have the chance to find out whether there are strong people above demigod.

As for why I was injured so badly, it was because when I activated the space locator, I was discovered by a level three strong man. Fortunately, I had the defense crystal stone given by the teacher, otherwise I would have died.

In addition, the passage was not very stable. I felt a little tired when I went there. I was unconscious when I came back. The specific situation is not clear. I can come back smoothly this time. Really, Old Tang, I think it's all luck.

By the way, these photo stones are for you. These are all creatures over there. I recorded some of them. I can't continue later. These are the only ones." After Colin finished speaking, he handed all the recorded photo stones to Don Quixote.

"I will look at the photo stone. The information you provided is also very important. I will discuss the follow-up matters with the family again. So, if you are not in a hurry, you can recover for a while first, and then the things promised to you in the agreement will be delivered to you." After that, Don Quixote left in a hurry.

Looking at his old friend who was leaving, Colin felt that the Della family would eventually sell the news about the skeleton plane.


"How is it, has the wizard Colin woken up?" As soon as Don Quixote arrived at the meeting room, the elders of the family asked anxiously.

"Well, he woke up normally. He said some news about the skeleton plane and gave it to me. Let's take a look together." Don Quixote responded after taking out the photo stone.

Colin's photo stone recorded very detailed records, from skeleton creatures to zombies, ghosts, corpse witches and headless knights. Colin also analyzed and judged their strength and their advanced forms, especially the last paragraph of the headless knight's narration was recorded.

After reading the contents of several photo stones, the elders of the Dela family were silent for a while. Although the family is powerful and has the most level 2 wizards in the Ramander area, the Dela family also feels helpless when facing level 3 professionals, and the most important thing is that it is not a level 3 creature.

According to Colin's judgment, there are many forces with level 3 professionals, and there are even demigod-level existences. How can the Dela family carry out subsequent battles?

But after so many years of hard work, it is really unreasonable to give up like this. It will take hundreds of years for the family to be absolutely sure to deal with that plane?

How many family wizards are left present? Do we have to wait until the next generation of wizards grow up before we can make plans? Besides, who can guarantee that the Dela family can grow into a demigod-level force?

"Let's send Colin the wizard's items first. This is the content of the agreement. We must abide by it. As for the follow-up matters, we will discuss it later." In the end, it was the clan leader Don Ulysses Dela who made the final decision.

The level 2 fire element energy core that Colin had been waiting for for a long time was delivered, and the 300,000 wizard coins that were promised at the beginning were also delivered.

Old Tang finally came. As Colin judged, the family was unlikely to keep the news and would sell it to a certain force. However, it had nothing to do with Colin, and Colin would not go to the Skeleton Plane again in the short term.

In the following period, Colin was recuperating from his injuries, and Old Tang came from time to time to exchange academic ideas with Colin. After not seeing each other for many years, both of them had made different progress. The exchanges during this period benefited both of them a lot.

But all good things must come to an end. After Colin felt that he was fine, he took the initiative to leave. Although his injuries had not healed completely, his homesickness had already surged into Colin's heart.

Don Quixote did not stay with Colin for long. After all, there was a long way to go, and he would continue to strengthen exchanges in the future. In the city of Ramander, he watched Colin board the airship before returning to the family.


Helen's experiment failed today, and she felt irritated. She suddenly thought of Colin who had gone to the unknown plane. This bad guy, I can't get any good things.

The efforts before leaving were actually effective, but it was Nora who got pregnant. Why not me? Am I born infertile?

Forget it, let's go see Nora first.

Colin came back. He wanted to find Helen quietly as soon as possible, but Helen was neither in the laboratory nor in the bedroom.

"I'm back." Colin stopped playing and shouted loudly.

After hearing Colin's voice, Helen came out with Nora. Seeing that it was indeed Colin who came back, the two of them couldn't help but hug and kiss him.

"I'm really back, thank you Heart of the Plane!" Helen said silently in her heart.

Colin was a little confused about where Connie and Edith had gone. Helen said she went to the store and then told the servants to look for them.

Helen then found something wrong. Someone was missing, "Huh? Where's Rose?"

"Rose, Rose successfully changed her job to a lich, and the promotion was also smooth, but she..., she didn't want to come back." Colin looked at Helen and explained guiltily.

"Why don't you want to come back? Did you do something to make her sad?" Helen didn't trust her husband. Who knows if he would get into trouble in the past few years.

"No, no, it's impossible for Rose and I. If I had that idea, I wouldn't have waited until now. Rose really doesn't want to come back. Look, she gave me her life box." Colin took out Rose's life box and said.

Seeing Colin's anxious look, Nora pulled Helen and said, "Brother, I have your baby."

Colin looked at Nora in surprise, and then laughed like crazy, "I have offspring again!"

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