The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 258: Victoria's Secret Magician Council's Expedition

Uncle Jaina did not stay in the wizard tower, but in the Heaton Manor below. As expected, Knight Edward was also there.

Colin was not shy and directly stated his purpose. Jaina agreed without much consideration. Edward saw that Jaina was going to participate in the plane war and hurriedly asked Colin to join in. This was exactly what Colin planned, and he successfully dealt with the two.

After returning to his residence, Colin hurriedly contacted Knight Beruk. After thinking for a while, Beruk also agreed. Listan currently had no new tasks and did not restrict members from going out to make money.

So far, the three of them have been dealt with. Colin did not forget several friends and invited Don Quixote and Wood at the same time. Wood could not come because of something, but Don readily agreed.

After thinking about it, Colin finally asked Helen for her opinion, hoping to bring the students of the Emerald Academy with him to lay a good foundation for the future.

Helen also agreed to Colin's idea, and the two of them immediately contacted William, the current person in charge of the island.

William had no objection to his aunt's family's idea. If the family wants to grow, it is inseparable from the cultivation of talents. This plane war is a good opportunity. Even if there is damage, it is inevitable. We can't do nothing because of fear of damage.

At the Emerald Academy, because Marcus served as the new dean and needed to stay, some junior students did not participate this time. Only some teachers and senior students, as well as those who have been loyal to the August family after graduation in recent years, participated.

While waiting for the time to go to the battle, Colin was not idle. Instead, he injected and cultivated a large number of squids purchased, and finally obtained more than 300 quasi-level squids.

As the final battle time approached, the various people invited by Colin began to gather in Siena Port. It is worth mentioning that the Emerald Academy was led by his niece Emily, the magician, and Alex Knight, who he once needed to look up to.

After the personnel arrived, Colin and his team directly chartered a floating ship and flew towards Gotford.

As soon as the huge crowd arrived at Gotford, they were discovered by the Victoria's Secret Magician Council, and Oscar led people to greet them directly.

The three professionals of the same level were naturally warmly received by Oscar, but they did not ignore Colin, the key figure. As for the large number of people brought by Colin, Oscar did not say much. The lack of top-level combat power made Oscar unable to care too much.

Except for the people from the Emerald Academy, these elders and friends of Colin came to Gotford for the first time. Taking advantage of the fact that the departure day has not yet arrived, they have also strolled around Gotford these days and experienced the customs and customs of the former Victoria's Secret world.

The departure day has arrived, and Colin and his friends followed Oscar on a floating ship to the space port.

What surprised Colin was that the Victoria's Secret Magician Council actually mobilized a space fortress. After asking, he realized that this was the space fortress of Griman Island, and the space fortress ordered by the council was also a long way off, just like the Heaton family.

All the people driving the space fortress are from the Grimman Academy. They will not participate in the ground war. At most, they will launch the Death Light a few times in a critical moment.

In the space fortress, Colin unexpectedly met two members of the South Sea Hermit Association, Forrell and Mythos. When friends meet, they are naturally full of emotion, but this is not a place to reminisce about the past, so they can only wait for another opportunity.

According to Forrell, Grimman Island is willing to rent the space fortress this time, also with the intention of increasing practical experience, and at the same time, it can also make a fortune from the Victorian Magician Council. In addition to using the space fortress on the side of the council as collateral, it also spent a lot of money to successfully rent it.

It seems that the council has paid a lot to promote this plane war, but this is the only way for every force to grow stronger. Colin will use these experiences in the future. Colin wants to buy a space fortress himself, but he doesn’t know how many years it will take.

When he landed on the space fortress, Colin thought there were many slave creatures, but he heard that there were only more than 300,000 slave creatures, and more were the active troops of the three principalities.

Well, forget about this. The Victorian Magician Council is supported by the three principalities, and there are many people. From the perspective of the ruler, it seems that it is not too much, and it may be more cost-effective.

Although the preparations were very thorough, it took a full half a month for all the personnel to enter the space fortress. The person in charge of the space fortress was Mario, a second-level wizard from the Grimman Academy, who was also the contact person who recommended the Victorian Islands to join the Grimman Islands, and naturally an old friend of Oscar.

The space fortress finally moved, and it rushed away according to the coordinates provided by the Victorian Magician Council.

Colin had seen the scene of the space fortress traveling through the starry sea for a long time, but he was still curious about the vast starry sea. In the previous life, humans had never left the solar system. The farthest human footprints were to the satellite moon, and there was no way to go further.

After coming to the wizarding world, every plane conquest is a long journey. From the space fortress, Colin sees different species on each planet or plane outside. Even if he has eternal life, he feels it is difficult to travel to every plane.

The target this time is a Centaur world. According to Oscar, there should be only a few level 2 creatures, so it shouldn't be very difficult to take it down. However, Colin, who has experienced several plane wars, knows that he should take it seriously every time. Accidents may happen at any time. If possible, who doesn't want to lie down? Why suffer this?

When Colin and his team flew to the Centaur world, the distant Centaur world did not notice that a giant celestial body was coming towards it, but the plane guardian Omar didn't know why he still had an uncomfortable feeling in his heart recently.

However, according to his understanding, he didn't know the source of this feeling. He could only think that he had too much affection with his wives recently, which caused exhaustion.

Omar is not only the guardian of the Centaur plane, but also the patriarch of the largest tribe in this world, the Modal tribe. Except for the Modal tribe, which occupied the most fertile green grassland because of his relationship, other Centaur tribes have been fighting for grassland resources all year round.

In the early years, he had mediated this kind of thing several times. Even though he thought he had maintained the most fair attitude, some centaurs were still dissatisfied. However, due to his status as the guardian of the plane, he dared not say much.

He was not young anymore, more than 1,300 years old. If it were not for his concurrent role as the guardian of the plane, he would not have lived so long. He just wanted to live well for himself in his limited life and really didn't want to care about these things.

As long as most tribes obeyed his rule and did not affect the absolute status of their tribe, he would turn a blind eye. You can fight if you want.

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