The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 265 Centaur harassment tactics

There are many small groups of centaurs, not just Colin's side. Other magicians and knights in charge of patrol have also reported this situation to Oscar.

Moreover, these centaurs have changed from following at the beginning to harassing you. They come to shoot arrows at you from time to time and leave. It's okay during the day. Although they also camp at night, there seem to be more loopholes. In just a dozen days, one or two thousand people have been injured.

The harassment of small groups of centaurs is indeed annoying, but you can't ignore it. Sending cavalry to chase them is not good if there are too few people, and it's not cost-effective if there are too many people. In desperation, Oscar issued an order that seemed like a cannon hitting a mosquito.

That is to send professionals above the quasi-level to kill those centaurs. After the order was issued, Colin and his team were somewhat resistant, not because they sympathized with the centaurs, but because killing a large number of low-level enemies did not fit Colin and his team's psychology, but the magicians and knights from the three duchies did not consider these.

What they were thinking about was how to reduce their own losses and kill the enemy to the maximum extent. Since the commander-in-chief Oscar had issued an order, it was enough to execute it.

Although Colin and his men were not happy, they would not disobey Oscar's order. While ensuring the smooth passage of the army, the patrol personnel became hunters, and the hunting was even more ruthless.

Colin's attack was mainly based on fire magic, and the magic released was still a large-scale magic. One move caused dozens of centaurs to be killed or injured. Emily released lightning magic and also performed group attack magic. In addition to causing a lot of casualties on the other side, it also had some paralysis effects, making the next attack more effective.

After Colin and his men, who were bullying the weak, began to cast spells, the centaurs responsible for harassment were miserable. Although they also shot the bows and arrows or javelins behind them at Colin and his men in the air, they felt helpless regardless of Colin and his men's defense or the attack power they trusted.

The first-level centaurs hiding in the distance could not wait any longer. If this continued, they would be killed sooner or later, and the plan of the Omar Guardian would not be completed at all.

As a last resort, many first-level centaurs also began to participate.

This time, it was considered a formal battle between the professionals of both sides, which was exactly what Oscar thought. In fact, he was more willing to kill the other side's first-level centaurs than the lower-level centaurs.

This was the first time that Colin had fought with centaurs above the first level in this plane, but he had already understood the racial characteristics of centaurs.

So when they just started fighting, Colin released the magic of the quagmire swamp to slow down the speed of the centaurs, and the speed of the centaurs' charge slowed down immediately.

As Colin's strength increased, the scope of the quagmire swamp also increased a lot. Although the centaurs were tall, it took some time to cross the swamp. While the centaurs were running hard, they did not forget to shoot sharp arrows at Colin.

Unlike previous tactics, Colin did not replenish his body shield this time, but used spatial displacement to avoid the opponent's sharp arrows, and at the same time he fought back with a dimensional slash.

The dimensional slash had a small fluctuation, and the centaur was discovered when it was close to it. He was in the quagmire and had no time to dodge, so he could only rely on the blessing of the endurance aura to resist.

The dimensional slash slashed on the centaur's leg, leaving a shallow scar. The damage was not great, but passively taking a beating was not the centaur's style.

He pulled out the only javelin behind him and threw it at Colin. Under the persistence of the acceleration aura, the javelin shot at Colin at a speed that exceeded the sharp arrow.

At the same time, Colin had just completed the release of the ground spike technique. When the centaur threw the javelin, a large piece of ground spikes stabbed from the bottom to the top under his body.

The centaur was a step slower in the air and was pierced by several sharp stone pillars.

Colin was stronger than the centaur, and finally used spatial displacement in time to dodge the javelin, but the javelin did not stop, but continued to fly backwards.

Limited by the influence of the swamp, the centaur's subsequent movement has been affected, and Colin knows that the centaur has thick skin and flesh. If it is not fixed and you cast the lava purgatory, it is difficult to kill it at once.

Therefore, Colin changed his previous use of earth magic and space magic to deal with the centaur. In addition to the magic of the swamp, he also used gravity magic to affect the centaur, making it difficult for the centaur to fly.

When the centaur was resisting Colin's methods, Colin assisted with dimensional slash and earth spike. After a few rounds, the centaur was already covered with scars. Although the centaur removed the sharp stone pillars in time, the endurance aura was not a recovery aura, and the injury was inevitably worsened.

The subsequent battles were simple. After the centaur gave up the counterattack, Colin was able to use his Lava Purgatory, which he was good at, and killed the centaur with only two uses.

The progress of other companions was similar, but only a few killed alone, and most of them fought two against one, using the majority to bully the minority. No matter how strong the centaur was, it was not strong enough to fight one against two, so it was naturally killed one by one.

The death of the first-level centaurs brought great harm to the centaurs responsible for harassment. If they didn't fight, they might be able to run away. Once they died, the centaurs below couldn't run away. Except for some who surrendered, the rest of the centaurs were directly killed by this group of first-level wizards, magicians, and knights.

Omar's tactics lasted only more than ten days before it ended. The damage caused was that Oscar's army died less than 2,000 people, while the harassment army he sent out had more than 10,000 people, and more than a dozen first-level centaurs died. It was really no splash.

Oscar and his team also sped up the subsequent journey. Without a fixed base, it was a bit difficult to contact the space fortress.

Omar had learned that the harassment tactics were ineffective, and he also figured it out. It was really useless to have fewer people. Without the key "high-level" combat power, it would not work to fight head-on. The only way was to wait for the army to arrive and then defeat the opponent in one go.

In the subsequent journey, there was no more harassment from the centaurs, and even scattered centaurs could not be seen during the patrol. The road was smooth, and it seemed that there were no other creatures except the road and Colin and his own people.

After a month of rapid march, Colin and his team finally arrived at the Chile Plateau.

Looking at the plateau in front of him that was several hundred meters high and the river flowing down from the plateau, Oscar was finally satisfied. What a great place! After building a permanent base, it would be time to conquer this Centaur plane. He hoped that they could hold on longer and not let himself down.

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