Haoyue Empire——Headquarters of Istar Magic Organization

"Lord Fred, it seems that prey has been caught in the Tilmo Forest." said Jesse, a quasi-level magician.

"Oh? Which mouse was caught?" asked the chief magician Fred (a first-level magician).

As the largest magician organization in Haoyue Empire, Istar Magic Organization has branches all over the empire, and some subordinate countries also have branches, and its power is very large.

More than a hundred years ago, the necromancy had not been banned, but there were few people practicing it. It was not until the necromancer Claudel launched the Undead Calamity, causing the loss of tens of millions of people in Haoyue Empire and Huiyao Empire, that it began to be jointly banned by the countries on the continent.

As an important magic force, Istar also participated in the war against Claudel.

Because the Undead Calamity first started from Haoyue Empire, Haoyue Empire also suffered the greatest losses. At that time, people in three counties turned into skeletons, and it took nearly a hundred years of migration to recover.

Although Claude was destroyed, the number of magicians practicing necromancy has never ceased, but has only shifted from the open to the dark.

With the help of the clues of the Claude ruins that the empire has already mastered, Istar has captured many necromancer apprentices.

As the holders of magical power, magicians have never stopped their desire for knowledge, and they are also a group of learning and research maniacs. Although necromancy is explicitly prohibited, many magicians are still willing to catch a few necromancer apprentices to study necromancy.

"This time it should be the necromancer Pugna." Jesse replied.

"Pugna? According to previous records, I'm afraid he hasn't reached the advanced level."

"My lord, that was in the past. Now he may be a senior magician apprentice."

"You organize people to bring him back to me. Istar's dungeon is still missing a senior magician apprentice."

"Yes, my lord." Jesse replied.


Haoyue Empire - Tilmo Forest

Pugna finally found a weak magic fluctuation and entered the secret realm of Claude's laboratory. Finally, his efforts were not in vain.

However, the good times did not last long. As soon as he entered the secret realm, he was attacked by screaming mushrooms. Waves of harsh sounds came into Pugna's ears. It was also Pugna's fault that he was not well prepared. He only thought about the harvest and did not expect to defend against possible dangers. He was hit at once.

Fortunately, in addition to the sound attack, the screaming mushrooms only emitted some hallucinogenic smells.

Relying on his own magic resistance, Pugna woke up soon.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, the magical creatures here still have magic power?

Pugna climbed up carefully. This time he was prepared. The screaming mushrooms could no longer hurt him. He walked slowly inside.

As soon as he turned the corner, he found that several tentacle magic vines attacked him. A dead spirit flame passed by and quickly burned the magic vines, leaving only a few charred magic stems. Pugna went forward to take a look. It was not worth much, so he threw it away.

The rest of the journey was quite smooth, and we found the laboratory all the way. After a hundred years, many specimens in the laboratory have dried up and weathered, and have no value. After looking through them, there are no useful items in the laboratory. Thinking about the magic plants outside, there should be some source of magic.

Pugna left the laboratory and began to slowly look for the source of magic on the way here.

Outside the secret realm of Claude's laboratory.

"Lord Jesse, the magic mark has been triggered, and Pugna should have entered." One of his intermediate knight attendants said.

This arrest operation was led by Jesse, a quasi-level magician, with one intermediate magician apprentice, two low-level magician apprentices, one intermediate knight attendant, and eight low-level knight attendants. The lineup is already very strong. Jesse is still confident that he can only capture a high-level magician apprentice.

Although Istar is the largest magic organization in the Haoyue Empire, due to its many branches and the scarcity of magicians, not many magicians followed Jesse.

The status of knights and magicians in the Victorian World is not much different, and magicians cannot directly command knights, mainly because there are more knights than magicians, and some forbidden spells mastered by magicians can cause great casualties, which has a higher deterrent power in the empire, making magicians slightly more noble. The rarity of magicians has led to the fact that magicians' titles in the Haoyue Empire are generally higher than knights.

"Get ready, check your equipment, and prepare to enter the secret realm." Jesse ordered.


"Hmm?" The ban that Pugna left at the entrance of the secret realm was triggered.

As a necromancer who is hated by everyone, if he is not careful, he would have been hanged countless times.

"Pugna is a little regretful. He just had a little clue, but it was interrupted. I don't know which damn junior also found the news. I will look for it again after solving the trouble." He thought to himself.

Pugna thought that the necromancer also found this place. After all, other magicians are not as interested in necromancy as they are.

Although he felt that he was dealing with a young necromancer, Pugna still held the bone staff, activated the bone shield protection first, and was ready to activate the necromancy fire spell at any time. At the same time, he activated the teleportation stone, ready to escape at any time.

The teleportation stone in Pugna's hand was not a high-end product. It could only mark three locations within 20 kilometers, and they had to be in the same space.

The cautious mentality that he maintained at all times ultimately saved Pugna's life.

Before entering the secret realm, Pugna thought of the possible dangers, so he left two marks outside the secret realm. If the situation is urgent, he can escape more than 40 kilometers in a short time.

After entering the secret realm, he also left a mark at the entrance of the secret realm.

"Master Jesse, there are traces of necromancy ahead." The intermediate magician apprentice said as he looked at the damaged remains of the tentacle magic vine not far ahead.

"Well, it is indeed that disgusting smell." Jesse said.

"Keep moving forward and be ready to fight at any time."

The magician apprentices began to prepare spells, and the knight attendants also began to stimulate their fighting spirit.


A necromancy flame was thrown over and hit the low-level knight attendant in front. Although the fighting spirit had been activated, it would not cause any fatal injuries, but it was not comfortable at all.

Without any greeting, seeing that his companions were injured, several spells flew towards Pugna, and the knights also began to charge.

Pugna has been traveling between countries for many years, avoiding the pursuit of magic organizations. He is not afraid of these magicians and knights, and has dealt with them many times.

After a spell of summoning the dead was finished, more than a dozen skeleton creatures crawled out from the ground. Some were in human form, and some were in animal form. It is estimated that these are all left over from the experiments of Master Claude. Pugna still has time to think about it.

The skeleton creatures obeyed Pugna's command and attacked the magicians and knights.

Pugna, who was behind, released the dead flame (more spell attack effect) and bone spear (more physical attack effect) from time to time, throwing them at the magicians and knights in front.

Watching the battle between his men and Pugna, Jesse has not made a move yet. Today's battle is also an opportunity for his men to exercise.

The two sides fought fiercely, and from time to time there were skeleton creatures falling down, and there were also figures of knights retreating after being injured; the mages on both sides were not hurt for the time being.

It's a bit too long, Jesse feels a bit bored.

Forget it, Fred is still waiting, I'll put an end to him.

Jesse began to chant a spell, he prepared a confinement spell, the damage was not high, mainly to seal the enemy's magic power, not to kill the enemy as the main purpose, but once the magic power was banned, those skeleton creatures would have no command, and without magic power, could Pugna be a match for the knights?

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