The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 35 Colin's Transformation

Giant Wood Village - Pugna's Residence

Pugna discovered a "treasure". John was actually a professional. Although he was only a low-level knight squire during his lifetime, he believed that through his transformation, he could be promoted to an intermediate level of strength. In his more than 50 years of career, it was rare for him to have the opportunity to obtain such a complete professional body.

John was put into a bucket of prepared medical solution. After soaking for three days, the transformation could be completed after using magic.

Three days later, John stood up, with only one voice in his vague consciousness, obeying the orders of the person in front of him.

Pugna was very satisfied when he saw his masterpiece.

After living there for these days, Pugna also had a basic understanding of the forest next to the village. The periphery of the forest was basically filled with ordinary people, and there might be some high-level monsters in the depths.

The completion of John's work gave Pugna more ideas. He wanted to take a walk in the depths of the forest to see what he could gain. Rose's slow learning progress made Pugna not want to take her with him this time.

The small animals in the forest have a much better awareness of danger than humans, and they avoid Pugna and John from a distance.

Soon, Pugna crossed the small lake in the forest and walked deeper into the forest.

"Miss, we can't go any further. This small lake is the limit. Let's go back." Nora advised.

"Why are you so anxious? It's not dark yet?" Helen replied.

She didn't know what was going on today, so she insisted on taking a look deep into the forest. She was a little tired of the forest exploration game a few days ago. There were no ferocious animals outside the forest. She wanted to see the legendary Warcraft today. That's good.

Seeing that she couldn't persuade Helen, Nora had no choice but to accompany Helen.

"Sir, would you like to stop me?" the guard asked.

"It's okay for now. We'll see what happens later. If it goes too far, it won't be too late to stop it." Knight Gavin said.

Colin completed his training mission very early today. Lord Joshua and the others did not rush back. Instead, they shot some pheasants, washed them by the small lake, set up a wooden frame, and grilled the chickens.

Colin's strength is not growing slowly. In the scout team, except for Lord Joshua, he has already faintly become the first person in the team. That is to say, he joined the team late and is not very old. Otherwise, he would have been appointed. As the vice-captain, Colin also gets along well with his fellow Scout teammates.

Emerald Territory Forest - Deep

The two-legged dragon Charles has been a little irritable recently. A group of people came to the island half a year ago and kept invading his territory. The main reason was that there was a person who felt that he was about the same strength as himself. It has been hesitating whether to leave the island or have sex with that person. shelf.

It knows that in this world, humans are the rulers, and all monsters only exist in some remote areas. Farther south, there may be first-order monsters, so they may not be invaded by humans. But over the years, he has only grown to the level of a high-level knight attendant.

The island is not small, and there are no other natural enemies. The monsters and animals in the forest are free to enjoy, but Charles actually doesn't want to leave.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Charles walked around in a circle, frightening the animals so much that they didn't dare to move.

Well, it was so easy for Mr. Charles to have dinner. He was full soon and felt sleepy when he was full. Besides, dragon monsters also have the instinct of dragons - they love to sleep.

Before long, Charles fell asleep in his hole.

"Huh? There is the aura of high-level monsters here." Pugna thought, feeling the magic power fluctuations around him.

Pugna carefully took out the bone staff and directed John to continue exploring forward.

Soon, Pugna found Charles's residence.

Looking at the cave above, Pugna was speechless. It seemed to be a flying creature.

Pugna began to use magic. He first added protective spells to himself, and then summoned a group of skeleton creatures. Maybe because he was in the forest, there were actually two flying skeleton creatures. This saves trouble and the task of attracting monsters is in place. .

Charles' dream was interrupted. He looked at the two skeleton creatures in confusion. After a burst of acid breath, the two skeleton creatures were immediately destroyed. But soon, he felt strong magic fluctuations outside the cave.

"Who dares to disturb Lord Charles's dream?" Charles flew out of the cave.

"It turns out to be you reptile."

Pugna couldn't understand what Charles was saying. He only heard the scream of this dragon creature, which he didn't think had good intentions.

Pugna's style of play has not changed much. It is still the same as in the secret realm. The skeleton creature moves forward, adds protection, and then releases attack spells.

But there is one difference. Today's opponent can fly...

Pugna was a little depressed. If he advanced to the first level, he could also summon some alien creatures. While commanding John to resist, he released the physical magic bone spear.

Charles's identity as a dragon gave him good magic resistance. Some necromancy spells did not cause much damage to him. Only the bone spear stabbed his body a little painful, and the tireless attack of the little reptile (John) below also hurt him. Somewhat annoying.

The skeletal creatures in the distance couldn't even touch a hair of his. Several attacks on Pugna were blocked by John. It seemed that the annoying creature below needed to be dealt with first.

Charles was about to use acid breath. Physical attacks were of little significance against the annoying creature below and would have no effect for a short time.

Although he couldn't do it instantly, his talent for dragon language magic allowed him to prepare in a very short time. Before he could release it, he was interrupted.

Unfortunately, his opponent Pugna was also very experienced in fighting, and he released the bone spear faster, sending a bone spear directly into his mouth.

"Ouch..." Charles screamed in pain.

Before he could pull out the bone spear, John had already rushed up and beat Charles fiercely.

Charles retreated and parried, and soon Charles seized the opportunity to counterattack. After all, his teeth and claws were not given for nothing. Under Charles' counterattack, John was also seriously injured. Charles took the opportunity to pull out the bone spear in his mouth.

Before he could expand his victory again, another bone spear stabbed, this time stabbing Charles' lower abdomen. In an instant, Charles shed a large amount of blood, and Charles screamed in pain.

This time, Charles didn't dare to move forward again. He flapped his wings and flew to a high branch.

Pugna was also struggling, and his magic power was consumed quickly. Seeing Charles flying high, he also stopped.

Today's battle tested new results. Pugna was quite satisfied. He commanded the skeleton creatures to collect the dragon blood on the ground. He didn't want to fight anymore and was ready to retreat.

Charles looked at Pugna on the ground and picked up his blood. He was already seriously injured today, and he had no intention of fighting back. He just waited for Pugna to retreat before planning other things.

Soon, Pugna harvested several bags of sub-dragon blood, and then retreated carefully.

Seeing Pugna gone, Charles pulled out the bone spear in his abdomen.


The wounds in the mouth and abdomen were not fatal, but even with the strong vitality of the dragon race, it would be difficult to recover in a short time. Charles knew that there were other strong men outside the forest. If he was not careful, this would be his grave.

"I can't stay here." Charles thought.

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