The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 351 News about Colin and Hathaway

Polit led the wizard army to the station on the banks of the Satus River. After only one day of rest, he reached an agreement with the demon commander here. The slave army launched the attack as the vanguard, followed by the demon army, followed by the wizard army and the upper demons.

The tactics are simple and crude, but as long as they work, it's fine.

The Cambrian City Guard phalanx where Colin is located, followed the city guards of other cities in the Kingdom of Dia, and jointly took charge of the defense of the lower section of the river.

In the past, Colin always stood behind the slave army to launch attacks. Now seeing the slave army attacking like a tide, he discovered the horror of this way of proceeding in the wizard world from another perspective.

Various slave creatures from multiple planes, in addition to the bloodthirsty killing factor and extreme hunger, have lost their basic thinking. In their eyes, only tearing everything in front of them is what they need to consider.

Facing the familiar scene of the past, Colin could not care about his feelings. He and Hathaway should be careful not to use the means of wizards at will, or even if they use them, they should pay attention to the methods and try to choose the ones with less exposure opportunities.

Fortunately, Colin still has the foundation of knight training. His physical fitness has declined due to the last promotion, but it is still between the data of quasi-level knights and first-level knights. It is not a big problem to deal with most slave creatures.

Although Hathaway is a little uncomfortable, she is not a melee professional, but considering the uncontrollability of large-scale war scenes, she dare not hold back casually, but in order to reduce the chance of exposure, she still releases some elemental witchcraft below the quasi-level.

She is not good at these elemental witchcraft, but no matter how bad she is, it is not difficult for a second-level wizard to release these witchcraft below the quasi-level.

With the addition of the demon army, the war gradually became fierce, and the casualties of the human kingdoms, elves and dwarves began to increase. Of course, the casualties of the slave army and the demon army were not small.

Colin casually killed the invading slave creatures and demons. He was waiting for an opportunity. He needed to contact the wizard on the opposite side and send his intelligence over.

Hathaway also understood what Colin was waiting for. She did not concentrate on dealing with the slave creatures and demons crossing the river, but silently calculated something in her heart.

"Let's go, we will move slowly downwards." Colin thought of Hathaway's silent voice transmission in his heart.

"Huh? Oh." Colin reacted at once. This was Hathaway reminding him.

For a period of time afterwards, Colin and Hathaway gradually began to move horizontally downwards without making a sound.

The section that the Cambrian City Guards were responsible for was originally at the downstream edge of the river. After Colin and Hathaway consciously moved downwards, they gradually reached the edge of the battle line.

"Why, suddenly remembered that you asked me to come here? Do you want to get away from them and take the opportunity to escape?" Colin saw that the surrounding city guards were some distance away, so he whispered to Hathaway.

"No, I calculated that there is an opportunity here, which should be beneficial to us. Now wait patiently here." Hathaway didn't say much before the opportunity appeared.

Colin saw that Hathaway didn't say it clearly, and he didn't care. He had already arrived here, and it was okay to leave at any time. The third-level magician was still in the middle of the riverside, far away from them. Colin was not afraid of ordinary second-level professionals.

As the war intensified, the front line on the riverside finally became a little uncontrollable. In addition to the slave creature army and the demon army, the regular army of the wizard world finally showed up. The approaching knight army and the familiar witchcraft hit the riverside.

The natives of the Aesiriya plane suffered greater casualties, and the opportunity that Colin and Hathaway were waiting for also appeared.

A large number of fast-running centaurs appeared in Colin's field of vision. The leading knight William, holding a long spear, reaped the lives of the natives of the plane wantonly.

Suddenly he also found his uncle Colin, and his men's actions paused, but his good psychological quality allowed him to recover immediately.

After arranging Knight Locke to continue leading the Centaurs to charge, William left the team and fought with Colin.

Being close, it was convenient to do anything. While fighting with William, Colin briefly described the situation since he entered the Kingdom of Dia, and asked William to go back and tell the commander here.

William said that they had already fought here, and Colin could leave the battlefield at any time, so why stay there, and asked Hathaway to persuade Colin.

But Colin said he had his own ideas, as long as he could get in normal contact.

After a round of fake fighting, they finally held on until the end of today's war.

The natives of the Esilia plane finally held on to the first day's attack. Under the forbidden spell of the third-level great magician Tannas, the commander of the Kingdom of Dia, Pollitt did not want to suffer heavy casualties on the first day, so he retreated to the riverside.

The commander of the Cambrian City Guard, Tynek, has been focusing on observing Colin and Hathaway all day. Except for a few fierce battles when he didn't have time to observe, he basically recognized Colin's "merit", after all, Colin actually killed two or three slave creatures.

This record cannot be faked. Although he and his wife are suspected of being sneaky (when they slipped to the edge of the battle line), they did not have any other extraordinary behavior. Overall, they did not look like foreign invaders.

"After a few more days of observation, if there is nothing unusual, we will lift this surveillance. The soldiers have to be rewarded for their merits. We can't let our brothers down." This was Tynek's thought after the war.

Colin could feel the vague gazes on the battlefield all day, and he probably guessed that it was from Tynk's surveillance, but he thought he should not have revealed too many flaws. Even when he was fighting with Knight William for a short time, there were other soldiers around.

It was just that Knight William and Colin both chose to let it go, which made that short period of battle seem a bit stalemate. In a very short period of time, there were no casualties in that area.

After contacting William, Colin believed that there would be new tasks from the headquarters later. He just needed to do a good job of lurking patiently. If he really listened to William and left the battlefield directly, then the lurking for a year would be basically meaningless, and he would not have any practical effect.

"Wizard Edith, my uncle Wizard Colin and Ms. Hathaway appeared on the opposite side. Let us report this situation to Commander Pollitt." After the battle, Knight William was also busy informing Edith that Colin was safe.

Edith was very happy to hear the news. She finally calmed down after a long time. She looked at Sophia and said, "Thank you for your trip, Patriarch Sophia."

After Colin left, although Senior Sister Falsa and Helen's uncle Joseph were elders, they did not want to interfere with the control of Colin's army, so the control was handed over to Edith. However, Edith was not a second-level wizard, and Sophia was more useful against the headquarters.

"I'm willing to serve." Sophia did not refuse. In recent years, she and Colin have been getting along "happily". Although a powerful neighbor may bring some other risks, it may also bring great benefits. Sophia did not want Colin to get into trouble.

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