The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 354 Rewarding according to merit

The intruders' sneak attack at night was soon reported by Tynk to the third-level magician Tannas, the president of the Kingdom of Dia. After Tannas inquired about the details of the incident, he did not say anything, but asked Tynk to strengthen the vigilance, and then issued an order to strengthen the vigilance to the garrison in the area responsible for the Kingdom of Dia.

Then the coalition forces were informed of the situation last night. They were very angry about the intruders' shameless night attack, but they were currently on the defensive. They did not dare to launch a night attack, and could only hope to make the other side retreat through the daytime battle.

They also sent people to urge the reinforcements from farther places, but there was no latest news. Unless it was absolutely necessary, they still hoped to resist the invaders together with the human kingdoms and the coalition forces of other races, and did not want to "trouble" the dead of Voltarin.

Moreover, there were still disputes in the area bordering Voltarin, and it was really difficult to ask them to help resist the invaders.

Tynek would not care about the thoughts of the coalition leaders, but after counting the rare casualties yesterday, he found that although he killed nearly 4,000 enemies on the opposite side, his own side also died a lot. If it were not for the support of friendly forces, their 3,000 people would basically be killed. Even now, more than half of them have been killed, with only more than 1,300 people left.

The missing personnel cannot be replenished in a short time. The next battle arrangement will be considered by the coalition headquarters. Tynek thinks more about establishing a smooth command system among the limited 1,300 people, because not only the lower-level sergeants died too much, but also many officers died.

Tynek also made arrangements for Colin and the captain who "made contributions" last night. Although the captain was frightened all night and did not play a big role, Tynek was not aware of the captain sleeping during the patrol, but he still promoted him.

The captain was promoted from a squadron leader to a squadron leader. He originally led a team of 20 people. After being promoted to a squadron leader, he should have led 5 squads with 100 people, but now the number of people is even smaller, only 18.

He originally thought that Colin, whom he relied on, would be promoted to a squadron leader under his subordinates, but Lord Tynek promoted Colin to the level of squadron leader at the same time, and the number of people he led was more than his side, reaching 46.

He was somewhat grateful to Colin at first. Without Colin, he might have died, and he was promoted, but seeing that Colin became a squadron leader like himself, and led a squadron of more than 40 people, he couldn't help but feel a little unwilling.

But he didn't know that Colin had killed 5 heads on the opposite side in the past two days, while he had not harvested any. If Tynek hadn't doubted Colin and promoted him to a squadron leader beforehand, he would have nothing to do with it.

Colin is still satisfied with his current position. If he is promoted too high all of a sudden, it is not in line with his low-key idea. As a hidden person, it is easy to be exposed if he is too high-profile.

But this is just his idea. For the city guards of Cambry City, Colin is undoubtedly a rising military star.

In peacetime, promotion is extremely difficult. Even in wartime, it is difficult to make meritorious deeds without the opportunity. It is not easy for Colin to be promoted directly to the captain of the squadron, which is really not easy. Except for the former captain who has a knot in his heart and has not come, most of the squadron captains came to congratulate him.

After Colin and them pretended to be nice, he finally got rid of this wave of people. The next step is to persist until the end of the war and then get promoted.

According to the organization of the Kingdom of Dia, the city guards of a city have one commander, who is in charge of several battalions, but a battalion is generally 5 squadrons, and a squadron is under 5 squads.

Colin's current strength is not enough to be promoted to the position of commander, which requires a first-level professional. His goal is to be the captain, and then find an opportunity to "promote" to the next level, and then plan for other things.

But all these require time and opportunities. At this stage, it is enough to keep the city guards of Cambry City from falling.

In the following days, the war was still fierce, but the intensity of Colin's attack seemed to have decreased a lot, especially some squadrons close to Colin felt less pressure. After the promotion of Captain Colin, he led everyone to tenaciously defend every inch of the position and killed a large number of enemies.

According to subsequent statistics, among the city guards of the cities in the Kingdom of Dia, Cambry suffered the least losses, except for the night attack a few nights ago.

More than two months later, even the third-level great magician Tannas, the general manager of the Kingdom of Dia, was injured in the battle, and the performance of the Cambry City Guards was somewhat dazzling, because the number of other city guards had been reduced to less than 1,000, the losses exceeded 70%, and the regular army also suffered more than 40% losses.

Under such a loss ratio, it was not easy for Cambry City to retain more than 900 people.

Later, due to the shortage of personnel and low-level legions, Cambry and the city guards of two neighboring cities were merged into one army. Due to the strength, Tynke only served as the deputy commander, but fortunately he won the position of captain for Colin who had made many contributions.

So far, Colin's goal in the first stage has been achieved. He was a bit lazy for a while afterwards. In the case that he would not be promoted even if he made contributions, it was enough to maintain a small loss ratio.

Within a week after Colin started to slack off, the demon army and the wizard army launched a more fierce attack. The natives of the Esilia plane could no longer defend the banks of the Satus River. They gradually began to retreat to the capital of the Kingdom of Wright, hoping to wait for reinforcements from other kingdoms. They could no longer hold on with the existing manpower.

A few days before Colin left with the plane native army, he finally found an opportunity to contact William again. After informing him of his future plans, he left without hesitation.

His uncle was eager to make a contribution, so William didn't say much. He just hoped that Colin would pay attention to safety and think more about his family and Emerald Island.

The gradual retreat of the natives of the Esilia plane eventually turned into a great defeat. Fortunately, the high-level combat power had not been lost too much. The wizard army and the demon clan only encouraged more lower-level armies to catch up, and the high-level did not personally go out.

Colin and Hathaway finally followed Lord Tynke and escaped to Scope, the capital of the Kingdom of Wright.

The coalition forces of the wizard corps and the demon clan were a little "tired" after chasing all the way, and finally stopped eighty miles outside the city of Scop and began to establish a new headquarters and camp.

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