The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 375 Grimman appears

Since Colin failed to capture Artorius yesterday, he no longer had the opportunity to fight Artorius alone. For a period of time afterwards, although the battle was fierce, he still failed to break through the opponent's defense.

It's not that the slave creatures didn't work hard, but the three new reinforcements of the opponent were too "special".

The more the Voltarins fought, the more difficult it was to kill them. In addition to summoning and converting undead creatures, the necromancers also had the skills to cast curse spells, which often caused a lot of damage inadvertently.

The berserkers of the orcs were also very famous. When they "went crazy", they didn't distinguish between enemies and friends. They always opened up the situation at a very small cost. The orcs' sacrifices were not just for show, and they could also play group-enhancing spells.

Although the Kingdom of Gillia was a human kingdom, it had developed new professions, the Holy Knights, after years of confrontation with Voltarins, which was also a headache.

Colin didn't know how long this situation would last. If Lord Grimman didn't take action, he could only continue to increase troops from the wizard world.

Although the Grimman Islands is a big force in the wizard world, and Lord Grimman has been promoted to level 4, he is still struggling to face Aixilia, a plane that is about to be promoted to a medium-sized world. Now there are signs of a long-term stalemate.

"Teacher, you already know the situation here. I suggest that we attack through the main guns of the space fortress, which will definitely break the current deadlock." When the war reached a stalemate, Rodbell had to contact Grimman.

"What did Kazab say?" Grimman still had high hopes for the Sand King Kazab, who was invited at a high price this time.

"Master Kazabu, I am not afraid of the demigods on the opposite side, but once it rises to the duel of demigod-level strongmen, it is bound to be the moment of the decisive battle. Although we are not afraid of the other side, based on the current situation, we still have three fewer demigod-level strongmen than the other side."

"What do you think?"

"I think you still need to go down to establish the victory. Otherwise, if the stalemate continues, both the loss of the legion and the consumption of resources will be too great. It is better to take down the opponent's high-level as soon as possible, and we can take down this plane as soon as possible."

After listening to his beloved disciple's words, Griman was also quietly thinking about the pros and cons. The suppression effect of the plane on the fourth-level strongman was too obvious.

He is a fourth-level strongman. When he enters this plane that can only accommodate demigod-level strongmen, the attack strength he exerts is mainly based on the strength of the demigod level. If he launches a fourth-level attack, the backlash he will bear will certainly not be small.

Similar situations only occurred in the early stages of the development of the wizard world, when they entered smaller demiplanes and microworlds at the second and third levels, but the plane suppression power was not strong at that time.

It can only be said that there was some impact, but with a large number of knights and wizards fighting one after another, they still successfully took down the opponent's plane.

Later it was even simpler. With the first batch of slave planes as the foundation, the development of the wizard world was like a snowball, rolling bigger and bigger, and wizards and knights were often no longer needed to rush to the front line.

Because there were a large number of slave creatures available, knights often appeared in large numbers when deciding the outcome. As for wizards, although they were also on the front line of the battlefield, they were not fighting hand-to-hand after all, and the damage was not great.

Grimman never worried that he could not take down those demigod-level plane natives. The only consideration was how many times he needed to break the shackles?

There were also some demigod-level strongmen among the plane natives who were not on the front line. If he was off the field, it would inevitably attract their attention.

When all the demigod-level masters of the entire Esilia plane gather together, the gap between the Grimman Islands and the other side is not three, but ten.

And the backlash that may be caused by breaking the shackles once or twice is acceptable, but after the end, it will definitely be more than once or twice, five or six times are possible. If he really needs to take action ten times, Grimman has reason to believe that he may also fall into a lower realm.

Although he can still recover to level four in the future, is this price worth it?

The wizard world is now making great strides forward. Other forces may not encounter this situation, or others use more middle-level combat power to deal with it. Will his strength decline after conquering this plane cause other effects?

These are all things Grimman needs to think about, but considering the "hugeness" of the Esilia plane and the "benefits" brought by the conquest in the future, Grimman's somewhat "old" heart is boiling again.

"Fight!" Thinking of this, Grimman also made up his mind and only said the word "fight" to his beloved disciple.

Seeing the strong fighting spirit emanating from his teacher, Rodbell was also overwhelmed. After finishing the conversation with Griman, he quickly found Kazab, Bix, Ramplin and others to discuss the general attack again.


On this day, Colin was still the same as before. After ordering the fallen demons to fire their daily quasi-spells, he commanded the centaurs and red-blue warriors to continue fighting against the holy knights of the opposite Gillia Kingdom in the area he was responsible for.

Suddenly, the sky was covered by a huge figure. The soldiers on both sides of the battlefield were a little surprised why the sky suddenly darkened, and they couldn't help but look up at the sky.

I saw the shadow of Lord Griman appear in the air of the Esilia plane. The wizard army was naturally excited. They felt that Lord Griman was finally going to take action, and the war should come to an end.

The natives of the plane looked unhappy. The god-level warriors of the other side were finally going to attack. Wasn't he afraid of the backlash of the plane?

When the main gun of the space fortress emitted the light of death, the plane membrane was torn open again. Lord Grimman grabbed the plane membrane with both hands and tore it to both sides.

When Grimman began to tear the plane membrane, the entire Aesiriya plane seemed to shake, many cracks appeared on the ground, huge waves were stirred up in the ocean, and the sky seemed to be stained with a layer of blood, giving people a doomsday scene.

The soldiers on both sides of the front line had completely stopped fighting and were observing the "giant" in the air. The oppressive breath in the air became heavier and heavier, and a breathless pressure was transmitted to everyone.

The professionals above level 2 were better off. Many of the low-level sergeants had died directly because of heart explosions.

Even the middle and high-level professionals had to climb down to resist this kind of pressure, and the first-level professionals did not dare to keep flying. They quickly landed on the ground, as if the ground could help them offset that part of the pressure.

The crack in the sky was getting bigger and bigger, and Griman's upper body had completely entered the Esilia plane. It was no longer a phantom, but a real entry.

At this time, different locations on the continent also exuded a strong breath. They began to rise and fly towards the side where the two sides were fighting.

Even Aska Sandev, who had signed a peace agreement with the Griman Islands, was no exception. He had the opportunity to watch the divine posture of a fourth-level strongman, which would provide some direction for his next promotion, right?

When Griman completely entered Esilia, dark red rain fell from the sky. Although the will of the plane had fallen into a deep sleep, he also felt a great crisis in his subconscious. These dark red rains seemed to be the blood flowing from the Esilia plane.

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