The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 381 Lina is promoted to level 3

After returning to Emerald Island, Colin had less than two days of leisure before all kinds of things came to him.

Although Colin had arranged the work of the law enforcement team properly before departure, some minor problems inevitably occurred. Fortunately, Helen was there to coordinate and solve them.

Several non-staff members of the law enforcement team who were secretly collected have been officially promoted to the first level and began to officially join the wizard tower of Emerald Island.

The intelligence organization responsible for Nora also began to spread. Although it is not possible to obtain the dynamics of the major forces on the mainland in the first time, it is much faster than Colin before, at least it will not happen for a long time before it is known.

Wood of the South Sea Hermit Association finally got the latest news. He had been traveling abroad in the past few years. When Colin was fighting in the Aesiriya plane, he came to Emerald Island once, and Helen received Wood.

It turns out that Wood has had good opportunities in recent years. He actually joined the Magik Empire and is now a low-level officer. Once promoted to the second level, he will enter the sequence of middle-level officers.

Of course, these are all routine affairs and dynamics. The most regrettable thing is that teacher Lina successfully promoted to level three, and the news has been reported to Emerald Island, but Helen and the others did not rush to tell Colin two days ago.

Colin had to go to the teacher's promotion for both emotional and logical reasons. Senior sister Falsa followed him to fight in the Aesiriya plane, and went directly back to Megwen City after returning. Colin went back and forth to the Agri plane again, which had been delayed for a long time.

Leaving Marcus and Locke to sit in Emerald Island, Colin's family will form a group to go to Megwen again. It is worth mentioning that Hathaway took the initiative to ask to go with them.

The other women didn't know the reason, but Colin knew it very well. Hathaway still regarded herself as a woman, and she didn't want to be absent from such an elder meeting.

After chartering a floating ship, Colin's family flew directly to Megwen City. Before leaving, Colin specially sent a message in advance.

So, Colin and his family were received as soon as they got off the ship. The person who received them was none other than the old acquaintance Demier.

Seeing Colin's family, Demier felt a little bitter, but she didn't show it on her face. She still warmly received Colin and the girls.

After Colin and the girls met the teacher, Helen presented a gift on behalf of Emerald Island. After the greetings, Demier and the girls said goodbye. Only Colin and Falsa were left in Lina's room.

"Teacher, congratulations on your successful promotion." Helen and the girls left, and Colin formally congratulated again.

Lina waved her hand and said, "There's nothing worth talking about. The family fully supports me. If I still can't be promoted, it's too useless. You and Falsa have to work hard."

"I will." Colin (Falsa) replied at the same time.

"I heard that you are matchmaking for the elves again?"

"Yes, the Elf King in Esilia is really entangled, and the disciple has no choice."

Falsa rolled her eyes at Colin. What dare you say? Does a demigod need to entangle you?

Lina knew Colin's temperament well, so she didn't continue the topic and turned to talk about other things.

"I haven't been promoted for long, and I need to stabilize for a while. The coordinates of the Green Forest Source World have been obtained for too long. I plan to launch a plane war against it in 20 years." Lina turned to the main topic and talked about such a "big" thing.

The coordinates of the Green Forest Source World were obtained after the conquest of the acacia plane. The acacia giant tree clan was also the loser of the internal conquest of the Green Forest Source World.

Although he had to surrender to the Heaton family, he always missed the Green Forest Source World and always wanted to kill back.

Even if he was not the leader, he hoped to avenge his previous shame and revenge.

For Lina, being able to enslave a plane again would bring great benefits to the Heaton family. Revenge was a matter of convenience. If it was just for revenge, a few slave subordinates were not worth her doing that.

"Green Forest Source? It's been so long, I almost forgot about it. I remember that Pelochi of the Robinia Giant Tree Clan once said that there should be a Level 3 strongman in that plane."

"There must be, and more than one. The two major races, the willow giant tree and the pine and cypress green tree, can't be stable without a Level 3 in charge, and it is possible that a demigod will appear."

"Then..." Colin thought about the rest of the words and didn't say it. Teacher, you have just been promoted to Level 3, and you have set such a big goal. Colin is a little speechless.

Lina suddenly thought of what Colin hadn't said, and she explained: "What? Do you feel that we can't take down the other party? I forgot to tell you that the space fortress of the Heaton family has arrived."

"Oh? Has it finally arrived? It's been so many years since the order was placed, and it's only the turn of the Heaton family."

"Well, the major forces are given priority, and then the small and medium forces will be the next. It wouldn't be so fast. According to the previous communications, it would take at least ten years. I didn't expect that someone from the floating city would come to communicate as soon as I was promoted.

They said that there was a problem with one force, and the cost of delivering the space fortress had not been settled. I was promoted to level three again. Thinking that I might be able to use it, they gave it to me first."

Although Lina was explaining, it can be seen from her words that the floating city is also looking at people.

In the past, Lina's family was just a small family with several second-level strongmen, so there was no need to deliberately make friends. After all, the floating city was backed by Master Merlin, the number one in the wizard world.

But since Lina has successfully been promoted to level three, it is different. Level three is now definitely the backbone of the wizard world, a new medium-sized force. It makes sense to put some orders from other families in the back and give them to the Heaton family first.

"With the support of the space fortress, it is not difficult to deal with level three masters, but I don't know how many level three masters the opponent has. If I rely on the teacher alone, I am still a little powerless."

"You can think of it, can't the teacher think of it? I will definitely invite some friends to help me." Seeing Colin was still hesitating, Falsa also spoke up.

"Uh, senior sister is right, I was distracted."

"Preparation must be more sufficient. If twenty years are not enough, then thirty years, strive to take over the Green Forest Source World in one fell swoop. I don't want to be like Lord Grimman, who gave up halfway. I should share some of the benefits. If the war drags on for a long time, it may not be worthwhile." Lina said very straightforwardly.

"The matter of the Esilia plane is a bit complicated, mainly because Lord Grimman doesn't want to pay too much. Even if he is alone, he can take down such a demigod, but it will take longer and he may be demoted afterwards."

"I don't agree with Lord Grimman's idea. After three hundred years of peace, it will definitely cost a lot to go there again. It's better to take it directly and use three hundred years to restore strength."

Lina's idea is more radical. Women who practice fire witchcraft do have a bad temper. Colin didn't argue any more. He just chatted with Lina and Falsa for a while and left with the girls.

It's not that Colin doesn't want to stay longer, but Colin has a lot of things to do now. Since Teacher Lina has the idea of ​​conquering the Green Forest Source plane, Colin must support it, but the achievements on the Esilia plane have not been converted into money.

If there is not enough time, Colin may need a loan again, but the last loan has not been paid off. I don't know if Theresa can continue to lend money.

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