The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 394: Lost in an unknown world

Starry sea, in the space fortress of the Heaton family.

Connie and Hathaway woke up early the next day and saw that their lover was still sleeping. They did not disturb him, thinking that Colin was also exhausted physically and mentally after the battles during this period of time.

After all, Colin is not only Lina's disciple, but also a commander on the front line. He has to take care of his subordinates. It is good to rest for a while when sailing in the starry sea.

The two women have their own things to do, or study what they have gained during this period, or predict some small things, but I don't know why, they didn't think about Colin.

After a busy day, the two women met again in Colin's room, but Colin still didn't wake up. The two women did feel something was wrong.

Connie used to be more of a physical wizard. Although she also practiced wind magic, she was more blessed on the physical attack. Later, she and Nora accepted the inheritance of druids. Although the progress was good, she knew nothing about Colin's current situation.

As for Hathaway, she practices special witchcraft. Due to her own negligence, she did not notice Colin's abnormality in the morning. Now, looking at Colin, whether it is the temperature of his body or his frowning brows, it clearly tells her that Colin is not right.

Hathaway can't help but cast her own prophecy witchcraft and destiny witchcraft, hoping to effectively sense Colin's abnormality.

But after trying for a long time, she only felt that Colin's "spirit" seemed to be pulled into an unknown place, and he was not hurt for the time being.

In desperation, the two women had to ask Lina for help.

Lina was also very nervous about Colin's abnormality. After all, he was one of her two most capable disciples (the first two disciples, the eldest disciple Ivan and the second disciple Ulman, rarely participated in the affairs of Lina's family), and she had to pay attention to it.

But whether it was Lina or the other three third-level masters, they had no solution to Colin's current situation, and they tried for a long time but still had no effect.

It was not even as real as what Hathaway could sense.

Lina could only ask Hathaway and Connie to take good care of Colin and continue to sense Colin's situation every day.

Colin did not feel the various witchcrafts Hathaway used on him, but walking in this unknown place, Colin could also imagine the anxiety of everyone after he "disappeared" (he was not sure that he was just a spirit here), and he had to return to the space fortress as soon as possible.

Colin had been walking in this place for a day. Except that the gray fog seemed to be thicker, there was no other change. If there was any change, it was that the terrain seemed to be getting lower and lower, and the color of the gray fog was darker.

The effect of the powerful light spell was weaker, and it had been reduced from the initial illumination of three meters to less than two meters now. Colin's mental power also tried to explore the surroundings, but there was no discovery during the exploration, and the range of mental power perception was extremely compressed. Colin could only stop this thankless behavior.

Although there is no help from the Earth, Colin still has a vague sense of time. He feels that he has been walking in this place for more than a day, and he doesn't know where the space fortress has flown to. If it is too far away, even if he leaves from here, does he have to fly back to the wizard world?

Although the existence of the second level can fly briefly in the sea of ​​stars, he is not absolutely sure that he can fly back to the wizard world, and he doesn't know whether Teacher Lina and the others will wait for him?

Fortunately, Colin's foundation of practicing knights is still there. After walking for a day, he still doesn't feel tired. If it weren't for the poor vision, Colin believes that he can walk faster.

When Colin chose to explore this place, he just randomly chose a direction. He didn't know if it was the way to leave, but he could only bite the bullet and go on.

After walking for about two more days, even when Colin, who was as strong as Colin, felt a little tired, Colin finally found something abnormal.

The gray fog in front seemed to be lighter, as if it was almost as dense as when he came here?

Hey, could it be that I have found the right place?

Colin thought of this and took a few quick steps. As he ran faster, the abnormality became more obvious and the visibility in front of him also increased.

It seems that there is some light?

Colin started running towards the direction of the light.

But it took less than a few minutes for Colin to stop again.

At this time, the scene in front of Colin was that a large lake was located in front of him, with a row of houses on both sides of the lake, and the so-called light that Colin "saw" just now was emitted from the houses on both sides.

Colin counted carefully, there were seven houses on the left hand side, and only five houses on the right hand side.

And there was only one house on the left hand side with light, but two on the right hand side.

After thinking about it, Colin walked towards the house with light on the left hand side.

As he walked, Colin used his mental power to sense the situation in the house. The exploration of mental power was very smooth, but strangely, he could not sense anything in the room?

Colin didn't know what was wrong with the information obtained by his mental power, but since he was here, he would not stop there and would definitely go in to take a look.

Although he didn't feel any danger, the cautious Colin still cast various defensive witchcrafts on himself.

When Colin pushed open the door with light, the door strangely didn't make any sound.

At this time, the scene in the room also came into Colin's sight.

It was similar to the room Colin remembered, with some simple furnishings that could not be called furniture, such as beds, tables, stools, stoves, etc., and there was still no one.

Colin observed the source of the light, which was not from the top of his head, but from a "stone" on the table, or it could not be called a stone, it seemed to be an unknown energy crystal?

Colin did not check it directly, but used witchcraft to conjure a simulated hand, picked up the stone and observed it repeatedly.

He even used mental power to detect it, and it was indeed an energy crystal, and it seemed to have light attributes?

But in addition to the single light attribute, there seemed to be something else. For a while, Colin could not find anything else. After thinking about it, he put it into the alien space and deliberately isolated an area to place it.

Under the lake that Colin did not know, when he brought the stone into the alien space, a "creature" under the lake suddenly became impatient.

"I...Who is it? Who moved my traction stone? Is your traction stone safe? Without the help of the traction stone, I can't go back. You have to help me no matter what." Looking at the two companions in front of him, Raul said anxiously.

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