The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 42: Encounter on Goda Plains (Part 1)

Montel City.

Under Tiele's leadership, the Igle tribe, together with the coalition forces of the Grizzly, Flame Fox and Rock tribes, quickly pushed the front line to the north of Montel City.

Montel City, as the northern part of the Principality of Denton, is far superior to Purinton City in terms of area, population, prosperity and armaments.

Montel City has a second-line defense force, not many, but more than 5,000 people. The arrival of the Gale Legion makes Montel City look very lively.

The merchants don't care if you are fighting, they are still very happy about the nearly 30,000 people pouring in.

30,000 people, how much goods will be consumed? Although Montel City is an important town in the north, with a population of nearly 500,000, the consumption of goods has been saturated. The arrival of these nearly 30,000 new forces has made the merchants in the city very happy.


"Has the reinforcements from the capital not arrived yet?" Giovanni asked.

"On the way, the first batch of reinforcements is led by Lord Justin, who has just changed his guard."

"..., how is the registration situation at the city's conscription office?"

"Not very ideal, there are many people watching the show every day, but not many people have actually signed up. So far, there are less than 1,000 people."

"Are there any problems with the supply of food and grass?"

"No, there is no shortage for the time being with the foundation left by Lord Justin, and there are also a lot of food reserves in the city. Lord, don't worry about this."

This time, the Igle tribe will join forces with the Grizzly, Flame Fox, and Rock tribes, with nearly 120,000 people.

Originally, the Igle tribe had more than 60,000 people, and some of them were consumed in the confrontation with Justin for several months. After he led the Gale Legion to change guard, although there were only 35,000 people, the strength did not decrease much. He was not afraid of the more than 50,000 people of the Igle tribe. It was based on this idea that he fought against them in the field.

Who would have thought that the other side suddenly increased its troops, 60,000 at a time. Fortunately, Giovanni was calm and fought to the death before slowly withdrawing from the battlefield.

In total, the Gale Legion lost more than half of its personnel in the wars in the past few years, and suffered heavy losses.

The new recruits in the capital have not yet been replenished, and the recruitment situation in Montel City is not optimistic. They can only wait for Justin to arrive before thinking about counterattack.

Justin looked at this familiar northern town not far away. It was endless at a glance. The city was more than ten meters high, and the city wall was full of soldiers.

The south gate of Montel City was also closed, but not sealed.

Originally, the grassland coalition surrounded Montel City on three sides, but the number of people besieging the city was not 120,000, about 70,000 or 80,000. The remaining people were divided into some small groups, "sweeping" the villages between Purinton City and Montel City, looting all the people and items that could be moved away.

Perhaps because of the news, the grassland coalition soon withdrew from the siege of the east and west gates, and Justin led the Tiger Corps to enter Montel City smoothly.

Soon, Justin met Giovanni.

"Hey, old friend, see you again."

"..., I don't want to see you, but I'm relieved to see you."

"There are also private nobles formed by the royal family behind, with more people than I bring. I just came as a vanguard to deal with the emergency."

"It's much better with you. I am more confident in defending Montel, but I am a little worried. If they bypass us and continue to go south, it will be troublesome."

"Yes, the average strength of our cavalry is higher than that of the grassland coalition, but the number is too small and the mobility is too poor. The opponent is basically cavalry."

Because the resources of the Principality of Denton are limited, it takes the route of elite soldiers. The proportion of professionals in the cavalry is very high, and the officers at the captain level are generally above the strength of trainee knight attendants.

On the other hand, the grassland coalition army only has soldiers who can ride horses, and only officers at the level of centurions can be apprentice knights, but the difference of more than ten times in number completely makes up for this shortcoming.

"I am worried now. If the grassland coalition army leaves 80,000 people to fight with us and sends 40,000 people to invade the south, can the second batch of noble private armies resist? If they fail again, the situation of the principality will be somewhat precarious." Giovanni said worriedly.

"Don't rule out this possibility. After all, our two armies combined are less than 60,000 people. If we go out of the city to fight in the field, we won't gain any advantage. Others can easily divide their troops and go south."

"Let's strengthen communication with the prince. We must be careful and don't fall into the trap again."


The marching speed of the noble coalition is not fast. It was originally only three days late, but according to the current marching speed, it will take at least five days to reach Montel City.

Before setting off, Colin was relatively new to everything. This kind of march similar to the ancient Western ones gave him a lot of novel feelings, but after eating "dirt" for more than ten days, he gradually got a little bored. In addition, the noble coalition army was mixed, and not everyone had the strategic vision of the Marquis, so there were many cases of pulling heads to make up the numbers.

However, the royal guards were indeed elite. Although they were covered in armor, they never relaxed, which was completely different from these noble private armies. That small team of magicians was even more mysterious. After more than ten days, Colin rarely saw their figures.

Some noble private armies also had firearms, but it seemed that this continent was not very interested in such weapons. I don't know whether it was because of the wrong research direction or the poor offensiveness of firearms, so only a small number of them were equipped.

"It would be great if there was a Gatling gun." Colin thought boredly.


"Sir, we have investigated and there are no good places to set up an ambush within a radius of dozens of miles."

"No? If not, just fight openly. The southerners are all soft eggs." Bater said.

"But didn't the Tiele tribe leader tell us to be careful before he left?"

"The tribe leader's worry is a bit redundant. We have nearly 40,000 people, and the other side has only more than 30,000, and they are a group of old soldiers. What's wrong? Are you afraid? Or has the life in the south for several months made you unable to hold a knife in your hand?"

Hearing Bater's questioning tone, the guard had to express his strong confidence and respect for the chief warrior of the tribe.


The Goda Plain is in front of us, and we can reach Montel City by crossing the plain.

The front is boundless and the view is very wide. There is no need to worry about being ambushed. The noble coalition, which has been tense for several days, is also relieved and ready to set up camp after marching a distance.

A large number of troops passed by, so that various animals on the plain had predicted the danger in advance, and ran away without a single one, leaving Colin, who wanted to improve the food, with nothing.

"Master Matthew, are we almost there?" Colin asked.

"Soon, in a few days. Don't worry, I believe that if the confrontation continues, the grassland people will definitely retreat and can't fight any big battles."

"I'm not worried about this, I just want to find a place to take a shower, it's too rustic."


Matthew thought that it was Colin's first time to participate in the war and he was a little afraid of the battlefield. He wanted to enlighten him, but he didn't expect this guy to think so. If he had known, he would have been too lazy to pay attention to him.


The battle started before dusk!

Bater's charge did not have any special superposition effect, it was just a blunt confrontation, and the noble coalition also discovered the arrival of the grassland enemies very early and quickly organized the team.

Although they were a mob, they had this awareness when they arrived on the battlefield. Sooner or later, there would be such a battle, and they were not afraid of fighting with the grassland people.

The losses of both sides were not small. Overall, the noble coalition suffered more. In the absence of a unified command, the losses seemed greater. But after all, there were more than 30,000 people. Even 30,000 pigs would take a long time to kill, not to mention that these people had weapons and their blood was not cold.

Seeing his comrades fall to the ground one by one, Colin was also overwhelmed with emotion and blood boiling. He bravely killed every grassland warrior who came into his sight. He had been cut several times, but they were all skin injuries. Soon, the knight's physique stopped the bleeding of these wounds.

It seems that the bet was right before. If it weren't for the risky breakthrough before the departure, I believe I would have fallen to the ground in such a big war scene.

Colin still had the energy to observe the entire battlefield. Overall, the noble coalition had not collapsed. Once again, he praised the palace guards. Their combat effectiveness was indeed extraordinary, and they cooperated very well. After fighting for a long time, they didn't lose many people.

The sky gradually darkened, and both sides were a little bit unable to fight. The grassland people were also ready to rest.

And the counterattack has just begun.

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