The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 435: Lina and her brother's sneak attack

The Wobis Wagyu beef with added ingredients was really tasty, making the old Sulden feel a little tired in his sleep. In his subconscious, maybe twenty years might not be enough for him to sleep?

Just now, he seemed to feel the breath of his descendants, but he really didn't want to wake up and tell him something. If he missed it, he missed it. He would leave it for the next twenty years.

But the descendants didn't seem to leave yet, and were still moving around him. I don't know what they were busy with. Are they still admiring their divine appearance?

Forget it, one less look, let the ancestor's divine appearance remain in your hearts.

At that moment, he wanted to open his eyes to see this brave descendant. Everyone left, and he stayed alone. Should he give him some opportunities?

But I don't know why, he was too lazy to open his eyes just now, and now he seems to be unable to open his eyes?

Hmm? Something is wrong!

In the past ten thousand years, he has followed the big guys of the dragon plane to other planes to fight. Although he has never encountered such a scene, this situation is very wrong.

He was about to force himself to wake up from his deep sleep, but before he could get up, he felt a strong elemental wave shooting towards him.

Oops, is it a dragon that wants to rob his wealth?

Suerden did not think of external enemies, but some black-hearted guys in the dragon plane, who specifically picked those old dragons to rob, until you can't live long, you can't beat him, he won't kill you, but hurt you, and robbed your life's property is enough.

Don't think about complaining, there are no shortage of guys who flatter the high and trample the low in any plane, you are a useless old dragon, how can you be more useful than other dragons in their prime?

Unless your family comes forward, but seeing that Suerden has mixed into the subordinate plane, you can imagine the family's attitude towards him.


Colin and Lina have just discussed it. Lina will be responsible for the main attack and try her best to attract Suerden's attention, while Colin, with the little breath of Suerden's descendants on his body, outlines the witch formation right under Suerden's nose.

When Lina's first spell hit Suerden, he didn't have time to open his eyes.

But don't ignore any adult dragon, even if he is old and frail.

The strong magic resistance resisted Lina's first spell very well. When it hit him, it was less than 40% of the attack power. In addition to the strong magic resistance, the dragon's own defense is not low.

When some attack spells reached him, it only caused a small burning point. This was because he was no longer in his prime and took weakening potions.

When he was forced to open his eyes, he thought it would be a dragon of the same kind. There was no situation at all. Instead, a fire element emerged in the magma sea outside his palace? (Lina has turned on the elemental state)

Judging from the fluctuation of mana, it seems to be a third-level fire element. Where did this thing come from? How dare it sneak attack me?

Suerden didn't bother to think about how Lina suddenly appeared here, but prepared to spread his wings and fly out of the palace to "grab" the fire element.

But even though he flapped his wings as hard as he could, why couldn't he fly?

Hey, why does my body feel so heavy?

Did I eat too much just now? Can't I fly now?

Never mind, I can deal with you even if I don't fly.

Suerden ran towards the fire element (Lina) as hard as he could, spitting out a fragrant smell (flaming fireball) while running.

Lina nimbly dodged Suerden's fireball and returned a fire bomb.

The fire bomb made of special alloy, under the promotion of fire magic, shot at Suerden like a high-speed bullet.

This is a new type of magic adapted by Lina based on ordinary human musketry for hundreds of years. It is more physical, but also has the effect of fire magic.

Using this to deal with Suerden is also to reduce Suerden's magic resistance.

Suerden didn't care whether you shot a spell or a bullet. With his big body, he couldn't completely dodge in the not-so-big palace, so he could only use his claws to block it.

He quickly transferred the energy in his body to his claws, and when he waved his claws to knock down the flaming bomb, he found that he couldn't keep up with the opponent's speed.

After barely blocking the direction of the flaming bomb, he didn't think of knocking down the flaming bomb as he expected, but was shot into his claws by the flaming bomb.

Hiss, it hurts so much.

He quickly glanced at his claws, and the flaming bomb seemed to have shot into his claws, but fortunately it didn't penetrate.

At this time, he had already run out of the palace and stood not far from the magma sea. Looking at the little guy opposite, he was furious that he, who had not been injured for hundreds of years, had suffered pain.

"Ahem..." Suerden opened his mouth and prepared to release a dragon language magic, which was far more powerful than ordinary elemental magic.

But Lina had already prepared for this, and shot two fire bombs into his mouth.


Damn, where should I shoot? This is where I eat. Do you think I like to eat bullets?

The fire bombs did not penetrate the inner wall of Suerden's mouth, but interrupted Suerden's dragon language magic.

Suerden thought about it and decided that it would be better to fight the little guy at close range.

But in a place he didn't pay attention to, there was a little guy (Colin) who had been sketching something beside him. When he was about to rush towards Lina again, he found that, huh? Can't move?

It turned out that after Colin was ready to take action after he fell asleep, he never stopped. He first sketched a powerful gravity magic array, which was why he didn't fly at the beginning.

But Suerden, who was eager to fight, didn't think deeply about why he couldn't fly, but hurried to fight with Lina.

Now, Colin's second magic array has also been sketched. It is a magic array that restricts movement. The time is very short, only a few minutes of effectiveness.

This is Lina's knowledge point. Colin didn't know it before. This time he also temporarily gained a new magic array knowledge.

When Suerden couldn't move forward or backward, he looked at the little guy (offspring) beside him.

No, this is not his offspring. He doesn't have his own physical characteristics and blood richness at all. Instead, he looks like the murderer who killed his offspring?

I\u0026, Suerden roared even more angrily. He tried his best to break free from the shackles and tear off the two people in front of him.

Seeing that the mission was completed, Colin did not stay in the dangerous place, but continued to fly towards Lina. During the movement, he also completed the semi-elemental transformation.

I\u0026, so you two are such a thing!

Suerden finally understood what was going on with the enemy in front of him...

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