The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 447 Xival's Mission

Half a month is not enough for Colin to have a more comprehensive understanding of the Shadow World, but Colin is not going to stay any longer. He has less than two years left for Sayre and Snape, and he will arrange someone to take over by then.

The candidates have also been thought of. In order to establish a strong image, Colin plans to arrange for Sibal (the group of people who defected to Merlin from the Skeleton Plane and were awarded to Hathaway) to come to the scene as the first garrison, and then arrange the wizards of the Emerald Academy according to the situation.

After carefully sending Colin away, the garrison wizard Saiduer here urgently contacted the Black Wizard Tower far away in the Chaos Star Sea through the Wizard Tower.

Saier naturally encouraged Saiduer. He was a new official, but the "lords" of these places could not damage his enthusiasm for the time being, not to mention that he had to smoothly transition to the hands of Colin the wizard within two years, so he naturally treated him well.

Seidul was smart enough not to ask about Durant's situation. After all, he was gone. If you ask too much, do you want to follow him?

This kind of thing happens every ten years in the Dalavini area, and it's even worse in the Chaos Star Sea. Seidul was able to be promoted to level two alive, so he was not a brainless person.

On the other hand, after receiving Seidul's call, Saier finally came down from the clouds that had been floating for the past few days. It's time to wake up. He still has a long way to go. This plane will be handed over soon.

Snape has negotiated the matter, so let's arrange for Snape to hand it over. As for some existing buildings and resources in the plane, only resources can be taken away, and buildings cannot be demolished. If they are really demolished, wouldn't that offend people?

Oh, we also need to speed up the internal "cleansing" and hope that other black wizard towers will not find out that the owner has changed. The tower must be closed after the handover of the plane is completed, and it will be opened again after I am promoted to level three.

Searle was thinking about some future arrangements, and his "good friend" Snape was also thinking about when to take action. Now both of them are at the peak of the second level. If Searle advances before Snape, he can only be the second one. If he advances first, he will have to take over the entire Black Wizard Tower.

Colin didn't care about the intrigue between Searle and Snape at all. The conditions agreed in advance were modified by Snape himself and had nothing to do with Colin. After verifying the situation in the shadow world, he reached the space port through the plane channel.

I thought that the black wizards in the Dalavini area would build the plane channel in a special place after conquering the plane, but I didn't expect that they would also reach the space port.

From this point of view, the attitude of the wizard world towards black wizards is more limited to a surface phenomenon in the lower layer. There is a lot of water here, and I can't get involved blindly. Fortunately, I went through the underground world throughout the process, and my whereabouts were relatively concealed.

Last time, I followed my teacher Sister Na (Lina) to the Asian dragon plane. I was thinking about refining blood for my pet, but the old dragon exploded before dying. Fortunately, Sister Na and I survived safely, and I was able to advance to level three.

But it was not easy for me to ask for the remaining dragon blood. Although my relationship with Sister Na has broken through to the negative distance, it is not something that can be taken for free. I will find another opportunity to deal with Charles next time.

(Charles has lied to me so many times. He locked me up in the small dark room when there was nothing to do, and didn't think of me when there was something to do. What's the next time? When will it be? You won't remember that your pet hasn't been promoted to level two until you are promoted to the god level.)

Of course, Colin didn't tell Charles about his thoughts, but Colin, who was in a good mood, still let Charles out and rode to Emerald Island, without any dissatisfaction with Charles's "slow" speed.

When Charles hovered over Emerald Island, several women came out to greet him. It was not that Colin had notified Hathaway in advance, but that there was a special talent in the family, Hathaway, so this kind of return could be calculated at will.

"Everything went well." Colin knew what the women wanted to ask, and directly told the result.

"By the way, where is Knight Sivar? I want to arrange him to guard the Shadow World after the handover." Colin said to Hathaway.

"You are welcome. He took your precious sons out and should be back soon."

As he was talking, Sivar walked in from outside with Coulson and Colette.

"Wizard Colin." Sivar called.

He was given to Hathaway by Merlin, and his master was also Hathaway. He was also very moved that Colin, a second-level kid, jumped up and reached the same level as him. Having a good teacher (he thought it was Merlin) is different. You can get whatever you want. He was promoted to the third level after more than 200 years. This has never happened in the skeleton plane.

"Have you gotten used to living here during this period, Knight Sibal?"

"It's OK. Although the negative energy here is not as abundant as in the Skeleton Plane, it is enough and does not affect my practice."

"Well, that's good. I was afraid that you would not get used to it. After the last time, I wanted to talk to you, but I was away for decades because of something. By the way, there is such a thing. I have gained a plane and would like to ask you to help garrison it and spend the first stage of transition."

"Uh..." Sibal was simply not interested when he heard this task. Coming to the wizard world was a helpless thing, just for survival. As a result, Lord Merlin gave himself to Hathaway. Well, he is Merlin's disciple, and he still has a lot of restrictions on his body. He can't disobey.

The problem is that Hathaway's man has also begun to assign himself. Doesn't this make him seem too impatient?

There is no need to guess what Sivar is thinking. Hathaway also understands that there must be some small emotions, but she is now tied to Colin and must consider some things for Colin.

"Knight Sivar, I hope you can accept it. Although it is a garrison mission, it may be your first time to do this mission, but there, you are the only master, and the creatures in the plane over there will follow any of your instructions. The only object you need to be loyal to and serve is us, and we don't stay there often. Do you understand what I mean?"

Although Hathaway has obtained the control method of the ban from Merlin, she still showed due respect for a third-level strongman who is stronger than herself.

Colin is different. He used to be the same as herself, both of them were second-level, but now Colin has been promoted and can talk to Sivar on an equal footing. Of course, if there is no affiliation, even a strong man of equal strength cannot command another strong man.

"Okay, everything is as you wish, Ms. Hathaway, Wizard Colin." Sivar reluctantly agreed. Maybe it is not a kind of enjoyment to go to that plane to tyrannize?

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