The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 75 College Exam

The college competition kicked off under the auspices of the second-level wizard Rodbell.

Rodbell focused on the glorious history of the wizard world, which gradually grew from a low-level plane to a mid-level plane under the leadership of a group of old demigod wizards headed by Merlin, including Lord Grimman.

He detailed the outstanding performance of the dean Lord Grimman in previous foreign wars and the development history of Grimman College.

He also explained the importance of this college competition and expressed his earnest expectations for the next competition.

He hoped that the apprentices of the college would perform at their best in the competition, and that in the near future, the college would welcome more formal wizards, etc.

After the long speech, Wizard Rodbell left the competition venue, and several first-level wizards were responsible for the specific matters of the competition.

Unlike other wizard apprentices who listened with relish and had an expression of admiration and longing, Colin had been brainwashed by various school conferences in his previous life, and he kept dozing off while listening, hoping that the competition would start soon.

Helen could only roll her eyes at her lover's performance, "No respect for teachers and elders at all."

The college's competition does not require all apprentices to participate, but some apprentices with ideas, especially those who want to show off in the competition, have signed up to participate.

There are nearly 10,000 wizard apprentices in the college, and junior apprentices account for 70%, with more than 4,000 registered to participate.

Because there are too many people, the first few rounds of competitions are basically single elimination. After one round, half will be eliminated until there are 100 remaining people. The double elimination system will be adopted, and the remaining 8 people will be round-robin.

In order to speed up the progress of the competition, 100 competitions between junior wizard apprentices were held at the same time. Since there are not many formal wizards on the field, only a few are on the scene to deal with some unexpected situations, so a group of senior wizard apprentices have to be mobilized to help maintain order.

After the draw, the competition between junior wizard apprentices began soon.

Colin and Helen watched the performance of the "little guys" with a comfortable mood.

This one throws a fireball spell, the other one throws a water arrow spell, and the back and forth is very lively. It seems that there are many people, but the competition starts very quickly. Many competition venues have already replaced the second batch of players.

Looking at these "little guys" with the mentality of Colin, a senior wizard apprentice, it seems as if he saw his former self.

Sometimes, when they should release attack spells, they release defense spells instead, and miss the opportunity to defeat the enemy in vain.

Sometimes, when they should dodge, they are still preparing to release attack spells under the effect of damn honey confidence. The result can only be one kind, being eliminated.

There are also some very funny ones. After only a few spells were thrown, both sides started the verbal cannon mode on the field. The senior wizard apprentice who couldn't stand it could only invite both sides to leave, and they were eliminated together.

There are also some ruthless people. The ruthlessness and decisiveness shown in the primary stage made Colin feel a lot.

For an internal competition in the college, they fought so hard that not only did they suffer disabilities, but also seriously injured the opponent.

Obviously, although they won, the next match would be difficult, and the road ahead would be even more strenuous.

Of course, there are all kinds of possibilities in the wizard world, and it is still possible to take the path of body transformation, but Colin does not approve of this kind of transformation.

There are also some who seem to be not strong, but through reasonable arrangement of tactics, under the premise of rules, the opponent cannot fight hard, and finally defeat the opponent with the weak.

There are also some who work part-time as knights or other side professions, and often an unexpected attack determines the outcome.

However, Colin also saw that the fights between wizard apprentices are still mostly spells. Even in external battles, most of them are cast in the back row, and the front row is more of various enslaved creatures.

Colin only watched the competition between junior wizard apprentices for one day and stopped bothering.

Although the performance of some apprentices is indeed amazing, everything can only be in vain when the strength difference is too large.

The primary competition is estimated to continue for some time, and there will be a competition between intermediate levels later. Calculating the time, there are still some, Colin is ready to seize the time to hone his combat skills, or see if there are any spells that can be mastered in a short time, which may be more practical.

After saying goodbye to Helen, Colin left the competition venue.

Colin returned to his residence and thought about the spells he mastered. The attack spells are mainly fire-based. Explosive fireballs and flame knives are powerful attack methods, but if the opponent is prepared, they will not play a big role.

The attack methods on the physical side, whether it is the use of greatswords or the application of archery, are actually quite powerful, but due to the limitations of the venue, they are sometimes difficult to play.

Although I am also a part-time knight attendant, I can't think of rushing up with a greatsword and slashing at any time. This is not desperate. If I always do this, I won't show my ability.

There are attack spells in the earth-based spells, but due to the influence of time, I haven't mastered them. I only have defensive methods and some auxiliary methods. Can you think of a way from this aspect?

Earth Wall and Slow seem to be quite effective in preventing others from attacking or escaping, but they can only play a small auxiliary role in attacking yourself.

Hey, why am I so stupid? My attack is not enough, so I have to use props to make up for it. My fire spells are not enough because my opponent is wearing props that reduce fire, and my opponent is using targeted defensive spells.

In either case, it means that the heat of the fire attack is not enough, so increase the heat. I remember that there seems to be a spell called Grease in the library.

Colin rushed to the library immediately and found out that Grease was just a trick, not even a level 0 spell. The exchange fee was only 5 merit points. Colin, who was rich, exchanged it quickly.

After returning to his residence, Colin began to study with great expectations.

The spell of Grease is not complicated, and it is also very simple to release. In just half a day, Colin has mastered Grease.

However, there is one bad thing. The successful release of Grease seems to only make people slip inadvertently, and it seems that the effect is not very good.

After superimposing the Fireball, I feel that the heat of the Fireball has increased slightly, but it still does not meet my psychological expectations.

It seems that I can only use kerosene to assist.

Colin left the college and bought some kerosene outside. Because he was afraid of causing too much damage, he found an empty space outside the college to test it.

It can't be said that the effect is good, it can only be said that the effect is very good. Colin clearly feels that the heat of fire spells has at least doubled after adding the assist of kerosene.

At this stage when no one can fly, I believe that if you are burned, you will definitely not be able to stop it.

Colin thought about the superimposed damage effect and was a little hesitant about whether to do it. However, thinking that there was a formal wizard on the scene, I thought nothing serious would happen.

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