The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 93: Puxilai Secret Realm VI

The venom from Colin's shoulder was sucked out by Edith, but Colin still showed signs of waking up.

Judging from the sky, it was still some time before night, but Edith knew she couldn't leave today.

Edith finally cut open the sand snake's skin with a big sword and removed the fangs and gallbladder. She was too tired to move anymore.

After looking at Colin, she still showed no intention of waking up. Edith didn't have any good ideas. She had used the antidote potion last time, and she didn't know if Colin still had it.

Edith cast a water balloon spell, refilled the water bottle, and briefly cleaned Colin's wounds.

After doing this, Edith found that she was a little hungry. She didn't want to eat the snake meat raw, but she didn't have the tools to make a fire, so she had to wait for Colin to wake up.

It was getting dark, but Colin still didn't wake up. If she hadn't touched his breath and it felt normal, Edith almost thought Colin had died.

Edith hugged her knees and sat next to Colin. She looked at Colin and didn't know what she was thinking.

Slowly, Edith felt a little unable to open her eyes.

Finally, I fell asleep.

Unknowingly, Edith lay down and leaned against Colin.

Later in the night, Edith felt something shaking on her left side.

"Cold..." Colin made a small voice.

Edith was still disturbed by Colin's movements and woke up. She glanced at Colin, but he still didn't wake up.

But seeing Colin shaking all the time, Edith felt something was wrong. Could it be that the snake venom hasn't been cleaned off yet?

Edith sat up and looked at Colin's shoulder again. Due to the light, Edith couldn't see very clearly, but she intuitively felt that it was not more swollen. When she touched it, it was actually a little hot.

Edith tried touching Colin's forehead and other parts again. They were all very hot.

Edith didn't know what to do. Did she need to cast a freezing spell on Colin?

Finally, she felt that the temperature of the freezing technique was a little low, so she tried to use the water balloon technique on Colin's body.

Colin first stopped shaking and seemed to feel relieved, but then the shaking became more obvious.

"Cold..." The voice seemed to be much louder than before.

But when he touched Colin's body temperature, it became even hotter.

"It's so hot, so why is he still calling it cold? Is it because the temperature of the water polo technique is not low enough?" Edith had no experience and just thought instinctively.

Edith cast another freezing spell on Colin, and now it was time to lower the temperature.

Unexpectedly, after a short pause, Colin rolled around.

From time to time, he shouted "cold."

Edith was a little panicked. Did she make a mistake?

In fact, this was originally a process of detoxification in Colin's body. If Edith left Colin alone and relied on Colin's physique, she could slowly ease it.

Unexpectedly, Edith's operation was actually unhelpful.

Colin was actually conscious, but he still couldn't wake up, and Dixing kept repeating "Warning, warning, what is the host's surface temperature?"

Edith's retaliation aroused a more toxic resistance in Colin's body, which continued to heat up and burned Colin to death again.

Edith had no other choice. She thought about her physical condition and finally made up her mind.

Soon, Edith took off Colin's top, and at the same time took off her own coat, lay down on her back and hugged Colin tightly.

There is no physical cooling method like hugging the human body to cool down. However, due to Edith's innate ice affinity and years of practice, Edith's body also has the characteristics of a half-frozen body.

Edith decided to hug Colin tightly, which was using her body characteristics to cool Colin down.

In Edith's arms, Colin gradually calmed down. The torment just now seemed like the poison in his body had almost worn off.

Seeing Colin calm down, Edith, who had been working with Colin for a long time, was also very tired and slowly fell asleep again.

The poison in Colin's body has not completely dissipated, but it was temporarily suppressed by Edith's physique.

Feeling the decreasing toxicity in Colin's body, as if conscious, the remaining poison began to gather together, preparing to launch a final attack.


The poison in Colin's body launched a final attack on Colin's brain.

The confused Colin felt the heat in his mind, and the outside of his body could not help but heat up again.

After feeling the coolness coming from the right side, I got closer to the coolness.

"Well, it seems that it can only relieve the body temperature on the right side." In a daze, Colin thought about getting more coolness.

He turned over and hugged Edith.

Edith was already wearing only her underwear, and Colin, who was naked, pressed up, and Edith felt it.

Edith saw that Colin's eyes were closed tightly, but the two of them were completely attached, and Colin was still groping her body.

"Colin." Edith tried to call Colin, but Colin didn't respond and just instinctively touched Edith's body.

Edith had the intention to push Colin away, but she gave up the idea of ​​pushing Colin away when she felt the heat coming from Colin's body and felt that Colin was not yet healed and that the toxicity might have recurred.

Gritting her teeth, Edith hugged Colin even tighter.

Edith's movement seemed to give a signal to the hazy Colin.

Colin's movements became more intense.

His head rested on Edith's neck, arching back and forth as if he was looking for something. One of his hands was no longer limited to the upper part, but was touching the plump part below.

"Colin, Colin." Edith's breathing was a little rapid, trying to wake Colin up.

Colin's consciousness was a little fuzzy, but the touch of his body and the soft feeling in his hands seemed to be with Helen, or with Nora.

It just felt a little bigger, but he was not conscious to begin with, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

The hand below seemed to have touched the edge of something, and suddenly exerted force, as if something was torn apart.


Edith was a little scared, she tried to push Colin away, and didn't care about helping Colin heal his wounds.

But with her physical strength, how could she push Colin away.

Colin felt the twisting of his "lover" below, and thought he was playing something fun.

He moved his head back and forth, and finally found it, and kissed Edith's little mouth.


Edith patted Colin's back.

Colin's tongue went into Edith's mouth, rolling and sucking, and this time Edith couldn't avoid it.

Little Colin seemed to have found a cold harbor, but then it gradually warmed up.

"...Finally, this guy succeeded." Edith also gave up resistance.

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