The wizard in Hogwarts is unscientific

Chapter 39 Conversation in the Principal’s Office

The eighth floor of the castle, the principal's office. new

Dumbledore, who was being discussed by Andy and Hermione, was sitting in the principal's office with his eyebrows deep in thought.

He did already know.

The portraits and ghosts throughout the castle are Dumbledore's spies. Nothing that happens in the castle can escape Dumbledore's eyes - as long as he wants to know.

The office was quiet, and the portraits of the past principals hanging on the wall were pretending to be doing their own thing. However, the eyes that glanced at Dumbledore from time to time had revealed their desire to hear gossip.

They wanted to know how exactly Dumbledore was going to handle this.

This is a strange thing that has not happened in Hogwarts for thousands of years.

The four major colleges of the school united for the first time, and the purpose was to drive away a professor.

If the four founders of Hogwarts knew about this, I don't know whether they would be more angry or relieved.

Principal Phineas Black was obviously not a very patient person, so he decided to say something to break the deadlock.

"Who in the future will say that Albus Dumbledore is the greatest headmaster of Hogwarts? When I was the headmaster, such outrageous things would not have happened in the school!"

Phineas Black's tone was a little proud, "I heard that it was our Slytherin students who started this matter? Ha! Let me tell you, this is a beautiful thing!"

Headmaster Delis Derwent ignored Phineas Black. She looked at Dumbledore and asked: "Albus, how do you plan to deal with this matter?"

As soon as this question came out, all the portraits stopped what they were doing at the same time. They all looked at Dumbledore, and even Phineas Black fell silent. new

"Ah! I'm thinking of another thing."

Dumbledore seemed to have just woken up, "Although it will be a bit troublesome, it would be good to drive Quirrell out of Hogwarts. This saves me a lot of trouble."

Dumbledore frowned in thought, what exactly happened?

Well...this matter started a few months ago.

Voldemort is still alive, and his remnant is active in the forests of Albania - Dumbledore has known about this for a long time.

It wasn't until Quirrell went to the Albanian forest that Voldemort left there.

Later, Dumbledore received news that someone was trying to get the Sorcerer's Stone.

So Dumbledore decided to use the Philosopher's Stone to lure Voldemort into taking the bait.

Harry Potter is about to enter school, and Dumbledore must ensure that the child has enough courage to face Voldemort.

At the same time, he also wanted to verify another thing, whether the protective magic on Harry Potter was still effective against Voldemort.

This prophesied child was the only hope Dumbledore could think of to defeat Voldemort.

Can Dumbledore defeat Voldemort?

have no idea!

Because Voldemort would never fight him to the death. new

Since he would not fight to the death, Dumbledore would naturally not be able to kill Voldemort.

What's more, Voldemort still has a way to avoid death.

At first, the plan actually went well.

Dumbledore asked Hagrid to pick Harry up for admission, and at the same time asked Hagrid to take away the Philosopher's Stone stored in Gringotts.

Hagrid was a careless man and he didn't avoid Harry at all.

As long as Harry is curious enough, he will know about the Sorcerer's Stone sooner or later. If he has justice and courage in his heart, then he will take action to protect the Philosopher's Stone.

As for what's next, Dumbledore just needs to wait patiently.

New ℴ𝓂

However, who would have thought that the famous Harry Potter could not even open the lock spell?

Not to mention discovering the trap door guarded by the three-headed dog, he didn't even enter the door.

Of course, Dumbledore can't be blamed for this.

Dumbledore was a magic genius back then. He could learn small magic such as the lock-picking spell without reading a book.

It's like Einstein couldn't imagine that someone didn't even know what one plus one equals.

Does this still need to be taught?

But it doesn't matter if it fails once. Dumbledore still has a year to slowly plan.

However, Slytherin's action disrupted all Dumbledore's plans.

Just like Andy said, the principal cannot go against all students. Driving Quirrell away was the common wish of all students, and Dumbledore had no choice but to compromise.

Now that Quirrell's dismissal is a foregone conclusion, Dumbledore naturally needs to change his plan.


The spiral staircase moved slowly, and Snape, dressed in black robes, opened the door to the principal's office and walked in.

There was a hint of sarcasm on his face, "It looks like you're in a good mood."

"Ah! Yes!"

Dumbledore showed a pleased expression, "The students have united for the first time. Let me think about it, what did they say? Ah! We will defend our right to study to the death."

"From this point of view, Quirrell is indeed a bit unqualified. Miss Granger of Ravenclaw even wrote me a letter of complaint before!"

Snape deadpanned.

Except for dealing with Voldemort, Snape and Dumbledore never peed in the same pot.

"I checked and it was indeed Malfoy who started this matter."

Speaking of this, Snape couldn't help but show a trace of doubt on his face, "But I know Malfoy, he is not capable of planning such a thing."

Just think of what Draco Malfoy did this week!

He had just arranged a midnight duel with Ron and Harry, and then went to Filch to report them.

Is it possible for a young wizard like Malfoy to think of contacting all students to drive away a professor?

Totally impossible!

"I don't think Malfoy was the mastermind either."

Dumbledore crossed his fingers in front of him and said in a calm tone, "But... unless we force Malfoy to tell the truth, we will never know who is the mastermind of this matter."

"But I can't think of a reason to do it."

Dumbledore continued: "Although the method is a bit drastic, writing a complaint letter is not a violation of school rules."

Snape would not believe Dumbledore's nonsense. He looked directly at Dumbledore and asked, "You must already have doubts in your heart, right?"

"..." Dumbledore was silent for a moment.

"Severus, please keep an eye on a child for me, please?"

Dumbledore's tone was a bit complicated, and he seemed to be ashamed of his behavior.

After saying that, Dumbledore took out a letter from the drawer and handed it to Snape - it was a complaint letter written by Hermione.

Snape just glanced at him lightly, and he immediately understood what Dumbledore meant, "You're talking about Collins? He does have some talent, but he is only eleven years old this year!"

"But I'm over a hundred years old!"

Dumbledore did not avoid Snape's gaze, "I can feel that the child is full of enthusiasm for magic. Sooner or later, he will become curious about dark magic."

"Severus, we cannot just watch a gifted child be led into darkness by dark magic."

"I'm afraid I won't have much time this year, so I can only trouble you."

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