The wizard in Hogwarts is unscientific

Chapter 78 Are there still honest people in this world?

Andy spread his hands and said, "Ms. Gray is mysterious, please let me think about it."

That's what he said, but Andy was actually thinking about something else.

History, ancient magic, blood, soul...

It is obvious that although the ancestors of the magic world are all pursuing the origin of magic, they are actually pursuing different directions.

That's why Ms. Gray said: The origin of to find it?

Different research directions will naturally lead to different conclusions.

After looking at the sky, Andy said to Hermione: "It's too late today. Let's go back to bed first. Let's talk about anything tomorrow!"

Rather than competing with the Ravenclaw ladies for wisdom, Andy prefers to forcefully crack the secrets here after the magic is powerful.

This is what cheating means!

"You go back to sleep first!"

Hermione gestured to the book in her hand, "I'll go to bed after reading this book. Tomorrow is Sunday anyway, so I can sleep a little longer."

"Okay, don't wait until it's too late." Andy urged.

"Yeah, I got it. Good night!" Hermione smiled slightly.

"Good night!" Andy said in a daze.

Back in the dormitory, Andy was lying on the bed, but his mind was very confused.

Too much to hear tonight.

Ravenclaw's library, Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets...

The Big Four seem to have left some secrets in the castle, but what about Gryffindor and Hufflepuff?

As one of the four giants, these two seem to have left only swords and gold cups. There don't seem to be many legends about them in the castle.

Andy curled his lips and tried his best to clear his mind so that he would not think about these things.

Compared with the secrets left by the Big Four, Andy still believes that the library of Hogwarts is the greatest treasure in the wizarding world.

As for the secrets of the Ravenclaw library...

Of course it’s good to get it, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t get it.

Thinking about it, Andy quickly fell asleep.

After sleeping until noon the next day, Andy got up from the bed, washed up, changed clothes, and got ready to go out for dinner.


As soon as she walked out of the boys' dormitory and entered the common room, Hermione stood up from the sofa with a look of surprise on her face.

Thinking of what happened last night, Andy walked over quickly, "You didn't sleep all night, did you?"


Hermione looked around, looking sneaky. She lowered her voice and said, "I've read all the books in the library."

puff! ! !

I suspect you are kidding me.

Andy looked at Hermione with a strange look on his face, "Really?"

"of course it's true!"

The little witch looked proud, and she said triumphantly: "Ms. Gray said that Ms. Ravenclaw values ​​knowledge and wisdom more. I finally understand what she means."

"What do you mean?" Andy asked quickly.

"Of course it's the attitude of thirsting for knowledge!"

Hermione looked at Andy, "After you left last night, I kept reading in the library. As I read and read, it was as if I suddenly lost track of time. I read one book after another."

"When I realized something was wrong, I found that it was still dark outside, but I had already read six or seven books by that time."

"Hiss—" Andy took a breath.

Hermione continued: "I was a little panicked at the time, but I soon realized that I seemed to have triggered the magic left by Ms. Ravenclaw."

“I didn’t seem to feel tired there, so I read all the books in one go!”

Andy looked envious, wondering why such a good thing didn't happen to him.

"Then what did you gain?" Andy asked.


Hermione shook her head in disappointment, "My mind is still a little confused right now. There is too much content in the book, and I can't remember it at all."

Andy was also a little disappointed when he heard this.

What is the difference between reading a book and not reading the key points, and not reading the book at all?

Andy felt a little melancholy for a moment. What secrets did Ms. Ravenclaw leave in those books?


The little witch suddenly burst out laughing. She looked at Andy proudly, "Andy, you don't really believe it, do you?"

Andy: "..."

The little witch laughed loudly: "I came up with this idea last night and rehearsed it before going to bed. You were fooled!"

So are you really kidding me?

Andy rubbed the little witch's head angrily, making her hair a mess.

Why is Ravenclaw's atmosphere like this?

Has even Hermione, a good student, learned to lie now?

Are there still honest people in this world?

This is all Dumbledore's fault!

"Don't mess up my hair."

Hermione waved Andy's hand away with a snicker on her face, "You've always lied to others, and now you've finally been lied to, right?"

Andy stared at the ceiling speechlessly, never expecting that one day he would fall into the hands of a little girl.


Hermione straightened her hair and said, "I really found out some secrets."

If I trust you again, I will be a dog.

Andy refused to believe it, "Let's go eat first. I slept too late last night and I was starving to death."

"it is true!"

Hermione said quickly: "I read six or seven books last night and really discovered some secrets."

Andy: "..."

At this time, whether you believe it or not, it seems a bit silly.

"Let's go eat first and talk while we eat."

Andy glanced at the little witch, and then realized that the little witch's eyes were a little red.

"Did you really watch it all night? Didn't I tell you to go to bed early?" Andy said.

"I didn't pay attention for a moment."

Hermione yawned, "When I noticed the time, it was already past ten in the morning. I'll go to bed early tonight so I won't delay class tomorrow."


Entering the auditorium, Andy and Hermione came to sit down at the Ravenclaw table.

After eating something casually, Hermione talked about what she discovered last night, "I read in a book that Egypt is the birthplace of magical knowledge."

"This is the consensus of many scholars." Andy nodded.

Hermione continued: "The ancient Egyptians recorded magic in hieroglyphs. The book said that magic was created in the form of the god Heka not long after the creation of the world..."

Hermione rambled on about a lot of records from the magical world of ancient Egypt, including myths and stories, religious legends, and a lot of humanistic deeds in ancient Egypt.

At the end of the sentence, Hermione looked yearning, "The magic of ancient Egypt is really fascinating."

Ancient Egypt?

Andy is also interested in the magical world of ancient Egypt. If there is a chance in the future, he can travel there and meet the wizards there.

"Is that all?" Andy asked.

Hermione glared at Andy, "Isn't this enough? If you want to explore the origin of magic, you can go to Egypt."

Andy spread his hands helplessly and said: "Before we go to Egypt to see it, we must first learn the ancient magic script. Otherwise, even if we really find something, we won't be able to understand the meaning."

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