The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 333 [333] Ten years later, the battle begins: Dark Land vs. Natural Ring Tower


The void was frozen, and the ice crystals turned into spreading ribbons, covering all the places that were stained and became dead and frosty.

It was so amazing that the Kingdom of God was directly frozen, and the kneeling mortals froze their movements. The ice crystals on the surface of their skin gradually spread and proliferated, and finally formed amber-like ice crystals.

The sky was dim and lightless, with only a huge black sphere looming, still absorbing more light and heat.

The entire Kingdom of God was shrouded in darkness, and the frost buried everything. The hideous expressions of the mortals were lifelike and frozen at this moment.

50,000 meters range! !

The [Polar Frost] witchcraft performed by Wang Ya turned the 50,000-meter area into a frosty dead land in just one minute.

This is not the extreme point. If Wang Ya is given more time to master this witchcraft, he can add more superimposed fission fire cores to maintain a balanced state. Conservatively estimated, it is also a terrifying range of 80,000 meters.

The power of natural phenomena is now revealed.

No life can continue to move in such an environment.

Unless their own power can reverse this influence, or protect themselves and get out of the influence range as soon as possible.

The longer they stay, the more frost they will bear, and finally all the cells in their bodies will be killed and their vitality will be extinct.

The Almighty Evil God stretched out his hands, covering the power of spiritual faith, shining with golden light, and even forming a materialized armor. He struggled and used all his strength.

He even did not hesitate to consume the pure power of faith in the core of God.

Constantly smashing the frost on his body did work. It broke free from the shackles and flew into the sky, trying to escape from the Kingdom of Divine Power.

Its kingdom is finished, and it is impossible for any mortal believer to survive in such a deadly environment.

Even he is afraid and must escape from this frosty land.


The body of the Almighty Evil God solidified again. The more he flew into the sky, the more severe the frost became. There was no light around him, and he turned into a deep dark side.

The Almighty Evil God has no body temperature and no vitality. All it has is a collection of spiritual faith power and a statue that it inhabits.

However, it was horrified to find that the spiritual faith power in its body was being drawn away. Somewhere in the sky, there was a greedy giant mouth that wanted to devour everything of it.

It was very clear about this feeling. It used to be so greedy for the faith and souls of mortals.

"No, it's impossible. How could I be eaten by others? I am the omnipotent God."

It roared, and its voice turned into a shock wave that shook the four directions, shattering large pieces of ice crystals. More spiritual faith power was used by it, distorting and affecting reality, and dispelling the frost and coldness in the surrounding kilometer area.

The price was that its breath became weaker.

Without a few breaths, the Almighty Evil God despaired and found that the coldness was pressing again. Looking around, the darkness was extremely deep, as if there was no end.

Far away from the Kingdom of Theocracy, it still could not escape from this dark and frosty area.

It didn't understand why this happened, and how big the scope was affected.

How did that scary guy do it? The Almighty Evil God thought of the black-robed figure floating in the sky. The other party did not show up, nor did he attack him.

"My kingdom of God on earth has just been established. How can I die here? Yes! I still have believers. My kingdom of God is not just here. I still have a chance."

The Almighty Evil God was like grabbing a life-saving straw. The other party did not directly attack it. This is its chance.

Judging from the current situation, the opponent's strength is definitely above it, and it is much higher.

It can only escape. As long as there is still a believer, it can take root in that believer and revive again.

After absorbing the power of human faith, there are naturally many negative emotions of human beings. It looked at the sky with hatred. The area that was still exerting influence had a greater suction force, so great that it could directly feel that the power of spiritual faith was being pulled.

"I won't let it go like this. I don't know where you came from, I'll remember you."

Everything happened so suddenly that the Almighty Evil God didn't notice anything. When he reacted, it was too late. The environment had been affected.

It didn't leave the Kingdom of Theocracy at the first time. The main reason was that the statue it depended on was too important. If it was abandoned, its strength and source of faith would be directly exhausted. It would take a long time and many believers to overflow again.

The Almighty Evil God finally gave up the idea of ​​attacking the black sphere. There was no need to make trouble. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he transferred his main consciousness to the farthest border kingdom, where there was also a split statue of him.

As long as he acted fast enough, the other party would not notice it, and then hide and lie dormant, and there would be a chance to start over.

The Almighty Evil God also inherited some of the human characteristics, cunning, treacherous and some positive calmness.


The golden light dimmed, and the huge 100-meter statue seemed unable to resist the frost in the environment. It was completely covered by ice crystals and fell under the action of gravity.

Wang Ya was at a high altitude in the sky above the black sphere. Although the light was dim, he could observe everything around him and everything in the dark area inside.

It is not just as simple as absorbing light. Under the influence of the frost environment, it will isolate and affect the extraordinary perception. As long as the strength does not reach a certain level or there are no special means, you will become blind inside and cannot distinguish the direction.

The Almighty Evil God has been circling inside and has never walked out of the influence range of the polar frost witchcraft.

The yellow light emitted by the Nightmare Mirror penetrated the dark area. A large number of ice crystals were floating and passing through the corridor of yellow light.

The statue of the Almighty God was reflected by the yellow light and merged into the yellow corridor just before it fell to the ground.

Wang Ya seemed to have anticipated everything long ago. There was no fluctuation in his eyes. His figure gradually rose into the air and moved away from this area.

As the concentration point of spiritual faith, the Almighty God transferred his consciousness and thoughts, but the essence of the power inside the statue was not transferred away.

The darkness gradually faded away, and the sun at the top of the sky brought warm light to the earth, as if to heal the scars caused by the frost.

The black sphere suspended above the Kingdom of Theocracy seemed to have reached a critical point in absorbing light and temperature. It was the size of a house. When observed closely, it could be found that the surface of the sphere was a shell composed of a large number of fission channels. Black light was blooming and shining through the gaps.

The next moment, the light scattered out, and the black energy light column that penetrated the sky and the earth submerged everything. Buildings, ice layers, and infected mortals were all turned into dust. This was a more powerful witchcraft than the fission burning witchcraft.

The combined witchcraft after the [Polar Frost] witchcraft was called [End of Days of Blazing].

It was considered a variant of the Mahakala witchcraft. The larger the range of the polar frost witchcraft and the longer it lasted, the stronger the power of this witchcraft would be, and there was almost no upper limit.

The number of superimposed fission fire cores determined the level of its power.

The pure tide of burning energy particles spread in all directions. It did not have much radioactivity, but only a stronger high temperature and more terrible lethality. It used absolute annihilation power to kill all enemies within the range.

The Kingdom of Theocracy disappeared, and a huge pit appeared on the surface. From a distance, it looked like a depression dug out on the entire island continent.

The kingdom at the farthest border of the Kingdom of Theocracy.

Everyone was still worshiping the almighty statue in the center of the square. The strong power of spiritual faith made the almighty god who descended on the split statue feel extremely comfortable. He opened his mouth and swallowed, and more faith power gathered continuously.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the skin of the kneeling mortals became wrinkled, their vitality disappeared, their mental state quickly fell into depression, and their pupils were full of bloodshot.

"More, I need more faith power. I can't stay here for long. If that guy finds something wrong and comes to me, it will be troublesome."

Golden light bloomed on the statue of the omnipotent god, gradually reflecting a human body with a hideous face and a big mouth sucking the faith power in the surrounding void.

Mortals in the whole city spontaneously rushed to the center of the square. Instead of kneeling, they fell one after another, their bodies like dry skin and bones, and their life breath was very dim.

"The great omnipotent god has appeared, a miracle, this is a miracle!"

The scene of the same kind falling in a row did not scare away the later ones. The scattered golden light hit their fanatical faces, their heads hit the ground with a bang, and they didn't care about the blood flowing all over the ground.

The omnipotent evil god enjoyed this moment. It was ready to absorb all the faith power in this border city within three minutes and squeeze out the last drop of value of these untouchables.


The subtle sound was like melting snow.

The omnipotent evil god was stunned for a moment and subconsciously looked up.

The black spear showed no signs of appearing, nor did it emit any aura fluctuations, and fell directly towards the square.

A great fear arose in his heart, he would die! !


Before the voice was roared out, the statue was alive, and before the footsteps were taken, the flying spear pierced its chest and nailed it to the ground of the square.

The speed was too fast, incredibly fast, and it was not a speed that could be captured by the naked eye.

It was misled.

The position of the heart was like a rivet, tightly connected to the ground, and no matter how hard the hands tried, they could not pull it out.

The omnipotent evil god was completely panicked, and the face of the statue showed a desperate expression. The dazzling black light was blooming, and the uncontrollable terrifying power was pouring. His body was burned into nothingness in the first time.

This process continued to spread. The kneeling mortals had no reaction to the black light hitting their cheeks, nor to the supreme omnipotent god. They knelt down, as if this action was engraved into their souls.

The black light shot straight up to the sky, then scattered, turning into meteors that fell within a kilometer range. The speed of the ejection was extremely fast, and then the black particle waves like the energy field entangled with each other.

Based on the principle of ripples generated by the water surface hitting the stone, the black particle ring formed, elastically spreading, and endowed the outer layer of black particle energy ring. It was getting bigger and bigger, covering a wider area, and the speed was accelerating almost endlessly.

Until it covered the entire border city, the next moment, with the square statue as the center, everything within a kilometer range became nothingness, whether it was living things or buildings. The environment outside a kilometer, the living creatures were burned to death by the black flames, leaving a pile of residues, and finally ended at the edge of the city wall just right.

As if it had been measured, there was almost no error.

Wang Ya stood in the void, overlooking the black flames raging in the city below, as if burning the filth of the world.

The Black King behind him took the initiative to fly towards the city, and soon a split Black King flew out from inside and merged with the main body.

Wang Ya glanced at the Black King. In the previous moment, his breath had increased. It should not only be because he had eaten the Almighty Evil God, but also because he had digested part of the spiritual faith power in the statue of the evil god's body that he had swallowed before.

At this moment, if someone flew up to the sky and overlooked the entire periphery of the Kingdom of Divine Right, they would find that the black flames were burning everything on this land. The black fire areas of many border cities echoed each other, merged and connected with each other, and the circulating power kept the burning flames full of energy.

Under Wang Ya's control, they retracted inwards, and everything along the way was killed, whether it was animals, plants, or some resurrection tricks left by the Almighty Evil God.

Finally, they gathered in the Kingdom of Divine Right, which had turned into a huge pit. Like a torch, the temperature in the pit reached an unprecedented high, and even the sun's light could not be projected into the darkness in the pit.

Perhaps after thousands of years, this place will become an unprecedented spectacle, the burning heat that penetrates deep into the earth veins will turn into a dead land.

So far, the incident of worshiping the evil god has been completely resolved.

Wang Ya's figure condensed from a black and white bubble in the bubble world. The moment he walked out, the bubble burst. He looked at the development of the bubble world, and raised a curve at the corner of his mouth. It was not bad.

According to the current scale, the time to mature will be shortened by about one-third than expected.

The fission roots under the earth veins transmit the natural dream power. Before being sent to the dream core, they have undergone the first stage of isolation and smelting of black and white trees, reducing a certain amount of work for the dream core.

Therefore, the nightmare dream power that can be born in the bubble world every day is about one-third more than before.

That is, eighty nightmare dream powers.

This is the potential development of the bubble world after it is on the right track.

Including various planting and cultivation areas, they have restored their previous vitality and adapted to the new environment.

As the first batch of Garuru Leopard dream creatures cultivated, Wang Ya once had great expectations for it. Now the developed community has reached hundreds of people, which is a qualified supply resource channel.

The cultivation of colorful cloud flowers, I don’t know if it’s because of the change of environment, absorbs the power of nightmare to grow, and the speed is about three times faster than in the real world.

I haven’t understood the exact principle yet, and Wang Ya is also observing whether its efficacy will change due to the power of nightmare.

The Black King is also adapting to the environment of the dream world, and he adapts quickly. He is a resentful spirit transformed by the power of nightmare. From another perspective, he can also be called a nightmare resentful spirit, which can bring the purest malice and nightmare to life.

The black and white giant tree above the core of the dream is next to many buildings, and the sign standing up reads the five words "Halak Hut".

Wang Ya also began to clean up the harvest this time.

The hundred-meter-long stone statue stood in the open space. The ferocious face of the omnipotent evil god and the twisted body, without the attachment of the evil god's will, also carried a sense of oppression and evil that could not be ignored.

As for the evil god's consciousness, it had long been destroyed in the process of the nailed Hades' spear pouring out energy. It was the first to be reduced to ashes and dispersed.

Wang Ya only needed the power of spiritual belief, and did not need the existence of a so-called evil god's will.

With his ability, it would be too easy to enlighten a few of this kind of consciousness.

Suddenly, Wang Ya discovered that the black king was a little strange. The black lines of the fission path on the surface of the body standing behind him, which was like a sculpture and motionless, began to become disordered, and a large amount of black liquid began to drip from the empty eye sockets.

His eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and the white arcs of the pupils flickered in fragments, scanning and capturing the entire figure of the black king.

[Target: Black King]

[Status: Transforming]

[Details: Using the soul-devouring ability, the Black King, who has consumed too much spiritual faith power, seems to be about to reach a critical point in the fission seeds in his body. When the fission seeds undergo a benign mutation, it is possible to enter a life level comparable to the formal wizard stage. ]

Wang Ya was a little surprised, and then thought of the main power of the evil god that he had eaten in the Kingdom of Divine Power, which was not unacceptable.

For so many years, the faith power accumulated by so many people is huge. Even with the consumption of conversion rate, for the Black King, it is also the result of eating too much.

Wang Ya stared at the Black King carefully again and found that with his potential, the possibility of a breakthrough is not low.

Those split bodies have been integrated into the Black King's body again, and they also carry the faith power of the evil god split bodies of the Border Kingdom.

In all aspects, the conditions for a breakthrough have been met.

The improvement of the strength of the vengeful spirit is related to eating. If you eat enough, you can improve at the fastest speed.

Of course, there is an upper limit, which is at most the stage of the ultimate wizard apprentice. The ghosts at the level of formal wizards have not appeared in the historical records of the Dark Land.

Wang Ya's transformation of means undoubtedly broke the original shackles of the ghosts. The potential of the power of nightmares drove the potential of the Black King, allowing him to have the possibility of breaking through to the level of formal wizards.

[Hint: The estimated breakthrough time is three years. ]

In two or three years, you can gain a combat power comparable to the level of formal wizards.

This should be the biggest gain of the trip to the island continent.

Wang Ya took out the notebook from his apprenticeship from his sleeve. While recording with a feather pen, he was quite impressed. He hadn't done this for many years.

Looking at the various handwritings and wizard words in the notebook, Wang Ya was quite moved. Some of his insights and summaries gave him some feedback now.

[Record 1: The energy at the virtual level can be traced back and influenced by each other, but there is survival of the fittest after all, such as the research results of ancient wizards. The power of spiritual belief will affect the target individual itself. Wizards stay away from mortals, and to a certain extent, they also avoid touching this disadvantage. Wizards need to maintain their own spiritual power and the purity of their souls. The power of spiritual belief is affected by the spiritual will of countless individuals, which will change and distort the purity of the wizards themselves. ]

[Record 2: The possibility of the Black King's breakthrough has determined the alternative use of the power of spiritual belief. Through the conversion of the converter, the power of nightmare-destroying dreams can be generated. To a certain extent, it can make up for the differences between different worlds, and the power of nightmare-destroying dreams brought about, and even the energy of nightmare-destroying particles in subsequent research is missing. 】

【Experimental direction to be determined: Black King can be used as a converter of multiple systems and multiple energies, supplying and replenishing the energy of burning particles, the power of nightmares, and even more deficiencies. 】

【Purpose: The legendary blood potion needs to obtain earth vein crystals, earth vein cores, and earth core fetal membranes. Subsequent attempts to plunder the alien world, without the premise of energy storage crystal technology, require other means to make up for the lack of this part. 】

Sooner or later, Wang Ya will embark on this legendary road, plundering the heavens and the worlds, and the multiverse civilizations in the outer space.

After taking that legendary blood potion, the result was doomed.

However, it just fits his idea. The virtual sea world, the many civilizations in the outer space, all kinds of wonderful and unknown things are what he expects and yearns for.

After dealing with some matters in the bubble world, Wang Ya returned to the anchor point of the real world.

On the Xinmeng Lake, the huge Fantasy Dream Tree is already 200 meters high, gradually overwhelming the surrounding maple trees, becoming a veritable tree king.

Maple leaves were floating, a few of them fell on the lake, but unfortunately there were no fish to eat them. More maple leaves followed this silent wind and drifted to all directions of the dark land.

Wang Ya's eyes fell on the figure sitting cross-legged under the Fantasy Dream Tree, wearing a yellow wizard robe and a slightly haggard face, but much better than before.

After the wizard Kelan and the Fantasy Dream Tree reached a symbiosis, he seemed to fall into a strange state, almost merging with the breath of the Fantasy Dream Tree.

At present, the momentum of the Fantasy Dream Tree is high, and it can directly absorb the natural dream power of the dream world from the gap between dreams to supply its own growth. It no longer needs the wizard Kelan to go out to find food and insects like a bird parent to feed the hungry cubs.

It should be said that it is the other way around. The Fantasy Dream Wizard constantly absorbs the natural dream power, and while growing and developing, it also makes the wizard Kelan's strength grow.

Now is the growth period. When it reaches the maturity period, the wizard Kelan will break through to the formal wizard stage.

Wang Ya's eyes were somewhat surprised. It seemed that Senior Sister Kelan had really found the right path by accident.

As for the plan after breaking through the formal wizard, it depends on Kelan Wizard himself.

The road is chosen by oneself.

"Thank you for your hard work, Nightmare Wizard. As for the damage caused to mortals, you don't need to write a report. This is a reasonable price."

"After all, believing in evil gods and worshiping evil gods are very troublesome. If you are not careful, they will revive. Any possibility of revival must be thoroughly cleared. You have done a good job in this regard. I am afraid that no formal wizard can do better than you."

Two figures walked on the forest path outside the dark tower.

Wang Ya smiled faintly, "The Bone Wizard and the Rhine Wizard are equally powerful. They can easily solve the problem, or some other veteran official wizards."

The Ghost Light Wizard shook his head and said, "I know the strength and personality of every official wizard in the Dark Land. Now I can be sure that you are the strongest among the official wizards in the Dark Land. Whether it is the Bone Wizard, the Rhine Wizard, or the Evil Wizard, they are not your opponents."

Wang Ya neither denied nor admitted.

The two discussed a lot of things while walking.

"The war is about to begin, but we don't know when the other side will start. The personnel deployed for the battle have also cultivated themselves, and the long-distance teleportation magic array is activated at any time. As long as they have the authority, they can provide long-distance support in any place with the Dark Wizard Teleportation Array, covering all large and small areas in the Dark Land."

"Of course, in some special places, the long-distance teleportation magic array cannot be teleported into, and can only be teleported nearby. If there is a spatial fluctuation, it will also cause problems with the transmission." The Ghost Light Wizard had a sneer on his face, "Almost everything that should be prepared is ready, and the follow-up is the transportation of relevant resources and speculation on the enemy's tactics."

If Wang Yalai led this wizard war, he would most likely choose to defend like the Ghost Light Wizard.

There is no benefit in taking the initiative to attack the Dark Land. The Apollo Mountains are extremely large and full of complexity.

The Natural Ring Tower is also very good at fighting in the forest. It can use the many extraordinary creatures in the Apollo Mountains to control them to form a massive beast tide, and there are natural means of protection.

It is impossible to give up the geographical advantage. The Dark Land is like a spider web. Each jurisdiction is a large-scale node of the spider web, and each wizard city is a small-scale node. The long-distance transmission wizard array can ensure the support speed.

Touching any node of this spider web will cause the induction of other nodes and respond quickly.

In addition, there is a city defense wizard array to resist foreign enemies.

Defense is the best offense.

The forest trail has come to the end, and the Ghost Light Wizard suddenly said, "Dark Bat Wizard and Crystal Wizard, I sent them both back to the Natural Ring Tower."

Wang Ya's heart moved slightly, his eyes narrowed, and soon returned to the state of calmness, and said softly: "The transaction has been completed. According to the regulations on the wizard contract, the things traded out have nothing to do with me."

"I believe that everything done by the Ghost Light Wizard is meaningful."

Wang Ya returned to the Dream Tower and continued to start the remaining research experiments and the creation of the wizard meditation method.

The war is indeed coming, and Wang Ya is also sensitive to the unusual oppression. The number of wizards in the headquarters has also been greatly reduced and all have been sent out.

Wang Ya has not yet made any combat deployment. The Phantom Light Wizard should be preparing to use him as a strategic combat force to play the greatest role at the beginning of the war.

Whether it is the fission burning silence witchcraft or the power of the Sun Lamp, Wang Ya has become one of the strongest people in the dark land.

Polaris is also in this list, and is a strong man second to him.

As for the Phantom Light Wizard, Wang Ya has not fought with him and cannot determine the outcome, even if he is sure in his heart.

Wang Ya must seize the remaining time to improve his own strength and foundation to the peak.

The three chapters of the Burning Silence inheritance have been completed.

The Nightmare Chapter is about to be analyzed, and everything is developing towards the content of the wizard's plan.

Time passes slowly.

Half a year later, Wang Ya completed the analysis of the Nightmare Chapter.

Two years later, the Eye of Truth completed the collection and analysis of the Netherworld inheritance and the knowledge of the Deep Blue Civilization, and the ability of the Eye of Truth was further improved.

Two years later, Wang Ya had raised his knowledge of alchemy, potion, and cultivation to the level of a formal wizard. His potion level was comparable to that of Vladi, his alchemy level was second only to that of the God Blood Wizard, and his animal cultivation level was better than that of the Thorn Wizard. Of course, his cultivation of magic plants was still a long way behind, but he had also reached the level of a formal wizard.

Ten years later, the war broke out!!

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