The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 493 【493】King's Mark Mission Change

It is extremely fast and can flow through any gap. It seems to be really equivalent to water, and its target is very clear, which is the location of the outpost.

It is difficult to describe what its nature is. It seems that it does not have the biological survival form that exists in current scientific judgment.


It's like the sound of a snake spitting out.

Eerie and terrifying.

In the laboratory, Wang Ya exited the true spirit attachment mode, with a hint of joy on his face.

Although it consumed about ten percent of the true spirit power.

But the rewards are also amazing.

Even though he cannot use the power of the true spirit, practice wizards, and follow the path outside the Lord God's space, it does not mean that he cannot use wisdom and scientific research methods to control alternative extraordinary powers.

No, it should be said that it is the power of microbial colonies.

The last bit of true spiritual power consumed in the body left a unique tree pattern on the palm of his hand, one black and one white.

Consciousness can enter it and be in a special state of vision.

Individuals with characteristics can be controlled and influenced through the power of spiritual consciousness.

Wang Ya deliberately wanted to test his ability.

With a thought.

The blue particle light spots attached to the three corpses seemed to be controlled by some kind of traction, floating directly towards Wang Ya's palm.

In just a few seconds, the blue particle light spots filled the black and white tree lines with blue.

This part of the Meta germs fills the lines on the sleeping palm, and can no longer replicate itself and devour his flesh, blood, and biological energy.

The Meta bacteria part of the body also entered the blue lines.

The smile on Wang Ya's face became stronger and stronger, he succeeded.

He successfully controlled the Metavirus in the laboratory, as well as his own, and was no longer restrained or affected by another source.

He can even use the ability of the traces of tree lines in his palm to release a hidden wave, which can prevent the meta-pathogen from the outside from invading his area.

Wherever it passes, the germs disperse one after another.

"Understand the essence, discover the truth, and then use a little bit of the power of the true spirit to master it."

Wang Ya gave the tree pattern imprint on his palm a name.

——‘The King’s Pattern. ’

Means King of Meta Germs.

Wang Ya's ambitions are very big, and he is not limited to Meta-Bacteria. He wants to use this as a basis to embark on a transcendent path of microscopic bacteria and viruses.

By the way, it confirms the microscopic flesh and blood road that I have not yet walked.

Maybe it can give some impetus to Halak's promotion.

Of course, all this will be carried out under the extraordinary system within the Lord God’s space.

The King's Pattern is just a medium, a starting point.

The power of the true spirit only catalyzes the process.

In essence, it can be seen as a controller that contains the Meta bacteria.

It should not cause the main god's space to target him and discover his identity as a stowaway.

On the contrary, it can also be used as a certain merit to add points to the interview score.

Before Wang Ya could leave the laboratory, the prompt from the Lord God suddenly appeared in the void in front of him.

[Tip: Certain changes have occurred in the mission world. The original mission has been cancelled, and has been replaced by survival for ten minutes. Once the goal is achieved, you can return to the main god space. 】

Wang Ya was a little surprised. Such a change was not what he expected.

Even his previous hidden mission was canceled and transformed into his current mission.

He subconsciously thought of the source of the deep existence in Area 33.

He glanced at the blue tree mark on his palm again.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "It's really interesting. It seems that the mission plot is developing in an unknown direction."

His measures to contain and control the Meta bacteria should have touched the source.

Some guesses can be made.

The source is alive, but has a certain subjectivity. It is not a single dead thing, a single object existing in the form of a germ's self-replication.

"Are you coming to me, or are you saying that the existence of the King's Mark has caused you to lose control of the Meta-Bacteria?"

The new reincarnators in other locations in the base received the same message.

Their expressions are different.

Some of it is joy, because I finally have a clue. I only need to stay for ten more minutes to leave this damn mission world.

Some are worried and fearful. Such new reincarnations are obviously more intelligent. They know clearly that a change in mission is not necessarily a good thing. What kind of danger is it? The Lord God will let them survive for only ten years. minute.

Absolutely deadly, absolutely invincible.

"Damn, how could this happen? I have already found clues that can prove the Meta bacteria, and I am almost 100% repairing the data, but something like this happened."

The main control center of the base, the middle-aged Mediterranean man who summoned many people at the transfer station, is still alive and is squatting here with many people.

The reincarnator who was operating a computer instrument punched the instrument angrily, causing the screen to become blurry and cracked. The annoyance and anger in his heart still could not be vented.

It was so unlucky. The results were about to come out. This was something that everyone was looking forward to. However, after many twists and turns, all the original efforts came to nothing.

Liu Qingzhi's face was also extremely gloomy. The result of the matter had already happened, and no matter how angry he was, it would not help.

"I don't know which bastard caused the change in the mission. It can't be like this for no reason."

"Boss Liu is right, don't let me know who it is, otherwise I will kill him."

Everyone in the main control room was filled with indignation, stood on a united front, and cursed one after another.

"Okay, everyone, anger is useless. Try to survive for ten minutes. This is a new task." Liu Qingzhi's expression became solemn. He was not a fool. He knew the seriousness of the matter and the hidden dangers.

He immediately said: "Perhaps we can hide separately, in the restaurant area, on the ground, in the work area, hide some people in each place, wait ten minutes, and then we can get the results and leave here."

"In this case, even if there is any danger, it will not affect all of us."

"Boss Liu, you are right, it is best for us to go separately."

"We listen to you. We will meet again after entering the Lord God Space and develop together."





Snake Xinzi's confiding voice continued to echo in the 33 operation area, which was extremely clear.

Along the traces excavated by the drilling rig, it kept swimming and walking, reaching extremely fast speeds. Finally, it saw an extremely obvious mechanical artificial building radiating light in the stratum. It was very large, and after energy injection, it re-formed. Start, completely sealed.

But it has been here many times and remembers the traces of the road that entered it.

It came with anger and wanted to devour the entire base's resources.

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