The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 501 [501] Nightmare array to deceive the gods, the body changes endlessly, the illusory witc

A place that is unknowable and unobservable.

The distorted color line drawing of the dream world cannot compose the void and nothingness. It exists in the dream world and is composed of an extremely large number of dream corners.

The black chain pierced out from the void of the dream, penetrated deep into the unknown space, and connected to the joint space formed by the sword raising array.

Wang Ya's consciousness was also in the chain. He saw seven-colored rays of light blooming. Each ray of light was a race of extraordinary creatures in reality. The scenes of their lives, from the past to the present, from living to death, to Birth.

The strange thing is that the reflected light is of two colors, and the opposite colors contain the same extraordinary creature race, life, and habits, but they give people a sense of difference and confusion.

"Sword World, we have finally locked your position."

Joy emerged in Wang Ya's heart, and more black chains penetrated from the void, penetrating into the colorful and bizarre sword world.

It can be said that every nightmare chain corresponds to the virtual and real replacement witch formation node in reality.

The node also has the amplification of the virtual and real amplification generator, which amplifies the original scope of influence until the entire reality of the Pale Hand is enveloped.

What Wang Ya wants to do now is to take away the dream sword in the sword world.

It is related to the core of the sword-raising formation, and taking it away rashly will cause the Star Wizard of Pale Hand to notice it.

However, the arrangement has been completed long ago, and his familiarity with the sword formation is far greater than that of the Starry Wizard of Pale Hand.

It is not difficult to simulate the corresponding formation center induction.

All you need to do is make the other party feel that there is nothing wrong with the sword-nurturing formation, and that the dream sword is still being nourished.


The chains were like real metal materials, swaying against each other and making crisp sounds. They quickly locked onto the exact target and pulled it out of the hidden dream void.

That is a real world, composed of many dreams of reality and illusion, and nourishes the dream sword located in the center of the sword world.

The seven-colored light shines, and the dark chains intersect with each other, locking the sword world firmly, restraining the seven-colored light inside, and the power continues to shrink; the black chains gradually form a figure, with a black wizard robe and white hair flying. , a pair of eyes flashing with white arc light locked on the target.

It's the Nightmare Wizard! !

He saw the Dream Sword, and his eyes converged. The colorful rays of light surged one after another, as if in response, and as if it was because of his gaze that the Dream Sword took shape.

"The core origin of the dream is so perfect. It seems that the result is beyond my expectation. The unknown dream wizard did not fail to break through, but suffered critical interference when he was about to succeed."

Wang Ya frowned. You can imagine that the scene must have been extremely tragic, and it cut off a wizard's future path.

This kind of interference is also fatal. For most wizards, failure to break through means death. They need to endure many backlashes and even despair. In that case, the possibility of survival is even smaller.

Wang Ya took a deep breath, looked up at the sky, and seemed to see the sky not in this world, but in the world, outside the void layer.

"The online area of ​​the land of frost and snow has never been important. Above this land of frost and snow, there are still several thick dark clouds that cover the sky."

Wang Ya sighed, feeling emotional at the scene. As a wizard, he could understand the sadness and misery of such an encounter, and he could naturally sympathize with it.

As he thought, determination appeared in his eyes.

He would not embark on such a path, let alone allow himself to fail like this.

No matter how high or thick this frosty sky is, he will pierce it.

His ambition cannot be shrouded in the starry sky, nor can it be silenced in Guixu.

The colorful light gradually became introverted, and the rest of the sword world no longer glowed. Only the sword-shaped body exuded a dull luster, and the world gradually became darker, as if the end of the world was about to be destroyed.

However, after all, it was just the refraction of some illusory images. Wang Ya took a sharp breath, then his lungs trembled, and his chest also exerted force, spitting out an astonishing hurricane tornado.

It seemed to pull and sweep the heaven and earth, and the quality of everything began to be turned upside down and shattered. The source of the dark influence also dissipated. The sword world became bright again, and colorful rays of light emanated from the corners of the many small dreams that maintained the sword world. 】

The sword-shaped body continued to condense, and the speed of absorbing the colorful light began to accelerate. A smile appeared on Wang Ya's face. This process will still take a certain amount of time. The reason why the general attack is scheduled to be carried out in one year is also for this sword.

This sword can only be obtained after condensing the form.

The entire sword world was pulled into the bubble world and became the core of the nightmare.

It is easy to swallow the sword world, but it is difficult to swallow the core sword. How long will it take to swallow it later? Wang Ya used the eye of truth to make a preliminary analysis.

The minimum standard is fifty years.

After being swallowed, the core of Nightmare Destroyer will undergo a major transformation, and will also advance to the flowering stage, laying a solid foundation. The time to advance to the fruiting stage can be greatly reduced.

Fifty years, compared to the long accumulation process of the Dream Wizard, is already an extreme exaggeration.

Wang Ya's expression moved slightly, and he felt something. He subconsciously glanced at the Sword of Dreams, and said thoughtfully: "Is it a whim or intuition? The connection between the Pale Hand and you is really close. Even so, can some changes occur?"

"But this is just to set up another layer of illusion, giving the Pale Hand, the touched dream wizard, a response."

The black and white mirrors appeared behind the Nightmare Wizard, reflecting a bright light corridor. This seems to be just an appearance. The real power of the Nightmare Mirror has already acted on the unknown land and affected the target perceived by the Nightmare Wizard.

"It's very simple, isn't it." Wang Ya had a smile on his face, and his eyes calmly watched the colorful light gather around the sword shape, and it became clearer and clearer.

It is alive, or not, just a simple weapon, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that its purpose cannot be achieved.

The Nightmare Wizard can obtain it and master it. Any variables have been calculated and can be excluded.

Deep in the introverted light of the sword-shaped body, there seemed to be a deep sigh.




Wearing a dark gray wizard robe and an old face, he walked from the real tower room environment into the dream world.

The authority of the sword-raising formation allowed him to immediately perceive any subtle situation in the formation, even if there was any slight abnormality that was inconsistent with the balance and stability.

The sword was the most important thing to the Pale Hand.

On this day, the Divine Dream Wizard felt uneasy for no reason. This was a very abrupt feeling. Although he didn't know where it came from, he decided to take a look at the sword-raising formation to seek peace of mind.

The slightly turbid pupils reflected the scene outlined by the color lines of the dream world that were constantly spreading. The reality has multiple spaces and deep characteristics, and the dream world is the same, but the characteristics are more special; there is no space storm, space cutting, there is only a more condensed and heavy dream power, it is impossible to cause the influence and destructive power of the outermost layer and outer layer.

The deeper you go, the more this happens, until the condensed and heavy dream power completely crushes the dream creatures that greedily want to go deeper.

It also corresponds to some special landforms and environments in the manifest dream world, or some powerful dream creatures. They connect to the deep dream space, open some gaps, and bring in more powerful and mellow dream power to supply their own growth.

While there are good opportunities, there are also terrible dangers that cannot be ignored.

The oppressive threat of the dream power itself is still second, and there are other dangerous dream creatures, as well as some forbidden places and strange natural phenomena living in the deep dream space.

Only with a strong enough dream power can you enter the deep dream world space. The God Dream Wizard undoubtedly has such power. There is no problem in entering the second dream space, and the sword world is also swimming in the first space, turning into a group of floating colorful light.

The anchor point is in reality, which is also the best way to hide, and will not be noticed by the group of disgusting guys in the frost and snow land.

This method was passed down by the original "Heaven Dream Wizard".

The predecessor of that sword was also the core of the dream territory of the Tianmeng wizard.

When he saw that the sword world was still stable, the colorful light flickered steadily, and emerged from the corners of each dream, the Shenmeng wizard breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the uncertain colorful light group in the center of the sword world, which was constantly changing and condensing into different forms.

His lips were a little dry, and he was silent, with a complex reminiscence in his eyes; the scene brought back emotions, and the Tianmeng wizard was his teacher. It was a blasphemy to make a special magic weapon with the last trace of the teacher's existence, and use it as a weapon in essence.

But there was no way, the Pale Hand had no confidence, and no ability to face the sky of the frost and snow land.

There would never be another wizard as gifted as the Tianmeng wizard, who was rare in the world.

Even the only capital was the quasi-third-level dream core left by the Tianmeng wizard.

"Sword that carries the hopes of all the wizards of the Pale Hand, grow up as soon as possible; you will become the sword held by the Pale Hand, splitting all the thorns and difficulties that block the way ahead."

The Shenmeng Wizard said softly, looking expectant, "Wizard Tianmeng, this is what you expect, right?"

"Even if the situation in the Frost and Snow Land cannot be changed, it can split the deeper dream world space and obtain a higher level of dream power. I will inherit your will and challenge that sky again."

"Hold your sword." The Shenmeng Wizard finally said this softly, and the momentum on his body burst out completely, disrupting some of the colorful cycle balance around the sword world. Various strange and bizarre pictures appeared around him, including a roaring dragon, a roaring angry siren, a divine eagle devouring the sky, and a wild behemoth that shook the earth.

One picture after another gradually gathered together to form the petals of a blooming flower.

The picture in the middle is the Shenmeng Wizard himself.

From seed to germination to growth to maturity.

Now the flowers are in full bloom, showing a magnificent spectacle.

Facing the fruit period, there is only one last stage left.

The dream wizard progress of the Godly Dream Wizard and the accumulated power have reached the limit of self-accommodation.

This is extremely terrifying. Among the second-level wizards, he is also one of the strongest wizards.

"There is no problem with the sword, but what is the problem? This is the second time it has been throbbing, and there is still no result of the investigation."

The Divine Dream Wizard walked out of the second layer of dream space and returned to reality.

His brows were furrowed, and wrinkles piled up, which looked very ugly. No one dared to touch his brows; some wizards flying over the Pale Hand headquarters noticed his presence and hurriedly bowed their heads to express their high respect.

"Trouble, it seems that we have to hold a meeting to discuss it. We can't even find a clue. Did the Blue Shield Wizard slack off because of the blizzard period?"

The uneasiness in the heart of the Divine Dream Wizard still did not disappear. Instead, it became more obvious after leaving the dream world. His temper also became bigger and he could not maintain the calmness of the past.

He ignored the shocked wizards around him, found the right direction, and walked into the void again.

When he appeared, he had reached the Pale Tower in the center of the Five Towers.

The Starry Wizards who received the news also broke through the void layer and walked in.

Only the Blue Shield Wizard was missing.

This made the Divine Dream Wizard's already impatient mood even more serious.

"The blizzard period is about to end. Blue Shield Wizard is dealing with related matters and restoring the small and medium-sized secret realm entrances and exits that have fallen into silence and are severely affected by the wind and snow spirits." The Sky Curtain Wizard said, helping the Blue Shield Wizard explain.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see some abnormalities in the emotional state of the Shenmeng Wizard, especially when he noticed that one of the five people was missing.

"Then let's not wait for him, let's hold a meeting first."

The Shenmeng Wizard hesitated for a few minutes, and finally expressed the palpitations in his heart and the inexplicable uneasiness.

The other Star Wizards were surprised and moved.

This is the second time.

They looked solemn and thought.

It is not normal for a Star Wizard to palpitate for the second time. Something must have happened. It is still a very bad thing for the Shenmeng Wizard.




"Too much confusion in the mind will disturb the rationality and calm thinking. Unfortunately, the Godly Dream Wizard has been affected and will never be able to discover my means."

In the real sword world, the Nightmare Wizard casually put his hands down, his thin lips moved, as if he was talking to himself; his black eyes calmly looked at the mirror image reflected by the Nightmare Mirror.

The scene of the Godly Dream Wizard exploring the sword world, then turning away and returning to reality without finding anything was played.

The slender fingers tapped on the mirror, and the picture turned directly into thick black and white dye, which was attached to his hands. Then the Nightmare Wizard turned into a painter and drew a door in the air.

The Nightmare Mirror behind him began to extend a large number of yellow chains. The ability of [Lock Heart Realm] still existed, but the other side of the door was also connected to a real sword world.

Wang Ya chuckled, "Only the real can avoid any mistakes, but there are illusions under the real; since you want to explore the real, then I will give you the real, I hope you will be satisfied with my masterpiece."

From the fact that the wizard Shenmeng did not show any unusual behavior, his masterpiece made the other party very satisfied, and there was no negative review.


The chain shook and rang, and it was pulled straight, as if there was a big guy on the other side of the door, and it took most of the power of the Nightmare Mirror to pull it over.

Soon, the door began to change, cracks appeared on the edge of the gap, and it seemed to be some kind of expansion. A huge monster was about to squeeze in.

The colorful light turned into ribbon-like particles and gathered at a speed beyond visual discrimination. A colorful light source group similar to the shape of a sword appeared, with the same extraordinary fluctuations, the same dream thing feeling surprisingly another sword world, even the sword-raising formation could work, and Shenmeng explored another real sword world, a sword world that was not affected in any way.

The Nightmare Pagoda World witchcraft, as his personal spiritual consciousness dream space, is not much different from the separate dream world, at least in terms of perception, there will be no abnormality. After some disguises and transformations, Wang Ya's understanding of the Dream Sword and the Sword Cultivation Formation is naturally not something that the God Dream Wizard can see through, and the other party's emotional state is not perfect.

The Nightmare Pagoda World is contained in the Nightmare Mirror. At the same time, those chains are not faintly the product of the Lock Heart World, but also connected to the Nightmare Mirror World as a means of capturing spiritual consciousness and soul bodies.

Wang Ya sat cross-legged in the void, silently watching the changes in the sword shape. He had to wait here for a while until the sword shape was completely changed.

Some ideas about the illusory witch body and the transformation and development direction of the nightmare core kept flowing through his mind.

The process of waiting is also the process of cultivation.

The flowering period is different from the mature period. Each petal is a corner of the transformation direction. It should be said that a form is chosen to allow the dream core to change its form. Of course, this change is not thorough, but a transformation based on the potential of the dream core.

Each additional form will increase the foundation of the dream core, increase the means of the dream wizard to fight against the enemy, and improve its strength.

The power of dreams can distort and affect reality, intervene from the aspect of illusion, and change material phenomena; the transformation form is real in a sense and cannot be changed. It can be said to be opposite to the power of illusion. The birth of reality from illusion is in line with the path of balance.

The flowering period is also a process of laying a solid foundation. Each piece corresponds to a form until all the potential of the dream core is exhausted, which also represents the number of petals of forms that can be tolerated.

The buds in the center will become the main form, and also the last form. That is, the dream wizard's self-form will be the main form, controlling everything and condensing a dream fruit.

Wang Ya has a hunch that the shaping of the illusory wizard body is inseparable from the shaping and generation of these metamorphosis forms.

As for what form to choose, he is also hesitating and thinking. His foundation has almost reached the limit of maturity, and the choice of the first form is particularly important.

It is equivalent to painting a blooming flower. Once you pick up the pen, you can't stop.

The metamorphosis must be in line with reality. It can consume a lot of dream power and potential to increase reality, but it will also lead to a decrease in the number of condensed petals.

Some powerful dream wizards with good inheritance will choose to condense a specific form, and then absorb the source of the form externally to condense a real form.

Absorb the real form to increase the degree of reality.

"Perhaps, I should not limit myself to a single form. Why can't I try a thousand forms."

Wang Ya thought of the ability of the infinite black core that he had studied before, and the thousands of genome fragments recorded there.

His eyes became brighter and brighter, and the fire of wisdom began to burn. It seemed that the level that had been bothering him for a long time was about to be solved, and the progress of analyzing and shaping the illusory wizard body also rose sharply.




The headquarters of the heart of real battle.

Another Wang Ya sat on a chair in the office, looking at the banquet gifts from various official wizards on the table in front of him.

It was unexpectedly rich, and for these official wizards, it was a huge investment.

Recalling the words of those official wizards, especially the official wizards who had accepted disciples, the gifts they gave were generally the most and the most valuable.

He smiled knowingly. In the exchange competition, the performance of those little guys was indeed a bit disappointing.

It was not the witchcraft means or the wizard's path that was not good, but the wizard's heart and everything in the state of mind.

As the dark wizard said, there was a lack of tempering.

Wang Ya also got a lot of inspiration and ideas from the battles of those little guys.

They all wrote a preparatory experimental course with the Eye of Truth, and tried to study it in the future to see if they could get good results.

In the exchange competition, the first place went to Solomon, the Son of God, the second place went to Xingcai, the disciple of the Netherworld Wizard, and the third place went to Green Demon Wizard Wang Ya. Recalling the performance of his disciples, satisfaction emerged in his eyes. The other party's performance was no longer outstanding, but amazing.

The new elemental true body secrets and means are not all of the opponent, but just the tip of the iceberg.

Of course, Wang Ya doesn't care much about his other research. After a little thought, he can know the essential principles and develop his own corresponding means, which is not difficult.

What really concerns the Nightmare Wizard is the spear related to the power of rules, and the particle energy of the spear condenses into a body.

"Perhaps, I can find time to let the Son of God participate in an experimental research to assist me in related research."

His eyes flickered and thought, and then he sighed: "The little guy in the past is now about to condense the true spirit and stand in front of me. I have to speed up the progress and improve my strength, otherwise I will be caught up, and then this teacher will be too unsuccessful."

The reward for the first place is very generous, especially the legendary blood potion.

With the background and talent of the Son of God Solomon, it can be said that it is easy to condense the true spirit.

Wang Ya thought of another person.

—— Lando Wizard.

It has been so many years since the other party condensed the true spirit. In such a long time, a normal extreme wizard apprentice should have declined, failed to condense, or died in the process of breaking through.

If he could not still sense the other party's life fluctuations, and was as strong as before, or even stronger, he would have almost been unable to resist entering his retreat and fishing him out.

Wang Ya knew that the other party was very mysterious and was a reincarnated person. In his previous life, he came from the legendary civilization of the fairyland.

I think he has all the unknown strange means to do all this now.

However, judging from the recent fluctuations in the breath, it should be coming out soon.

At that time, it depends on whether the condensation is successful or failed.

He waved his right hand, and the various glossy gifts affected by the overlapping space on the table in front of him were sent into the bubble world.

At the same time, a faint footsteps sounded in the corridor outside, as if the person who came deliberately controlled it.

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