The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 575 [576] A brief three-column equilibrium state. Crisis everywhere is also a great opportun

Power, indescribable power is erupting.

The moment the hand is held, it is as if the mountain collapses, compressing inward, and all flesh and blood will be crushed into meat.


The roar sounded.

In a trance, a green behemoth was circling in the clouds, with green scales, heavy momentum, and sharp dragon claws, occupying every corner of the world.

The next moment, it rushed over, with a frenzy of dragon beard and mane, and a fierce dragon pupil with deep malice.

This moment was enough to shatter the life consciousness of a mortal kingdom.

Wang Ya opened his eyes wide, and his black eyes burned with strange white flames.

Special witchcraft - [Endless Fire in the Void]

The spiritual level of influence was directly resisted.

Instead, it traced the source along the information of the spiritual illusion, ignited the attachment, and the memetic nature was triggered.

The eyes of the Dragon and Tiger Wizard were bright, and the arc of the corners of his mouth rose a few points upwards.


An indescribable terrifying aura erupted, and an illusion of a huge monster appeared behind him, released from the seemingly tiny body, and continued to squeeze out until it occupied the entire world.

It was an equally ferocious white tiger, with thick fur all over its body, like the armor of a crocodile dragon, fangs turned outward, spitting out rough breath, dripping with smelly mucus, corroding a large area of ​​the earth.

A pair of blood-red fierce eyes evolved into supreme murderous intent, biting and devouring.

The former Azure Dragon's murderous intent has not been completely offset, and the latter White Tiger's murderous intent is swarming in, and it has reached the most critical moment.

The heart of the great wizard Zunhuang, who was watching the battle on the side, tightened. Naturally, he did not take the murderous intent and power of the star level seriously.

The person facing such means is the Nightmare Wizard.

The path of physical strength and the path of elemental energy, all kinds of attack and defense responses are different.

The great wizard Zunhuang did not have 100% confidence.


The evil eye in the left eye emits a strange black light, dripping with sticky black mud along the white skin. When it falls to the ground, it burns itself and turns into curling black smoke that merges into the void.

The power of the curse is spreading.

The spiritual curse is also activated.

The invisible power and momentum are colliding and resisting. At first glance, the two are fighting evenly.

The fire in the eyes of the Dragon and Tiger Wizard is even stronger. It is a strong fighting spirit and fighting temperament.

Wang Ya can even hear the blood flowing in the other party's body and blood vessels, and the heart begins to beat. Judging from the strong beating, the vitality is not weaker than him after the transformation.

It can only be said that it is worthy of the Great Wizard Huiyue Dragon and Tiger who has walked out of the new path of the battle body wizard.

Wang Ya narrowed his eyes, and his black eyes looked seriously at the blue eyes of the Dragon and Tiger Wizard.

Everything is silent and speechless.

White skin, black dots appeared, evolving from the subcutaneous layer, and began to occupy the entire surface of the skin.

Wang Ya's aura changed at this moment.

Became more terrifying and more powerful.

With destructive fluctuations and unique stability, the two were cyclical and never stopped.

The white halo of the dream state appeared on the black boots under his feet, and evolved into one diffuse halo after another.

Wang Ya's black hair was windless and fluttered all over the sky, and his black eyes were shining with unprecedented divine light and fighting spirit.

Touching the held hands, there was a click sound.

The collision of blood and flesh.

The friction of bones.

The hard collision of extraordinary nature and each other's physical level.

The internal organs of the Dragon and Tiger Wizard were all hot, with the circulation of his own qi and blood, the active body, and the high fever caused by the unique state of the black-haired young wizard in front of him, and the physical changes caused by the high temperature.

There was praise in the cyan eyes, and it conveyed his will, "You are strong enough, strong enough, and you are a breath of fresh air compared to other elemental wizards and dream wizards. But you haven't met my requirements yet. In the next round, I will end this handshake. If you can't hold on, you can let go."

"Just do it!" The nightmare wizard was also confident and smiled calmly.

The tiny black runes occupied the surface of the skin, making him look like a human figure covered with black energy and flowing.

In fact, he can indeed transform into a pure energy life state in this state, transfer and move, and perform all kinds of incredible characteristics.

Of course, the duration of existence is only a rune imprinted, and it has not completely become an elemental energy life.

It is worth mentioning that the result of imprinting a rune disrupted the original plan. Wang Ya underestimated the difficulty of imprinting runes and experimenting with virtual and real nightmare fire-extinguishing core meditation method after imprinting at least ten runes.

Even with Jiuhe's support, it took a long time and many trials and errors to imprint the first fire core rune and connect the two witch bodies of force and dream, so that he could enter a new powerful balance state.

Wang Ya named it [Short-term three-column balance state]

After entering this state, he can exert the power of force and dream without any interval, and even transform the two.

In other words, the control and influence of force can also target dream creatures and dream-like products.

On the contrary, the thirteen petals of the dream path, even if they are not connected to the dream world and open the dream gap, can 100% affect reality and cause related special effects.

Of course, the consumed source of power is also replaced by particle energy and dream power. This state will not end until it is exhausted.

Entering the [Temporary Three-Cylinder Balance State] is also a greater burden for Wang Ya. All kinds of consumption will increase, and there will be some unavoidable loss of power.

The most troublesome thing is that the high pressure on the consciousness will cause a load. The aroma of the wine simply strengthens his consciousness, and there is no big problem in supporting the battle.

If new rune imprints come in in the future, the test of the Illusive Three-Body Problem will be greater, especially in terms of consciousness.


The power exploded, the ground behind Wang Ya flew towards the sky, and the wine river was also trembling.

To be precise, the position where the two people were standing was directly obliterated at the moment when the power of both parties exploded, and began to sink, and the ground cracked into large cracks.


The groundwater splashes out and smells like alcohol.

However, the color of these drinks and river water is a strange red, with a blazing heat.

It was as if the depths of the earth's veins were shaken by an explosion of force, displacement, and the specific core magma squeezed out by high pressure leaked out from the cracks.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's almost done. If we continue shaking hands, your wine river will probably be gone."

The Great Wizard Zun Huang stood on the edge of the sunken area of ​​the earth above, overlooking the two bursts of momentum and particle energy halos below. With a helpless expression on his face, he shouted once or twice.


What responded to him was a violent explosion.

The pure force squeezed out more red magma and wine and sprayed it into the sky, dyeing the sky red and forming a falling rainbow.

Even the great wizard Zun Huang found it difficult to see the specific situation of the two people who had been covered up.

The breath was too chaotic, and the spatial level was also affected.

His brows furrowed slightly.

‘This guy Longhu is really messing around. His own resource land is right next to him, and he acts like this. ’

A quarter of an hour later, a figure flew out first. It was the Great Wizard of Dragon and Tiger. His robe was not damaged, but only stained with a little dust.

There wasn't much expression on his face, and his eyes were very calm, with nothing visible.

The great wizard Zun Huang gave her a strange look, and was about to ask who won and who lost.

The figure of the Dragon and Tiger Great Wizard disappeared into the scenery of Jiuhe Waterfall.

The Great Wizard Zun Huang opened his mouth slightly, but could only close it, and turned his head to look at the sunken hollow.

"Whoever loses wins."

Asking another participant is also okay.

The nightmare wizard had a faint smile on his face and just shook his head, without telling the specific truth.

The great wizard Zunhuang frowned even more, sighed and said: "Okay, you are all mysterious, then deal with the matter of the resource land first, and then complete other aspects of transformation and nourishment. "




The gap between the red world and the green world is a chain of mountains. Each mountain is covered with dense virgin forests, as well as unique mineral resources, water flows, lakes, and mountains, forming a rich and prosperous natural resource.

The location of the resource land that Wang Ya chose is here.

Standing in the airspace between the lofty mountains, surrounded by floating clouds, cold air and mist, golden robes floated with tiny light particles.

If you look carefully, you will see that the barriers of the Kingdom of God are activated at all times, guarding against all possible dangers.

Even some miasma and fog that exist in the air are not so harmful, or have no impact on the star wizards, are isolated.

"We're about to go deep. This place has no name. It's up to you to come up with a name. The exact location of the resource is in the deepest part of the chain of mountains."

The Zunhuang Great Wizard's body was shrouded in a golden halo, like a celestial being in the divine light. With a noble and noble aura, he floated over. With his hands behind his back, he and Wang Ya looked at the dangerous environment below.

The fog is so thick that it can almost be called a mountain world shrouded in fog.

Because it is between the two color realms, the environment and landforms naturally carry two atmospheres and properties, giving birth to some surprising products, life.

"These mountains are a bit dangerous." Wang Ya frowned, his perception was unmistakable. Even though they were far away, the fatal threat still made the pores on his skin stand up.

It is a crisis that can cause life-threatening danger to oneself.

The great wizard Zunhuang pinched his beard and said with a smile: "There is nothing we can do about this. Who said that your strength is only at the level of the stars? When you enter the life of Nine Eyes Gray Day, you are almost at the level of the glowing moon; you can cause damage to the wizards of the stars. Life-threatening crises are just a common thing for Huiyue Wizard."

"This area has not been developed. Even I and the Dragon and Tiger Grand Wizard have only made a rough calculation of the approximate scope of their respective areas, and the places that can be affected are only about ten percent."

"Space and scope represent the resources that can be obtained from the resource land and the probability of giving birth to dream products."

"Have you thought about the recyclable resource cultivation in the resource field?"

The resource area needs a good environment, and the adaptability can recycle resources; the definition of resources is extremely broad, including all goals that can bring value and benefits to the wizard itself, and can be reused and recycled.

Wang Ya fell into hesitation.

What kind of resources should he choose for cultivation?

The probabilistic birth and appearance of dream products is also related to the nature of resource locations.

‘The virtual reality is destroyed. After all, this is what I need to start with. ’

After a long time, Wang Ya exhaled. He had already made up his mind. If he did not give up his own advantages, he would inevitably have to grasp the resources needed for the path of the dream wizard and the path of the elemental wizard with both hands.

The Great Wizard Zunhuang nodded and said: "Since you have already thought about it, let's get started."




The continuous mountains, each mountain is very high, and dark cracks are about to form at the foot of the mountains. Compared with the resources of the Upside Down Mountain of the Great Wizard Zunhuang in the Red World, it is still much worse.

The place Wang Ya chose has other advantages.

Each mountain range has corresponding characteristics, such as the environment, forests, minerals, extraordinary creatures, and indigenous creatures.

It is worth mentioning that there are many living beings, small civilized races, and tribes. Just by flying all the way, we found forces similar to the mortal kingdom in some relatively gentle terrain areas of the mountains and forests below; there are not a few in them. Fighting with each other to divide the territory of power, the mortal kingdoms close to the primeval forests in the mountains will be attacked by some small and low-level extraordinary creatures.

If there were high-level extraordinary creatures escaping deep in the primeval forests of the mountains, it would probably directly cause a tide of beasts and cause widespread death of mortals.

Mortals do not have much value to wizards of their level. With a thought, they can conduct wizard experiments at any time, or use the power of distortion to create some racial beings. The creation of mortals began as early as his apprenticeship. It can be completed. The only thing that is a little more troublesome is the generation of soul consciousness.

Wang Ya's success in the initial race life re-creation experiment was to achieve an alternative resurrection by inserting the existing soul consciousness into it.

This is the case with his sister Midori.

In the subsequent resurrection, in the dream world and bubble world, various characteristics of the soul, consciousness, and dream power were studied, thereby realizing the true resurrection of the power of the true spirit and the awakening of consciousness plan.

Wizards such as Sorcerer Suer who died in the Battle of the Dark Land were the beneficiaries of this plan. They were successfully resurrected and even broke through the original limit of wizard apprentice strength and reached the level of official wizard.

Wang Ya stopped his thoughts and recalled the past. The current fighting spirit should have absorbed all the resources of the Pale Hand and completely established a foothold in the online area.

Returning to reality, he planned to contact them to see how those old friends were doing, and also to complete the idea.


A mountain range wrapped in green mist, the internal situation cannot be seen clearly, only a little green vegetation stretches out, hanging, and constantly swaying in the air.

Standing in the airspace far away, Wang Ya could feel a bit uneasy while breathing. The barriers of the Kingdom of God were working to resist some harmful smells in the invisible and ignorant air.

"This is miasma, or something else. So it's like this, it's actually alive."

Wang Ya narrowed his eyes and began to think in his mind.

It is somewhat similar to the white mist of the past and the evolved white spore colony.

The light of the golden ribbon continued to amplify, wrapping around the edge of the entire mountain, and began to compress toward the inside. The green mist was constantly being suppressed, trying to erode the spiritual particle energy exerted by the Grand Wizard Zunhuang.

It is a pity that the changes in the Zunhuang energy field that are shaped are not corroded by these naturally occurring green miasma. Finally, under the suppression of the great wizard Zunhuang, it was embedded inside the mountain, and the surface situation was also revealed. Green vines climbed all over the mountain, spreading from the inside of the mountain to the outside, like slender little snakes protruding out, with tiny mouthparts at the tips, and spewing out the green miasma.

This is a mountain occupied by vines, and a large number of bones are integrated into the mountain itself, becoming their nourishing energy.


Golden wizard runes leave traces in the void.

This is the power of the seal.

The traces of runes kept moving and were finally imprinted on the mountain.

The green vines screamed and hoarse, trying to break through the seal, but no matter how hard they tried, they could not shake it. Instead, they were eroded by the green miasma that was sealed back, and the vines withered and fell one by one.

As the source of green miasma, it is also unbearable.

Wang Ya's eyes lit up and he saw the value of the benefits.

Looking at the other mountains in the continuous mountain range, they all have their own characteristics and pose hidden dangers to Huiyue's life.

Nature can also cause life and death crises for the life of the stars.

Crisis equals opportunity.

At this moment, he thought of Baihui Spore's path to promotion.

Green miasma is also a kind of tiny substance, and it has green vines at its source. It may not be impossible to obtain the characteristics of green miasma and add it to the white spore.

Useful parts can also be excavated from other hills.

A dangerous environment that can affect even Huiyue Wizards is incredibly valuable.

On its own, there is a high probability that it will be impossible to solve the environmental crises on these mountains.

Wang Ya's eyes fell on the back of the red-robed wizard who was busy sealing the green miasma mountain in front of him, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but raise an arc.

I can only suffer a little longer and trouble the Emperor Zunzong Wizard.




Time passed for about half a year.

With the generous help of the Great Wizard Zunhuang, according to Wang Ya's opinion, the special areas around him that could endanger his life were sealed, eliminated, and cleaned up.

The difference lies in the value of different special areas themselves, whether they can have an effect and generate benefits for Wang Ya.

In the end, eighty-one dangerous areas were left, and the Great Wizard Zunhuang arranged a special killing array around the center of the continuous mountains, which was also his real resource area, used to protect against foreign enemies.

And according to the Great Wizard Zunhuang, there is a certain probability that the eighty-one dangerous areas will give birth to special dream products, and they will be attracted by his resource areas and appear.

As for the specific situation, it depends on personal circumstances.

Dream products can be encountered but not sought. Their birth and appearance, as well as their appearance and form, are uncertain and full of unknowns.

It can even be said to be the product of miracles.

"It's time to give it a name."

The red chains manifested by the power of the witch array continued to extend and connect with each other, leaving obvious red rainbows in the sky, and even forming a ladder-like light curtain, with a halo flowing, fantastic and magnificent.

Under the beauty, there is extreme danger.

Anything that touches the range of the witch array will trigger this terrible power, thereby partially unlocking the seals of the eighty-one dangerous areas.

The enemy will face the corresponding dangerous areas from whichever side they attack.

And the eighty-one dangerous areas can also transmit power to each other through the witch array.

Even if they cannot kill the enemy, they can resist for a period of time, so that the great wizard Zunhuang has time to rush over and help Wang Ya.

On the ladder rainbow light curtain, the great wizard Zunhuang put his hands behind his back and overlooked the magnificent scene in the distance below. The continuous mountains, each of which is extremely majestic, standing on the ground, the tip of which is immersed in the clouds, and it is unknown how high it is.

The rainbow connects every mountaintop. Standing here, it is like standing on the mountains, overlooking everything in the world, with a magnificent spirit and a view of all the mountains.

"Name it?" Wang Ya walked to the side of the Great Wizard Zunhuang, and moved his upper and lower lips, "Let's call it Nightmare Garden."

"Garden. It is worthy of the name. There are really many flowers in it."

The Great Wizard Zunhuang's eyes fell on the center. A group of areas covered by black and white light extended to the outside world. From a distance, it looked like a round sphere.

The floating halo and tiny particle energy formed a continuous flame, which looked very distinctive.

In fact, it was more like a ball of foam, a floating bubble in black and white.

Wang Ya took a step forward and stepped out of the area of ​​the rainbow sky. Under the action of gravity, he fell rapidly. The speed was too fast and formed friction with the air, which caused the sound of wind speed.

The next moment, the huge black and white floating bubble rose into the air, as if to welcome the arrival of its owner.


It was as if he was immersed in the ocean, with water splashing across his skin, his golden robe and ribbon fluttering, and his black hair rising.

His black eyes stared forward, and his vision changed from the black and white of foam to a colorful and vivid one.

This was the resource area of ​​the Nightmare Wizard. (End of this chapter)

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