The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 659 Star Lord Tidal Wizard, Wang Ya's terrifying combat power (asking for monthly votes

Chapter 659 Star Master-Tide Wizard, Wang Ya’s terrifying combat power (please vote for me)

"Things have changed over a million years, everything familiar has been buried in the years, and the home planet has become much stranger to people."

Star Core City, located in the core area of ​​the Wizarding Continent, is at the highest peak of the terrain, and is connected to the deepest underground world. The surging energy tide forms a liquid-like substance.

If a creature with a low level of life is unable to survive standing here, it will be submerged in the energy tide and be crushed to death.

Gravity is also much higher than in other parts of the Wizarding Continent.

Every building brings together the top level of wizard technology, projection space, and energy rail train. If Wang Ya were here, he would be surprised by the modernization of Star Core City.

Even the wizards who came and went had replaced their wizard robes with some kind of technological tight-fitting suits or special armors.

The creatures who still wear wizard robes have absolute confidence in their own strength and maintain the classicism and elegance of wizards.

At the top of the tower called 'Stargazing', on a cross-cut platform, many wizard figures were waiting, with profound and terrifying auras.

A hole connecting to the starry sky seems to lead to an unknown road realm.

A figure wearing a blue wizard robe came from the other side of the road, his words were full of vicissitudes of life, and his face was full of sorrow.

"Welcome to the envoy."

All the waiting wizards bowed slightly and saluted to express their respect.

"Kejie, I didn't expect you to be the star master of your home planet. I'm a little surprised."

The blue-robed wizard touched his chin and looked around, "Star Core City has changed a lot. The wizard technology on the home planet has developed well, but the extraordinary creatures in other star fields and rings are becoming more and more retro and boring."

The middle-aged wizard wearing a gilt wizard robe also had a smile on his solemn face, "Master Judgment Wizard, please allow me to do my best as a landlord, wash away the dust, and wait for the time to come."

"It seems I'm the first to arrive. How many more years? If someone is late, it will be a big joke."

The Judgment Wizard's tone was frivolous, and he was obviously looking forward to it. If someone was really late, it would be a good thing for the forces behind him.

The Star Fighting Tournament will be launched every certain years and at certain times.

The wizarding forces heading towards the stars can take this opportunity to recruit new blood.

The creatures that stand out in the competition all have great potential.

Behind the Judgment Wizard stands one of the top star forces - the Ancient Ice Abyss.

Of course, you must be a wizard force on the quota to be eligible to recruit participants.

If the invited contestant refuses, strong tactics cannot be used.

"Three years later, it will be the day when the Star Fighting Tournament will fully kick off. Lord Judgment Wizard can rest temporarily in Star Core City. Wizard Yuan Gu from the Supreme Empire has exchanged information with me. He will be able to arrive in two years at the latest. Mother planet."

The Tide Wizard, whose real name is Koje, bowed slightly and pointed with his right hand, "Master Judgment Wizard, please come this way."

"Old man Motoya means the black and white kid from Upside Down Mountain, and there is no news about the red leaf wizard from Lieyan Xingyu yet."

"No, this is the best news for me." The Judgment Wizard showed his teeth in a smile, and put an arm on the Tide Wizard's shoulder, "Let's go, the only creature that the mother planet can be familiar with is you. I want to see what delicious food you have prepared for me."

"Of course it's something that the Judgment Wizard likes to eat."

The Tide Wizard's face was filled with a smile. If other creatures in Star Core City saw this scene, they would probably doubt whether their eyes were wrong.

There are many high-level wizards, ancient beings, and tide wizards in the core area who don't pay much attention to them.

For no life is older than the Tide Wizard.

There is no being more powerful than the Tide Wizard.

As the master of Star Core City, one of the necessary conditions for taking the position is to transcend the level of Huiyue and be in the realm of rules.

"The dream wizard system and the elemental wizard system are not so much two paths. The core essence is still one wizard path. They are just different fruits that grow on my wizard path. The core essence will still not change."

Pillar of Hell, in the inheritance space, Wang Ya was lying flat on his back, wandering in the chaotic space, with white flames burning above his head, and sparks exploding from time to time.

In the state of wisdom spark, the greatest degree of inspiration and thoughts will be generated.

By sorting out your own knowledge system, you can look at some notebook information recorded in the past.

Wang Ya checked and filled in the gaps and found a lot of special things, or things that had not been discovered before.

"Whether it is the core of the dream or the real body of the elements, they are all characteristics evolved from the knowledge of the corresponding wizard system."

"The conversion between wizard systems is not as difficult as I thought in the past. Bloodline wizards can be elemental wizards. If the characteristics of bloodline involve elemental energy, it can also be easily studied and mastered, and the characteristics of bloodline can be transformed into witchcraft."

Wang Ya's mind became clearer and clearer, and his thoughts and inspirations became more and more abundant.

"The two wizarding systems are essentially the same wizarding path. The difference is that I have mastered the knowledge of both systems. If I master the knowledge of more systems, I can also become a mechanical wizard, a blood wizard, and a spiritual wizard.

Life's time is limited, and the single choice in the early stage is to reach a certain height. Only after having a sufficient life span can it be possible to master other aspects of knowledge. "

Wang Ya's voice echoed in the chaotic space.

"My wizard path, the three wizard bodies need to be unified, and the scattered wizard paths need to be summarized into one."

No matter what, his past wizard path was somewhat deviated. Even if the main body did not deviate, the details tended to be more prominent in the direction.

The dream wizard path is deeply studied.

The elemental wizard path also exists.

The connection between the two is connected through the three wizard bodies-the real wizard body, and it has not been fully shaped as soon as possible.

——The virtual and real nightmare fire-extinguishing core rune superposition state.

But it is part of the real wizard body display, proving that Wang Ya's main trunk and path are correct.

Next, you only need to continue to complete the remaining real wizard bodies. The moment the three wizard bodies are united, it is the time for the wizard path to be summarized.

With a thought, the data of the Eye of Truth emerged.

[Strength: Level 2 Starry Wizard]

[Current Mental Strength: 199]

[Current Physical Fitness: 199]

[True Spirit Mark: Nightmare (Level 3)]

[Special Talents: Primordial Strength Wizard Body, Nightmare Final Extinction Wizard Body (8 pieces)]

[Nightmare Extinction Fire Core Meditation Method: (100%) (57/365)]

[Current Active Neurons: 60%]

[Current Elemental Life Transformation: 40%]

[Ancient Great Witchcraft] - [Lamenting Abyss] [Heart Fire Dark Sky Ghost Knife] [Ghost Gluttony Hell] [Slaughter Spirit Axe] [Nightmare Core Black Talisman Atomic True Body] [Scarlet Forbidden Gate of All Realms]

Amplification Witchcraft - [Sacrificial Funeral Song]

In the last thirty years, Wang Ya entered the Scarlet Forbidden Land, and the biggest gain he gained was these ancient great witchcrafts.

And the increase in the cultivation of the Nightmare Fire Core Rune.

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