The God of Slaughter has a notorious reputation in the material world.

Due to the sons of slaughter in the past generations, the reputation of the slaughter god has become rotten in the material world. Anyone who hears the name of the slaughter god will be disgusted.

No church of the gods, no powerful forces, have any favorable impression of the God of Slaughter. As long as they find the slightest clue, they will take it down without hesitation.

In the past, Adil just came to this world, was beaten into the blood of slaughter by the slaughter sacrifice, and just transformed into the child of slaughter.

At that time, because of the notorious reputation of the Slaughter Son on the entire continent, Adil had to remain anonymous, to conceal the unique characteristics of the Slaughter Son, and forcibly suppressed his own power, so that it was not completely exposed.

The reason for this is because the Son of Slaughter's statement on the entire continent is too messy. Once discovered, it will almost inevitably lead to the pursuit of the gods from all over the world, leading to various consequences.

The declaration of the God of Slaughter's reputation on the continent is so messed up, and the forces malicious to the God of Slaughter are so large.

These naturally became Adil's potential allies at this moment.

At this moment, Adil has named his god as the God of Slaughter, and has made it clear that he wants to compete with the God of Slaughter for the authority to kill.

Those forces who have suffered losses and suffering in the past because of the God of Slaughter will come to help Adil and help him fight against the forces left behind by the God of Slaughter.

And with the help of these powers, Adil can easily gain an advantage in the battle with the power left by the God of Slaughter.

This is also one of the reasons why Adil chose to kill the authority as his target.

After all, compared to the authority held by other gods, the reputation of the God of Slaughter is so bad that he has few allies at all.

Taking the God of Slaughter as his future goal, what Adil needs to face is only the church itself left by the God of Slaughter, and even in the process, he can continue to gain support from other forces.

And if you choose the authority of other gods as your target, it will be very troublesome.

At that time, it is very likely that not only the church of the gods alone, but also several other godly churches related to it will be faced.

In the final analysis, although the God of Slaughter is powerful and ranks among the top among the gods, because of the uniqueness of its slaughter authority, there is no god at all as his ally.

Under normal circumstances, this is of course nothing, just the God of Slaughter itself is enough to be worth the countless other weak and small gods.

But at this moment, when the gods fell silent, things were different.

When the God of Slaughter himself fell into silence and was unable to take action, all he could rely on was the church he left behind.

"I understand……"

In front of him, listening to Marr's words in front of him, Kudoni's face was solemn, but after thinking for a while, he finally nodded.

"I support His Majesty on behalf of the entire Church of Dim."

In front of Marr, his face was solemn, and he said solemnly, making his promise.

To a certain extent, this means that the entire Church of Darkness will choose to support Adil and support his next confrontation with the God of Killing.

Immediately in front of him, listening to Kudoni's words in front of him, a smile appeared on Marr's face.

She came to the Church of the Dim in person and found Kudoni, didn't she just gain the support of the Church of the Dim?

Even though he was promoted to a demigod, Adil's temperament was the same as in the past, and he seemed very stable.

In the all-round confrontation with the God of Slaughter, any possible power is precious and needs to be fought for and cannot be wasted.

The power of other churches of the gods also needs to be fought for.

As long as it can win the support of most of the gods' churches and support Adil to replace the god of slaughter,

Become a new generation of killing authority, then in the next confrontation, Adil will undoubtedly occupy a huge advantage.

After visiting Kudoni in the Church of Darkness, the Marquis will visit other churches of the gods one by one to gain their support.

Compared with the Church of Dim, other churches of the gods are naturally not as good as Kudoni, but after deliberation for a long time, most of them will also choose to agree and choose to support Adil.

This is something that you can make a choice without thinking at all.

On the one hand, the God of Slaughter has long since fallen, and what is left at this moment is only part of the power.

On the other hand, Adil is a demigod who has just been promoted, and is an invincible figure in this era.

The power that can be dispatched between the two is completely disproportionate.

Even without the presence of Adil, the churches of the gods themselves would also take action against the Church of the God of Slaughter, and would also target the Son of Slaughter, shouting and killing them.

Even if they support Adil at this moment, they are just doing what they have done in the past again and implementing it more firmly, which is nothing at all.

On the other hand, at the moment when Adier was just successfully promoted and turned into the first demigod at that time, if they did not choose to support, they would likely be targeted by Adier in the next time. .

This kind of targeting is precisely what those godly churches do not want to see.

In the present era, a peak demigod is the highest force.

Once this demigod is malicious and recklessly suppressed by any force, the ending will be very bad.

For this, most people can see clearly and clearly.

Time is still passing, and soon it will be a few months later.

Above the earth, the sacrifices of many gods began to gather in the Adil Empire, and began to come to the capital of the Adil Empire.

On it, a huge feast is going on.

In an empty area, a vast square has been built. At this moment, there are people walking in and out, constantly walking in and out of it.

The bodies of the silhouettes all had a faint reaction of divine power, and this one had divine power intertwined with each other, but they were different.

I haven't counted the people who haven't arrived outside, just the people sitting inside at the moment, there are at least twenty or thirty sacrifices from different gods' churches.

There is no doubt that this scene is very spectacular.

Twenty or thirty church priests from different gods came to this place at the same time and met at the same time in this place. This scene is destined to be very spectacular.

It is enough to be recorded in history and recorded heavily by those historians.

Among these 20 or 30 different gods' churches, there are even gods who are mortal enemies of each other, and they fight to the point where their brains come out on weekdays.

On weekdays, if they meet in other places, they promise to act immediately without saying a word, and break each other's minds.

But in this place in front of them, they were at peace with each other and sat down calmly, looking like they loved peace.

If you rule out the cold eyes they stared at each other with murderous intent.

"You came……"

"You're here too..."

"You can come why can't I come?"

"You old guy is not dead yet, it's the misfortune of the world..."

Similar conversations continued to ring in place.

All around, the priests faced each other with cold eyes, glaring at each other, and the divine power on their bodies reacted extremely clearly, as if they were about to explode directly.

These people were sitting in that place with each other, very close to each other, and the divine power on their bodies was constantly fluctuating. At this moment, it was like a small sun, which seemed to explode at any time, drowning this area.

But despite this, no matter how grumpy these people were and how violent their words were, in the place in front of them, they all suppressed it and didn't make a real move.

Obviously, they all came to participate in the celebration of Adil's promotion to a demigod and the successful lighting of the divine fire.

To some extent, they all represent the greetings of their respective churches to Adil, a new demigod.

At this moment, they are participating in the ceremony in this place. If they dare to take action, I am afraid that they will be blasted out immediately in the next moment.

At that time, not only is the purpose of showing good intentions not achieved, but I am afraid that it will leave a bad impression in the heart of the other party and be laughed at by the competitors in front of him.

It's okay if they don't make a move. Once they make a move, if they are kicked out by the owner here, their competitors may be so happy.

As the sacrifices of gods, they are undoubtedly not fools. At this moment, they let each other look at each other with cold eyes, how vicious the words are, and how surging their breaths are, but they didn't make a move, they just looked at each other like this, one after another. A pair of big eyes staring at small eyes.

"Okay, don't make trouble..."

Some priests shook their heads, looked at the tense atmosphere in front of them, and were speechless: "Isn't everyone fighting hard enough on weekdays? Just relax when you come to this place, why is this?"

"No matter what you do, no one will take action in this place, let's take a rest..."

"Church of the Earth... you guys are here too..."

A priest on the side recognized the origin of that priest, and he couldn't help being a little surprised at this moment.

The Church of the Earth, this is the church left by the Goddess of the Earth, and it is the power left by the supreme gods. It has a respected position in the entire material world, and it can be regarded as one of the strongest forces.

And at this moment, as one of the strongest forces in the material world, they even sent people over.

"What do we mean by coming..."

In front of him, facing the surprised eyes one after another, the priest of the earth goddess shook his head and pointed to one side.

In the direction he pointed, faint golden divine power fluctuations came slowly.

Several of them were wearing golden robes with complex patterns of the sun embroidered on the robes. At first glance, they looked like the golden robe sacrificial priests who were rising from the sun walking slowly from the outside. All of them had a calm face, and their bodies were rippling with powerful sun power.

"Have you seen……"

Looking at the few golden-robed sacrifices walking in the distance, the sacrifice of the earth goddess was a little helpless: "Even the sacrifice of the king of the sun is here, let alone us..."

The voice fell, and the sound of a breath of cold air suddenly sounded in place.


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