The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 102 The Second Ring Witchcraft Dark Star Technique and It’s You! ? (beg

Chapter 102 ‘Second Ring Witchcraft·Dark Star Magic’ and ‘It’s You! ? ’ (please subscribe)

[One Ring of Witchcraft·Eye of Truth]!

The eye of truth transformed from mental power was suspended in the sky, and everything the eye of truth saw was reflected in Chen Mu's mind.

The next moment, Chen Mu opened his eyes.


Before Chen Mu could continue to speak, Benny on the side took action.

His mental power surged, and his figure disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already in front of Vesta.

[One Ring of Witchcraft·Scorching Hands]!

A large amount of mental power poured out from Benny's spiritual sea, and the mental power turned into a big hand exuding a burning aura, and slapped Vesta with one palm.

Looking at Benny who suddenly appeared in front of him and the wizard who came to him without hesitation, Vesta's expression did not change much, but his eyes narrowed slightly.

He has encountered this kind of thing too many times!

He didn't speak, and a light yellow metal wand appeared in his right hand.

The next moment, he held the wand hard, and his mental power surged wildly.

[One-ring witchcraft·Shocking light wave]!


The sound made by the collision of witchcraft is huge.

Red and light yellow are intertwined, and the majestic spiritual power spreads around.

Benny's expression was a little solemn. Just from a confrontation of witchcraft, he knew that the White Tower wizard in front of him was no ordinary first-level wizard.

The mental power is so powerful, and it also has magical weapon bonuses.

If he were to face the White Tower Wizard alone, he would most likely be unable to deal with it.

But fortunately, he is not alone.

The next moment, he suddenly mobilized his mental power again.

[One Ring of Witchcraft·Psychic Blow]!

This witchcraft is the core zero-level witchcraft that Benny mastered when he was a third-level wizard apprentice. Now he has reconstructed it into a first-level witchcraft.

Vesta frowned slightly. He was sure that this was the first time he came to Cape View Continent in recent decades.

But the person in front of him seemed to have a life-and-death feud with him, and he mobilized a large amount of mental power when he came up.

This is not very rational in a wizard duel.

Vista didn't think much. He tapped the ground with his wand, and a circle of light centered on him spread rapidly outward.

This mental power is huge, and the mental blow is directly destroyed by the aperture.

Benny understood that this was Vesta's desire to resolve this meaningless battle as soon as possible.

[One-ring witchcraft·Psychic light curtain]!

All he has to do is delay and wait for the opportunity!

The mental power turned into a curtain of light that enveloped Benny's body, and the circle of light hit the light curtain when it rolled over.


The huge sound spread out around the two of them.

At this moment, Benny suddenly felt the White Crow Seal in his mind getting slightly hot, and he understood that his mission had been completed.

He shifted his gaze to Vesta in front of him, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

The next moment, Vesta, who was about to launch a fatal blow, seemed to sense something.

His expression changed. This was the first time his expression had changed.

Before, he looked calm no matter what.

Vesta put away her mental power, and a witchcraft disk shining with golden light appeared in her hand.

But before he could attach his spiritual power to the witchcraft disk, a dark light curtain formed by extremely powerful spiritual power imprisoned him in place.

[Second Ring Witchcraft·Dark Star Magic]!

Vesta felt that all the spiritual power in his spiritual sea could no longer be mobilized, not even a trace could be mobilized.

His mental power seemed to be locked in the spiritual sea by a chain.

At this moment, Vista was no longer calm, and her heart was tumbling:

"Level 2 wizard!?"

There was a hint of shock on his face, and a hint of despair in his eyes.

Who has such a big hatred against him that he can dispatch a first-level wizard and a second-level wizard.

Perhaps the only one in the Cape Wanghai Continent who can do this is Yaoguang Academy.

But he can be sure that he has never provoked Yaoguang Academy, and even this time he came to Jiao Wanghai Continent for the second time.

The last time he came to Cape Wanghai Continent was decades ago.

Until Chen Mu appeared in front of him, he knew that the white-haired man in front of him was the 'second-level wizard' who attacked him.

Just when he was about to ask for mercy, a big hand was already placed on his head.

The huge mental power instantly shattered his spiritual sea.

His eyes began to become dull. The probability of the wizard surviving after his spiritual sea was shattered was extremely low. It could be said to be extremely slim.

But at the moment when his spiritual sea was shattered, a hint of disbelief suddenly appeared in his eyes.

It's not unbelievable that Chen Mu is only a first-level wizard, because it has nothing to do with him, because he is already dying.

But before he died, the Jin Yuan Ling suspended in his spiritual sea turned red.

"It's you!!"

This was the last thought in his mind.

There were many puzzles and doubts in his heart.

How could a third-level wizard apprentice become a first-level wizard in the blink of an eye?

And you can clearly know his movements.

Of course, no one could explain these doubts to him.

Looking at Vesta who fell to the ground, Chen Mu mobilized his mental power and pulled out the space magic weapon from Vesta's broken spiritual sea.

Then put Vesta's body into the space key.

The corpse of a first-level wizard is worth a lot of money.

"Guild Master!"

Benny on the side approached and spoke respectfully.

Chen Mu glanced at the devastated and unsightly environment around him, and finally looked away.

"Let's go."

Koh Lan, in the palace, in a luxurious room.

Chen Mu was sitting on a wooden chair, playing with a gold coin in his hand.

This Jin Yuan Token held by a first-level wizard is exactly the same as the three Jin Yuan Tokens that Chen Mu obtained before. They are all Jin Yuan Tokens, and there is no difference.

In order to deal with the people in the White Tower this time, Chen Mu used the second-ring witchcraft engraved in the Dark Star wand.

To activate it just this time, it would take thousands of magic stones to charge again.

And even if the magic stone is used to charge it, the [Second Ring Witchcraft·Dark Star Technique] engraved in the Dark Star Wand cannot be used all the time.

The current Dark Star Wand can probably activate the Dark Star spell three times.

For Chen Mu, it was enough.

After three times, the Dark Star Wand is still a second-level magic weapon, but it can no longer use the Dark Star Technique.

It still has an effect on the increase in witchcraft.

Dark Star is like the active skill of this wand, while the increase in sorcery is more like a passive skill.

As for thousands of magic stones, it is nothing to Chen Mu. With the White Crow Society controlling three islands, the current White Crow Society has no shortage of magic stones.

The magic stone of the White Crow Society is his magic stone, what else is there to say.

Of course, the main reason is that it is so safe. Chen Mu tried it in the simulation.

If you rely solely on yourself and Benny, it is indeed very simple to deal with Vesta, but he will use some means to escape.

In the end, it will cause some unnecessary trouble, which is not worth the gain.

Chen Mu wanted to take revenge on the White Tower, not to get himself burned, so he would naturally use a method that guaranteed to kill Vesta.

It doesn't matter even if the Dark Star Technique is consumed once.

Chen Mu put the Jin Yuan Ling back into the space key, then opened the attribute panel and took a look, and finally the light blue light curtain disappeared.

The three islands are already under the control of the White Crow Society, and Benny can still take care of them.

Now it's time for Chen Mu to return to the Violet Continent.

After all, whether in reality or in simulation, the White Rose School has provided him with a lot of help.

His teacher Mo Ben was also kind to him.

The main reason why Chen Mu could become a first-level wizard was the bloodline seed in the White Rose Secret Realm.

If it weren't for that bloodline seed, perhaps he would still be hovering at the limit of a third-level wizard apprentice at this time.

Now that the White Rose School is about to launch a school war, Chen Mu doesn't mind helping, just as repaying some favors.

This was not a dangerous thing for him at this time.

After all, he had already experimented once in the simulation.

Another reason is that there are some undiscovered treasures on the Violet Continent, and Chen Mu's foresight can get these treasures in advance.

Kill two birds with one stone, why not.

Chen Mu urged Benny to come to see him by using the Seal of the White Crow. Benny was very fast and appeared in Chen Mu's palace in a matter of seconds.

"Guild Master!"

Benny stood on Chen Mu's side and spoke respectfully.

"I'm going back to the Violet Continent. I'll be back in about a year. I'll leave the White Crow Club to you first."

"The White Crow Society no longer needs to continue to expand its power. The management of the four cities will be left to you and Luka."

Chen Mu said.

The White Crow Society is now a large wizarding organization, and every move affects more than just yourself.

"Okay, guild leader!"

"If Yaoguang Academy comes to collect the magic stones, just hand them in normally. If Red Crow can't solve it, it doesn't matter if you expose yourself."

"If you encounter something that is enough to subvert the White Crow Society, activate the White Crow Seal, then hide and wait for me to come back."

Hearing this, Benny nodded respectfully again: "I understand, Master."

After Chen Mu finished his instructions, Benny respectfully resigned.

Chen Mu's figure moved and disappeared from the spot.

"Black Crow, come with me to the Violet Continent this time."

Looking at the black crow in front of him, Chen Mu said.

Then he took out a black robe from the space key and handed it to Black Crow.

"Put it on, it can cover up the smell of blood all over your body."

Black Crow didn't say anything. He took the black robe without changing his expression and put it on directly.

After Black Crow put on the black robe, the smell of blood disappeared.

It is indeed a magic weapon, even though it is only at the apprentice level, it still has many magical uses.

This time going to the Violet Continent, Chen Mu decided to take Black Crow with him.

After all, it wouldn't be a waste if he didn't use his subordinates. Although Black Crow is only a third-level wizard apprentice, with Black Crow, Chen Mu doesn't have to do everything himself.

That's the benefit of having loyal subordinates.

Of course, Chen Mu has many loyal subordinates like this, but this time Chen Mu only takes one person.

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