The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 118 The Path of the White Wizard and the Ancestor of the White Wizard (Please order

Chapter 118 ‘The Path of the White Wizard’ and ‘The Ancestor of the White Wizard’ (Please subscribe)

Watching Sea, South China Sea, Wanghai Island.

In fact, compared to Watch South Sea, which occupies the third rift in the entire wizarding world, there are only a few members of Watch Sea here.

It has been a few days since he joined the Sea of ​​Watch, and Chen Mu has only met three people.

In the last real body simulation, Chen Mu joined a lot of people in the Ouroboros Ring.

In terms of numbers alone, South China Sea Watch cannot even compare to a world-level wizard organization whose leader is a fifth-level wizard.

You must know that the Sea Lord of Watch is already a level six wizard.


Looking at the old man in yellow robe who suddenly appeared in front of him, Chen Mu said that he was used to it.

However, Chen Mu was still very respectful to his teacher.

No matter who joins the Sea of ​​Watch, they must choose a teacher.

Most of the White Wizard organizations are built with teachers leading students.

In the Sea of ​​Watch, your teacher is the person you are most familiar with and the person you can most trust.

Chen Mu's teacher, Bain, is a genuine fourth-level wizard.

It's just that what's standing in front of Chen Mu now is not Bain's true body, but a demon puppet clone.

"How are you thinking about whether to give up the traditional path of spiritual wizards?"

Bain spoke, his tone soft.

Hearing this, Chen Mu did not speak, but looked like he was thinking.

Although it has only been less than ten days since he joined the Sea of ​​Watch, Chen Mu has already learned a lot.

For example, his teacher is now talking about giving up the traditional path of spiritual wizards.

In fact, it means giving up the path of spiritual wizard that Chen Mu is currently practicing.

There is a reason why Sea of ​​Watch is the largest white wizard organization in the wizarding world. Countless people dismiss it and countless people flock to it.

This is one of the reasons why it has the most spiritual wizard paths in the wizarding world.

"Don't worry, you can think about it slowly. It's difficult to improve your qualifications by practicing the traditional wizard path."

Bain spoke softly.

He still values ​​this student of his, so naturally he doesn't want Chen Mu to go astray.

Bain is right.

Chen Mu's qualifications have very limited potential if he insists on practicing the path of wizard he is currently practicing.

But in Sea of ​​Watch, qualifications aren't the only important thing for a wizard.

"Teacher, I want to think about it again."

Chen Mu said, but he did not agree immediately.

The reason is naturally because even if you want to change the path of a spiritual wizard, it is still a very cautious thing.

He decided to use a text simulation to test it before making any plans.

"Are you worried that the wizard path I chose for you doesn't have enough potential?"

Bain said with a half-smile.

"Do you know which wizard path I practice?"

Hearing this, Chen Mu nodded: "Teacher, you practice as a magic weapon wizard. This Chris told me."

Magic weapon wizard, a wizard path unique to the Sea of ​​Watch.

This path was researched by a predecessor in Watching Sea, and its potential could reach up to a level five wizard.

The most important thing is that this path has almost nothing to do with wizard qualifications.

In other words, whether it is a special wizard qualification or a fifth-level wizard qualification, if you all practice this wizard path, you will be on the same starting line.

"Do you know what my wizarding qualifications are?"

Chen Mu shook his head, how could he know this.

"Fifth grade, just like you."

Bain smiled lightly and said, "A fifth-level wizard qualification, a fourth-level wizard, it seems a bit inconsistent no matter how you look at it."

But it is what it is.

Although Chen Mu had already guessed it, he was still a little surprised when Bain said the fifth-level qualification.

"Do you know why most wizards in the wizarding world choose the path of traditional spiritual wizards?"

"Because there is no limit to the potential of this wizard path?"

Chen Mu said.

Unexpectedly, Bain laughed a little when he heard this.

He said: "Who told you that there is no upper limit to the path of a traditional spiritual wizard?"

"The upper limit of the traditional wizard's cultivation path is a seventh-level wizard. In fact, you will know this if you join the Sea of ​​Watch for a long time."

"Actually, the upper limit of the wizard's potential is the least meaningful thing to consider. Even if the upper limit of this path is a ninth-level wizard, so what? There are no ninth-level wizards in the entire wizarding world."

Speaking of this, Bain shook his head.

This student of his is good at everything, but he is a little too confident.

That's right. In your twenties, with little life experience, you can become a first-level spiritual wizard and a second-level blood wizard. It's normal to be more confident.

But in the future, he would have to slowly correct Chen Mu's confidence.

Hearing this, Chen Mu nodded and thought slightly.

In fact, if Chen Mu had to choose, he would not choose to take the path of a magic weapon wizard.

There are many reasons.

Because Chen Mu's ambition is actually very big, which can be seen from his real body joining the Sea of ​​Watch.

He felt that the path of the magic weapon wizard had too little potential.

That's right, in Chen Mu's eyes, the potential of a fifth-level wizard is too small.

He didn't want to waste time. If he really changed to another wizard path when he reached the fifth level of magic weapon wizard, it would undoubtedly be a waste of a lot of time.

There is another reason, that is, the special nature of the magic weapon wizard conflicts with Chen Mu's plug-in.

His simulator cannot retain the real thing.

In other words, if he chooses the path of a magic weapon wizard, he can only rely on his own practice in reality.

If Chen Mu had no emulator or plug-ins and was just an ordinary person, then this wizard path would inevitably be a good choice.

But the problem is that the magic weapon wizard's path conflicts with his plug-in. No matter how high the potential of this wizard's path is, Chen Mu will not choose it.

"It turns out that you dislike the upper limit of magic weapon wizards being too low."

Looking at Chen Mu who was thinking, Bain smiled and spoke.

Although his body is just a demon doll, his vision has not been lost.

He could still see some of his student's inner thoughts.


"Who told you that I would let you practice the path of a magic weapon wizard?"

Hearing this, a trace of astonishment flashed in Chen Mu's eyes.

Isn't it?

Teacher, you are a magic weapon wizard. Could it be that you chose another path for me?

In the past few days, Bain asked him to consider changing his path as a wizard. Chen Mu always thought that Bain wanted him to also practice the path of a magic weapon wizard.

After all, his teacher has already gone a long way on this path.

But now, Chen Mu found that he seemed to have gone astray. His teacher did not seem to want him to turn to the path of becoming a magic weapon wizard.

Bain laughed a little. It seemed that his behavior in the past few days had caused his student to misunderstand.

"Do you know which wizard path is practiced most by people in the Watching Sea?"

Bain suddenly changed his voice and changed the topic.

Hearing this, Chen Mu shook his head.

It has been less than ten days since he joined the Sea of ​​Watch, so it is naturally impossible to cover everything.

The wizard paths in the Sea of ​​Watch are in full bloom. Chen Mu really doesn’t know which wizard path is the most practiced.

But if you think about it, it should be the traditional spiritual wizard path.

"The White Wizard's Path."

Bain spoke softly and uttered this sentence.

"The White Wizard Path?"

Chen Mu was a little surprised. The white wizard also had a special wizard path?

Then this should be a relatively important piece of information. Why didn't he learn about it from his knowledge of the Sea of ​​Watch these past few days?

"Yes, this wizard path was created by the founder of Watching Sea, and its potential can reach an eighth-level wizard."

"Isn't the founder of Watching Sea Lord Mansour?"

Chen Mu asked.

It seems that there is still a lot that he needs to know, and there is still much that he does not know about the current Sea of ​​Watch.

A few days is still too short. If you want to understand everything that can be learned about the Sea of ​​Watch, it will probably take several years.

"Who told you that the founder of Watching Sea is Lord Mansur?"

Bain smiled and said, this little guy just joined the Sea of ​​Watch and he was like an outsider.

"A large part of the reason why Sea of ​​Watch has become the largest white wizard organization in the wizarding world is because of its founder."

"Lord Bertatu Hal, known as the [Ancestor of the White Wizard]."

"An eighth-level wizard who has long since left the wizarding world."

This student of his will know this when he joins the Sea of ​​Watch for a long time. Bain simply told Chen Mu now. This is not a secret.

If Chen Mu had been a little surprised from time to time before, then this time his heart was in turmoil.


Bertatu Hal?

The ancestor of the White Wizard?

An eighth-level wizard?

These words alone may surprise Chen Mu, but together they make Chen Mu a little unbelievable.

The person he replaced in the Sea of ​​Watch trial was actually the ancestor of the White Wizard?

An eighth-level wizard is no longer just standing at the top of the wizarding world.

It's probably enough to say that he stands at the top of the world.

Even if you fantasize about it, you probably can't imagine how powerful this kind of existence is.

How could this kind of existence be replaced by him.

Even in the trial, it is unlikely.

"Have you heard of that name?"

Bain looked at Chen Mu in surprise.

Although Chen Mu concealed it well, his expression was calm.

But the changes deep in his heart still cannot be hidden from Bain. After all, he is a fourth-level wizard, even if what is here is just a puppet clone.

It's a bit strange not knowing the founder but knowing Bertatu Hal.

Where did Chen Mu hear this name?

Although this is not a secret in the Sea of ​​Watch, there are only a handful of people who understand it.

Even some great wizards don’t know it, let alone Chen Mu, a wild little wizard.

"Well, the founder you mentioned was my teacher in the trial that the Sea of ​​Watch opened for me."

Chen Mu calmed down a bit, nodded and spoke.


Bain's eyes lit up, who's student? No wonder he passed the trial perfectly.

Although Chen Mu passed the trial perfectly, Bain didn't care about Chen Mu's identity in the trial.

Although this was not a secret, asking rashly might make his student have a bad impression of him, so he didn't ask before.

"Lord Podosi Hal."

Before Bain could ask, Chen Mu spoke first.

Bain nodded, but he had no other emotions.

"The white wizard path is the wizard path that I choose to change to for you. This is much better for you than the traditional spiritual wizard path."

Bain spoke.

The traditional spiritual wizard path is suitable for most people and is the most popular wizard path.

The public doesn't mean it's bad, it means it has fewer restrictions.

But few restrictions do not mean there are no restrictions. For people with poor qualifications, it is difficult to achieve success by practicing the traditional path of spiritual wizards.

"Teacher, can you tell me about the path of the White Wizard?"

Chen Mu was already a little curious.

The wizard path that a fourth-level wizard helped him choose was still the wizard path pioneered by the ancestor of the White Wizard.

There's no reason why Chen Mu wouldn't be interested.

Hearing Chen Mu's words, Bain nodded.

It's good to have ideas, but I'm afraid you will always insist on practicing the traditional wizard's path.

In that case, the help he could provide to his student would be limited.

"The white wizard path, as the name suggests, is the wizard path that is most suitable for white wizards to practice. In your understanding, what kind of group are white wizards?"

"Be unsmiling, concentrate on experimental research, and not be moved by other things."

Chen Mu spoke decisively and said whatever was on his mind. There was no need to hesitate at this time.

"Yes or no, it is right to concentrate on experimental research, and the rest does not exist. The white wizard is also a human being, how could he not care about anything."

"The white wizard ranks at the top of all wizard groups in terms of combat effectiveness."

"This is not only reflected in the cumbersome methods of the white wizard, but also in the path of the white wizard."

Bain spoke.

Chen Mu nodded.

Stereotypes hurt people. Is the white wizard very powerful in combat? Chen Mu had never thought so before.

But since his teacher said this, he would definitely explain it later.

"The traditional wizard's path focuses on spiritual strength and weight, while the white wizard's path focuses on spiritual strength and quality."

"To put it simply, there is a bucket. The traditional path of a wizard is to slowly make the bucket bigger and put more water in it."

"The White Wizard's path is to make the bucket stronger, then fill the bucket with water, and then gradually replace the water with magma."

Bain spoke.

Chen Mu in front of him listened very seriously.

He said it very clearly, so Chen Mu understood it quickly.

However, Chen Mu was even more confused by this understanding.

Isn't this the wizard path he created in the Sea of ​​Watch trial, but it must have been revised again and again until now.

But this concept is exactly the same as the meditation method that Chen Mu deduced in the trial.

To put it simply, doesn't this mean that the spiritual sea is not expanded? The spiritual sea is only kept at the size of a first-level wizard, and the spiritual power is continued to be refined.

An alternative wizarding path that replaces quantity with quality.

Now his teacher tells him that this wizard path is the White Wizard Path.

It is the wizard path with the highest potential in the wizarding world at present, and it is the wizard path pioneered by the ancestor of the White Wizard.

What kind of feeling is this?

It can be said that Chen Mu now doubts whether he is the reincarnation of the ancestor of the white wizard.

Otherwise it would be too much of a coincidence.

One coincidence is fine, but two or three coincidences are a bit too strange.

However, Chen Mu still gave up this idea.

Because this is unlikely. He traveled through this world from Blue Star in his previous life, and should have nothing to do with the ancestor of the White Wizard.

That can only be a coincidence.

Perhaps Chen Mu during the trial just completed the task step by step. Without Chen Mu, the ancestor of the white wizard could have created this wizard path in the original history.

"There is a reason why the white wizard's path is the wizard's path that is most suitable for white wizards."

"The experimental research of the white wizard generally does not require a lot of mental power. Higher quality mental power can assist the white wizard in completing a lot of research."

"Although the total amount of mental power is small, higher quality mental power can give the white wizard stronger combat power."

Bain said, these are the benefits of the white wizard's path. Of course, this path is not perfect.

There is no perfect wizard path in the wizarding world.

Therefore, he would not hide the shortcomings of this path from Chen Mu.

"However, the white wizard's path of cultivation is very slow, and his total mental power is very small, which means that if he is delayed, he will easily run out of mental power."

"But compared to your fifth-level qualification practicing the traditional wizard's path, the white wizard's path is faster."

"Furthermore, the White Wizard rarely fights with others, so depleting his mental energy is not extremely fatal. After all, it is consumed quickly and recovered quickly."

Bain told Chen Mu everything he knew.

Although he did not follow this path, he was also a white wizard.

I am no stranger to this path.

Not all white wizards practice the path of the white wizard.

"Teacher, I understand. I will give you an answer within the next few days."

Chen Mu nodded solemnly.

If Chen Mu was still hesitant before, now as long as there are no accidents in the text simulation, he will most likely switch to the path of the white wizard.

This path has many benefits for him.

The white wizard path is paired with the blood wizard, which is the rhythm of being invincible.

Bain smiled and nodded, and his figure disappeared from the place.

Level 4 wizards and above in the Sea of ​​Watching rarely stay in the Sea of ​​Watching in person, and Chen Mu doesn't know where they have gone.

This can only be learned after he truly becomes a fourth-level wizard.

The Sea of ​​Watch is definitely the most bizarre world-level wizard organization in the wizarding world.

Here, there are very few low-level people, with less than twenty people below the fourth-level wizard.

Chen Mu didn't know the number of level 4 wizards and above, but he knew it must be more than twenty people.

In other words, this place is full of old guys.

Chen Mu is the youngest person in the entire Watching Sea.

Looking at the place where his teacher Bain left, Chen Mu suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"What if I merged the path of the White Wizard with the path of the Traditional Wizard?"

If these two paths can learn from each other's strengths, then with a large spiritual sea and abundant spiritual power, wouldn't it be a perfect path for a wizard?

But the next moment, Chen Mu gave up this idea.

Because this is still too far away for him at present.

He had this idea, and other wizards must have had it too.

It would be a waste of time for Chen Mu to do something that even a seventh-level wizard couldn't do.

He may be able to come into contact with this realm in the future, but at present, it is still too early for him to merge the two wizard paths together.

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