The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 147 Plane invasion and world sacrifice? (Please subscribe

Chapter 147 ‘Plane Invasion’ and ‘Sacrifice the World? ’ (please subscribe)

Although the third-level mage has some overlap with the third-level wizard, it is still of some use to Chen Mu.

After all, the extraordinary path of a mage is a strange extraordinary path in the wizarding world.

The third-level mage can give Chen Mu a chance to take him by surprise when facing other wizards.

After digesting the memory, Chen Mu didn't feel anything strange.

The Book of Truth was suspended in front of him, and the pages were turning. He needed to look up some information.

"Magic World!"

Chen Mu's expression changed.

really have.

And it is a large world recorded in the wizarding world.

Information about the mage world appeared in Chen Mu's mind as a memory.

"It's an outrageous world, but fortunately it doesn't have any entanglements with the wizarding world."

Chen Mu said to himself.

When he returned to the Wizarding World, he also searched the Star Reaching World in the Book of Truth, but found nothing.

The next moment, a light blue transparent light curtain appeared in front of Chen Mu.

[Number of text simulations: 1]

[Do you want to enable text simulation? 】


Chen Mu thought in his heart.

A string of words began to appear.


[The simulation is over, please choose your reward! 】

【Keep realm】or【Keep spell】

【You can choose to keep three memories! 】

"Preserve the realm!"

Chen Mu chose to retain his realm without hesitation.

His magic skills are enough now, and he will choose to retain the realm every time he simulates text in the future.

The next moment, his mental sea fluctuated slightly and then returned to calm again a moment later.

His blood is slightly hot, and in the text simulation, he is still fused with the blood of the white crow.

The limit of his bloodline has been raised again after this text simulation.

"Preserve the memories of thirty, thirty-four, and thirty-five years old."

Chen Mu thought in his heart.

The next moment, three unfamiliar memories appeared in Chen Mu's mind.

After digesting the memory, his expression did not change much.

There are still decades to go before the cross-border war begins. During this period, what he has to do is to improve his strength as soon as possible.

It would undoubtedly be best if he could become a level four wizard before the cross-border war came.

However, the fourth-level wizard does not just need to practice meditation. Now he is still some distance away from the fourth-level wizard.

"The Black Lizard Scholar will only be interested in you as a person, not because of your blood."

Bain looked at Chen Mu and said.

"Interested in my people? What do you mean?"

Chen Mu was stunned and said.

He didn't quite understand. He was not interested in his bloodline. He could understand that the White Crow bloodline was not the best bloodline.

But what does it mean to be interested in others? Chen Mu said he didn't quite understand.

"literal meaning."

Bain spoke.

Black Lizard Scholars understand the brain circuits of those people, which ordinary people cannot understand.

They do so many things that are incomprehensible.

Just like this time, a fifth-level world-level wizard organization actually wanted to rebel. It wasn't because of some mental problem that even Bain didn't believe it.

Changing the body has damaged the brain.

"Are you planning to stay in the Watching Sea?"

"I have several small laboratories in other dimensions. If you are interested, you can go and try them out."

Bain spoke.

Hearing Bain's words, Chen Mu felt a little moved in his heart.

But after questioning for a while, I gave up.

The flow of time in these planes is faster than that of the wizarding world.

If he conducts small experiments in these planes, the accumulation of simulation times will be slower.

What's more, he is still some distance away from being responsible for the experiment alone. It is too early to go now, and nothing will be accomplished.

The most important thing for him now is to simulate and improve his strength, and strive to have strong self-protection capabilities when a cross-border war comes.

"If you're not interested, forget it."

"If you encounter any trouble, just send a message to me in the Book of Truth immediately."

Bain said, and then his figure disappeared in front of Chen Mu.

Chen Mu also moved back to the meditation room, sat down cross-legged and began to run the meditation route and practice the meditation method.

Meditation in reality still cannot be slacked off, and time is squeezed out.

Time passed, and the months passed by in an instant.

Within a few months, Chen Mu had been practicing meditation in the meditation room of Tinghai Pavilion.

Chen Mu, who was running the meditation method, stopped, and the Book of Truth in the spiritual sea trembled slightly.

Chen Mu thought, and his expression became a little solemn.

What was supposed to come came, and the surrounding planes of the Wizarding World were invaded by the Blood Sea Realm.

This is the second large-scale invasion and temptation in the Blood Sea Realm.

Chen Mu, who had experienced the simulation, knew that there were only three trials in the Blood Sea Realm.

After three passes, there is a cross-border war.

This time, the Blood Sea Realm learned wisely, and instead of invading the world-level wizard organizations in the wizarding world, they invaded the planes conquered by these world-level wizard organizations.

Needless to say, there must be a push from the Evangelical Church behind this.

The rebellion of a world-level wizarding organization that knows most wizarding organizations in the wizarding world has a huge impact.

Although the Sea of ​​Watch has not conquered the planes, the Sea of ​​Watch has laboratories and buildings on countless planes.

If they were all destroyed by the Blood Sea Realm, the losses to the Watching Sea would be considerable.


Looking at Bain who suddenly appeared, Chen Mu stood up and spoke.

"Let's go to the Blue Sea Plane with me. The Blood Sea Realm is probably well prepared this time."

Bain said with a calm expression.

The next moment his mental power surged, and the two of them appeared in the void, in front of the plane passage.

Different from before, this void was very lively and full of people. Chen Mu even saw a few familiar people.

"Odom, Blue Ocean Plane."

Bain spoke.

Odom didn't speak this time, and his expression was a little solemn.

The Book of Truth emerged, and an illusory passage appeared in front of Chen Mu and Bain.

Bain's mental power wrapped his body and stepped into the passage. Chen Mu naturally did not hesitate and followed his teacher into the passage.

The next moment, Chen Mu's eyes changed.

The scene in the void had disappeared, and the familiar scenery of the blue sea plane came into Chen Mu's eyes.

The place where Chen Mu and Bain appeared was the central area of ​​the Blue Sea Plane.

Bane's laboratory is here.

Above the sky, several illusory plane passages are looming.

Some complete planes have no cracks, so even a fourth-level wizard has to go through the plane passage to get here.

The blood sea world is naturally no exception. If the blood descendants want to invade the blue sea plane, they must also pass through the plane channel.

After Bain saw these plane passages, his mental power surged.

Four purple wands flew from his spiritual sea and flew into the sky.

The next moment, four magic wands were suspended in the four directions of several plane passages.

[Four-ring witchcraft·Time blockade]!

Suddenly, a transparent chain appeared on each of the four wands. The chains quickly lengthened and finally became entangled together.

Completely surrounded several plane passages.

Chen Mu made no move, standing next to Bain and taking in the entire scene in front of him.

Chen Mu had experienced the power of the fourth-level wizard in the simulation.

In the wizarding world, it is impossible to skip levels. Even if you are the strongest third-level wizard, you are still an ant in front of a fourth-level wizard.

The gap is too big.

Of course, if Chen Mu wanted to run away, not even a fourth-level wizard could stop him.

After a moment, the illusory space passage disappeared, and countless blood descendants appeared in the sky of the blue sea plane.

But the moment these blood descendants appeared, their bodies seemed to be frozen in the sky, motionless.

Bain glanced at Chen Mu.

Chen Mu's heart moved.

This is? let me?

So he didn't hesitate.

The spiritual power in the spiritual sea surges out.

[Three Ring Witchcraft·Space Blade]!

Chen Mu's mental power turned into transparent sharp blades and flew into the sky at extremely fast speeds.

Above the sky, those frozen blood descendants only had their bodies frozen, but their minds were not frozen.

They could see the transparent blade coming towards them.

There was fear and anxiety in their eyes.

But the next moment, there was only a void in their eyes.

Because these sharp blades have passed through their bodies and wiped out their blood cores.

Thousands of blood descendants fell from the sky and fell into the blue sea.

"You completed the construction of a three-ring witchcraft so quickly?"

Bain's eyes lit up when he saw that what Chen Mu released was genuine three-ring witchcraft.

"Maybe I'm more talented in this area?"

Chen Mu also smiled and said.

Hearing this, Bain nodded repeatedly: "More than just a talent, the talent is too good."

His students are talented and he has a bright face.

This is the first time I have admitted a student with such a talent.

Do I have such good eyesight?

Should we accept a few more students?

"Teacher, here we come!"

Chen Mu's somewhat solemn voice reached his ears.

Bain moved his gaze away from Chen Mu and back to the sky.

Sure enough, several more illusory plane passages appeared above the already calm sky.

Bain's mental power activated the wand, causing the four wands to appear again around several plane passages.

[Four-ring witchcraft·Time blockade]!

It's still the familiar witchcraft, just used again.

Transparent chains appeared again on the four wands. These chains quickly entangled together to surround the newly emerged plane passage.

Time passed, and a moment later.

The plane channel turned imaginary into reality and then disappeared. What remained in the sky were more blood descendants than the previous batch.

These blood descendants were imprisoned in the sky the moment they appeared.

"so much."

Chen Mu was a little surprised when he saw the blood descendant frozen in the sky.

He knew that there were many blood descendants in the Blood Sea Realm, but it was a bit exaggerated to have so many in just one plane.

You must know that all the world-level wizard organizations in the wizarding world have conquered not tens of thousands, but thousands of planes.

Including those who have not conquered, the total number must be several thousand.

If there are tens of thousands of blood descendants invading every plane, wouldn't it mean that at least hundreds of millions of blood descendants were mobilized in the Blood Sea Realm this time?

Sure enough, compared with the Blood Sea Realm, the low-level wizards in the Wizarding World cannot be called cannon fodder in cross-border wars.

These blood descendants in the Blood Sea Realm are the real cannon fodder.

[Three Ring Witchcraft·Space Blade]!

Although Chen Mu was a little surprised by the number of blood descendants in the Blood Sea Realm, they still had to be killed.

After all, although this plane is a masterless plane, it does have a large laboratory in the Sea of ​​Watch.

Spiritual power surged, turning into space sharp blades and slashing at the blood descendants in the sky.

These blood descendants were imprisoned in the sky and naturally had no way to resist.

No matter how large the number of these blood descendants were, they were all cut down by Chen Mu's space blade in the end.

"You don't need to take action next, just watch from the sidelines."

Bain smiled and spoke.

The moment he spoke, an illusory plane passage appeared again in the sky.

But this time Bain didn't use witchcraft again.

Because the moment this plane passage appeared, a figure appeared and the plane passage disappeared.

"Level 4 Vampire!"

Seeing the physical characteristics of this blood descendant, Chen Mu thought to himself.

The moment this fourth-level vampire appeared, his eyes rested on Bain's face.

As for Chen Mu, he was ignored by him.

The two of them took action almost at the same time. The golden wand emerged from Bain's spiritual sea and floated in front of Bain.

The blood descendant waved his hand, and a bloody torrent suddenly appeared around him.

The moment the bloody torrent appeared, it rushed towards Bain and Chen Mu.

Bain's expression did not change, and Chen Mu also stood motionless.

Since his teacher is confident that he can stand here and watch the show, he is naturally confident.

The next moment, the golden wand suspended in front of Bain exploded and turned into thousands of golden magic weapon fragments.

The fragments reorganized and turned into a giant shield to block the bloody torrent.

The next moment, the giant shield exploded again and turned into a wand again and appeared in Bain's hand.

Bain gently waved the wand in his hand.

An extremely powerful mental power burst out instantly, but this mental power did not affect Chen Mu.

[Four-ring witchcraft·turn back time]!

[Four-ring witchcraft·Space separation]!


Two witchcrafts were released by Bain, and the powerful spiritual power caused the entire plane here to shake.

The loud sound shook Chen Mu's eardrums slightly.

An illusory clock appeared above the vampire's head, and the next moment, the hands of the clock began to rotate backwards.

The blood descendant's body gradually withered, and a hole seemed to open in the space, submerging the blood descendant.

The next moment, the vampire was dragged away by the turbulent currents in the void and disappeared into this plane.

"So strong!"

Chen Mu's heart moved.

His teacher was serious this time.

"That fourth-level vampire?"

Looking at the calm sky, Chen Mu asked.

After hearing this, Bain shook his head and took the wand back into the spiritual sea. The four purple wands in the distance were also taken back into the spiritual sea.

"He's not dead, he ran away."

"It feels like these vampires are a lot smarter."

Bain touched his chin and said.

If it were before, this fourth-level vampire would most likely choose to fight him to the end.

This is why he went all out from the beginning.

But I didn't expect this fourth-level vampire to run away directly.

"Teacher, this time the Blood Sea Realm attacks the planes around the wizarding world, is it possible that the Evangelical Leaders are behind it?"

Chen Mu said.

After hearing this, Bain thought for a moment.

"It's very possible. In fact, most of what the Blood Sea Realm knows about the wizarding world is learned from the Evangelical Church."

"It's not a good thing anyway. The Evangelical Church's plan is even bigger than the Blood Sea Realm."

Bain said with a somewhat solemn expression.

"What's the plan?"

Chen Mu asked curiously, he really didn't know this.

"How could the Evangelical Church rebel without strong interests pushing it?"

"Perhaps they want to sacrifice a world to become an eighth-level wizard?"

"But how could the Wizarding World be sacrificed? Are they preparing to sacrifice the Blood Sea Realm?"

Bain spoke, with a hint of uncertainty in his tone.

Even though he is a fourth-level wizard, he is still far away from being a seventh-level or eighth-level wizard.

"Sacrifice the world?"

Chen Mu was shocked.

How is this possible, how can a world be sacrificed.

But the next moment, his heart trembled because he felt that his teacher might have guessed it right by mistake.

Because he knows that the leader of the Evangelical Church is not a human being.

"I'm just making a guess."

Seeing that Chen Mu seemed to take it seriously, Bain smiled and said.

Chen Mu didn't speak, his thoughts were entangled in his heart.

If it is true as his teacher guessed, then these anomalies in the Evangelical Church can also be explained.

And there are some things that his teacher doesn't know, but he does.

That is if the ultimate goal of the Evangelical Church is to sacrifice the world, they really have channels to sacrifice.

The devil from outside!

This may be the object to which the evangelical leader would sacrifice.

After this idea appeared, Chen Mu felt a little solemn in his heart.

If the Evangelical Church really succeeds, then the wizarding world may also be in some danger.

Eighth-level wizards. There are no eighth-level wizards in the wizarding world now.

If the leader of the Evangelical Church becomes an eighth-level wizard, it will be a disaster for the entire wizarding world.

In the next simulation, Chen Mu will definitely live a little longer.

He might not be able to live that long in the text simulation, but in the real simulation he can definitely live for a long time as long as he keeps at it.

You just have to live long enough to see clearly the plans of the Evangelical Church.

"Let's go, we have to go to other planes to clean up the vampires."

Looking at Chen Mu who was thinking, Bain said.

His student wouldn't really believe what he said.

Sacrifice to the world is not as easy as he said.

The formation time of each great world is millions of years, even tens of millions of years.

Moreover, when sacrificing to the world, there is also the question of who to sacrifice to.

The targets of the dark wizard's sacrifices are always the leader of the Evangelical Church, but that leader is already the target of others' sacrifices. Who can he sacrifice to?

Sacrifice it to yourself?

"Good teacher."

Chen Mu put away his thoughts and stopped thinking about it.

Even if he finally got the answers to these things, it seemed to be of no use.

Even if he really learns that the purpose of the Evangelical Church is to sacrifice the world, what can he do?

Should he, a third-level wizard, be allowed to stop the Evangelical Church?

The next moment, Bain's Book of Truth levitated, taking the two of them out of this plane.

When the two appeared again, they were already in a void.

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