The Wizard’s Way Home

Chapter 166: altar

The man’s fallen corpse knocked down a table, and then knocked over the candle that was still burning. The candle fell on top of the spilled wine, the high concentration of spirits was ignited, and the flowing flame turned the entire hut into The sea of ​​fire, and then, the whole picture is full of blazing flames.


I don’t know how much time has passed, the screen jittered a bit, and an altar-like thing appeared on the screen again. An erratic ball of light floating on the altar, the screen seemed to have been strongly disturbed, and the screen began to appear. Distorted and misplaced. Then it shook twice, and finally disappeared.


   The two people in the room looked at each other silently.


   "Hmm, it's so pathetic." This is Ai Ke with a young girl's heart.


   "There are some problems with this altar, it seems I need to see it." This is Kenan who considers the problem from the perspective of a wizard.


   "?" This is a spirit girl with a little dull consciousness.


   "My lord god, she is so pitiful, can you restore her body and let her live again?" At this time, Ai Ke was a little sympathetic.


"It consumes too much to reshape the body, and what kind of identity she appears in, do you think about it, but you can directly transform the spiritual body into the spiritual life, so that you can slowly recover by yourself, but it will consume Your last wish, are you willing, and have you thought about her opinion, will she agree?" After that, Kenan pointed to the spirit girl who was still a little confused and stood aside.


   "Wait a minute." After speaking, Aike took the spirit girl to the corner of the room and began to whisper. Use the power of the rune to touch the spirit body. This is a little skill that Kenan taught the girl.


Although the two girls hid in the corner of the room, with Kenan's strength, every plant and tree in this entire manor was within Kenan's induction, how could the conversation of the two girls escape Kenan's Eyes and ears, it's just that Kenan didn't care about it, so he selectively filtered out the information.


After a long time, Ai Kecai took the spirit girl back to Kenan, "Master God, we have discussed it. Please reshape the spirit body for her so that she can appear in physical form, and her The identity is set as my sister, and the name is just called Ai Ling. Let’s use my third wish."


   After solving the troubles between himself and his family, Aike had no wish to realize for the time being, and then saw a spiritual girl with such a pitiful life experience, and his love was overflowing involuntarily. Kenan didn't say anything when he saw it. After all, the choice was made by himself, and everyone had to learn to be responsible for his choice.


"It's not difficult at all." After that, Kenan arranged a rune array in the room. This rune array is much simpler than the rune array for Ai Ke to purify his body. After all, it is just strengthening the spirit body. It’s not difficult to replenish the energy consumed for so long.


   A stream of light flashed in the rune array, and the girl in the rune column had a dull expression, without sadness or joy. When the rune array disappeared, the spirit body had become a physical existence. It seems to be a real person.


"Okay, the transformation has been completed. She now has two forms, which can freely transform between the entity and the spirit. In addition, I also added a rune array that can absorb free energy in her body. , At least it can be guaranteed that she will not dissipate due to lack of energy. As for the mental problem, I can’t handle it. You can only communicate slowly by yourself. The identity has been stored in the memory of the Li family. Wait until tomorrow morning. Will accept her presence. Okay, the agreement between us has been completed, and I will leave too." After that, Kenan stood up gently.


   "Is the Lord God leaving?" Ai Ke seemed a little bit unwilling.


   "Well, after the agreement is completed, I will leave. There is no permanent banquet in the world. You must rely on yourself in the future. Don't rely too much on the power of others. Only your own is the most reliable."


   "I see, Lord God." Ai Ke's eyes were lowered and his expression was sad.


Looking at the girl’s appearance, Kenan thought about taking out the alchemy gloves with dragon's breath that he had previously refined from the void color shell, and handed it to Aike, "This is a piece I made in my early years. The item records a powerful witchcraft on it, so it will be given to you for self-defense. You will know how to use it with you. Okay, I should also go. See you if you are lucky.” After talking about Kenan’s figure, It disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.


   Only Aike was left holding a silver woven glove in both hands. The alchemy glove radiated a little bit of light under the light, and a drop of tears, I don't know why it fell on the glove, while the spirit girl gently hugged the crying girl.


   Kenan, who had left, did not notice this, even if he noticed it, he would not care about it. Teenage girls always had all kinds of beautiful fantasies, and Kenan was a man who met his goals very well.


   But Kenan couldn't give her more, after all, he always wanted to return to his hometown. Moreover, the road he was going to walk was full of thorns and traps, and he would be broken to pieces if he didn't pay attention. Therefore, it is better to leave early, so that the girl would only be sad for a while at best.


   Taking the girl away is the biggest irresponsibility.


When the spirit body was converted again, Kenan had found the girl’s former residence from the memory of the spirit girl. Kenan was flying south in the air. According to the girl’s memory, her hometown was in the southwest of the country. In a small city.


   Kenan compared the map with various reference objects for a long time before finding the place. After all, it has been a long time, many of the original landmarks are all gone, even if the girl comes to look for it by herself, I'm afraid I can't find a place.


   But Kenan only needs to know the approximate location. After finding the approximate location, UU reading Kenan can completely scan the carpet, and it is only a matter of time before he finds an altar exuding a strange atmosphere.


   The only thing I need to worry about is that the things on the altar will be picked up by other "comrades" quickly.


   However, Kenan's luck was pretty good. It only took three days to find the location of the altar, in an underground cave below the city.


  The silence in the deep underground cavern is abnormal, except for the occasional sound of water flowing through, no other sounds sounded.


   A dilapidated altar was built in the depths of the cave, emitting a pale red light. The mottled runes are still exuding majestic energy. The style of the altar is very peculiar. It is not any type that Kenan has seen. I don't know who built it here and why.


   But these are not important, Kenan's eyes were attracted by something at the top of the altar.


It was a group of light that constantly changed body shape, exuding amazing energy, and constantly attracted Kenan to walk forward. Kenan stood under the altar and looked carefully before discovering that this group of energy is actually a share. The origin of the world.

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