The Wizard’s Way Home

Chapter 193: Treasure box monster

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Kenan grabbed the swept tongue, and a raging flame ignited in Kenan's hand. The flames from the abyss directly turned the tongue dripping with mucus into a ball of scorched carbide. . Kenan raised his right hand and patted the treasure chest that he had bitten him. Directly slap the opponent into the bluestone wall.

"I didn't expect to be able to see a treasure chest monster here. It's really good luck." Kenan muttered to himself, with a satisfied smile on his face.

The treasure box monster is an active life of an ancient creation. A bit similar to the construct, but the main function is to store valuables and prevent thieves. However, this kind of creature generally has the strength of a formal-level wizard, obviously not the existence that this mortal king can have, then this treasure chest monster is likely to come here by itself.

Perhaps it was to avoid the enemy's tracking, perhaps it was because he had developed a sense of wisdom and escaped, or perhaps he was free after the owner died. Anyway, no matter what this treasure chest monster is hiding here, since it was discovered by Kenan, then the ownership of this treasure chest monster belongs to Kenan.

Kenan smiled and walked in front of the treasure chest monster. Five slender bone fingers were directly inserted into the treasure chest monster's body like five steel structures, and the treasure chest monster who was wailing loudly was suddenly pulled out of the depression on the bluestone wall. come out.

"Either hand over the treasure or die." Kenan pressed the side wall of the treasure chest with one hand and said coldly.

However, the treasure chest monster is like a beast, completely ignoring the difference in strength between the two sides, and ignoring Kenan's language, like a beast, desperately baring his fangs, trying to bite Kenan.

Kenan frowned, he was completely unable to communicate, and most of the opponent's intelligence seemed to be damaged, completely losing the ability to communicate, leaving the instinct to attack. It seems that he was injured by a soul attack and hides here to recover. As for its owner, it may have been more violent, otherwise, the other party would not let a treasure chest monster that contained most of his family's family stay outside and not look for it.

Thinking of this, Kenan held the treasure chest monster with one hand, and pressed the other hand on the ground. An array of runes appeared on the smooth bluestone ground instantly, and the complicated and profound runes emitted a stream of light, which made people dazzled.

Kenan threw the treasure chest monster into the center of the rune array with one hand. After the treasure chest monster broke away from Kenan's control, he rushed towards Kenan again, seeming to want to fight Kenan desperately. However, halfway through the rush, it was intercepted by a light curtain.

The treasure box monster hit this light curtain desperately, but it had no effect at all except for a little ripple. However, at this time the rune array slowly began to operate. A series of light particles rose out of the rune array, like little stars.

After these light particles rise, they attach to the box monster, constantly eroding the body of the treasure box monster. The box body of the treasure box monster originally engraved with intricate patterns is now pitted by the light particles, like iron that has been corroded for many years. The box is average. And the rate of this corrosion is still accelerating, and soon, the original huge treasure chest monster has lost a circle.

However, the treasure box monster has been madly and tirelessly hitting the light curtain as if it is unconscious, regardless of the damage to his body.

Sure enough, have you lost your basic sanity? Then let me help you out. Thinking of this, Kenan accelerated the running speed of the rune array, and the flashing light of the runes in the array became more dazzling. The emergence of light particles has also increased many times faster.

The light particles are like bubbles in carbonated drinks, quickly emerging from the flashing rune array, and then contaminating the treasure box monsters, eroding the treasure box monsters more severely. After a short period of time, the treasure chest monster that had been constantly impacting the light curtain turned into a little bit of light, which was completely decomposed into basic elements. The folding space that was fixed in the treasure chest monster also collapsed completely at this time because it lost its attached support point. The items originally stored by the treasure chest monster were also thrown out and fell on the ground.

Fortunately, it was blocked by the light curtain of the rune array. Otherwise, these items would spill over the entire basement.

Upon seeing this, Kenan quickly stopped the operation of the rune array. He had been busy for a long time because of these items. If all were broken down by the rune array, he would have been busy.

Kenan gathered all the items exploded by the treasure chest monsters together and began to sort his trophies. The first is a bunch of unrecognized herbs and seeds and fruits of various plants. These things have to be put aside, and the functions and uses of these things can only be understood by slowly doing experiments in the future.

A lot of various rare metals, most of which are known to Kenan, are commonly used materials for constructing fixed rune arrays and making witchcraft creations. Although the names of the various planes are not the same, the properties are basically the same.

Three sets of gray robes, embroidered with a blue ring on the chest of the robes, it should be the standard clothing of a certain college or organization, but Kenan is not very familiar with the organization of supernatural forces in this world, so he can't know Which organization was the owner of the treasure box monster originally?

Several bottles of potions whose effects are unknown, the result of this treatment is the same as that of herbal medicine. Kenan didn't dare to drink this kind of medicine that didn't know its properties casually. Although he is now a morning star powerhouse, who knows what hidden dangers the other party's medicine will cause to him. UU reading

A stack of witchcraft cards painted with various patterns. This thing has aroused great interest in Kenan, and these cards are different from the witchcraft cards drawn by Kenan. The witchcraft cards drawn by Kenan are all kinds of runes drawn on top of the cards.

And these witchcraft cards are drawn with various patterns, some are drawn with a tree, some are drawn with a black lotus, some are drawn with two kobold archers, and some are drawn A shooting star fell from the sky, and some painted a knight in plate armor holding an epee...

All the cards are drawn with various exquisite patterns, and these pictures are lifelike, as if they were real people. Seeing this, Kenan couldn't help but have an idea. Could it be that these are all sealed cards. Useful materials or servants are sealed in the card, usually in the pocket for easy carrying, and then summoned when used. , Isn’t this the same as the pokeball.

After thinking about it, Kenan decided to put these cards away, and wait until there is time in the future to study slowly, there is no need to worry.

After putting away these items, the only items placed in front of Kenan were a crystal ball and a long sword.

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