The Wolf King's Dream

Chapter 1: Weaving dreams into a web, the wolf king is reborn

Northern Plain, poisonous grassland.

The slightly rotten grassland is covered with deep pits and gullies, and human and animal bones are scattered around, all of which indicate that a tragic battle once took place here.

This place is close to the belly of the poisonous grassland, and the surrounding area is filled with deep purple poisonous fog. Even the poisonous beard wolf, which is unique to the poisonous grassland, can hardly survive.

Suddenly, a piece of the calm grassland suddenly arched upwards, followed by a violent vibration, the land churned, and a huge female wolf body rolled out of the mud.

The body of this female wolf is very large, lying down is more than one person tall, it is covered with purple hair, only the belly is snow-white.

The belly of the female wolf suddenly shook, and returned to calm after a while. After a while, suddenly half of the sharp bone spear cut through the belly of the female wolf.

A large amount of amniotic fluid mixed with blood gushed out from the wound cut by the bone spear, and a figure also flowed out.

This person was covered with wounds, especially a wound on his chest that was gushing out blood. His skin was pale green, and his body was covered with sticky amniotic fluid. His expression was very painful.

He forced himself to sit up, leaning against the mother wolf and panting, holding a half-bone spear tightly in his hand. Although he was dying, his eyes were particularly bright.

After a while, this person suddenly smiled, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, "Hahahaha, cough cough... I didn't expect that I, Chang Qing, would see the light of day again! Hahahaha..."

This person's name is Chang Qing. He was originally an ordinary person on Earth. One day, he suddenly fell into a dream while sleeping. In the dream, he became a character in a novel, the wolf king Chang Shanyin. In this dream, he experienced everything that Chang Shanyin experienced, from birth to death.

This dream seemed to have no end, like a revolving lantern, going back and forth, and Chang Qing, who was immersed in the dream, could no longer tell whether he was Chang Shanyin or Chang Qing.

Until this day, he finally woke up from the dream, but he found that he was no longer in his home, but hiding in the belly of a female wolf. After a period of time, he realized that he must have traveled through time, and he also traveled to the Gu world and became the wolf king Chang Shanyin.

He just woke up and only his consciousness was clear, but he couldn't move at all. There was a colorful spider in his mind, and dense spider webs were all over his mind. As time went by, the spider webs gradually dissipated, and he gradually gained control of his body.

Until the spider webs disappeared, he could drive his body at will. In the mother wolf's belly, he pulled out the half-bone spear inserted in his chest, cut the mother wolf's belly, and then saw the light of day again.

At this time, Chang Qing just realized that the colorful spider lingering in his mind was a Gu, and it was also a fairy Gu. It was very likely that it caused his time travel.

He had experienced Chang Shanyin's dream countless times, and he was not unfamiliar with the Gu world at all, as if he was a native local. However, the content of the original work in his mind reminded him all the time that he was a time traveler, or a demon from outer space.

As Chang Qing thought about it, a colorful spider slowly crawled out from the top of his head, turning from virtual to real, from illusion to reality.

After reading the original work, he understood that this was a Dream Dao Fairy Gu. Dream Dao is different from other schools. The ordinary Gu of Dream Dao is intangible and can only exist in the mind. Only Dream Dao Fairy Gu can turn from virtual to real.

Chang Qing didn't know the name and function of this Dream Immortal Gu, but he had a vague guess in his heart that its function should be to weave dreams. The dream of Chang Shanyin that he experienced should be woven by this Gu. Only when he completely digested Chang Shanyin's dream, the spider web would gradually disappear, and he could wake up from the dream.

"Since it's now, I'll call you Dream Weaving Immortal Gu."

After putting away the Dream Weaving Immortal Gu, Chang Qing began to check his physical condition. The condition of this body was not optimistic. Although it was covered with scars, it was not a problem. Even the wound on his chest would not kill him. The real threat was that this body was poisoned. Although it didn't matter for a while, if it was not treated in time, I'm afraid his journey through time would end here.

Chang Qing probed his mind into his empty cavity and found several turtle breath Gu inside. He took out all of them with a thought.

Turtle Breath Gu is a fourth-level storage Gu, used to seal Gu worms. Its appearance is like an oval stone, but it is slightly larger than a fist. The surface of the stone was covered with strange patterns, like a turtle shell.

Chang Qing controlled the Dream Weaving Immortal Gu to leak out a breath, and instantly refined these turtle breath Gu. Although he had become Chang Shanyin through his corpse, these Gu worms still contained Chang Shanyin's will, and he could only use them after refining them.

However, with the help of the Dream Weaving Immortal Gu, refining these Gu worms was just a matter of seconds. He crushed these turtle breath Gu one by one, revealing the Gu worms inside. There were a total of eight Gu worms, all of which belonged to the slave path, and each was a rare Gu worm of the fourth turn. Some of them were even more precious than the ordinary fifth turn Gu.

These were carefully matched by Chang Shanyin, and he spent a lot of effort. This was also the reliance on which he could make a great name in Beiyuan.

Chang Qing, who had experienced countless dreams of Chang Shanyin, was extremely familiar with these Gu worms, even more familiar than Chang Shanyin himself.

These Gu worms were indeed very sophisticated, but they had no effect on him at the moment. With the help of the Dream Weaving Immortal Gu, he refined these Gu worms one by one.

"From now on, I am the Wolf King - Chang Shanyin!"

After a short rest, Chang Shanyin walked towards the depths of the poisonous grassland holding a half-bone spear. The most urgent task now is to find the snow-washing Gu to detoxify.

The snow-washing Gu is a fourth-level Gu worm, which is invaluable. Its detoxification ability is outstanding and has been widely recognized by Beiyuan Gu Masters. With this Gu, he can not only completely remove the poison in his body, but also have the capital to wander in the poisonous grassland for a long time.

The snow-washing Gu grows on the snow willow, and the snow willow grows in a highly toxic environment. Although Chang Shanyin didn't know the specific route, as long as he walked in the direction of the heavy poison gas, it would be right.

As he went deeper, without the help of the detoxification Gu, Chang Shanyin's fourth-level Gu Master's cultivation gradually became a little more than he thought, and he was already deeply poisoned, which made things even worse.

At this time, his skin was not only pale green, but also had a hint of purple. This was the unique poison gas of the rotten grassland. As time went by, the purple on his skin became more and more intense, and he was extremely weak.

In the end, he could no longer stand up and could only move forward on the ground with his hands. His life was gradually fading, but his eyes were still firm.

Just when Chang Shanyin was about to die, a snow willow came into his sight. The snow willow was about two or three feet tall, with lush branches and leaves. Its trunk was as black as ink, but the drooping willow branches were as white as snow.

Chang Shanyin struggled to climb under the tree and carefully identified the snow-white leaves on the drooping willow branches. After a while, he found that one of the leaves had become a Gu.

Chang Shanyin hurriedly urged the Dream Weaving Fairy Gu to refine the Snow Washing Gu. He kept urging the Snow Washing Gu and finally expelled the toxins from his body before his true essence was exhausted.

After removing the poison, he stayed on the snow willow tree for two days to recover from his injuries. He didn't have a healing Gu, so he could only rely on his body to recover. Fortunately, Chang Shanyin also practiced strength, so his physical strength was still good, and these injuries could be slowly recovered without the healing Gu.

The central part of the poisonous grassland is not safe. There are a large number of poisonous insects and beasts living here, and there is also extremely strong poisonous gas. But fortunately, he has the snow washing Gu, so these poisonous gases can't affect them, and most of the poisonous insects and beasts will not approach the snow willow. He also rested peacefully for two days.

Early in the morning of the third day, Chang Shanyin was ready to set off to the outside of the poisonous grassland. He had a plan for the future in his mind, but first he had to confirm what time period it was.

In the thick poisonous fog, Chang Shanyin stretched and walked towards the way he came, chanting softly:

"The moon sets and the lamp is empty and melancholy, and the soul is connected to the Beiyuan Township."

"It's hard to know that you are a guest in a dream, who knows my sorrow?"

"After a hundred twists and turns, I finally woke up, and I dreamed of being a wolf king for ten years."

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