134 – What happened there – 1



Upon exiting through the hallway, what I saw was three mirrors.

As soon as she saw it, Claire’s complexion darkened.

“…a mirror of the past.”

This was one of the things that Hyeonu told me to attack the tower.

The ordeal with the mirror of the past can be seen as a kind of role play.

There are three mirrors, and three people stand in front of the mirrors at the same time.

Then, it moves to the past of the only one selected at that time.

“I said no one knows whose past I’m going to…”

Claire swallowed.

Hyeonu said that going to someone’s past does not mean that the past continues as it is.

You can lead the past in any number of different directions.

Even the results can change.

Of course, that doesn’t reflect reality, so don’t worry.

However, it was said that dangerous things could be mental contamination, so I had to take a bottle of mental tranquilizer before going in.

Lacey took out the tranquilizer without a word.

She stood in front of the mirror after taking the top-notch tranquilizer made by Cherub from the sage’s recipe. Cyron and Claire also took the medicine and stood in front of another mirror.


It was none other than Claire who appeared in front of the trio standing in front of the mirror.

And in that moment, my eyes changed.

“…what is this?”

Cyron tilted his head.

It was obviously a room with only three mirrors, but they were located in a noisy bar.

For a while, they were confused by their respective situations.

Cyron looked to his side.

Next to her was none other than a nice sword.

“…why did the warrior’s sword…?”


“It seems to be a role for the hero’s journey to defeat the demon lord.”

Claire bit her lip at Lacey’s cold words.

She wanted someone other than herself to be a hero.

There is only one reason why Claire keeps her mouth shut despite the result she wanted so much.

It was because of someone who would come in a little while.

As Claire’s expression darkened, Lacey tilted her head.

“But when is it now?”

“The day before receiving divine protection…”

“I see. Cyron. I’d like to leave for a while.”

“What are you talking about?”

“There’s something I want to check. If that’s possible… I can provide supplies and equipment for your journey, as well as political and political support.”

“But the party members…”

It was then.

“Are you sure you’re not the warrior Cyron? I came here because I heard that you were recruiting party members…”

Approaching was a tall man wearing a white robe and holding a cane.

There was no way the people present didn’t know who he was.

was a sage

When the three people at the table stared at him, the wise man smiled bitterly.

“Oops. Are all party members recruited?”

“No. I’m here to talk to them for a while. I’m not a party member, so don’t worry.”

According to the wise man, this space is not affected by time, so you can stay there as much as you like, but you didn’t have to stay long.

Then, what if you move separately and use your full strength to support funds, equipment, and other political issues?

Originally, the party of warriors was a formal party of three people, so I wonder if it would be better to get out of here now.

For support, I need to go to Trallman’s territory anyway.

“Anyway, the three of you should receive the divine protection. Cyron. Claire. Please follow me.”

Lacey said lightly and left the tavern. Cyron, who was watching behind him, thought for a moment before standing up and holding out a chair.

“Welcome. But what about you?”

“Ah. You didn’t even introduce me. The wise man, Song Hyeon-woo.”

“Welcome. Sage. Now we’re part of the same party, so speak comfortably.”

“It’s nice because it’s cool.”

“Okay. Then, shall we ask why this happened? The person who went out earlier is Marquis Lacey Trallman, the head of the Marquis Trallman.”

“…Oh yeah?”

“Assuming you get her full support.”

Comes with beer and food.

But nobody at this table paid attention to that.

“Destroy the demon king. How long do you think it will take?”

The sage crossed his arms and pondered. When the foam in the beer completely disappeared and the warm dish cooled down, he opened his eyes and declared.

“If you follow my instructions exactly, half a year at most.”


“I can defeat the demon lord in it.”


Cyron laughed.

“I’ll leave all the decisions and direction of the party to you. I’m the hero, but you’re the leader. Can you do it?”

Although the full trust of Cyron, who had met for the first time, was quite burdensome, the wise man was rather delighted.

Seeing that, Claire involuntarily inhaled.

“Yes, of course. But there… Claire.”

“Uh, uh uh? That, but did I… introduce myself?”

“First of all, I’m a sage. I know a lot. Anyway, I’ll be the leader. Are you okay?”

At that question, Claire closed her eyes.

It’s a thought I’ve been thinking for a long time since defeating the Demon King.

“…Yeah. Because I’m impossible…”

That you don’t have the qualities of a leader at all.




Cyron looked at the sage with his mouth shut.

Staring at the fallen demon with indifferent eyes, he slowly retrieved his staff, put the fallen demon’s sword on his waist, and turned his head.


“…Is it okay to do this easily like this?”

It’s been a week since I started my journey to defeat the demon lord.

Cyron, who had been following the advice of the sage, could not believe this result.

He would do that, no matter how much support he received, I never thought he would be able to catch the devil’s subordinates so quickly.

Even the general public was rarely harmed.

“Claire. I know…”


Cyron looked at Claire in disbelief. She gritted her teeth and bowed her head.

He must be the first subordinate of the Demon King, whom he, Leventia, and Evangeline met for the first time together. Because it took more than a month to defeat Deviathan.

“Even if it’s because of the support, isn’t this too fast?”

Lacey promised support, and it was true that some support did come.

But even so, does this speed make sense?

No, apart from that, all of Deviathan’s attacks and the interruption while coming this far had never worked properly.

At first, when I caught Deviathan, I thought I just caught a monster that was in the way.

“There’s a suitable way for everything. It’s simple if you move after minimizing unnecessary things.”

It’s not that simple.

Cyron looked at Claire again.

She couldn’t even raise her head, and only clenched her fists.


The warrior party was formed, and I heard rumors about Deviathan for the first time. At that time, Hyeonu spoke carefully.

that you know the way There is a way to catch him with the least sacrifice and the easiest way.

“I don’t understand why you asked me to go this way in the first place, but…”

There were quite a few invitations from nobles and wealthy people to invite Cyron, who became a hero.

However, the sage told him to reject all of them, and instead of meeting rich people to raise his reputation or receive support, he helped them by meeting powerless people.

Then, go around the secret information you got, or the hidden ruins, and prepare the equipment.

Afterwards, go through mountain roads and rough terrain, encounter bandits and thieves, and defeat them.

While doing so, he secretly caught those who followed Deviathan and created a platform for his treatment.

Of course, when I first heard Cyron, I couldn’t understand it either.

But the opponent is a sage. Although he is a sage from Claire’s past, he is also a sage.

He was the one who knew everything.

That’s why I trusted and entrusted it, and it was such a huge achievement.

“Claire. I’m sure when you caught Deviathan… Rossi Village and Blaitan Village…”

Claire made no reply.

He had wasted quite a bit of time getting invitations from nobles and wealthy people, and getting useful equipment and supplies while listening to their requests.

And as a result, those two villages were destroyed by Deviathan.

But what about now?

Instead of the equipment they provided, they used equipment obtained from hidden ruins and dungeons to catch Deviathan before gaining power.


Hyeonu was right.

“Didn’t Hyeonu tell you in your time?”


There is a way, and you can go this way.

However, Claire could not accept the wise man’s advice.

Because I wasn’t sure it would.

He called himself a wise man and followed him, but he met him for the first time.

With the heavy duty of defeating the demon king, she couldn’t recklessly venture out.

That was all.

That was all.

I just couldn’t trust the sage.


“… ah?”

One of the items left behind by Deviathan’s extinction was a necklace. Hyeonu picked it up and threw it to Claire.

“Use this for the time being. It’s an equipment that raises your overall stats the more you create death. Of course, it’s not very efficient… but it’s good to use it until you get Laika’s Tears from the next ruins. And death. .. Let’s catch bandits, thieves, and human traffickers.”

It was a crystal necklace filled with a hideous black light.

Clearly, even then, Hyeonu passed this on to himself.

But this hideous light frightens people.

And to become stronger based on the lives of others.

Thinking it wasn’t something a hero could use, she couldn’t wear it.

Even more so if it was to use the power of the demon lord.

“Shouldn’t you bring it to the church and ask for it to be cleaned? It’s ominous at first glance, isn’t it?”

“Of course it is. But if you want to defeat the Demon King within half a year, you have to use everything that can be used.”

“Hmm. Okay. But are you only giving Claire?”

“Your one is here.”

I tossed the bracelet that Deviathan was wearing. That, too, is what Claire knows.

Wearing it increases your magic power. However, none of the party members were able to wear it because of the debuff that continued to wear out their mental powers.

“Tell me if you can’t stand the headache. I’ll make it better.”

“Uh. That’s it, thank you… ugh. It’s long, but.”

Cyron put on the bracelet without hesitation.

She frowned as the headache soared right away, but Hyeonu only spoke very calmly.

“Hold on as much as possible. If you enter the secret room in the next dungeon, Prune’s Dungeon, your abilities will rise in proportion to the pain you’ve received so far.”

“Huh? Then you can hold on for a while… Ouch. Isn’t it?”

“It’s a matter of efficiency. They only accept pain below a certain level. About 10 days by my calculations? That’s probably the maximum.”


Cyron nodded. In addition to that, Hyeonu retrieved the equipment and items that Deviathan had without hesitation.

It was to the point where he couldn’t tell whether it was a warrior’s party or a highwayman due to his skillful workmanship, but Cyron just laughed and didn’t say anything to him.

Contrary to how he, Leventia, and Evangeline had scolded him.

“Did you get all the loot?”

“Huh? Uh. But that’s surprising? I thought you’d be very critical of me ripping you off like this because you’re a warrior.”

Claire’s shoulders trembled.

I didn’t criticize him as much as Hyeonu said, but I remember saying something like, “Isn’t it a bit wrong to capture even the equipment used by the Demon King’s subordinates?”

They’re a warrior party, aren’t they robbers?

But Cyron was different.

Since she went through a long adventurer life, there was nothing strange about Hyeonu’s behavior.

“What’s wrong with acquiring loot?”

“Um… that’s right.”

Hyeonu smiled.

“I’m so glad you’re a warrior.”

Claire slowly lowered her head.

As time passed, Claire’s face grew darker.

It had to be.

Hyeonu’s method was completely different from Claire’s.

As if he had no intention of saving the support of the Marquis Trallman family and the money he earned while working, he spent it all.

And while moving, he acquires information from people in the village where he stays, and picks up only bandits or thieves and acquires funds by sweeping them away.

Does that mean you focus only on accumulating wealth?

that’s not it either

“Hey. Sage. Is it okay to use this just like that?”

“Necessary equipment can be obtained from loot and dungeons.”

After raiding bandits or thieves using portals, subjugating them all and taking all of their belongings.

They use their huge assets to buy medicines and food, and even cook with them to feed the hungry and injured refugees.

And he didn’t ask for anything in return.

“And the money isn’t important. It’s the message that matters.”


“The message that there is hope for them. It’s important to prove that the hero will save everyone.”

Even when the demon king appeared and the monsters were strengthened, and the world was in chaos, there were plenty of people who were looking for their own benefits.

It is those powerless people who suffer from being swept away by such people.

You have to give them hope.

Hyeonu said as if it was natural, and Claire closed her eyes tightly.

How were they…?

“…why do you go so far in helping others?”


To Claire’s question, the sage replied as if it were natural.

“Because it is necessary.”

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