165 – more details – 2

“Cut this, cut that piece too.”


Scratch scratch.

Cut the monster’s corpse with a jigsaw and insert the monster’s heart. While weaving the other organs with magical weeds and Arachne’s thread, Lacey entered through the portal Claire opened.

“Now. This. I got information from Marax and got it. Oh my God. I never thought the adamantium golem would be that big.”

Lacey put a large bag beside her. Adamantium.

Having received the materials to bear the weight of the homunculus, I inserted them into both arms and legs.

“…But it looks very strange.”

“Don’t insult my homunculus.”


At that time, I opened the door of the base and Chin entered. What is in his hand is one of the ancient Hojin treasures that can only be obtained by going through hidden dungeons.

It was the Howanggol of King Baekho.

I received it and combined it with adamantium to make a tiger face, and inserted it into the homunculus’s chest.

eight stars.

And the connections I have made in this world.

I mobilized all of them to find the materials and continued the preparation work.

A few days passed, and everything was ready.

“Oh… that’s cool?”

“Looking at it like this, it’s okay again.”


The height of a moderately 3-story building.

It has two horns on its head and a tiger face on its chest.

The shoulders are broad, the waist thin, and the knees large and thick.

Overall, the balance is out of whack.

When the homunculus, which only valued style, was completed, I looked at Claire.

“Now. Let’s move it. Claire. Open the portal to the castle.”

As Cyron and I lifted the homunculus with telekinesis, Claire opened the portal.

The place where he entered the portal with the huge work is a place where traces of destruction still remain.

It was the center of the castle where the final battle of the main story took place.

This place, which can be called the center of chaos, was laid down. Evangeline, who was wary of the surroundings while Cherubim, I, and Karin drew magic and alchemy formations, exclaimed urgently.

“Hyunwoo!! The monsters are coming!”

“It’s because the demon king is about to be reborn.”

“What do we do?”

“What should I do? I have to stop it. Lacey, Chin, Cyron. Come on.”

It’s not that strong monsters will come out, so those three should be enough to stop it.

Shortly after the three of them left, an explosion and screams of monsters began to be heard from outside.

Regardless, the work didn’t stop, and a complex gin was completed around the homunculus we made.

“Okay. Let’s begin. Claire. Get ready.”

Anyway, the opponent is the Demon King.

If you don’t have the warrior’s sword, you can’t catch it.

In other words, the main attack is the story of Claire.

“Evangeline, Leventia. Do you remember when you fought the Demon Lord?”


“It’s a memory… me.”

“For now, useless memories aside. When you start, it will start with a tentacle attack. You guys have to block it. And… catch it before it ends.”

“Leave it to me.”

Leventia has a large shield and a unique longsword that I picked up. I heard the Dawning Sword.

Evangeline grabbed the bow I made with the twigs of the world tree she received after clearing the previous Plague event.

And the rest stand by in the back to prepare for emergencies.

“Now. Let’s begin.”

The seed of chaos was thrown into the camp, and the moment the clump of light shimmering in an ominous gray light touched it, a light burst out of the camp.

-Ooh… oh oh oh oh…!!

With a gloomy scream, black tentacles rose from around the homunculus. A large body rises, and light shines on the face of the tiger on its chest.


and roar.

The Demon King was born.


The demon lord stumbled over his unbalanced body and fell to his knees.

But the ominous red eyes flashed.

The demon king’s huge presence to create chaos dominated this place, and blade tentacles that I did not make rise from behind his back.

– Chow! Chow! Chow!!

However, the tentacles begin to burst due to the arrows shot by Evangeline.

The demon king, who was not even taken aback by it, instinctively tried to use his power to destroy the world.

I laughed.

Demon King trapped in the body of a homunculus.

It’s time to go.

“Guys!! Hit it!!”

The battle didn’t last long. In the first place, he is full of weaknesses, and he can’t even move properly by making the balance a mess.

Does it make sense to lose when I put all of my current energy into a guy like that?

As the demon lord collapsed, fragments of a new demon lord began to fall around.

After gathering the necessary items, I spoke to those who put the weapons.

“Come on. Let’s take that and go back.”

A homunculus with all its weak points destroyed.

No, I said calmly while looking at the demon king’s body.

This is the start.

I don’t know how many times I’ve defeated the demon lord.

Because the last count was 40.

After that, he continued to collect the demon king’s fragments, which were evidence of the demon king’s defeat.

“I’d like to take some of the tentacles with me.”

“Take it. Take it. But where are you going to use it?”

“The night must be lonely.”


When Karin spoke while fiddling with the tentacles left by the Demon King, Chin said playfully, and Cherubim laughed.

At that teasing, Karin blushes and begins to beat Cherub and Chin with her tentacles.

While they screamed and ran away, I saw the results of my hard work over the past week.

Will it be like this?

“So? What do we do now?”

“I’m going to dedicate this to Cosmo. Alright. Now that we’re done, let’s disperse.”

“Huh? Is this the end?”

Evangeline tilted her head. I smiled at the sad woman.

“Yes. This is the end. Of course, this may not be the end.”

If this method doesn’t work, I’ll use another method.

I bowed my head to everyone gathered.

“Thank you. I’ll say it again. Thank you very much. And I will be grateful in the future.”

“Are you doing this again?”

“If not.”

“By the way, friend. What are you doing here?”

All of them do not know about my purpose.

I only helped because I asked for help.

I smiled and said to those I am grateful for.

“I was thinking of choosing both of the two options.”

Once I sent them back, I headed straight for the Cursed Wilderness.

center there. Having entered a place where mental contamination proceeds just by entering, I suppressed a throbbing headache.

“Whoa… Now, Cosmo. The one who worships you is making a sacrifice.”

I placed a fragment of the demon king in front of Cosmo’s statue.

“Be satisfied, please, and grant your worshiper what he wants.”

The gap in space absorbs the fragments of the demon king. and what was exhaled.


A unique piece of equipment, the Snowflake Sword.

It is a magic sword with ice properties and a powerful magic sword that can use the special magic ‘frozen earth’.

It’s a nice piece of equipment, but it’s not what I want.

But there is no need to be disappointed.

There are still many fragments of the demon king left.

In the game, the Devil’s Fragment is used as a very valuable material.

Whether it’s magic or alchemy, if you use it to make weapons or armor, you can make a fairly high quality material.

But would it be easy to obtain the Demon King’s Fragment?

main story.

Otherwise, it is the fragment of the demon king that can only be obtained by catching and obtaining the resurrected demon king while leaving those who dream of reviving the demon king alone in adventure mode.

How many lunatics are there who would screw that up with Cosmo?

I gave the 14th fragment to Cosmo and saw the healing potion I got in return.

There are also jokes like this.

If you make a sacrifice to Cosmo, you can get a price.

The price could be good equipment, or it could be an item that could be easily obtained like this.

The developers probably didn’t pay much attention to how much people would expect from such randomness and added this function.


As everyone knows, the deceased has nothing to do.

There was a deceased person who wondered what would happen if he created his own production factory and created the fragments of the demon king, and kept dedicating them.

He found one thing.

Items pile up next to me.

What is precious, what is not precious, what is cursed. Garbage.

It didn’t matter.

Because I intend to dedicate it until I get what I want.

Around the time when there were almost no fragments of the demon king left.


I laughed.

it comes out too

A red gem the size of a fingernail.

It was a small red bloody jewel with a delicate dragon drawing engraved inside.

Its name is the Soul Stone.

It was a very valuable commodity (cash value of 1,200 won) that could only be obtained in one or two ways in the game.

Returning to base, I sighed.

From now on, all I have to do is do it myself.

I felt sorry for being alone in a crowded base just a few days ago, but I couldn’t have such sentimental thoughts now.

“Um… I found it.”

I took out a cursed box from among the stacked items.

I pushed the item I obtained after fighting the Mimic King and went outside.

Is it because it is a city where alchemy is developed? Finding the ingredients wasn’t too difficult.

“Hey. What are you doing alone?”

“Huh? Didn’t you guys go?”

I thought everyone was gone. Cherubim and Chin remained.

“I was having a drink. Hey. Have you been to Cherubim’s house? Wow. It’s a complete dump…”

“What? It’s a good place to sleep!”

“That’s enough pigsty.”

Since I’ve been there myself, I agreed with Chin’s opinion. As he grinned, the cherub banged his tail on the floor in anger.

“But you? Are you done?”

“Uh. Now there are only things left that I can do alone.”

“Really? Anything I can help with?”

“Hmm… you can do it alone. If you want to help, tell me more politely.”

“Hehe. Sir. Is there anything I can help you with? Did you think I’d say! Why is this bastard so arrogant while receiving help?!”

The upset Chin got angry, and the Cherub giggled.

“So? What are you trying to do now?”


“Yes. How important is it? Ah. Is it related to Cardinal Veronica by any chance?”

keen child.

Chin looked at me puzzled by the cherub’s question.


“Oh~ Ohhh~! Then when are you getting married?”


this should be fine

I don’t plan on doing it before that.

“Will you invite me?”

“Of course.”

“Hehe. I’m looking forward to it. I don’t know what you’re trying to do. I wish you success. Hey.”

“Yes, son. Shouldn’t you be happy too?”

Chin and Cherubim left laughing like that, and I headed to the Alchemist Guild.


“Sage. Were you here?”

“Hmm. What are you trying to do? Is it going well?”

It was Cyron, Karin, and Lacey. Perhaps they were looking at something at the alchemist guild,

As soon as he met me, he asked.

“So? Is this with Cardinal Veronica?”

Lacey asked openly, Cyron smiled and Karin shrugged.

“Ah. Yes. Yes. How did you know?”

“If I had to say something you could be greedy for, what else would there be other than that? I don’t care about power or money, and even died and resurrected.”

“You’re very romantic, huh?”

The Cylon pokes my side and laughs. Laughing at their teasing and congratulations, I bought the necessary items, and Lacey waved as I was about to leave.

“Invite me when we get married!”

“Cheer up! Sage!! You must find happiness too!”

“Your Highness will be a bit sad, but I’ll cheer you on.”

I shrugged my shoulders at their sincere support.

After leaving the Alchemist Guild, I headed to the tavern to purchase other items.


“…why aren’t you guys going again?”


It was Claire, Leventia, and Evangeline.

Sitting in a tavern that doubles as a large inn. They were holding drinks.

“I slept soundly for the first time in a long time. I didn’t even have nightmares…”

“…Yeah. And…”

Evangeline smiled bitterly and took a sip of her drink.

Among the girls who seemed hesitant to speak, it was Claire who opened her mouth.

“…Hyeonu. What you’re doing now. Is it because of Cardinal Veronica…?”


“Cyrone and Lacey…”

“Well, that’s not wrong.”

“…I see.”

Claire nodded heavily. Then, he slowly raised his head and looked at me.

“Really… congratulations. Then. Marriage… I guess?”

“If this goes well. Oh. You’re not going to interfere, are you?”

“Huh-huh. No way.”

Claire shook her head. And smiled like the sun.

The same bright smile as when we first met at the pub.

“Congratulations. The… wedding. Can we… go?”

I laughed at them.

“As long as it doesn’t get in the way.”

“Thank you. Please… I hope your wishes come true.”

Claire, Leventia, and Evangeline.

The three beauties cheered me on with smiles filled with bitterness, sadness, coolness, and various complex emotions.

Returning to the base, I laid out the items I had obtained.

Seven natural rubies.

Ultraviolet light therapy device for medical use.

A magic stone that transforms mana into electric power.

Besides that, it’s like a hogol. spirit seed. Twin Head Ogre’s Dried Heart.

Healing Potion.

Spirits used to make high-quality liquor.

A piece of meat to take the subordinate, and so on.

Having gathered all the necessary ingredients, I opened the cursed box. And by using 7 natural rubies on the inner wall.

More than this is likely to be abused, so further detailed explanations are omitted.

I put the soul stone in the completed box and closed it gently.

how long did you wait for that

I took the box and headed towards the inside of the base, into a large space.

I opened the box in front of him while staring at the deep pit of a large mansion-level space.

“Jesus fed more than 5,000 people with five bottles of water and two fish and filled twelve baskets. I am with one soul stone.”

A low vibrating sound sounds.

The empty box was shaking.

“I will call upon the Creator.”

– Tuduk. Do-do-do-do-doo-duk! Beopbeopbeopbeobung!!

The moment the vibration stopped.

The 32-bit maximum of 4,294,967,295 soul stones gushed out like a fountain and were piled into the pit by telekinesis.

I looked at it and turned my head slightly.

[…What are you doing now?]

There was a lump of light that wasn’t there before, behind the box that emitted a fountain of soul stones.

“Oops! A very strange bug ‘unintentionally’ exploded during the alchemy experiment?”

[Unintentionally…? Do you think that makes sense?]

I laughed at that question.

“Then without consent, ‘Hey… you know?’ Does it make sense to say a word and send me here?”

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