The world begins with Hong Kong TV series!

Chapter 146 Tony's Plan Funeral (7200)

"But, I have always respected the old and loved the young. I have always respected and loved my elders."

At this time, Brother Zha acted like the owner of this place, holding a cigar in his hand as if pointing out the country. The green stubble on his lower jaw was dense, short and hard, and he continued to smile and said:

"My mother knows this best!"

Dumble glanced at him but said nothing.

Brother Zha was a stranger, and he was obviously just a junior, but he dared to interrupt him and Hua Fu suddenly and loudly, which made the old man feel dissatisfied.

No rules!

However, decades of living in a high-ranking position in the society had given Deng Bo a deep knowledge of Qi cultivation. On the surface, he remained calm and looked at Hua Fu instead.

"...Haha, his name is Xian Weicha, and these are his younger brothers Tony and Ahu, both of whom have outstanding abilities." Hua Fu, who was overshadowed by Brother Zha, introduced him with a smile.

Dumbledore nodded noncommittally, and did not look at the three Zha brothers again. Instead, he looked at the table in the center of the ice room, where there was an old fat man sitting on the main seat who was about the same size as him:

"Can't you stand up and greet me when you see an old brother like me?"

"...My legs and feet have long been weak, and now I have to use a wheelchair when I go out. Unlike you, you take good care of your body and can still go to Kowloon Park to walk your dog every weekend night."

The old fat man said with a smile.

His name is brother uncle, and he has a very high seniority and prestige in the number gang.

Hua Fu can become the current number helper, and his brother and uncle contribute a lot.

In the original drama "Winning the Handsome", when Lian Haolong was about to completely break up with Hua Fu, and was about to fight Hua Fu to the end at all costs, it was Hua Fu who personally pushed his younger brother in a wheelchair to come forward, and successfully broke up with Lian Haolong. Haolong made peace.

Even though Lian Haolong and Lian Haodong in the play had already established their own business at that time and had strong soldiers and horses, they still respected the old Beibi who liked to drink Coke and weighed several hundred kilograms.

And his brother-in-law, who looks exactly like Dumbledore, also looks more like Dumbledore because of his super-fat figure that ordinary people don't have.

So much so that many people speculated whether the two were related by blood.

After all, these two people, one is Uncle Deng and the other is a younger brother. They are of the 'uncle' generation at first glance. Their age and seniority are indeed what the talkers in all societies today call them, and their status in their respective societies is extremely high... ...Even if people in this world don't have any strange associations with the 'Dumber Universe', it will inevitably make those who are sensitive to it suspicious.

However, within the Number Gang, Hua Fu and a few uncles knew that Uncle Deng and his younger brother and uncle were not really related.

It’s just that we grew up together in Wong Tai Sin District when we were young.

The parents of both parties also knew each other before they were alive, and they were neighbors.

As for whether the two families had ever messed around, Hua Fu and the others did not dare to take the initiative to ask.

"...You know that I go to Kowloon Park to walk my dog ​​on weekend nights? Why, investigate me."

Uncle Deng sat opposite his younger brother, holding a wooden crutch in his hand. He still had the same expression as if the mountain was about to collapse, and his voice was old and powerful:

"Our two clubs have been having a lot of trouble recently. You invited me to have morning tea at this decades-old shop today. Isn't it the Hongmen Banquet?"

"Hahahahaha!" My uncle laughed, looking much more lively than Dumbledore. He shook his head and said:

"Hongmen Banquet? At our age, if you really want to kill us, why make it so complicated?"

My brother-in-law laughed at himself half-jokingly:

"When we go downstairs another day, if you find a random stairway and give us a gentle push from behind, our lives may be gone! It's not as troublesome as you think? And the Hongmen Banquet..."

After saying that, seeing that Uncle Deng still had that noncommittal expression, with no one able to tell his true inner thoughts, his brother-in-law let out an unhappy "Fuck" in his mouth.

After a pause, his tone became a little sad:

"Like us, old people who have been in the world for most of their lives, no matter how good they were when they were young, no matter how impressive they are, it has no meaning now... What happens in old age depends on whether the children you train have filial piety!"

Speaking of the latter part, my uncle's expression was profound.

Especially the word 'filial piety' emphasizes the tone.

"...Rules and balance are the most important." Uncle Deng shook his head slightly, having different opinions.

Immediately, he did not continue to argue with the other party, nor did he choose to choke like when he first came in. Instead, he asked directly:

"Tell me, what do you want from me?"

"...I heard that the new person you talked to about Lian Sheng died last night?" My uncle asked knowingly, but deliberately showed a curious expression.

"It's already been published in the newspapers, so don't hear about it anymore."

Dumble's tone was slightly cold.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, if I remember correctly, in just six months, you and Liansheng have had three different talking heads... This is the first time in the nearly hundred years of history between you and Liansheng, right?" my uncle said with emotion.

Immediately, he did not continue to talk about it, and his expression became solemn:

"The guy from your club has been in the limelight recently, and he's so popular. I've heard a lot of people talk about him during this time."

"I sent someone to inquire about it, and found out that what's very interesting is... he was right next to him when his boss died, and he was also right next to him when Big D died. It was such a coincidence every time, and he could get away every time. By the way, it can be said that the new speaker of your association for two consecutive terms was personally sent away by him. He is so majestic now, will he become the next speaker soon? "

Faced with the profound inquiry from his brother-in-law.

Dumbledore was silent.

As the head of the uncles of He Liansheng, he knows more than his younger brother.

Not only Chuangji and Big D, but also Ah Le and Yutoubiao... are either dead or trapped now. Even if it cannot be said that they are all directly or indirectly related to Gao Chao, they are all joined by Gao Chao and Lian Sheng. Things happened one after another after that.

Moreover, Yutoubiao seemed to have just wanted to cooperate with Gao Chao in selling tablets, but he fell into the hands of the police... Tablets have also been banned in the few territories Gao Chao has laid down.

Although there are indeed several societies in Hong Kong that also prohibit the sale of blackmail, such as Hongxing, which has always explicitly prohibited members of the society from taking drugs, but after all, there is still shit in the butt...

All of the above, taken individually, may not seem like much, but when combined, it is difficult not to think too much about it for a veteran like Uncle Deng.

He understood his uncle's hidden meaning even more.

Whoever has a vested interest is most likely to be the murderer, and whoever is the biggest beneficiary is most likely to be the mastermind. These old people who have never read any books may not be able to explain the relevant reasons, but how could they not? Understand.

"You became a Young and Dangerous boy when you were eighteen or nineteen. You joined the club earlier than me. You should know what I mean... Can't you tell someone like Gao Ming from your decades of experience in the club?" My uncle knocked on the table and his voice became louder:

"It's not a nail planted by the police! It's just that there's something wrong in his heart! Even if it's not the case, can a guy like this who always kills the boss be reused?!"

"Unstable factors like this have been eliminated in our number gang a long time ago!" Hua Fu also sang along beside him.

But he didn't see that when he said this, Tony, who was sitting at another table and had been listening silently, glanced at him, with a ferocious look in his eyes, and the smile that flashed at the corner of his mouth turned cold.

"So you want to say... let me borrow the hands of you outsiders to get rid of the people in my own society?" Uncle Deng still showed no emotion or anger on his face. Under the gaze of everyone, he shook his head slowly:

"...This is against the rules and will completely break the balance. It is not the turn of outsiders to interfere in our own family affairs and that of Lian Sheng. If there is a problem, we can solve it ourselves behind closed doors."


"Let's go!" Uncle Deng stood up with some difficulty on crutches, ignoring Uncle Hu who was struggling next to him. The old man was obviously moved by his uncle's words.

"Uncle Deng!" Seeing that the old fat man was really going to leave without looking back, Hua Fu couldn't sit still:

"The recent conflicts between our two societies were all initiated by Gao Gao! I think Big D was also instigated by him. Now that Big D is dead, do you really want to break up with us over Gao Gao, who is obviously wrong? !”

"Of course I don't want to break up with you. Once a fight starts, how many brothers will be killed or injured on both sides? It will then give other societies an advantage." Dumble continued with his back to Hua Fu:

"...Things can be discussed...but again, if there are any irregularities, please don't mention them in front of me again."

"Next time." Uncle Deng finally turned around and looked at his uncle:

"...I'm making an appointment with you. Don't let so many people come. We old brothers are reminiscing about old times. Don't let juniors who don't understand the rules come."

"...What does Uncle Deng mean? He's still talking in a roundabout way at such an old age! He's not tired either!" Hua Fu looked at Uncle Deng and Uncle Hu as they left, and couldn't hide his displeasure.

"Hehehehe." My uncle poured himself a cup of Coke, inserted a straw and took a sip, and said in the same Dumbledore style as "slowly":

"The fact that he can come today, and he is still bringing Old Guixi with him, speaks volumes."

"Old ghost..." Hua Fulu was stunned for a moment, then quickly figured out the pass and nodded involuntarily.

He, who had done a lot of investigations and win-wins recently, naturally knew that after Ale's death, life would be difficult for his uncle, Old Gui.

After all, Lao Guixi was determined to support the younger generation A Le.

Ah Le also showed great respect to him during his lifetime.

And ever since Big D became the talker, this naughty uncle has been avoiding Big D for fear of being punished in public by the grumpy Big D.

"After so many years, he still hasn't changed." My uncle's eyes seemed to be mocking, but also with a hint of emotion:

"I always like to hold things in my hands and talk about rules and balance every day. In fact, the older I get, the more reluctant I am to let go of those things I hold in my hands. I value them more than anything else..."

"Just wait, he will take the initiative to contact me!" The younger brother's uncle said with certainty. He finished the Coke and motioned to Hua Fu to push him away.

When passing by the three Zha brothers, the younger brother in the wheelchair suddenly said:

"I know that you were resentful when the club asked you three brothers to return to Vietnam... But this is the way it is now within the club. Even outsiders know that we are not united enough."

"You three brothers are not the only ones who have been targeted over the years. I hope you have the ability to change the status quo. After all, the club belongs to you young people."

"Don't worry, uncle, we didn't take what happened back then seriously!" Brother Zha touched his stubble and forced a smile on his face.

"..." My uncle smiled noncommittally, turned around and asked Hua Fu in a tone that seemed to be a suggestion:

"Gao Miao and Big D took over Dinosaur's territory in Tsim Sha Tsui. If the club can take it back this time, they will have to choose a new lever. I think these three brothers are very suitable. What do you think?"

"I have no objection!" Hua Fu answered quickly.

"Tsim Sha Tsui is the leader?" After Hua Fu, his uncle, and others left, Ah Hu leaned forward with his muscular body and looked at his eldest and second brothers with excitement:

"It's very majestic! I heard that Tsim Sha Tsui is also rich in oil and gas, and you can definitely make a lot of money. Then I will take my mother over..."

"Don't be stupid, Ahu!" Brother Zha interrupted, pressing Ahu's shoulders with his hand, and looked outside with a playful expression:

"There is no point in making a blank check. If I say I want to be the next Governor of Hong Kong, Hua Fu will say that I have no objection!"

"... When our family fled Vietnam to Hong Kong Island, we were trapped in the White Rock Refugee Camp. Every day was like being in jail. When we finally got to shore, we devoted ourselves wholeheartedly to helping the number gang conquer the world. We went through life and death, but they ended up throwing us away after they used us. "At this time Tony's voice sounded slowly in the ice room.

He has never spoken much, his tone is always calm, and his personality seems to be more rational than Brother Zha and Ahu.

But anyone who is familiar with these three Vietnamese brothers knows that Tony is not only the best at fighting, but also the most ruthless one.

"Ahu, remember, when we come back this time, whatever we want, we will get it ourselves, we don't need charity from others..." Tony said slowly to Ahu.

"Tony is right, and that brother-in-law, I've been unhappy with him for a long time! He's already in a wheelchair, wouldn't it be nice to have peace of mind in old age? Sooner or later, his wheelchair will be replaced by a coffin!" Brother Zha sneered.

At this time, he couldn't help but recall his uncle's words, 'If you push them downstairs, their lives will be lost.' He thought it made sense, it was convenient and labor-saving... This old fat man had just sat back and watched the three brothers being hacked by numbers. The hall leaders inside joined forces to force him back to Vietnam, but they didn't come out to speak out, but he always held a grudge in his heart.

And as long as his uncle is still alive, Hua Fu's position will always be secure. This is not what he wants to see.

"By the way Tony, the newspaper said that Gao Miao is currently recovering in this hospital. I think we can find another opportunity to kill him! It just so happened that the newspaper said that he had been hit by more than a dozen bullets!" Brother Zha pointed to a copy on the table. Morning newspaper.

"...No, brother, I think we might not consider joining forces with Gao Ming this time!" Tony suddenly said something shocking.

He continued his analysis with a cold look on his face:

"The hall leaders of the Number Gang are afraid of us, and now Hua Fu and his uncle are afraid of Gao Chao again... These people are all cowards. Even if we help them drive away Gao Chao this time, they will still be like in the past, afraid to reuse them. us."

"It's better to join Gao Chao temporarily!"

"Use Gao Ming to kill all Hua Fu and the others, and help Gao Ming become He Liansheng's talker. Then with the help of He Liansheng's power, plus our manpower in Vietnam, we can directly swallow up the number gang, and we will be responsible Boss!"

Tony revealed his plan.

He has always looked up to the strong.

After witnessing the grand scene at the Cointreau Hotel at close range last night, and combined with the various exaggerated and real reports about Gao Gao in the newspapers this morning, Tony felt that perhaps Gao Gao was not as vain as they first thought, and that it might actually be true. A character.

That's when the current idea came to me.

"Excellent..." Brother Zha, who always values ​​and trusts his second brother who is super capable and smart, couldn't help but think seriously.

"To join Gao Gao? He is younger than me. The newspaper said he is less than twenty-five years old. Why should he be my boss?" Ahu said unconvinced.

"Just cooperation does not mean that we really obey him. When the time comes, no matter how much benefit he has received from us, he will give it back with interest!"

Tony's tone was solemn, and he made no secret of the fact that before he successfully surrendered to Gao Gao, he had already had the idea of ​​backstabbing Gao Gao in the future.

Staring at his third brother, Tony lowered his voice, his eyes were sharp, and he looked like a hawk looking at a wolf:

"Ahu, remember, except for mom, me, eldest brother and you, everyone else is not a family. There is no need to follow any rules with them... This is how we do things!"

Traffic light intersection.

Inside an old car.

It was Uncle Hu who was driving. Despite his age, the car drove smoothly. At this time, he said urgently to Uncle Deng who was sitting in the back seat of the car:

"He has already gained such a huge reputation before he became a talker. What will happen when he really becomes a talker? I'm afraid the entire society will become his one-spoken hall!"

The 'him' in Uncle Hui's mouth naturally refers to Gao Gao.

"Don't worry." Uncle Deng was there and narrowed his eyes slightly:

"... Don't let outsiders know if you are in a hurry."

"Aren't you in a hurry? You are raising a tiger for trouble!" Uncle Hu replied angrily.

Dumbledore said nothing.

Rather than raising tigers to cause trouble, he is also worried about damaging the Great Wall and attracting wolves into his house.

The current Heliansheng situation is too turbulent.

And Gao Chao, who has become a clear banner of Heliansheng, has its own important role and status.

In terms of power, after Big D, Ah Lok, and Yu Toubiao were either on the street or imprisoned, Gao Ming was already in the first echelon of the club.

After all, there is more than one large-scale society in Hong Kong. While Deng Bo needs to consider getting rid of the hidden danger of Gao Miao, he must also be careful not to let other societies seize the opportunity and take advantage of it.

"Wait... wait until Big D's funeral is over, and then start the election for a new speaker."

Uncle Deng rubbed his brows. He had spent a lot of energy today and he felt a little tired. He couldn't help feeling that time is not forgiving.

But this only made him grab the crutch harder.

other side.

Gao Chao called his younger brother and pointed to several reports in the newspaper:

"After the news was released loudly, he was asked to take people to beat the editors-in-chief of these newspapers with sacks and then throw them into the cesspool. He warned them to be more alert in the future and to think carefully before publishing any reports about me. Otherwise, just throw it into the sea and feed it to the fish next time!”

"And this, this paparazzi whose pen name is Li Jia Xiaoyu not only dug deep into my social background, but also swore in the newspaper that in addition to the robbers at the Cointreau Hotel, I had killed many people before, with human lives on my hands. ... Just break one of his legs! Tell him that if he dares to write nonsense again, I will send someone to castrate him immediately!"

Gao Chao greatly arouses anger.

There were several reports in the newspapers that Chunchun targeted to discredit him. For example, there were reports that the reason why there were so many hostage casualties at the Cointreau Hotel that night was because Gao Chao had a fight with the robbers.

Gao Chao admitted that from an absolutely rational point of view, if he, Li Jie and the robbers had not been shooting wildly in the hall, the hostage casualties would not have been so heavy.

Even if the rabbit was so angry that he took the initiative to shoot the hostages, it was because some hot-headed guy shouted "Run" to set the pace.

But it should never be Gao Chao who takes the biggest blame.

He also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to set some rules for some Hong Kong newspapers and most of the paparazzi.

Let them have a long memory and know that Brother Chao can overtake them at any time.

"I understand, Brother Chao!" The younger brother went down.

Gao Chao also lost his temper and threw the newspaper aside.

He really isn't making a fuss out of a molehill.

After all, once a newspaper stirs up public opinion, it has nothing to do with 'rationality' anymore. What Gao Chao needs is a 'meat horn' that is obedient enough, just like most experts in previous lives, rather than a weapon of public opinion that can threaten him.

In reality, the pair of brothers named "Xin Ji News Talker Lao Xu" are very typical. After the two brothers entered the entertainment industry on Hong Kong Island, which newspaper would dare to report negative news about them?

Not to mention the two brothers, the beautiful star known as "Sao Min" in the world, because she is the younger brother of the two brothers, no paparazzi dared to provoke her. Since her debut, there has been no scandal or negative news.

You know, in those days, as long as you were popular enough, those Hong Kong entertainment reporters would still make up a lot of short stories for you even if they didn't have any negative information about you.

In essence, they are just bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

Soon it was a few days later.

A lot of things happened during this period.

First of all, it was the police, who were looking for Gao Miao for many reasons about the Cointreau Hotel.

But with Jessica's intervention and support, it finally came to an end.

The known result from Jessica's mouth is that the police chief that night, a chief superintendent, was ready to leave get out of class.

Even though the chief superintendent made Li Jie take a huge blame.

But Li Jie's current status is limited, and no matter how much he takes the blame, he can't help the chief superintendent bear too much responsibility.

Second is the media.

Gao Chao got bored after being interviewed several times and asked his younger brothers to block him.

He only accepts interviews from a few reporters. For example, the last time he interviewed Superman about his apartment, the beautiful reporter Sissi, who had the talent [Love Beauty Missile], interviewed him.

This woman’s younger brother was born with yin and yang eyes, and was related to the evil ghost ‘Chu Renmei’.

Gao Miao has now begun to think about Chu Renmei.

According to Michiko, his evil spirit whip is a growth-type magic weapon. The more ghosts it is refined, the stronger its power will be.

The upper limit of power is limited by the 'Heaven and Earth Spiritual Plants' added when refining the magic weapon.

In today's Hong Kong Island where traces of ghosts and ghosts are hard to find, Chu Renmei can be called a Chu beauty for Gao Chao.

It is worth mentioning that Michiko is currently lying in Gao Gao's arms.

The cat demon it parasitized was seriously injured after helping Gao Chao refine the evil spirit whip. He slept for two days and two nights before waking up.

On the second day after Gao Ming was hospitalized, Luo Tianhong had completed the task perfectly. Three pieces of Russian royal jewelry were now in Gao Ming's possession.

For the trust and attention Gao Ming showed in this operation, the blue-haired wolf was obviously very useful. The baby face smiled a lot more in front of Brother Chao.

Gao Miao was discharged from the hospital on the third day after being hospitalized.

There was no way, as he appeared more and more in newspapers, even Fang Ting, Fang Min, Luo Huiling, Ruan Mei, Hong Kong Sheng, Liang Guixin... they all knew about it.

The Fang sisters have always been very grateful to Gao Gao for his help many times. They brought Luo Huiling to visit Gao Miao almost every day, cooking various tonic soups with their own hands.

Ruan Mei also came once.

This girl with congenital heart disease has very little money for herself and has always been reluctant to treat outsiders, but she is kind-hearted and has the human touch that people of this era have more or less. With the encouragement and support of her grandmother, she made A lot of light cakes suitable for the patient's digestion were brought over.

As a result, the car crashed with Fang Ting and Ruby who were feeding Gao Miao fruit on the first day.

Then he never came again.

Hong Kong students are similar to Ruan Mei.

She was very diligent and agile, and she originally planned to take care of Gao Ming in the hospital until Gao Ming was discharged.

But seeing so many beauties visiting Gao Gao in the hospital, and Ruby being by Gao Ming's side almost 24 hours a day, I didn't come again after coming once.

But Liang Guixin couldn't see anything on the surface.

It's just that he started to deal with legal issues related to Gao Miao's case at the Cointreau Hotel.

Gao Chao saw that it was okay if this continued.

He hadn't gotten the talents of several of these girls yet. The unlocking conditions were more outrageous than the other. They were either time-consuming or too difficult. He had no reason not to pay attention to them.

So he decided to leave the hospital decisively. Late at night before leaving the hospital, he had sex with Ruby on the hospital bed to relieve his heat.

It was rainy all the time.

Tsuen Wan District.

Six days after Da D's death, the funeral was finally held.

In fact, the funeral of Hong Kong Islanders does not necessarily require that it be held within seven days after the death of the deceased.

The specific time of the funeral can be determined according to the wishes of the family members and religious or cultural customs. There is no rule that the funeral must be held before the first seven days.

For example, Chui Ji was buried "vertically" by Gao Chao and Chui Ji's son after he had died for a full 49 days.

Gao Chao didn't know whether Chui Ji's son was doing well now.

On the contrary, Gao Chao was doing well recently.

The funeral was currently undergoing a memorial service.

There were thousands of people at the scene, including the gangsters in Tsuen Wan District, all wearing black mourning clothes, black pants and black shoes, with heavy expressions.

In addition to He Liansheng, there were also people from other societies who came to attend. For example, Big Brother B brought Chen Haonan, Shan Ji and others.

Han Chen also brought Chen Yongren, Sha Qiang and other trusted brothers to attend, and solemnly lit incense for Big D.

Anyway, the scale of this funeral is not comparable to that of Chui Ji.

The police dispatched seven or eight police cars to park outside the mourning hall.

There is no way, thousands of society members gathered here, and it is not too much to pay attention to the situation that Hong Kong Island has been on the international news because of the Cointreau Hotel incident.

"A Chao, thank you for running around for the funeral these two days. You are still injured..." Shao Meizhen also came, sitting in a wheelchair, pushed by Gao Chao.

This widow did not have the protection of the [Immortal God of War], and was affected by the unhealed gunshot wound, so she could not stand up for the time being.

The whole person has also lost a lot of weight, adding a bit of weakness to her cold and elegant temperament.

"Sister-in-law, we are a family, so don't talk about different things. In my eyes, Brother D is my half-brother." Gao Chao said while looking at the black and white portrait of Brother D.

He was a little curious.

He didn't know whether Shao Meizhen had lost so much weight because of the surgery or because of the death of Brother D.

Gao Chao, who was pushing her at this time, could clearly feel how light she was.

She felt like she could be picked up and played with one hand.


Halfway through the funeral.

Gao Chao suddenly received a private call.

After seeing the caller ID, Gao Chao's eyes moved slightly.

It was Mai Yusheng, whom he had sent to the mainland to help Lyon solve the Maoshan incident some time ago!

The important thing is that before Mai Yusheng called this time, he had actually lost contact with Gao Chao for more than a week.


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