The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 999: Evenly matched

Because these chessboards, like the prison in the **** world, were arranged in the prison, and the Taoist disciple Hou Muran was arranged, and finally trapped the fantasy array of Yue Qing.

"If you don't expect it, the twelve chessboards, together with the monks on them, should be one of the nine avenues of the future!"

In the Taikoo era, in addition to the ruin of the Nine and the Temple of the Sui, there was no other powerful force, and there was no birth of the Nine Avenues.

Now that I saw these chessboards, Jiang Yun finally understood that it was after this war that the winning temple was renamed the Taoist Temple.

Those who helped the Taoist priests, the ethnic groups, and his support gradually grew up until they became the powerful forces of the Nine Avenues, Thunder and so on.

With the rise of this thought, Jiang Yun’s heart suddenly shocked and thought of a question: “Since there is a Taoist sect, will it also have to... ask the Tao!”

"If you ask Dao Zong to appear here too, how can I start with them!"

Jiu Avenue Zong, Jiang Yun now only knows to ask the Tao, and asks the Taoist and the Taoist.

Although he and the other two Taoist disciples Hou Muran and Mu Shaofeng have deep friendship, but after all, they are only individuals.

Unless they show up in person, Jiang Yun will not be in trouble.

But when asked about the Tao, it is Jiang’s sect, even the equivalent of his teacher.

Even if it is a fantasy, he can't ask the disciples of Dao Zong!

After the nine-handed golden sword and the twelve-sided chessboard, the sky trembled sharply and violently.

Because there is a huge statue, it appears in the sky.

This statue, up to a thousand feet, with its wings on its back, is three-headed and six-armed, and is almost naked. It is just a dragon with a double-headed corner around the waist.

The three heads of the statue are exactly the same. They are a middle-aged man with a very powerful look. The face is indifferent, and all six eyes are full of blood.

Each hand also holds a different weapon, standing there, like a heavenly place.

Although I know that it is just a statue, it makes everyone feel that it seems to be able to live at any time, so that people do not look at it at all.

Jiang Yun naturally saw this statue, and even felt a kind of intimacy from the statue.

Because of the vajra magic pattern hidden under his skin, the statue appeared at the same time, and it was already so moving that Jiang Yun had to secretly repair it and force them to suppress them.

Naturally, this also makes Jiang Yun understand that this statue probably should be one of the nine people who died together, but has already lost, and chose to return to the sacred sacred object of the temple!

However, in addition to this statue, he could not see a tribe of the Mozu.

"This is the relic of the Mozu, the statue of the dead!"

"It is said that this statue is the ancestor of the Mozu, and the three-headed and six-armed form that he showed is the number one in the Mozu!"

"As for the Mozu people, they are hidden in the statue of the dead."

"This demon can be virtual, even can be really like a living person, launch an attack!"

Sure enough, in the voice of Jiang Yun's ear, a sound of sound was heard, and the sound came from the wild feathers below!

As a wasteland, the wild feathers are also very well aware of the situation of other ethnic groups.

And she also knows that Jiang Yun has not seen the demon sacred objects, so he gave him the initiative to explain.

Jiang Yun nodded silently, his eyes involuntarily looked at the ruthlessness below.

Although there is nothing wrong with the ruthlessness at the moment, Jiang Yun knows that the old Mozu, who plays the savage, must be very complicated at the moment.

After the appearance of the sorcerer's demon, above the sky, there was another group of burning fireballs that passed through nothingness and appeared directly in the sky.

I don't know if it is a coincidence or a deliberate one. The place where the fireball is placed is just the sun that hides the chaotic sun.

From a distance, it is clear that there are two suns in the air to vie for each other.

However, this fireball does not have the slightest temperature, but it is the shadow of countless shadows sitting in the disk.

The sound of the wild feathers also sounded again: "This is the soul of the soul, no fire!"

"Although it is called fire, what you see is fire, but in reality it has no specific shape at all, and it can change thousands."

Jiang Yun nodded again.

As more and more people of the Temple of the Temple entered the wild world, Jiang Yun did not see the monks related to the Tao.

However, looking at the monk who had already occupied half of the sky, Jiang Yun’s heart was dignified.

Although it seems that the army of the temple is more messy, there are gold swords, there are chessboards, and there are souls and demons. At first glance, it is known that they come from different Zongmen ethnic groups, and there are far fewer troops from the three major groups.

But no matter from the number of people or the strength, it is not difficult to see that between the temple and the three major groups, it should be evenly matched.

Moreover, until now, although the army of the sacred temple should have appeared almost, but the Taoist, the mysterious coach and the refining sorcerer still did not appear.

And these three are the most powerful three of the enemy identified by Jiang Yun.


Just then, a series of earth-shattering beasts sounded, and the 18-foot-large giant black dragon appeared on the sky.

In the eighteen black dragons, they are full of chains, and behind the chains, they are carrying a huge black palace!

弑 Temple!

Dao Zun actually brought the entire temple to the temple!

Eighteen black dragons, after the appearance of the temple, immediately let the whole wild world tremble slightly.

At the same time, everyone in this world feels that a huge pressure has fallen from the sky like a mountain, and it has been pressed on everyone's body, so that many people who are weaker can't breathe.

Especially the beasts of the beasts in the millions of demons in this world, when they saw the eighteen black dragons, they suddenly raised a fear in their hearts.

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The dragon, this era in which Jiang Yun was in the past has disappeared, and the true king of beasts, which exists only in the legend, is present in this ancient times.

Their existence has a natural deterrent power for the beast of the beast.


Fortunately, at this time, above the earth, the body is very ruthless, and a cold voice is heard in the mouth!

The sound of coldness is invisible, and it instantly fills the whole wild world. It also shatters the pressure brought by the temple and the deterrence of the eighteen black dragons.

Let everyone feel the body light and spit out a long breath.

For the savage, the ridiculously looked at him deeply, and his face showed a color of appreciation.

Obviously, the appearance of the eighteen black dragons and the temple of blasphemy, as well as the pressure brought to everyone, is the deliberate intention of the three great tribes.

Although such a pressure is indeed not weak, but Tao Zun has not yet appeared, if the case of the waste of Yan Junyan and other people to resolve the pressure, then the momentum can be weak.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to be resolved by the savvy, but only the lord of the situation.

However, despite the disappearance of the pressure, but seeing the appearance of the temple, the hearts of the six million monks of the three major groups, still involuntarily raised a bit of pressure.

Even Jiang Yun’s eyes are already flashing in the cold!

Because in the temple of blasphemy, it must be the Taoist!

And Tao Zun, that is to dare to compete with the ruin of the nine ethnic groups, even the extremely powerful existence that has destroyed the six races, but also the enemy that truly threatens the three major tribes.

The appearance of Tao Zun also means that this final battle is really about to begin!

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